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Sculpt Your Body How To Train

Sculpt Your Figure How to Train

Rugged Programs

Sculpt Your Body How To Train

How to Train
How to Train .................................................................................................... 2 Contents................................................................................................... 2 INTRO ............................................................................................................. 5 MUSCLE FIBERS ........................................................................................... 5 Fast or Slow Twitch? ................................................................................... 6 How To Train Your Muscle Fiber Type ....................................................... 6 Conclusion ................................................................................................... 7 How Can You Design A Workout According To Your Body Type? ................ 8 Introduction ................................................................................................. 8 The Ectomorph ............................................................................................ 8 The Endomorph ........................................................................................... 9 The Mesomorph ....................................................................................... 9 How Can You Design A Workout According To Your Body Type?........... 9 Training For The Ectomorph: ..................................................................... 9 1. Starting Off Slowly: .......................................................................... 10 2. When Starting Off, Keep It Simple:.................................................. 10 3. Keep Workouts Under One Hour:.................................................... 10 4. Changing The Exercises:................................................................. 11 5. Consistency: .................................................................................... 11 6. Form, Form, Form:........................................................................... 11 Sample Program: ................................................................................... 11 Weeks 1-4:................................................................................................. 12 Training Split: ......................................................................................... 12 Monday - Legs, Lower Back ...................................................................... 13 Thursday - Shoulders, Abdominals............................................................ 13 Saturday - Chest, Upper Back ................................................................... 13 Weeks 5-6.................................................................................................. 14 Training Split: ......................................................................................... 14 Monday - Legs, Lower Back ...................................................................... 14 Wednesday - Shoulders, Traps ................................................................. 15 Friday - Lower Back, Abdominals .............................................................. 15 Saturday - Chest, Upper Back ................................................................... 15 Weeks 9-12:............................................................................................... 16 Training Split: ......................................................................................... 16 Monday - Legs, Lower Back: ..................................................................... 16 Wednesday - Chest, Triceps...................................................................... 17 Thursday - Back, Biceps, Traps................................................................. 17 Saturday - Shoulders, Abs, Wrists ............................................................. 17 Superset For Wrists ................................................................................... 18 Training For The Endomorph: .................................................................. 18 Training For The Mesomorph: ................................................................. 20 High Intensity Is A Must:......................................................................... 21 Rugged Programs 2

Sculpt Your Body How To Train Weight Lifting Techniques Will Boost Your Progress: ............................ 21 Workout Styles, Reps, Exercises, And Speed Of Reps Is Essential: ..... 21 Cyclic programs train for the ultimate muscle fibres............................ 21 Dos and Donts.............................................................................................. 24 GOALS.......................................................................................................... 25 Your Inner Dialogue .............................................................................. 26 Abdominals ................................................................................................ 27 Biceps ........................................................................................................ 27 Calves........................................................................................................ 27 Chest ......................................................................................................... 28 Forearms ................................................................................................... 28 Hamstrings................................................................................................. 28 Lats............................................................................................................ 28 Lower Back ................................................................................................ 29 Middle Back ............................................................................................... 29 Neck .......................................................................................................... 29 Quads ........................................................................................................ 29 Shoulders................................................................................................... 30 Traps ......................................................................................................... 30 Triceps....................................................................................................... 30 Warming Up .................................................................................................. 32 Introduction ................................................................................................ 32 An Injury means you Can't Gain Mass!...................................................... 32 Increasing Flexibility .................................................................................. 32 Lubricating The Joints................................................................................ 33 "Getting Into The Groove".......................................................................... 33 Warming Up For Optimal Results .............................................................. 33 Step One Of The Warm-Up.................................................................... 33 Step Two Of The Warm-up .................................................................... 34 Step Three Of The Warm-Up ................................................................. 34 The Total Warm-Up - How You Should Feel As It Goes On................... 34 Getting Your Nerve Through a Warm-up Routine .................................. 35 Warming Up For Maximal Strength Performance................................... 35 Warming Up For Endurance Performance ............................................. 35 Benefits To Stretching............................................................................ 36 Stretching After A Workout..................................................................... 36 Stretches For Each Muscle Group ......................................................... 36 Quadriceps Stretch ................................................................................ 36 Hamstring Stretch .................................................................................. 37 Calf Stretch ............................................................................................ 37 Lat Stretch.............................................................................................. 37 Biceps .................................................................................................... 37 Chest Stretch ......................................................................................... 37 Shoulder/Tricep Stretch.......................................................................... 37 Benefits To The Cool-Down....................................................................... 38 How Important The Cool Down Is .............................................................. 38 Cooling Down & Recovery......................................................................... 38 Conclusion ................................................................................................. 38 Diet................................................................................................................ 40 Proper Pre, During, And Post Workout Nutrition Diet! ............................... 40 Rugged Programs 3

Sculpt Your Body How To Train Introduction .............................................................................................. 40 Pre-Workout Nutrition ............................................................................... 40 .................................................................................................................. 40 A Proper Meal Should Consist Of .............................................................. 41 Fruit........................................................................................................ 41 Moderate To Low GI Carbohydrates ...................................................... 41 Protein (Essential Amino Acids) ............................................................. 41 EFA ........................................................................................................ 41 Other ...................................................................................................... 42 Proper Supplementation......................................................................... 42 Here are some great supplements to use before a workout: ..................... 42 Multivitamin ............................................................................................ 42 Creatine.................................................................................................. 42 Caffeine & Ephedrine HCL ..................................................................... 43 BCAA ..................................................................................................... 43 NO2........................................................................................................ 43 Fat Burners ............................................................................................ 44 Focus Supplements ............................................................................... 44 Stamina & Endurance ............................................................................ 44 Effective Pre-Workout Supplements .......................................................... 44 Multivitamins: ......................................................................................... 44 Creatine:................................................................................................. 44 Caffeine & Ephedrine: ............................................................................ 45 NO2:....................................................................................................... 45 Fat Burners: ........................................................................................... 45 Focus Supplements: .............................................................................. 45 Ginseng:................................................................................................. 45 Post Workout .......................................................................................... 45 The Importance Of Post Workout Nutrition ................................................ 45 What Should My Post Workout Diet Consist Of? ....................................... 46 Immediately After A Workout ..................................................................... 46 1. Rapid Replenishment Of Glycogen Stores ............................................ 47 2. Stopping Protein Breakdown ................................................................. 48 3. Increasing Protein Synthesis (Muscle Building) ..................................... 48 One More Thing That You Should Note That Aids In Recovery................. 49 Supplements You Can Use In Your Protein Shake Immediately After A Workout: .................................................................................................... 49 Whey Protein.......................................................................................... 49 Dextrose and Maltodextrin ..................................................................... 50 Creatine.................................................................................................. 50 Anti-Oxidants.......................................................................................... 50 L-Glutamine............................................................................................ 50 So what do I put in my shake?................................................................... 51 1 - 2 Hours After Workout .......................................................................... 52 During Workout Nutrition ........................................................................... 53 Water ......................................................................................................... 53 Protein Shakes .......................................................................................... 53 Relying On Supplements ........................................................................... 54

Rugged Programs

Sculpt Your Body How To Train

My aim in this is not to give you a program that I used but to teach you to tailor my programs and others to create your own programs in a way that best suit your body composition and time constraints. I aim to teach you how to build your own program and adapt it as you progress. Hopefully after reading this you will have a much greater understanding about your body and what it needs. Firstly you must establish your limits that your body dictates, your body type and muscle type.

Every muscle in your body is made up of a bundle of small fibers. In each bundle, you have two main types of fibers: slow twitch and fast twitch. Everyone has different percentages of these muscle types and thus they must train in different ways to maximize their outcomes.

Slow Twitch: These are also known as Type 1 or red muscle fibers. They
are responsible for low intensity, long duration activities such as walking

Fast Twitch: These are known as Type 2 or white muscle fibers (divided
further into A and B). They are responsible for short-duration, high intensity activity. Type 2A fibers are designed for short-to- moderate duration, moderate-to-high intensity work, as is seen in most weight training activities. Type 2B fibers are built for explosive, very short-duration activity such as Olympic lifts. You can clearly see the extremes of these fibers by looking at elite athletes in different sports. It is clear in a marathon runner that slow twitch muscle fibers are present. They tend to be slim and skinny and endurance is their forte. Athletes with this muscular composition can have up to 80% or more of slow twitch muscle fibers in their bodies. This makes them extremely efficient over long distances. At the other end of the spectrum we have the sprinter, built mainly of fast twitch muscle firer. World-class sprinters can have up to 80% or more of fast twitch muscle fibers in their body. This gives them extremely good explosive reactions making them extremely fast, strong and powerful but with limited endurance.

