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Administration of Safety Regulations in Relation to Grade Crossings In Indonesia, there is no single organization which responsible for administration of safety

regulation, there some stakeholders which involved in grade crossings management such as ministry of transportation which is responsible to set up traffic and safety regulation, police department which is responsible in law enforcement, Local Government which is responsible to traffic management (grade crossing infrastructure maintenance, grade crossing closure, etc), and Indonesian Railways which is responsible to railway traffic management and accidents data collection. The newest railway act (UU no. 23/2007) and government decree (PP 56/2009 penyelenggaraan perkeretaapian, dan PP 72/2009 lalu llintas dan angkutan kereta api) peraturan menetri perhubungan no 36/2011 tentang perpotongan dan persinggungan antara jalur kereta api dengan bangunan lain stated that . Articles of these regulations which relevant to grade crossing safety as follows: Railway Act Government Decree Perpotongan antara jalur kereta api dan jalan hanya dapat dilakukan dengan menjamin keselamatan dan kelancaran perjalanan kereta api dan lalu lintas jalan (psl 91) Government Decree Ministry Perlintasan dibuat tidak sebidang kecuali bersifat sementara dalam hal: Letak geografis yang tidak memungkinkan; Tidak membahayakan dan mengganggu kelancaran opeasi kereta api dan lalu lintas jalan; Pada jalur tunggal dengan frekuensi kecepatan kereta api rendah Harus mendapat izin dari direktur jenderal perkeretaapian untuk jangka waktu 1 tahun dan dapat diperpanjang sampai 2 kali

Pembangunan jala, jalur kereta api khusu, terusan, saluran air dan/atau prasarana lain yang memerlukan persambungan,, dan perpotongan dan/atau persinggungan dengan jalur kereta api umum harus dilaksanakan dengan ketentuan untuk kepentingan umum dan tidak mebahyakan keselamatan perjalanan

kereta api, dan wajib mendapat izin dari pemilik prasarana perkeretaapian psl 94 Pada perpotogan sebidang antara jalur kereta api dan jalan, pemakai jalan wajibmendahulukan perjalanan kereta api psls 124

Perlintasan sebidang ditetapkan dengan ketentuan: Kecepatan KA kurang dari 60 km.jam Headway minimal 30 menit Jalan yang melintas adalah jalan kelas 3 Jarak antar perlintasan tidak kurang dari 800 meter Tidak terdapat pada lengkungan jalur kereta api atau jalan Jarak pandang bebas bagi masinis minimal 500 meter dan pengendara kendaraan bermotor minimal 150 meter Jumlah ka yang melintas 25 s/d 50 ka/hari Volume lalu lintas harian rata-rata (LHR) 1000 s/d 1500 ( dalam kota) dan 300 s/d 500 (rural area)

Grade Crossing System evaluation techniques No systematic evaluation of grade crossing safety performance or of the need/justification for upgraded crossing protection is carried put by Vietnam railways. However, some technical evaluation is undertaken, as indicated by the current programme to pilot test the Westinghouse system of train actuated warning signals and protective barriers on the Indonesia railway network. To large extent, the absence of systematic evaluation of safety performance and enhancement is due to the lack of an effective information system, but the fragmentation of management responsibility for safety must also have an imact.

Whi;e the Indonesian railways and lower levels of the organization exercise day-to-day management responsibility for operation of grade crossing and for adherence to government safety regulations, the headquarters unit in Indonesian railway has responsibility for planning And mobilization of capital expenditure, including the expenditure on upgraded grade crossing protection systems. The safety statistic s supporting the case for capital spending on safety enhancement and maintained manually (generally in disaggregated form) at the level of the union railways and are not yet assembled into computerized database at headquarters level. Despite the absence of any systematic and regular evaluation by Indonesian railway grade crossing safety, rules issued by the ministry of transportation contain criteria for setting level crossing upgrading priorities. These criteria, as shown below, essentially distinguish between three categories (or classe) of h=grade crossing on the basis of their combined road and rail traffic density, he categories of roads involved, the location (urban/rural) and their visibility rating; First class level crossing are those were Railway lines intersect with roads of first, second or thrd class classification; Railway lines intersect with urabn roads carrying a dense mix of private and public transport The traffic movement indicator;

Second calss grade crossing are those were Railway lines intersect with roads of fourth or fifith class classification; Rilway lisnes intersect with urabn roads carrying a relatively less dense mix of private and public transport And TM 5000 to 20,000

Third class grade crossing are those which do not satisfy any of the above criteria The road classification used as the basis for these grade crassing criteria are given in table 2222 Additional criteria specified in the grade crossing rules are that; class 1 and 3 grade crossings having a rail traffic density of at least 16 trains per 24 hours require barrier protection; level crossings with at least 12 trains per 24 hours, but with restricted visibility require barrier protection, and branch lines having a traffic density of not greater than 4 trains and 150 road vehicles per 24 hours do not require barrier protection. Tbale road classification

In Zonal Railway No of Accidents Avg daily Avg daily road Traffic Grade at Grade Train Urban Rural Crossings Crossing Traffic Area Area Accident at Grade Crossing/Total

GC Daop 1 Jakarta Daop 2 Bandung Daop 3 Cirebon Daop 4 Semarang Daop 5 Purwokerto Daop 6 Yogyakarta Daop 7 Madiun Daop 8 surabaya Daop 9 Jember Divre I Sumatera Utara Divre II Sumatera Barat Divre III Sumatera Selatan 749 511 493 490 497 456 610 546 456 105 112 186 21 3 13 10 5 8 7 12 6 6 0 8 48,658 33,020 22,695 81,100 42,745 31,038 27312 19,168 23,050 12,538 2% 0.5% 2.6% 2% 1% 1,7& 1,1% 2,1% 1,3% 5,7%




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