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Personalized Regenerative Medicine

26381 Crown Valley Parkway Ste 130, Mission Viejo, CA 92691

David A. Steenblock DO, Inc.

(800) 300-1063 ~, January & February 2011

The Ultimate Stroke Rehabilitation Program!

By David A. Steenblock, M.S., D.O. & Dan Farrier, M.D. By treating over 2000 stroke patients umbilical cord stem cells stem cells. over the last 20 years using daily After that first 3-4 week post-stroke hyperbaric oxygen and other period, the use of other methods is modalities we know a great deal about needed in order to get the stem cells what it takes to help a stroke patient. where they will do the most good. One And, during the last 10 years we have of these methods is the use of been closely studying the use of intravenous mannitol at least one hour various types of stem cells with prior to giving the stem cells. Mannitol patients suffering from the after- is a simple sugar that opens the bloodeffects of stroke. We have tried brain-barrier and keeps it open for a umbilical cord stem cells, bone few hours afterwards. During this marrow and fat stem cells and have time we give the cells either used a different number of ways to intravenously or preferably intragive these to the patients. The simplest arterially. method to give stem cells is by an Another method which avoids intravenous injection which can be all of this is the use of pure stem cells done with all three. For the patient Continued on page 2, column 1 who has had a stroke within the past 2-3 weeks this is a good method since Dr. Steenblocks Clinic Study Stroke the blood brain barrier is still damaged Patient Responses (50 patients treated and open which makes it easy for stem with HBOT, Physical Therapy & cells to migrate into damaged areas of Biofeedback) the brain. Excellent As time passes following a stroke, the brain begins to heal the Good disrupted blood-brain-barrier which Stupendous makes it increasingly hard for stem No Improvement cells to migrate through to reach 3% damaged tissues. The younger and 20% more vigorous the stem cells are, the greater the penetration and the better 47% the clinical results. Thus if we did not 30% have to consider cost we would flood the persons brain with
Continued next column

In This Issue:
The Ultimate Stroke Rehabilitation Program

Stroke Turnaround: The Dale Hartley Story Good News for Stroke Survivors! Special Offers

The Ultimate Stroke Rehabilitation Program continued from page 1

isolated from your bone marrow or fat can be given into the cerebrospinal fluid by way of a lumbar puncture. During each treatment we put 50 million stem cells into the cerebrospinal fluid using a simple procedure. This treatment then can be repeated weekly or as desired to get as many stem cells into the damaged brain as possible (The only limitation is your availability.) So, for example, if you are with us for one month we could give you an initial bone marrow and/or fat stem cell treatment intravenously and take some of those cells and begin to culture them. In some cases we can isolate the stem cells and give them to you within 2-3 days. (Due to FDA restrictions in the US culturing & treatment is done in Mexico.) Two weeks after that your cultured cells will be ready so weekly treatments could commence. If you plan on being with us for a month you could get two to four of these CSF injections. With a two month stay you would get at least six injections directly into the cerebrospinal fluid, which circulates through your brain and its damaged portions. In any case we can design a program for you that will deliver millions of stem cells daily during the time you are with us. You can stay one day to months as you continue to improve. Our typical program includes: (1) Daily injections of stem cell mobilizing agents; (2) Daily Hyperbaric Oxygen which mobilizes stem cells; (3) Daily use of External counterpulsation or the periodic acceleration bed, both of which stimulates your blood vessels to
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make VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) which gets stem cells to make new blood vessels in the damaged parts of your brain; (4) Daily supplements to help your stem cells grow and repair your brain; and (5) Daily growth factors to help your stem cells repair your brain.

Stroke Turnaround

Dr. Steenblock talks about stem cell for antiaging: Dale Hartley suffered a stroke ten and a half years ago and had h?v=GHcsytfVM8E made about as much progress as he could get from conventional medicine. But he wanted more. Thankfully he happened to catch Dr. Steenblock on the radio and found out that he had come up with all kinds of ways to turn the table on the damage left in the wake of a stroke, even one that had happened months and even years before! Dale and his wife, Audrey quickly made their way to Dr. Steenblock's clinic to undergo his comprehensive stroke program. This included chelation and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. As he tells it, "My sister had a stroke three years after me; she didn't come to Dr. Steenblock. Unfortunately, she's gone. I'm still here
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But while Dr. Steenblocks program made a significant difference in Dales life, he naturally wanted more. He didnt have to wait too terribly long actually. Upon hearing about the debut of Dr. Steenblock's Personalized Regenerative Medicine program and the use of your own bone marrow stem cells to effect healing, the Hartleys packed up their precious little pet dog Bianca, and made the drive down from their home in Malibu to have the first of two whole bone marrow treatments done (These were spaced six weeks apart.) Audrey had this as well. Mr. Hartleys first bone marrow transplant resulted in improved eyesight and a resolution of some longstanding knee problems. Both knees, in fact, which hadn't been "working" were soon "almost (back to) normal". In addition, a problemsome hip joint healed up, and his balance improved when walking. And Audrey, who battled an aggravating postnasal drip condition for some time, noticed that this had virtually vanished following her bone marrow treatment. In addition, she saw improvements in her knees (the meniscus) which were showing signs of arthritis prior to her treatment. Both the Hartleys feel their stem cell treatments were a resounding success, and when asked if they'd do it again, they'll tell you, "Absolutely!"
The blue underlined words & phrases are links that can be clicked (On-line version at