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Sculpt Your Body How To Train

Fast or Slow Twitch?

To work out whether you are mainly slow twitch or fast twitch you fist need to find out your 1 rep max in different exercises, mainly the fundamentals listed later in this. Once you know your one rep max you can easily calculate your body composition. Times that weight by 0.8 and then do as many reps as you can with that weight (dont find your 1 rep max and do this on the same day). If you can do only 4 to 7 reps with 80% of your 1 RM, you have mostly fast twitch fibers in that muscle. As your fast twitch muscle fibers are strong but do not have considerable endurance you will not life more than 7 reps. This means you can life heavier weights but not complete high reps due to fatigue. The ability to get approximately ten reps with 80% of your 1 RM is the typical fiber-type mix for a muscle. This works out to about a 50/50 split between fiber types. If you can do 12 to 15 or more reps with 80% of your 1 RM, your fiber makeup is probably mostly slow twitch fibers. Typically slow twitch fibers are not as strong as fast twitch but have excellent endurance. Hence you wont be able to lift as much but you will be able to do considerably more reps at the weight Repeat this for each muscle as you may be fast twitch in your chest but slow twitch in your legs. By knowing what type of muscle fibers you have, you can tailor your training towards developing them to their maximum potential. Though there are always differences in individuals, there are some general similarities in fiber types in muscle groups from person to person.

How To Train Your Muscle Fiber Type

When your weight training your aim is to work and rip as many muscle fibers as possible. Tearing more muscle fibers means greater gains in strength and muscle mass when they repair. If your fibers in a particular muscle consist primarily of slow twitch fibers, in order to affect the greatest number of those muscle fibers, you'll need to train that muscle with higher reps, shorter rest periods and higher volume. This is because they take longer to fatigue, they recover quickly and they require Rugged Programs 6

Sculpt Your Body How To Train more work to maximize growth. Slow twitch unfortunately are limited in the growth potential so even if you are mainly slow twitch you should include some fast twitch training to maximize the fast twitch fibers you have. If you struggle gaining size in particular muscle groups it could be down to the fact that the majority of this group is slow twitch. In this case it is important that you increase the reps (12-15) and increase the volume (more sets) and preferably decrease your recovery time to help you get the most from those fibers. This however does not mean you should start lifting light and easy weighs. You should still use as heavy weights as possible but you must really push yourself to get the extra reps out. You need to be failing around the 1215 mark. If you are not the your muscles wont grown. Now for those of you that are primarily fast twitch youre the lucky ones. You will find it considerably easier building muscle mass as they have greater potential for size than the slow twitch. The more fast twitch you have the more potential for a bigger stronger frame you have. These muscles are more likely to be your biggest and quickest developing. In order to maximize these muscles when training you will need to train with low to moderate reps (4-8), rest periods of around 1-2 minutes to allow a decent recovery and moderate a moderate volume of training to allow your body time to recover fully. If you are evenly mixed with both these fibers you can split your training for fast and slow twitch weekly or monthly. This will enable you t develop both sets equally and will also help break up your schedule and keep your workouts interesting.

Training your muscles depending on the fibers makes sense. It will aid your training and help you meet your targets and see results faster. You will feel better when you see results in specific muscle groups.

Rugged Programs

Sculpt Your Body How To Train

How Can You Design A Workout According To Your Body Type?

Everybody looks different, people fall into three categories. The mesomorph, the ectomorphs and the endomorphs. With these different body types it must make sense to design a work out that best suits each body type and hence allows you to maximize your potential to improve.

Some of you will hate your body type but others will love theirs, your body type has a serious impact on how you can train, how you must train and how to overcome your body. For example lets look at our lanky skinny kid who cant get fat if he eats burgers all day and has no muscle no matter how hard he tries. In this situation it takes considerable dedication to overcome your physique and train your body up to the next rung of the ladder On the other hand there are those of us who appear to have muscle to just flowing onto their body despite eating burgers all day, and seemingly do not gain any fat mass either. These are the lucky ones as little discipline can still result in a great strong physique. They can train with great intensity, frequency and gain muscle and strength despite their life outside the gym. As I mentioned above the three main body types are the Ectomorph, Endomorph, and Mesomorph. However these are not regimented. Most of us are split between two of them. For example I am a split between and endomorph and a mesomorph.

The Ectomorph
A skinny slim build with little muscle and little fat characterizes this body type. People of this stature have trouble gaining weight in either the form of muscle or fat. The only real advantage to this body type is how hard it is to gain fat so they can eat constantly and train and still eat and as nothing goes to fat more is used for the muscles.

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Sculpt Your Body How To Train

The Endomorph
This is at the other end of the spectrum. The endomorph has a more rounded body shape and larger frame. They tend to have higher fat levels but also carry a lot more muscle than the Ectomorph. The endomorph usually struggles with cardiovascular activities and finds it hard to lose fat but on the other hand they have an easy time putting on the muscle.

The Mesomorph
If you fall in this category you have the best of both worlds. People here tend to be very athletic and have a more muscular frame with relatively low amounts of body fat. They find if fairly easy to shed excess body fat and find it equally as easy to pile on the muscle. Before we begin with the workouts it is possible to change from one type to another, it takes a lot of effort but it is possible. Im sure all of us have seen perfect examples of really fat friends or colleagues transforming themselves and really skinny people coming out built like Arne.

How Can You Design A Workout According To Your Body Type?

Listed below are the main points you must consider when designing a training program for your body type.

Training For The Ectomorph:

This is the hardest of all three to design. I dont want any of you to be put off but you havent got much on your side and a lot of effort time and planning is needed to change. The Ectomorph: Very hard pressed to gain weight, in this case muscle This body type is not "Tailored" for high frequency weight training Rugged Programs 9

Sculpt Your Body How To Train This body type does not fare well in high intensity weight training Excessive intensity or frequency in weight training is likely to result in overtraining. In other words, it is much easier for this body type to develop the overtraining syndrome. Looking at the above it is not a pretty site. To gain muscle bulk it is obvious that training is imperative. So here is what you should keep in mind when designing a workout:

1. Starting Off Slowly:

Initially as an Ectomorph you must take it easy. This may sound ridiculous and all you want to do his hit the weights but you must ease your body into the regime and train to train. If not you will end up either injured, burnt out and or frustrated. If you over train muscle mass can even b reduced and along side that brings a downfall in confidence. Try and keep the sets small so the intensity of each set can stay high.

2. When Starting Off, Keep It Simple:

You might read in magazines and online about ultimate programs that are insane but these are not for you these are for the trained gym goer. Try and keep them simple while you are learning the exercise and techniques. Stick to the more fundamental exercise so you dont get into bad habits.

3. Keep Workouts Under One Hour:

This helps you not to overtrain. If your are in the gym for more than an hour your body could not be ready for this level of training, this demand and your body may fail to recover in time for your next session. Secondly, work outs under and hour are more intense. You work hard for those 45 minutes so the rest of the time is recovery rather that trying to save energy for an exercise that is near the end of your program you get it all out the way fast.

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Sculpt Your Body How To Train

4. Changing The Exercises:

This is a massive key factor in hypertrophy. If you stay with the same work out over a period of time your body adapts to those exercises. You will find that you plateau and make no gains in muscle or size.

5. Consistency:
Try and keep to a regimented schedule. If miss a session here and there you cant get it back. Your body will also be getting more rest and will lose some of the training you have given it when training it to deal with the increased stress of the heavier weights. If you miss sessions your body will never be able to take those steps to a new pb and those more intense programs as it is not prepared or ready. Alongside this you wont be training your body to recover quicker and adapt to the increases stress. You need your recovery systems well trained in order to step up your level of training when increasing the frequency.

6. Form, Form, Form:

Now being smaller than a lot of people in the gym doesnt help your ego or your self-esteem but it is important not to try and impress anyone there with weights that are too heavy for you. If it means curling 4 kg in order to keep good form and technique then that is what you must do. Ectomorphs general have little muscle mass therefore if you load up the weights you start cheating and if you cheat you are more likely to pick up an injury and induce problems later down the road. The weaker your muscles the more chance you have of picking up an injury.

Sample Program:
Here's a sample program to get you all started: This is what it will help you do: Progressively increase your body's tolerance to weight training Progressively increase your body's recovery rate (Doing this will help you increase workout frequency) Initiate strength and muscle gains.

Rugged Programs


Sculpt Your Body How To Train The program will consist of: 12-week plan that is divided into three stages Each stage increases in intensity and frequency Short 30-45 minute workouts. The longer the workout, the more likely overtraining will occur. Also shorter workouts promote muscular hypertrophy.

