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Executive Summary of Quarterly Report (January March 2012) KECAMATAN DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND ENVIRONMENT (PNPM-GREEN) IN SULAWESI (TF-090977)

) Operation Wallacea Trust (OWT), 30 April 2012 Following up the Banks supervision mission in December 2011 and responding to a letter sent by GOI (Directorate General of Village and Community Empowerment/PMD) addressed to the Bank regarding the need to have additional support (awareness raising and capacity building) in South Sulawesi and three districts in Sumatra (Agam, Padang Pariaman and
Lebong), OWT was requested by the Bank to involve for the technical assistance. In response to the request, for the case of Sulawesi, on 9 January 2012, we submitted technical proposal entitled: Proposed Additional Financing to the Trust Fund for Kecamatan Development Program (KDP) in Sulawesi to support PNPM-Green in Maros, Wajo and Tana Toraja Districts. After having some revisions, the proposal was finally accepted and used as a basis of the fifth amendment (countersigned on 14 March 2012) of the Grand Agreement in which OWT received Additional Grant of USD 296,950 until October 2012. Since 15 March 2012, OWT have started working in South (S) Sulawesi Province.

During January-March 2012, PNPM-Green cycles for fiscal year 2011 in S and SE Sulawesi Provinces have reached the stage of MDST (sub-project hand-over). While for fiscal year 2012, until the end of March 2012; the PNPM-Green cycle had reached MAD-II. As realized that year 2012 is the first year where PNPM-Green cycle enables to follow regular development planning or usually called integration. Following the process, the village sub-project is selected from Village Annual Workplan (RKP-Desa), as an annual break-down of the RPJM-Desa. Selection of Green sub-project at village level was conducted during Village Development Planning Meeting (Musrenbang Desa) held around fourth week of January 2012. This was followed with sub-project proposal writing and verification process. Until the end of March 2012, all sub-districts in S and SE Sulawesi Provinces have completed MAD-II. It is much faster than before, where MAD-II held in August/September. During this Quarter, for SE Sulawesi Province, our main facilitation cover the following; (a) Conducted intensive facilitation for planting subprojects implementation and maintenance of 5 villages per Pilot Kecamatan (45 villages); (b) Facilitated socialization of Village Regulations to sustain PNPM-Green-investments (45 villages); (c) As a follow-up of car procurement (8 March 2012), since mid March, we have started operating Awareness Car to mainstream PNPM-Green smart practices at (sub) village level; (d) Facilitated the organization of Workshop Kecamatan to reflect the implementation of PNPM-Green (2008 2011) and prepared for 2012 (9 events); (e) Advocated the inclusion of Green investment on each step of Development Planning Forum (Musrenbang), from Village, Kecamatan until District level. Until the end of March 2012, our advocation has already reached district level; (f) Facilitated marketing of Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquette (CCB) and VCO in Buton; (g) Prepared Lestari Desaku Magazine which will be published on mid May 2012 (in web-site and printed version); (h) Assisted Danida to develop Manual and booklets on NRM; (i) Assisted Danida to prepare Tour De Java for NRM Champions: A Traveling Training Event; (j) Provided technical assistance on the replication of biogas initiated by District Government Fund in Muna and Buton.