Good News for Stroke Survivors!

If you or someone you know has had a stroke and has been handed a cane or wheelchair and told Weve done all we can, you have been shortchanged. The fact is there are a tremendous number of leading edge treatments most conventional doctors are overlooking or just outright dismissed. Thankfully, Dr. David Steenblock knows them all intimately, which isnt surprising considering the fact he has spent the past forty years researching them and figuring out how to squeeze maximum results from their clinical use. Here is but a sampling of the powerful modalities and treatments Dr. Steenblock has uncovered and, in some instances, pioneered! Stem Cells: Your body relies on stem cells in your bone marrow to maintain your health and to heal you when you get sick or are injured. Since 2006 Dr. Steenblock has been treating stroke patients with their own stem cell rich bone marrow with very impressive results. Along the way he figured how to get the bones of older patients to replace sluggish, devitalized stem cells with new healthy, vibrant ones. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT): When the brain is damaged by a stroke, blood vessels are also damaged or destroyed. This means impaired
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blood flow. However, the neurons in these oxygen-starved tissues are not dead, but instead are in "hibernation" or "sleeping". Daily hyperbaric oxygen treatments flood the brain with oxygen and also stimulate the formation of new blood vessels. These new blood vessels slowly hook up to the damaged tissues and as a result the "sleeping" neurons are healed, wake up and resume their normal functions. Dr. Steenblock has used HBOT to successfully treat stroke for over two decades. More than 80% of neurology patients who have followed his customized program have experienced clinically significant improvements. External counterpulsation (EECP): Many stroke patients have serious blockage in their arteries. Many heart doctors and surgeons favor remedying this by doing angioplasty or surgically swapping an unblocked blood vessel for the blocked one(s). Dr. Steenblock favors nonsurgical approaches such as a low fat diet, use of natural cholesterol lowering compounds, and external counterpulsation or EECP treatments. In EECP a special, FDA approved machine basically performs a nonsurgical bypass. In-a-word it mechanically and effortlessly increases blood flow to organs and tissues and by doing so actually facilitates the growth of new blood vessels. Chelation therapy: Dr. Steenblock uses this to remove toxic heavy metals from the body
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as well as engage natural bodily processes & mechanisms that promote cardiovascular health and more. Periodic Acceleration Therapy: Whole body PAT makes it possible for stroke sufferers and others to get the benefits of a moderate cardiovascular workout while lying down! This is how it works: While lying in a prone position the PAT platform machine creates a gentle backand-forth motion which puts very mild stress on blood vessels. This, in turn, gets them busy producing Nitric Oxide (NO which confers all kinds of health benefits including facilitating better blood flow to organs and tissues body wide. NO also plays a role in mobilizing a persons own stem cells from their bone marrow. Dr. Steenblock often uses PAT as a prelude to other beneficial cardiovascular treatments including his whole bone marrow transplants (See Dale Hartleys Story on page 2.) Diet & Herbal Medicine: Dr. Steenblock first began advocating a low fat diet to slow and reverse arterial blockage back in the 1960s! He has since expanded on this and added all kinds of powerful herbal medicines that combat the stroke and other cardiovascular diseases and conditions.
Check out Iowan Joe Beschens
video story of coming back from a devastating stroke thanks to Dr. Steenblocks ultimate stroke rehabilitation program! =2JOqwqlUBrs

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Stemgevity supports and promotes the release and proliferation (multiplication) of your own Stem Cells. Our lab tests showed a 300% increase in the numbers of primitive stem cells** in the peripheral blood after use of Stemgevity
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Dr. Steenblock, I wanted to share this with you. Last year I sent Stemgevity to my sister, and one of my aunts. I love my aunt dearly but this 78 y. o. woman can drive anyone nuts with her numerous ailments. I just wanted to tell you, her husband called me to thank me for whatever it was I sent her. He was astounded that even she mentioned how good she felt. That sir is proof positive for me! E.G.

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