Weeks 1-4:
Between each set rest a maximum of 1 minute. Try to press for 30-45 seconds if you can. The intensity in each set should be such that after each set your muscles feel quite fatigued. So on a scale of 1-10 (10 being failure) you should be at about 7. It is important not to go to failure on every set but you should be failing on a few sets throughout your work out. As an Ectomorph you are not built for serious heavy training yet. Try and stay away from other training methods like drop sets etc to start with as this is an easy route to over training.

Training Split:
Monday - Legs, lower back Tuesday Wednesday Thursday - Shoulders, abdominals Friday Saturday - Chest, upper back Sunday

Quick Note: You might be saying, where is the workout for the arms? I
recently learned less than 5% of your muscle is in your arms. For the Ectomorph were trying to gain as much muscle as possible without increasing workout frequency too much. Think about it, does it actually make a lot of sense to add another day to the program for such a small muscle group? No not yet. If youre an Ectomorph I am assuming youre not a professional bodybuilder and your main aim is get Rugged Programs 12

Sculpt Your Body How To Train some size initially before you start to localize your workouts. Anyway your arms are work as a secondary muscle in most of the other exercise.

Monday - Legs, Lower Back

Barbell squats - 3 sets x 8-12 reps Leg press - 3 sets x 8-12 reps Dumbbell lunges 2 sets x 8-12 reps Single legged calf raises 2 sets x 8-12 reps Good mornings 2 sets x 8-12 reps Back extensions 2 sets x 8-12 reps

Thursday - Shoulders, Abdominals

Shoulder press 3 sets x 8-12 reps Lateral raises 2 sets x 8-12 reps Bent over lateral raises 2 sets x 8-12 reps Weighted decline crunch 3 sets x 12 reps Decline reverse crunch 3 sets x 12 reps Plate/dumbbell twist 3 sets x 12-15 reps

Saturday - Chest, Upper Back

Barbell bench press 3 sets x 8-12 reps Dips 2 sets x At least 6 - Get assistance if needed Cable crossover 2 sets x 8-12 reps Chin ups 2 sets x 6-12 reps (If you cannot do these then switch to bent over two arm long bar row 2 sets x 8-12 reps) One arm dumbbell rows 3 sets x 8-12 reps Seated row 2 sets x 8-12 reps Behind the back shrugs 3 sets x 8-12 reps

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Weeks 5-6
Like before try resting 30-45 seconds and try to keep workouts at 30-45 minutes. Intensity should be increased from the first stage. Now your muscles should be even more fatigued after each set. On scale of 1-10 your muscles should feel 7-9 (10 being failure).

You now want to push a little harder and closer to failure on more sets than before. This is bringing the intensity up and brings you closer to muscular hypertrophy. Still make sure you are not doing it on every set thought. If however you dont think you are ready yet then dont, keep going as you are. At this point you should be trying to go to failure on more sets than before. This will increase the intensity for more muscular hypertrophy. Just don't do it on every single set. Also if you do not feel your ready, then don't do them.

Training Split:
Monday - Legs Tuesday Wednesday - Shoulders, Traps Thursday Friday - Lower Back, Abdominals Saturday - Chest, Upper Back Sunday

Monday - Legs, Lower Back

Wide legged barbell squats - 3 sets x 8-12 reps Deadlifts - 3 sets x 8-12 reps (Use lighter weight to get the motion and technique correct first) Dumbbell lunges 2 sets x 8-12 reps Single legged calf raises 3 sets x 8-12 reps Seated calf raises 2-3 sets x 8-12 reps Rugged Programs 14

Sculpt Your Body How To Train

Wednesday - Shoulders, Traps

Dumbbell Shoulder press 3 sets x 8-12 reps Standing low pulley lateral (Deltoid) raise 3 sets x 8-12 reps External rotation 3 sets x 8-12 reps Dumbbell shrug 3 sets x 12 reps Barbell upright row 2 sets x 12 reps

Friday - Lower Back, Abdominals

Stiff legged dumbbell deadlift 4 sets x 12 reps Cable crunch 3 sets x 12 reps Flat bench lying leg raise 3 sets x 12 reps Dumbbell side bends 3 sets x 12 reps

Saturday - Chest, Upper Back

Incline dumbbell bench press 3 sets x 8-12 reps Dumbbell flys 3 sets x 8-12 reps Wide grip pushups (With plate on back if needed) 3 sets x 812 reps Narrow grip chin ups 3 sets x At least 6 - Get assistance if needed Wide grip lat pull down 3 sets x 8-12 reps Bent over dumbbell row OR incline bench pull 3 sets x 8-12 reps

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Sculpt Your Body How To Train

Weeks 9-12:
30-45 second rests are a must 30-45 minute workouts are the standard At this point you will have been training for 2 months. Given you've been following the program CONSISTANTLY and training hard it is time to once again time to increase the intensity. Going to failure should be a regular thing 1-2 times per 3 sets. Just not every set. You can also start experimenting with techniques such as supersets, drop sets, rest pause training to increase intensity. But use these sparingly, never on every set. Even experienced weight lifters would over train if they used these techniques for every set. In the following workout I have included some possible techniques to use. As you have been training for 2 months now you can increase the weights, the frequency of lifts and the intensity of your workouts. Also now we can add in some more specific workouts for your arms. As you develop your muscles your arms become more important as you will need them to get the weights in position for your chest exercise for example.

Training Split:
Monday - Legs, Lower Back Tuesday Wednesday - Chest, Triceps Thursday - Back, Biceps, Traps Friday Saturday - Shoulders, Abs, Wrists Sunday

Monday - Legs, Lower Back:

Narrow stance barbell squats 3 sets x 8-12 reps Hack squats or lunges 3 sets x 8-12 reps Rugged Programs 16

Sculpt Your Body How To Train Barbell deadlifts 3 sets x 8-12 reps One legged calf raises 3 sets x 8-12 reps Calf raises on calf raise machine or leg press machine 3 sets x 8-12 reps Good mornings 3 sets x 8-12 reps

Wednesday - Chest, Triceps

Wide grip bench press 3 sets x 8-12 reps Incline dumbbell flys 3 sets x 8-12 reps Cable crossover 2-3 sets x 8-12 reps (Drop sets on the last 2 sets are optional) Close grip bench press 3 sets x 8-12 reps Skull crushers OR parallel dips 2-3 sets x 8-12 reps Single arm reverse grip pushdowns 2-3 sets x 8-12 reps (Drop sets on the last two sets are optional)

Thursday - Back, Biceps, Traps

Wide grip chin ups 3 sets x 6-12 reps One arm dumbbell rows 3 sets x 8-12 reps Wide grip seated row (Done with lat pull down bar) 3 sets x 812 reps (Drop sets on the last two sets are optional) EZ bar close grip bicep curls 3 sets x 8-12 reps Incline inner biceps curl 3 sets x 8-12 reps Cable hammer curls with rope attachment 2-3 sets x 8-12 reps (Drop sets on the last two sets are optional)

Saturday - Shoulders, Abs, Wrists

Barbell military press 3 sets x 8-12 reps Lateral raises 3 sets x 8-12 reps Lying Rear Delt Row 3 sets x 8-12 reps Weighted sit ups 3 sets x 12 reps Knee / Hip Raise On Parallel Bars 3 sets x 12 reps (Use weight if needed) Russian twist 3 sets x 12 reps (Use weight if needed)

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Sculpt Your Body How To Train

Superset For Wrists

Wrist roller 3 sets x 12 reps Standing palms up barbell behind the back wrist curl 3 sets x 12 reps

Training For The Endomorph:

If you fall in this category then training will be considerably easier. You have the ability to put on a lot of muscle fast. This however will also come with fat gain. Your body is also more suited to weight lifting but less suited to the aerobic activity. As a lot of endomorphs are carrying around a lot of unwanted weight in the form of fat they have less endurance capabilities but short workouts are not a problem.

Endomorphs Can Start Off Weight Lifting At Higher Intensities As an endomorph you usually have a decent muscle bass to start to build from. This means your body can start at a higher intensity without the risk of overtraining. However this does not mean you can take on any program. You still need to train your recovery systems to fix your body and muscles. You should still start off fairly slowly again teaching your body to deal with added stresses. Once your recovery has improved and you are not sore after workouts then the intensity can increase and techniques and exercises can be experimented with. Drop sets and supersets can be introduced as well as other training methods, be careful not to go over the top though.