During this Quarter, for S Sulawesi Province, as we have just started on mid March 2012, have completed: (a) Staff recruitments: (i) District Coordinator (3 persons); (ii) Field staff at Kecamatan level (9 persons); (iii) Admin staff (1 person); (b) Training of District Coordinators and field staff in Maros (involved 15 new staff); (c) Surveyed potential resources, problems and proposed facilitations of every village on the Pilot Kecamatan; (d) Prepared Coordination meeting at district level (Wajo, Maros, Tana Toraja) and Kecamatan Workshops; (f) Assisted Consultants on the preparation of CIDA and World Bank supervision mission in Tana Toraja District. Proposed no-cost extension until 31 December 2012: Considering: (a) the fifth revision of TF 090977 has just been countersigned on mid March, while on the ground interventions in S Sulawesi Province has just been effective since the beginning of April 2012; (b) There is an urgent need to establish PNPM-Green smart practices in S Sulawesi (as the case for SE Sulawesi) and sustain those which have been achieved in SE Sulawesi; (c) Prepare exit strategy of the program in both provinces; (d) Enhance the performance of 2012 green subprojects which require full facilitation on the whole phases of project implementation; (e) The provided grant to OWT is more than sufficient to run the project until 31 December 2012. The list of activities during the reporting period and its link to Performance Indicators is presented in Appendix 1, while the link with Workplan proposed during the extension of our facilitation (April 2011 October 2012) is presented in Appendix 2. Photo is presented in Appendix 3. Some new developments, approaches and important facilitations during the reporting period are highlighted below: Performance Indicator 1: Well-trained Green PNPM facilitators and other local PNPM stakeholders, who can ignite and facilitate green projects within PNPM, not limited to those within Green PNPM Target Locations. Since December 2011, we have worked together with Mr. Frans Harum (Danida Consultant) and Mr. Soren Moestrup (Danida Advisor/PSF) to develop NRM manual and booklets for Green facilitators (GF). We prepared three chapters: (a) Catchment Management Planning; (b) Agroforestry and (c) Income generating activity. We also provided full technical assistance the making of booklet illustration; (a) catchment management planning; (b) income generating activities; (c) establishment of Village Nursery; (d) Agroforestry and (e) tree planting. The materials will be used for GF refresher training held in June and July 2012. The overall materials will also be useful for the next phase of PNPM-Green and other relevant NRM program. We continuously facilitated regular coordination meeting with key Green-PNPM actors and stakeholders at district level (January-March), facilitated the visit of actors and stakeholders on PNPM-Green smart-practices. To support the integration of PNPM-Green with regular development planning and improve the quality of Green sub-projects, we facilitated: (a) the writing of sub-project proposal; (b) the selection of Verification Team (VT); (c) training for VT and facilitated the

implementation of verification process1; (d) facilitated Musrenbang Kecamatan (MAD-II) and mainstream Green-PNPM smart practices on Musrenbang Kabupaten. For the efficient and effective use of PNPM-Green block grant, we recommended TPK to skip out budget allocation for training in the block-grant proposal. All block-grant should be spent for project development (green investment) rather than training. All training activities, proposed in the block-grant should be handled by OWT. Considering that OWT has already been working in two provinces and starting from May 2012 will work in another two provinces (West Sumatra and Bengkulu), there is a pressing need to build strong and liquid communication among OWT and GF and project beneficiaries working and living in different part of Indonesia. In response to that, we have developed an NRM magazine, named: Lestari Desaku (My Sustainable Village; 40 pages) which will be published on mid May 2012. This will be uploaded on OWT website and also be printed 400 copies for each province. The printed version of the magazine will be distributed to GF, key government and village champions and PNPM-Green stakeholders. The IEC materials developed in this Quarter: (a) Manuals: (i) Cultivation of King Oyster Mushroom; (ii) Vegetative propagation; (iii) Biogas; (iv) The use of organic waste for organic poultry and livestock fodder; (b) Films: (i) Cultivation of King Oyster Mushroom; (ii) Vegetative propagation; (c) Booklets: (i) The making of Lumbricus Rubelus (worm) fertilizer; (ii) Bokashi; (iii) Coconut Charcoal Briquette (CCB). (d) Posters: Save and Protect Watershed Area: For the sustainability of life supporting system from ridge to reef. Performance Indicator 2: Local community members (including women) who are aware of environmental issues and sustainable natural resource decisions that they can participate in. During January and February 2012, we facilitated Kecamatan Workshop. The objectives were to provide a multi-stakeholders forum at (sub) district level to reflect PMPM-Green implementation, improve bad practices and replicate smart practices. We influenced PNPMGreen beneficiaries to make use the integration process to improve the quality of tree planting sub-projects. It is expected that the Green block grant will reach UPK account in mid May, 2012. As such, there will be about four months toward planting activities scheduled in October 2012 (beginning of wet season). The long time project implementation should enable project beneficiaries to develop their own tree nursery. We continuously developed innovative of environmentally sound appropriate technology (Teknologi Tepat Guna/TTG) applicable for rural community and facilitated the adoption to PNPM-Green beneficiaries and surrounding areas. In this Quarter, we have introduced two new innovative green sub-projects: (a) The cultivation of King Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus). The underlined reasons: (i) the cultivation rely on local product. The growth media is made of organic waste: dust saw (serbuk gergaji), rice husk (sekam padi), rice bran (bekatul) and rice straw (jerami); (ii) It is ready to harvest within forty days, harvesting can be conducted until 2-3 months; (iii) It can be developed on various scales, from small into big scale; (iv) Financially sound and easy to