The Key To Achieving A Good Physique Is Dropping Fat And Preserving Muscle Now most people in this topic will want to lose their excess fat to improve their physique. It as hard to lose fat and continue to gain muscle as cardiovascular activity actually burns muscle but it is possible; High intensity interval training is one of the best ways to preserve muscle and burn excess fats. You want to aim for about 20-30 minutes max. This Rugged Programs 18

Sculpt Your Body How To Train minimizes the amount of muscle burnt. The 30 minutes of exercise should however be of a very high intensity so as to burn as much fat as possible. This way more calories are burnt in comparison to a 30-60 minute easy jog. An example of high intensity interval training: pick an exercise such as a rowing. After you are sufficiently warm, start with a sprint for 30 seconds. Follow this with a medium paced row for 1 minute then sprint again. Do this 15-20 times. The less time you are trying to lose fat the better as you can focus on your muscles. Here is a way to fit in your high intensity interval training cardio with your weight program:

Monday - Legs, lower back Tuesday - Rest Wednesday - Chest, triceps - HIIT cardio spaced 6+ hours away from workout Thursday - Back, biceps, traps - HIIT cardio spaced 6+ hours away from workout Friday - Rest Saturday - Shoulders, abs, wrists - HIIT cardio spaced 6+ hours away from workout Sunday - HIIT cardio Our aim here is high intensity interval training about 3-4 times a week as well as your regular weight sessions. Please consider the following though: Never try to do a cardio session before a weights session. This will use up all your glycogen stores, so when you come to work out you will have limited energy and this will compromise your workout. If you do them on the same day space them out, one in the morning, one in the evening. Just allow enough time for a decent recovery and recuperation stage. Some people like to do cardio immediately after a weights session. This will burn more fat as your glycogen stores are depleted from your work out so your body will instantly use stored fats as energy. Be careful not to overwork yourself though. One last thing, NEVER do cardio on a legs day! Your legs take such a beasting that it is dangerous to attempt a jog as your legs are already full of lactose.

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Sculpt Your Body How To Train

Training For The Mesomorph:

If you fall in this category your lucky, this is the most desired body type. Most people that fall here are naturally very athletic and sporty and tend to have been doing so since a young age.

Lets look at the advantages the Mesomorphs have:

Their bodies are actually designed for the stress of weight lifting. They can handle high intensities very well. They can handle high frequency training well because they have good recovery systems; this is most likely because of the fact that they are advanced lifters or athletes. Their bodies are physically stronger and therefore less prone to injury. Because of this they can attempt advanced programs. The only route you can really take from here is up. There are so many training options available to you that there is no point me giving you an example. Have a play around with different types of workout and see which one you enjoy the most and then hit it hard!

For example there are thousands of different kinds of workout programs you can attempt:

High frequency training Hypertrophy specific training Max-OT training 3x3 Training Abbreviated Training: Bulgarian Training Dual Factor Hypertrophy Training (DFHT) Pendulum Training These are only a couple of the thousands of programs available out there. Some you will love, some you will hate but find one that suits you and you are well on your way. Still be aware that your are not going to change over night you still have to take note of a few things:

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Sculpt Your Body How To Train

High Intensity Is A Must:

Your muscles want to be very tired after each set. If you can do to more then youre not pressing a heavy enough weight and your not challenging yourself enough. You want to be very close to failure on every set.

Weight Lifting Techniques Will Boost Your Progress:

Try and attempt things such as drop sets, eccentrics and forced reps etc. Your body is able to deal with these so include them as they will dramatically boost your intensity. The more stress your muscles are under the more they will grow and react to deal with it.

Workout Styles, Reps, Exercises, And Speed Of Reps Is Essential:

It is still essential that your exercises and programs are changed often. This ensures that your body does not get used to and adapt to your program. If your body is given the chance to adapt you will see yourself plateau and your gains will plummet. The next thing to change is the number of reps you complete. This allows you to work all your fast and slow twitch muscle fibers within the muscle and get the most out of each muscle group. Again it prevents the muscle adapting to the number of reps it will be doing. Next is the speed of your reps. This is not essential but will help if you do change it. If you are always challenging your body in different ways you will see greater gains. You will find it harder to complete a really slow and controlled set if you are used to exploding through them. Lastly you should always consider changing the style of your workout. If you have just done one type of training you will start to get bored of it and thus put less into your workouts. If you change every month or 2 you will be challenging yourself differently and you personally will put more effort in. Different workouts challenge your muscles in different ways and thus help them grow and their ability to cope with different situations increases.

Cyclic programs train for the ultimate muscle fibres

For every sport a coach will tailor the weights program to exercise the muscles in different ways for the obvious benefits this allows. Rugged Programs 21

Sculpt Your Body How To Train

For a sport like rowing where the athletes need muscles that are explosively strong and powerful whilst maintaining exceptional endurance qualities at the same time, the training program is tailored to target different muscle characteristics in progressive steps. For diverse muscle fibre as is needed for such sports a cyclic program is important. The current GB rowing program trains the muscles for different qualities in a cycle: Early in the season the focus is bulking up: a hypertrophic program is the only way to do this high reps and heavy weights. This program consists of 4 sets of 12 reps using weights at 70% of your maximum 3 rep limit. This is hard and any rower will tell you that this is their most dreaded and hardest time in the gym. Combined with high calorie intake and a protein rich diet the bulk gains are massive guaranteed. It takes ferocious commitment and a lot of hard work. Hypertrophy, BULK 4x12reps at 70% The next step is to lower the reps to focus on strength to prepare for the racing season. Now the training drops to 4 sets of 8 with the weight at 75%-80% of your 3 rep max. Rests between sets are shorter than on hypertrophy and you must work the muscles hard. Sounds rough? Believe me its a welcome change after a winter of hypertrophy focus. This step down in intensity really consolidates the bulk youve built previously and will maximise the strength of this muscle Strength 4x8 reps at 75% The next element is power. The explosive power needs to built up for the start of races to scream out of the blocks and leave the opposition trailing in your wake. Your power can be trained to its peak in a relatively short time and this program lasts 6 weeks max. The sets are 4 sets of 4 reps on 90% of your 3-rep max. This will make you feel like a real man. Explosive power develops quickly and it feels great. Power 4x4 reps at 90% Finally the cycle ends with endurance training getting your muscles used to being under intensity for long periods. This is toning and will rinse any underskin fat to reveal a rippling beach body. Weight is very low to the point of being easy and sets must be minutes long. Your aim is to sweat and sweat. But its very effective. Endurance/Toning rep rep rep rep rep at minimal weight

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Sculpt Your Body How To Train This kind of a cycle, working the muscles in every aspect of physical training, will give the strongest, firmest, most powerful and roundedly healthy muscles you can possibly train for. Which Body Types Have The Widest Range Of Effective Workouts?

This is obviously the Mesomorph. As stated above they are designed and prepped for a more intensive weight-training schedule. This allows them to attempt a greater variety of workouts. They are also able to switch between them with little effort; their bodies very quickly prepare themselves for a different loading type. The Ectomorph fares well for obvious reasons. They too have the more suitable bodies but could stumble when a training program that involves more endurance is involved. This does limit the training they can do but only a little. Most endomorphs are relatively inactive which is why they have such high fat levels. This means they cannot attempt the more advanced programs since their bodies are still not trained to deal with they higher levels of exertion. In a huge last place comes the Ectomorph. This is the most painful body to work. They struggle to deal with the stresses of the heavier weights and have to stick to the simple exercises despite wanting drastically to step it up. Most programs available are designed for the more experienced and even some of the more elite body types struggle to cope with them. If an Ectomorph were to attempt one they would burn themselves out very fast and end up going backwards not forwards. It takes considerably more time for an Ectomorph but it is possible to get to this level, keep that in mind.

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Dos and Donts DOs

Do use spotters when you try the major lifts. Do keep your back straight when lifting. Do use proper lifting technique when moving weights around the room. Do wear shoes with good traction. Do make sure the equipment you use is in good condition.

Don't hyperventilate (breathe in and out fast) or hold your breath when you lift heavy weights. You may faint and lose control of the weights. Breathe out when you lift. Don't continue lifting if you feel pain. Stop the painful exercise for a few days, or try it with less weight. Don't exercise any set of muscles more than 3 times a week. Don't "cheat" on your technique to lift heavier weights than you can handle. Don't lift heavy weights without spotters. Don't lift more than you know you can lift safely.

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We have all heard it before, never say never, think positive etc but these do work. If you dont think you can lift a weight chances are you will fail as your not going into it with 100% effort, you have already resided yourself to failure. If you attack it with the confidence to pull it off you stand a much better chance of success. You see loads of people going to the gym with the best intentions and some knowledge but they make very little progress. They get bored and discouraged with their progress and many quit. The main reason for this is a lack of clear goals; this leads to a lack of focus and thus a lack of improvement. Its too easy to coast. An important part of success in any path be it physical or academic is setting goals. Some goals are easy and a little pointless, I want to get strong. This is a long term aim yes but you need to put in specifics and stepping stones to help you reach this target. Every big goal must be broken down to smaller bitesize, realistic sub-goals otherwise your task seems impossible to achieve. An acronym for goal-setting is SMART. It stands for, specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time limited. Specificity is important in goal setting, as you know exactly what you have to do and how to meet the target. Get a general sense of how this target helps you meet your final goal. For example you want to lose body fat, very specific and to the point, if you start complicating it with more variables its gets to hard. For example I want to lose body fat around my waist and put on muscle and get aerobically fit. Take one at a time. Measurability refers to the degree to which you can quantify your goals. If you want to lose some fat just saying I want to lose body fat is not a measurable goal. A better goal is I want to lose 5 kg of body fat, I want to lose 1 kg of fat every 2 weeks. Achievability. Dont take on too much. Go for smaller goals that can be reached. Obviously dont make to easy otherwise there is no challenge (I want to lose 1kg of fat in a year) just go for small changes each week e.g. I want to improve my squat so every 2 weeks I put on another 5kg and work on the heavier weight until I am repping the same as I was without it. Dont go straight away for an 80 kg increase in 1 month as you wont meet your goal and that is demoralizing.

Realistic this is fairly self-explanatory and goes hand in hand with achievability. An 80 kg increase in one month is an unrealistic goal. You will Rugged Programs 25

Sculpt Your Body How To Train be disappointed when you dont reach it. Make your early goals just to go to the gym each week and not miss sessions. Then bring in the weight increase and the diet.

Time limited, this refers to limiting the time you have to meet your goals. A small goal for the day might be not to eat any rubbish food or to drink 2 extra liters of water. A goal for the gym might be to stick that extra 2.5 kg on and a goal for the month might be to weigh an extra 2kg.

Ideally you should record all your goals on a computer as then you can tick them off when they are completed which generates a great sense of satisfaction and you can then step it up to set the next goal for the upcoming weeks. Also you have a record and you can see where you have come from which also makes you feel great. Nobody else has to see them but if they are written down you cant forget them and they are concrete. You should have a large variety of goals ranging from long term to short term to enable you to meat your over all goals.

The next step is meeting your goals. Get on with it, work out what you need to do to meet each one and stick to it. Police yourself and reward yourself. Rewards are essential, you strive to meet your goals now you have hit the target of a new pb reward yourself with a new piece of clothing or some luxury food.

Your Inner Dialogue

How much you tell your body you can and cant do has a surprising effect on your overall outcomes. Talk yourself up, get psyched and meet your targets. This is where friends can be really helpful. Get them to help you, push you and restrict you. Its easier to police yourself when someone else knows you are breaking the rules as well!!

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Ab Crunch Machine Air bike Barbell Ab Rollout Cable Crunch Crunches Decline Crunch Decline Reverse Crunch Exercise Ball Crunch Hanging Legs to Horizontal Knee Raise on Parallel Bars Oblique Crunches Plank Plate Twist Side Bridge Sit Up Weight Sit Ups

Alternative Hammer Curl Barbell Curl Cable Hammer Curls Chin up Close Grip EZ Bar Curl Concentration Curl Dumbbell Bicep Curl Machine Preacher Curls All these can be done at various degrees of incline and with different variations of rotation the wrist

Barbell Seated Calf Raise Calf Press on Leg Press Machine Calf Raise with Bands Standing Calf Raises with Barbell Standing Calf Raises with Dumbbell Wobble Board

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Barbell Bench Press Barbell Incline Bench Press Barbell Decline Bench Press Bent Arm Dumbbell Pullover Cable Crossover Dips Dumbbell Bench Press Dumbbell Incline Bench Press Dumbbell Decline Bench Press Dumbbell Flys Incline/Decline/Flat Machine Bench Press Press Ups Feet on Ball Pullovers Wide Grip/Close Grip Smith Machine Bench Press

Cable Wrist Curl Palms Down Wrist Curl Over Bench Palms Up Wrist Curl Over Bench Reverse Barbell Curl Wrist Roller Wrist Circles

Barbell Lunge Deadlift Dumbbell Lunges Lying Leg Curls Seated Leg Curl Smith Machine Stiff Legged Deadlift Standing Leg Curl

Close Grip Front Lat Pull down Elevated Cable Rows Pull-ups Seated One Arm Cable Pulley Rows Straight Arm Pull down Rugged Programs 28

Sculpt Your Body How To Train Upright Row Wide Grip Lat Pull down Wide Grip Chin Ups

Lower Back
Hyperextensions Smith Machine Stiff Legged Deadlift Stiff Legged Barbell Good Morning Stiff Legged Barbell Deadlift Stiff Legged Dumbbell Deadlift Superman

Middle Back
Bent Over Barbell Row Bench Pull Incline Bench Pull Lying Row Mixed Grip Chin Ups One Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row One Arm Cable Row Seat Rows Smith Machine Bent Over Row

Isometric Neck Exercises Lying Down Neck Over Bench Plate on Head 30 Second Resistance Kneeling Head harness Neck Pulls

Barbell Deadlift Barbell Full Squat front/back Barbell Lunge Barbell Side Lunge Barbell Step Ups Dumbbell Lunges Leg Extensions Leg Press Lying Machine Squat Rugged Programs 29

Sculpt Your Body How To Train One Leg Squats Smith Machine Squat Thigh Abductor

Back Flys Barbell Incline Shoulder Press Barbell Rear Delt Row Barbell Shoulder Press Cable Internal Rotation Cable External Rotation Clean and Press Dumbbell Lateral raises standing/lying/seated front/side Dumbbell Shoulder Press Dumbbell Shoulder Press with Twist in front of Chest Front Plate Raise Handstand Push Ups Lateral Raise Machine Shoulder Military Press Reverse Flys Smith Shoulder Press

Barbell Shrugs Cable Shrugs Dumbbell Incline Shrug Low Pulley Raise to Neck Smith Machine Shrug Upright Row

Bench Dips Bench Press Cable Pushdowns Cable Tricep Extensions Cable Overhead Tricep Extension Close Grip Bench Press Decline Dumbbell Tricep Extension Dips Dumbbell One Arm Tricep Extension Rugged Programs 30

Sculpt Your Body How To Train Dumbbell Overhead Lower and Raise Dumbbell Kick Backs Flat EZ Bar Tricep Extension Press Ups Shoulder Press Smith Machine Close Grip Tricep Pushdowns Red are some of the more fundamental exercises

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Warming Up

Warming up, stretching and cooling down correctly are fundamentals in exercise. Many people tend to overlook these aspects when training and they can go a long time with no problems but when that problem occurs it is devastating. They are basic and elementary to any sport but many people do not complete proper and effective warm ups.

There are many benefits to warming up, the primary one is reducing the chance of injury. By getting blood flowing round the muscles you are about to work prepares them for the stresses they are about to endure. Warming up however is not just about preventing injury it also aids progress, after your warm up you should be more focused and prepared for what you are about to do. Stretching and cooling down go together. These mainly come post workout. They are designed to aid recovery and maintain the overall health of the muscles. I will not only discuss the importance of the above but I will also provide some ways of completing successful warm ups and cool downs.

An Injury means you Can't Gain Mass!

No one wants to get injured, if you are injured you cant progress forward. You can miss workout here and there or a meal but if you skip a warm up and get injured you will be devastated.

By warming up you increase the flexibility of the muscle and the blood flow dramatically increases minimizing the chance of a muscle pull or joint pain.

Increasing Flexibility
Warming up is an easy way to become more flexible before a heavy set. You are preparing the muscle in an identical way to how they are going to be loaded.

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For example a lifter is preparing their legs for some squats, 200 kg for 5 reps. Say they do a quick few on 100 kg then go straight onto the 200 kg. If their legs are a bit tight and they fail they are in trouble. Their legs would have been pushed past their limit and this would result in a muscle pull.

Lubricating The Joints

This time our lifter decides to go for a run on the treadmill for 4 minutes to increase his heart rate and breathing, and the blood flow to his legs. When he gets to the rack with his warm of weight of say 100 he finds his muscles are much more limber. After his warm up reps his joints are completely lubricated and there is no cracking to be heard he is ready for his set.

"Getting Into The Groove"

It is important to take as many sets as necessary until you are comfortable and settled into the exercise. Once all the niggles are worked out then you are ready to start.