To ensure that Verification Team met with all project beneficiaries candidates, we facilitated the meeting between project beneficiaries and verification team, prior the visit of verification team on the proposed planting sites.

market. We have developed the Film and the Manual which will be delivered on the Tour de Java for NRM Champions (29 April 5 May 2012). Our intensive awareness (via film and discussion) in SE Sulawesi, the menu has been adopted by Welala Village (Ladongi) and will receive 2012 Green Block-Grant. (b) Organic chicken husbandry (poultry): The underlined reasons: (i) rely on local product. The chicken feeding is made of organic waste such as dust saw (serbuk gergaji), rice husk (sekam padi), rice bran (bekatul); (ii) Within three months the grower are ready to sell (IDR 40,000 per kg); (iii) Resistant from pest and disease; (iv) It can be developed on various scales, from small into big scale; (iv) Financially sound and easy to market. Since November 2012, we have developed the pilot in Ladongi (Kolaka). The pilot has been recently visited by several farmer groups facilitated by FEATI (Farmer Empowerment through Agriculture Technology and Information). See Photo. We have facilitated the marketing of PNPM-Green products in Buton District: (a) CCB (Mawasangka): Several fish-grill restaurants in Baubau (such as Raja Rasa etc.) have used CCB for the fish grill and other cooking activities (such as boiling water). BUMDes (Village Owned Enterprise, Kaluku Harapan) is now able to run the machine at least three days with production capacity of 1 ton; (b) VCO (Kaluku Lestari, Mawasangka): We facilitated the establishment of commission (10 % of the selling price) for every one bottle sale; (c) Women group making bags out of plastic waste (Pasarwajo): Marketing is no problem, but lack of plastic waste. We assisted the collection of plastic waste in Baubau to support lack of raw materials. Refer to the results of MAD-II held during the end of March 2012, despite the dominant of tree planting sub-projects; this is the first year where the numbers of funded biogas and CCB sub projects are significantly increase in numbers compared to the past. Project beneficiaries might have relied on the multi-uses of biogas and the economic impacts of CCB. There are also an increase numbers of funded Solar Photovoltaic sub-projects which proven (from 2011 block-grant) to be useful for non electrified settlements. Since March 2012, in collaboration with local NGOs, we have started to use awareness car for disseminating environmental issues on every village (Photo). During March 2012, the car has just completed the tour in Buton. The awareness rising methods: (a) During the day: coordination with key village governments and champions and announcement; (b) During the night (7 10 PM): (i) Socialization on PNPM-Green; (ii) Film Screening; (iii) Discussion by giving list of questions related with films and PNPM-Green Program. To energize participants, we provided prizes for some actives participants (HP voucher, T-shirts and books, about USD 30 in total). Performance Indicator 3.Adoption by regional governments of natural resources governance issues as an integral part of the policy development and decision making process. We mainstreamed environmental issues during Kecamatan Workshop to relevant SKPDs (Forestry, Agriculture, Environmental and Small and Micro Enterprise Development). We facilitated the visits of SKPD to PNPM-Green smart practices in Buton and Muna Districts. We incorporated PNPM-Green awareness rising with Bedah Kecamatan Program. It is a crash programs in Kolaka District aimed to integrate SKPD projects to speed-up