Warming Up For Optimal Results

Step One Of The Warm-Up The first focus of a warm-up should be to give the muscles a light pump. This is best accomplished by completing 1-2 sets of 8-12 reps with a very easy weight. This step will make the muscles ready for heavy warm up sets and eventually the working sets. It will also get you in the groove and in the mood to lift. So for our lifter squatting 200x5, his first two sets could look like this: 60x12 120x8

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Step Two Of The Warm-up Here you want to be getting your muscles ready for the heavier weights. You want to come pretty close to the weight that you will be doing in your first set but also keeping the reps very low just one or two to avoid fatiguing the muscles.

Step Three Of The Warm-Up Now you have completed your last heavy warm up rep it is important to rest for good few minutes. This reduces the muscle fatigue but also isnt too long that the elevated blood flow in your muscles depletes.

The Total Warm-Up - How You Should Feel As It Goes On

60x12 - This should feel a little uncomfortable and a lot of times a lifter will feel weak here. 120x8 - This is work but you should start feeling stronger. 160x3 - This feels very heavy for you! But it's just a mental block that will be eliminated. That is why a heavy warm-up is beneficial! 180x1 - This set should feel heavy but solid. Rest 190x1 This should again feel solid Rest 200X5 - After you are prepared from all of those warm ups this set should feel solid. After this, you do not repeat the warm-up process! Simply continue doing heavy sets (most lifters do 2-4 sets of one exercise). After you have done a warm-up for one muscle group you do not need
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to do an in-depth warm-up for each following exercise. For example, if the next exercise is stiff leg deadlifts, a light set of 60% of the working weight for 8 reps is an adequate warm-up. Another thing to mention is that it is best to warm up the muscles with the first exercise you will be doing. So if youre doing a chest day and your first exercise is bench press, warm up on the bench.

Getting Your Nerve Through a Warm-up Routine You know that feeling, those nerves, you get before a big set or going for that personal best on the bench? Personally I always get them, its natural, I use the warm up routine to eliminate them and focus myself. When I am preparing for a big set my warms can take 10 minutes just preparing myself. You are much more mentally prepared and considerably more confident after a successful warm up.

Warming Up For Maximal Strength Performance Nowadays the gym trend is to focus on all strength gains. We want to use the heaviest weights we possibly can in all aspects of our work out to tear as many muscle fibers as possible. Thus a strength training warm up is much similar to the warm up outlined above. You should however complete more sets in a strength warm up but they should be of a very low rep count to avoid fatigue. Stretching should be done minimally and sparingly. Stretching puts the muscle in an un-contracted position hence weakening it. You should lightly stretch in order to keep the muscle lose and flexible though. Finally do not waste energy on the treadmill or bikes, use these purely to get the blood flowing.

Warming Up For Endurance Performance

Sometimes its hard to know how to warm up. If you go for a light jog for instance, intensity is low so how do we warm up? A warm up is
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always essential, sometimes it may feel unnecessary and ineffective but its what your body and mind really need before committing to any type of training. We see this problem when we come to high rep work your body will warm up as it goes along but always start by doing some very light very easy high rep stuff before getting into your program. The physical and psychological benefits are infinite.

Benefits To Stretching Post workout stretching is a vital part of mass gaining. Prevention of muscle tightness, aching, exhaustion and removal of lactose will improve recovery time and allow your body to focus its energies on building that muscle. Stretching is the key.

Stretching After A Workout The stretching at the end of your session need not take too much time; youve done your hard work so you can relax. Stretching will never impair performance; quite the opposite, in the long run itll enhance it. The muscles are full of oxygen and blood after a workout, will this comes a build up of lactose; a stretch relaxes the muscle and speeds the process of breaking down the lactose.

Stretches For Each Muscle Group

Quadriceps Stretch Standing, or lying on your side, pull the heel of each foot in turn up to your bum; push your pelvis forward to enhance the stretch. Hold for 30 seconds and relax, repeat for opposite leg.

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Hamstring Stretch With one foot resting on a bar at waist-height or above, lean forward and try to touch your forehead on your knee. This may feel a little painful at first; it stretches your hamstring at both joints and is very effective. Calf Stretch On some kind of ledge, a step or the edge of a machine at the gym; stand with both heels over the edge balancing on the balls of your feet. Lower your heels and youll feel a very definite stretching of your calf muscles. Lat Stretch Simply hang from a pull up bar for 60 seconds. Try to stay really loose and relaxed and the stretch will entirely be focused on your lats (which will also look great in a mirror at this point) Biceps With your hands clasped as if praying behind your back. Raise your arms, keeping them straight, until you feel the stretch in your biceps. Hold for at least 30 seconds. Chest Stretch Lying flat on your back on a weight bench, use a couple of dumbbells as if doing a chest fly. Simply relax in the start position and arch your back a little. Feel the stretch across the whole of your chest for 30 seconds. Shoulder/Tricep Stretch A very effective and very common stretch. Reach one hand over your shoulder and try to touch the middle of your back, use the other arm to push down on the elbow and further stretch the tricep and deltoid muscles.

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Benefits To The Cool-Down

As stated above stretching and cooling down go hand in hand. They allow the muscle to relax and get back to a normal state as soon as possible after training. After doing a sprint for example you body wants to continue running, so you dont just stop sprinting you slow it down gradually by jogging and then walking.

How Important The Cool Down Is

A cool down is not the most important thing ever but I would recommend it. It takes very little time and aids recovery. It can simply be one high rep set.

Cooling Down & Recovery

An effective cool down allows muscles to return to their normal state (to start growing) faster than it would take otherwise. Effective stretching will effectively eliminate any post workout soreness if you train regularly.
Maximising recovery is something that just makes sense to any bodybuilder or athlete; youve just done all the real work, a 10minute cool down will greatly increase its effectiveness. Its a no brainer, cool down, recover, get massive.

Whilst a warm up will prevent injuries, it is not simply a safety precaution. It will also greatly maximize performance as after a warm up strength and focus are at their peak. The psychological benefits match the physical ones. Cooling down and stretching properly after a workout increase recovery greatly and add to the general health of your muscles If you have time to workout then you have time to warm up and cool down. Even if its 5 minutes at each end of the workout, otherwise youre cheating yourself out of the full effect of all your hard work. Make

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it an integral part of your program or skimp on the essentials and miss out!

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You want to put on muscle mass youve gotta eat that mass! Get massive by eating massive. Diet is as important as the training if not more so. It is essential to eat both regularly and relative to your training.

Proper Pre, During, And Post Workout Nutrition Diet! Introduction

Optimal results in the gym are guaranteed by a weight specific diet. Pre, during and post workout nutrition are the key elements. Preworkout nutrition targets energy for performance in the gym and post targets growth of the muscles and recovery.

Pre-Workout Nutrition
What you eat before you train will dramatically effect your performance. A few simple and easy tips can make such a massive difference. You want to make those extra couple of reps or increase your bench this session? Pre-workout nutrition is the key. A training-specific meal one or two hours before gym-time (depending on your metabolism) combined with a supplement 20-40minutes before you train is the way to do it. This eating plan for your pre-workout routine will enhance energy levels, muscle performance, mental focus and physiological processes allowing you to work harder, work more effectively, burn more calories in a session and, ultimately, build more muscle faster

There are two things to consider before a workout: Having a training-specific meal one to two hours before. Taking a proper supplement thirty minutes before.

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A Proper Meal Should Consist Of

Fruit Fruit, when eaten regularly, will dilate blood vessels reducing stress n the heart. Blood flows through the body more rapidly and easily, blood pressure is reduced and training is more effective through faster respiration and recovery. The simple sugars, vitamins and carbohydrates provided by fruit will really fuel your workout. Bananas are an athletes favourite packed with carbs and potassium to prevent cramps. Citrus fruits, full of vitamin C and electrolytes also aid in the prevention of cramps.

Moderate To Low GI Carbohydrates These carbs will fuel your body effectively and steadily for your entire workout unlike high GI carbs which will give you a great boost to start with but are burned up very quickly. These must be the main source of your energy for a workout and form the basis of your pre-workout meal. Brown or white rice is good, brown bread and wholewheat pasta or oatmeal are all very effective.

Protein (Essential Amino Acids) Protein forms the very building blocks of muscle. Muscle growth is impossible without it. The essential amino acids which form a protein ensure proper nitrogen balances in your muscles. Eggs are an excellent source (although not the yolk) and white meat (chicken or pork not bacon) or any fish are also highly effective. EFA Essential fatty acids maintain testosterone levels to give you that drive to pump out your sets. They are highly effective for maintain high energy levels and are vital for fat-soluble vitamins to be absorbed. With a long digestion time they can keep an athlete feeling full (i.e. not
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in desperate need of a snack) for an entire workout.

Other A chicken sandwich (on thick whole meal bread) with some salad and mayo would be ideal or some wholewheat pasta with tuna is great. Anything you want really as long as it provides you with goof carbs, some essential fats and a little of that protein. Your meal must be fully digested at least 20 minutes before you begin your workout so that the blood has left the stomach and can make to your muscles with some fresh glucose.

Proper Supplementation Supplementation before a workout will enhancing your performance hugely. Supplements, especially stimulants should be cycled so your body does not build up any kind of tolerance as this will render them ineffective. Most supplements should be taken 20 minutes before a workout on an empty stomach.

Here are some great supplements to use before a workout:

Multivitamin The best way for a fast fix of vitamins and minerals before a workout is to use a multivitamin supplement. Look especially for B-vitamins for effective release of energy and for their anabolic properties.

Creatine Perhaps the most widely used and effective (legal) supplement, creatine is a fantastic muscle volumizer. It allows you to work harder for longer, providing extra energy in the form of ATP.
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This protein is safe and retains water inside the muscle to maximize growth. Creatine is available in many forms but he most effective are: Creatine monohydrate CEE And For Creatine Non-Responders:

Glycocyamine Guanidinoproplonic acid Betaine anhydrous SAMe Kre-Alkalyn Kre-Alkalyn is cheap and is completely absorbed by the body without requiring a high GI carb for simultaneous absorption.

Caffeine & Ephedrine HCL Caffeine stimulates your body, there is no doubt. However, when combined with Ephedrine HCL it will help you burn more fat and give you fantastic energy levels. BCAA BCAA's will maintain your nitrogen balances. They are digested and absorbed by skeletal muscle and will ad in the prevention of muscle breakdown. NO2 This will open your blood vessels for maximum delivery of oxygen energy (and strength) to your muscles. This delays the onset of anaerobic respiration and prevents a fast build up of lactic acid. Itll take
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you longer to reach that burn, that means more reps, more weight, and eventually, more muscle. Most NO2 supplements will be combined with one of arginine AKG, citrulline malate or ornithine ethyl ester. All give similar results. Fat Burners Fat burners are great stimulants and give high energy levels whilst focusing on using up excess fat. They are vasoconstrictors however and should not be used in conjunction with NO2 supplements which do the opposite.

Focus Supplements Ingredients such as tyrosine, Ginkgo biloba and N-acetyl-Carnitine are supplements for the mental side of weight training. Great if you need a lift or find you can rarely find the motivation to finish that last set.

Stamina & Endurance Ginseng is the ultimate supplement for endurance maintaining energy levels for an incredibly long period of time under high intensity. Dosage is variable and pivotal so always read the lable of your product.

Effective Pre-Workout Supplements

Multivitamins: AST Multi Pro 32X Universal Animal Pack Creatine: SciFit Kre-Alkalyn powder Meta-cel creatine monohydrate powder
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Caffeine & Ephedrine: Higher Power Caffeine Mega-Pro VasoPro Ephedrine HCL NO2: Controlled Labs White blood BSN No-Xplode Dymatize Xpand Fat Burners: VPX Redline San Tight Neutrex Lipo 6 Focus Supplements: SciVation Neurostim Ginseng: Now Panax Ginseng

Post Workout The Importance Of Post Workout Nutrition

For any weight lifter or athlete post-workout diet is the key to success in the long-term. Progress does not occur and muscles do not grow whilst training, this happens in the recovery stage, which is why sufficient recovery time and correct nutrition during this period are essential. After a workout your muscles are weak, exhausted and effectively torn apart. The rebuilding process is complex and its basis relies on 2 things: rest and nutrition. After a workout protein breakdown goes up and protein synthesis is only
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slightly elevated. Your glycogen stores (energy) are also hugely depleted. If the protein breakdown is not turned around, then muscle is not gained and muscle that currently exists is lost. This, obviously, is not your goal. If your glycogen stores aren't replenished then you won't be in peak condition next time you workout; decreased energy leads to ineffective training, poor motivation and, ultimately, less mass gained. Also if glycogen stores continue to stay low, then protein breakdown still occurs leading to further loss of muscle mass. Glycogen attracts water into your cells turgidising muscle fibres andincreasing their size. To summarize, if the importance of post-workout nutrition is ignored then you will miss out on any potential gains from your workout and your performance will suffer for your next workout. You have to eat, so you may as well do it right and reap the benefits.

What Should My Post Workout Diet Consist Of?

A post-workout focus diet consists of two parts. An immediate fix straight after your workout, and a more substantial meal 1 and a half to two hours after.

Immediately After A Workout

Your fox is effectively a snack. Something small that will get through your stomach and to your tired muscles as quickly as possible. It is best that you consume a liquid meal since it is quickly absorbed. Your focus with your fix should be: Rapid replenishment of glycogen stores. Stopping protein breakdown. Highly elevating protein synthesis.

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1. Rapid Replenishment Of Glycogen Stores

Probably the most important part of your post-workout fix, youre looking for carbohydrates that are rapidly digested and absorbed. The two carbohydrates that work best are dextrose and maltodextrin. These are both digested at a high rate and will directly replenish your glycogen stores. Carbs WILL NOT MAKE YOU FAT. They are the most essential thing post workout so do it properly or your training will be ineffective, youll get demotivated, then you will get fat. Exercising burns calories, burns energy and uses up glycogen stores. Post-workout carbs simply replace calories (not fats) lost through exercise (be it weight-lifting or any endurance based activity) so they will not make you put on fat. If you dont replenish your glycogen stores your muscles will not provided with energy necessary for growth and after that for further training, they will deplete. When simple sugars like maltodextrin and dextrose are ingested, insulin is released into the blood stream. This ensures your blood sugar levels don't get too high. There are two main advantages of taking in maltodextrin and dextrose. First you replenish your glycogen stores, meaning you will replace your energy ensuring you are good to go for your next exercise bout, and secondly you create an insulin spike. You should take them in a 50/50 split meaning if you need 50 grams of carbs then 25 maltodextrin and 25 dextrose. Insulin is highly anabolic at rest, it builds muscle and prevents protein breakdown after exercise. Amounts are debatable but the general guideline is to take 0.8 grams of carbs per kg of body mass in your postworkout shake. Your insulin spike has a downside; any excess unstored carbs are directly converted into fat so whilst the carbs are essential, as is the quantity. The recommended 0.8grams per kg of body mass is the best general guideline although every athletes body works slightly differently. Excess consumption of carbs post-workout will lead to an increase in fat mass so just watch your levels. Also, creating an insulin spike too regularly leads to a decrease in insulin sensitivity mush like your body develops a certain tolerance to supplements if used too much for too long. This is bad news; your muscles will start to reject insulin and so you lose all the natural benefits of insulin. Limit tour creation of the
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insulin spike to twice a day maximum or the effects of overdoing it will be only too noticeable. The reason for this limit is down to insulins unique characteristics: it is anabolic at rest and anti-catabolic (preventing protein breakdown) postworkout. Immediately after exercising protein breakdown is halted with insulin and during normal meal times, building muscle can begin with the creation of an insulin spike. This is not a way out of exercising. Workout is essential (obviously), the insulin spike technique is only effective as a supplementary tool to a muscle-building weights program. Without the exercise your excess carbs will not get burned off and they will immediately be converted into energy stores as fat. To sum it up, for the best effect take 0.8 grams of a 50/50 blend of dextrose and maltodextrin per kg of body mass. Maltodextrin and dextrose are very easy and cheap to get hold of.

2. Stopping Protein Breakdown

Prevention of further protein breakdown post-workout, while a complex process, has a simple starting point. The answer is insulin. With the creation of your insulin spike you are also simultaneously halting protein breakdown. The other essential aspect alongside your carbs however, is protein itself. This repairs your broken muscles, builds your muscles and also aids in the halting of protein breakdown. The guideline for protein ingestion post-workout is 0.5 grams of protein per kg of body mass. The blend of carbs with protein creates a situation whereby insulin levels are boosted to over twice the amount than if carbs alone were ingested. Maximize potential. The other benefit to your insulin rise is the effect it has on your blood vessels opening them up so nutrients, amino acids and carbs get to your muscles faster for a more effective recovery. Your insulin spike is absolutely post-workout.

3. Increasing Protein Synthesis (Muscle Building)

The final element is the increase of protein synthesis. Important in recovery because if muscle building isnt the result of this whole process
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then your goals are not realized. Post- workout protein synthesis stays the same or elevates very slightly, so no worries about it dipping hideously low. What we want, though, is to crank it up to a maximal level. Again, insulin comes into play. For even better results then you must do more than simply elevate insulin levels. The amount of essential amino acids your muscles have access to is the other essential part. You can get these through BCAA supplementation getting essential amino acids to your muscles and getting a huge boost in protein synthesis. With just insulin, protein synthesis increases by up to 50%. Throw in BCAA supplementation and your increase is 200%. But with both insulin and BCAA supplementation protein synthesis is vastly increased by a figure of up to 400%. Now thats maximizing recovery!