infrastructures development at sub-district level (such as improve road construction, making fish-ponds, rehabilitate settlement areas etc). The implementation of Bedah Kecamatan is led by the Regent (Pak Bupati) and takes one until two weeks. On 14-15 March, in consent of Pak Bupati (Drs. Buhari Matta), we conducted tree planting campaigns on critical land at Poli-Polia Village (non pilot sub-district). Pak Bupati led tree planting campaigns (3 ha) which involved secondary students, government officials and boy-scout (Photo). We provided full technical assistance on the installation and maintenance of biogas initiated by Muna and Buton district governments. As reported on the previous quarter, our efforts on influencing policy have driven Muna District Environmental Agency (MDEA) to replicate 3 biogas units (with 5000 liters digester for three households) in Napabalano and Lawa subdistricts. During this Quarter, MDEA continued to install biogas at Tongkuno Selatan/non pilot sub-district (3 units), Lawa (2 units) and Barangka/non pilot sub-district (2 units) Subdistricts. Similar initiative happened in Buton District; the Agriculture Agency built 2 biogas units for Lasalimu Sub-district (non pilot sub-district). In collaboration with local NGO partner (Gaharu) and Muna District Government (Forestry, Agriculture and MDEA), on 22 March (World Water Day), we facilitated tree planting campaigns involving students, NGOs and government staff. About 120 people involved on the planting campaign and 7 ha of critical land in Katobu Sub-district was planted with Beringin, Kemiri, Nangka, Mahoni and Rambutan. The critical land is a degraded protection forest (logged over area). This area is the head water of Jompi spring which is the source of drinking water of Raha Town. We recommended District Musrenbang to replicate PNPM-Green smart practices: (a) Muna District to replicate biogas and fish aggregating devices (Rumpon); (b) Buton District to replicate biogas and CCB and (c) Kolaka District to stimulate community to use organic farming waste for organic fertilizer, organic poultry and livestock fodders. During Musrenbang in Kolaka, we demonstrated the making of low price (homemade) organic farming waste chopping machine (Photo). Performance Indicator 4: A sustainable capacity among both [PNPM] facilitators and [PNPM] stakeholders of all levels to continue the implementation of locally driven green development investment and to expand its geographic coverage to new areas. In this Quarter, all beneficiary villages of PNPM-Green 2011 have reached MDST. Our facilitation on five selected villages are: (a) Provided technical assistance on each step of tree planting, from designing planting scheme to planting and maintenance; (b) Building commitments among project beneficiaries; (c) Allocated extra seedlings (20 % of the total planted seedlings) for replanting (penyulaman). To replicate Green-PNPM beyond its geographic coverage, we mainstreamed PNPM-Green smart-practices on some national and regional events: (a) Kolaka Expo (24-29 February); (b) Presented PNPM-Green Smart Practices on National Fishery Workshop in Raha (18 March); (c) Presented PNPM-Green Smart Practices on the AgFor (new CIDA project in Sulawesi) Inception Workshop (Quality Hotel, Makassar, 25 January); (d) Presented PNPM-Green Smart Practices on CIDA Green Economy Workshop (Aryaduta Hotel, Makassar, 1 February).

We continuously stimulated Centre PMD (Jakarta) to develop General (Pedoman Umum) and Technical Guidelines (Petunjuk Teknis) on Catchment Area Management Implementation at district level, especially related to capacity building and institutional development. Since December 2011, the Author has been appointed by PMD as member of expert team in the development process of the guidelines. We have also been involved on PMD technical assistance program on catchment area management in the Eastern and Western Indonesia.

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