One More Thing That You Should Note That Aids In Recovery.
Muscles tissues are torn up and broken down after a workout you are genuinely damaging them to make them bigger, more powerful and more healthy. In this exhausted state your body needs help. Fluids will build up to transport immune cells to the damaged muscle fibres; whilst this process is very effective, a byproduct is an unwanted build up of free radicals. These are chemically unstable and will bond to almost any material they can further breakdown muscle tissue and greatly inhibit effective recovery. Anti-oxidants bond strongly to free radicals removing their potential to bond to your muscle tissue so they are a great supplement to be aware of.

Supplements You Can Use In Your Protein Shake Immediately After A Workout:
Whey Protein Probably the best kind of protein for creating your insulin spike and building new muscle. Follow the guideline of 0.5 grams per kg of body mass. It is true that there arent any major problems caused by
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ingesting too much protein but long-term studies do show that over time it has a detrimental effect on the liver and kidneys especially. Either way, in the short-term, better too much than too little. Dextrose and Maltodextrin These are also very important in creating your insulin spike. Rapidly replenishing glycogen stores, they have dual purpose. Cheap and widely available, they are well worth your time. Guideline 0.8 grams of carbs per kg of body mass. To gain muscle faster this is also vital. Creatine If creatine is present in the blood when you create your insulin, the creatine gets shoved into the muscle with your insulin increasing ATP energy stores quicker than letting your body replace it by itself. The right combinations really do work wonders. Anti-Oxidants Anti-oxidants will reduce stress o your muscles. They act as the building two enzymes which control free radicals, thus not allowing them to break down your muscle tissue. Anti-oxidants supplements include coenzyme q-10, Vitamins E and C, and zinc. There are plenty more however and they are also widely available from health stores and fitness centers. L-Glutamine Many say this is incredibly effective; a lot of glutamine, however, is provided to your body in whey protein and red meat. See if it works for you.

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So what do I put in my shake?

You need to start with a base. Firstly, we want about a pint of water: rehydration of your cells is incredibly important. Your supplements dissolve in the water and are thus absorbed much quicker for faster delivery and quicker recovery. No we need to bulk up the shake. Add your carbs at the ratio of 0.8 grams per kg of body mass (1:1 split of maltodextrin to dextrose for fast absorption and to help you crate your insulin spike). For your protein synthesis and active muscle building you want to throw in 0.5 grams of protein per kg of body mass. This also works with the carbs to increase the effect of your insulin spike There you have your base essentials for a post-workout shake. Of course, as we have discussed, various supplements can aid you in your recovery and subsequent training performance (and physical results). Listed are a few good additions starting with the most effective down to the lesser important (but still useful) supplements: BCAA to really crank your protein synthesis, in powder or tablet form this supplement will show fast and noticeable results. Anti-oxidants will greatly cut down your recovery time and that feeling of complete exhaustion. Theyll also markedly decrease the inhibiting effect of the damaging free radicals after your workout. Creatine works wonders to replenish your stores of ATP quicker than your body can on its own. This is great especially if youre not coming out the gym to have a proper rest, say if you have to go spend the day at work or do further training later in the day. L-Glutamine can really work for some; it is though quite a controversial topic. This amino acid is provided in your diet and in whey protein supplements but give it a try, see if it works for you.

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1 - 2 Hours After Workout

This must be a proper meal. Not a snack, not a fix, not a shake. Again we look for training specific healthy foods. The options here are to create another insulin spike for the anabolic advantages at rest, or to go for slow burning GI carbs with some protein for a more gradual but assured process of natural muscle building.

Many will say avoid the insulin spike here, create when you wake up and immediately after workout when sensitivity is at a peak this gives you your max of two per day and ensures you wont put on unnecessary fat or decrease your insulin sensitivity. What works best for me is a compound meal of slow burning carbs and some protein to build that muscle. A healthy mix. That is it for your meal, its not as complex as your post-workout fix. Basically, you want a fairly large healthy meal that forms part of a balanced diet. As long as you get energy in there for your muscles to use for growth, and protein as the building blocks of growth; theres no need to stress it. Slow burning carbs that have a low GI include: Pasta Wholewheat and wholegrain breads Sweet potatoes which are also just really healthy Normal potatoes Brown rice and rice with husks Vegetables And for your protein: Chicken breasts Lean beef Any kind of fish Eggs Nuts which also have essential fats in them, especially almonds Always remember, rehydrating is a vital part of any training diet and should be sipped throughout the day and especially taken with meals. This is especially important for athletes using creatine or caffeine supplements which dehydrate the body.
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During Workout Nutrition

Of your training diet, this area need be the least focused. Its nowhere near as important as pre and post workout nutrition and some guys definitely pay far to much attention to it. Have a read though as itll help.

Rehydration is the most essential thing during a workout. It is all I use to train with. All internal processes in your body are based on solubility, your muscles are 60% water, without water training will become a nightmare. You can equally use a sports drink like Lucozade which hydrates whilst providing some essential salts lost through sweat and also providing an energy boost to keep you going longereven 33% longer perhaps (although correct pre and post-workout nutrition will eliminate the need for this). Water is the best at what it does and thats rehydrate. Also, if you are using creatine supplementation, keeping a focus on drinking enough water will prevent the cramping and gas that some people experience whilst training under creatine. Alternatively, to avoid the expense of sports drinks you can make your own highly effective during workout essential fluids. Mix half fruit juice and half water with some salt and this is all youll need. Also flat Coke is incredibly effective; no fizzy drinks though, it must be flat.

Protein Shakes
Some guys youll see will drink protein shakes during a workout. They do not know what theyre doing. If you eat a proper pre-workout meal 2 hours before exercising there is plenty of protein in your bloodstream to be getting on with. Ingesting protein (or anything substantial) during a workout will draw blood away from your muscles to your stomach for digestion. This will lead to poor performance, possibly indigestion and just an uncomfortable feeling whilst training. The other issue is that if you take your shake during an after your workout you could be creating your insulin spike too often which leads to problems already noted.
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Basically your pre and post-workout training specific diet will provide everything you need while you train; you just need to wet it all down a bit. During workout nutrition is WATER.

Relying On Supplements
Big fitness companies will make you think you need a sports drink to do any kind of physical activity. This is rubbish. Generally you will only need a sports drink or energy refuel of some kind if you are training intensely for over an hour and a half. Supplementation during workout has very minimal effect ad can even inhibit your progress. Apart from anything else you will become psychologically dependent on them and this is bad news. Supplement reliance can be a problem; do not build your program (or your life) around your supplements because they are just that a supplementation to your training. Generally you should look to cycle on and off various supplements like creatine so that your body doesnt become reliant or tolerant and so you can achieve maximum benefit from your investment. Dont go overboard, dont use supplements 24/7. And if your workout is under 1.5 hours then theres no need to take anything more than water. If youre training intensely for over an hour and a half then look at Gatorade, Lucozade and Powerade. The drinks and isotonic powders are all very effective at replacing lost fluids, salts and glucose. Alternatively, make your own as detailed above. If youre looking to spend a lot of money and get your worth then try something like CYTOMAX. It works like the isotonic drinks whilst actively attacking and removing lactic acid from your muscles. Water, on the other hand, is free.

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This is basically what you need to see massive results in your own training. Taking you from beginners level through to more highly advanced training. Good luck.


The information in Rugged Programs How to Train is strictly for information purposes only. Rugged Programs How to Train is not intended for use as a substitute for consultation or advice given by a qualified medical practitioner, health practitioner, or fitness professional. Before beginning any exercise and diet program, you should consult a physician. All matters regarding your health require medical supervision. Rugged Programs How to Train shall not be liable or responsible for injury, loss, illness or damage occasioned to any person acting or refraining to act as a result of any information or suggestion in Rugged Programs How to Train. Rugged Programs How to Train will not be held responsible for the conduct of any companies and/or web sites recommended in Rugged Programs How to Train. The opinions expressed in Rugged Programs How to Train represent the personal views of Rugged Programs How to Train. If you have any questions, please contact

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I am the sole copyright owner of this material. Any attempt to replicate or resell this document will result in legal action.

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This guide has been compiled as the product of years of varied training experience of myself and other athletes, using information from websites, books, friends, colleagues, gym owners, personal trainers, other gym goers and sports professionals. I reference: A

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