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Antibiotics-a drug that cures illnesses and infections caused by bacteria.

Doctors often give people and they have to take a fixed amount of medicine each day for a period of time. Artificial intelligence the use of computer technology to make computers and other machines Atom- the smallest unit of any substance, it consists of a nucleus made of protons and neutrons with electrons traveling around it Bacteria microorganisms that consist of a single cell and some types can cause diseases Black hole an area in outer space where the force of gravity is so strong that light and everything around is pulled into it Data processing the operations performed by a computer in order to store, organize of find information Deep space- space outside our own solar system DNA molecule- a molecule that contains genetic information Electric current- a flow of electricity Energy- a form of power such as electricity, heat or light that is used to make things work Equation- a mathematical statement that shows two equal quantities Galaxy-a huge collection of stars Gene- a part of a cell inherited from the parents of a living thing that control development Gravity- the force that attracts things to the ground Human genome- the collection of genetic information of a living thing Light year- is the distance of how far light travels in space in one year Mass-the amount of physical material in something Microchip-a very small electric circuit made of silicon Microscope- a piece of equipment for looking at things that is too small to se normally Online- to be connected or available through a computer Radioactivity- the energy produced by some elements, for example radium and polonium Radio telescope- a very large piece of equipment that receives and records the radio waves those come from stars and other objects in space Search engine- a program that you use to look for particular information on the Internet Solar system- the sun with the planets that move around it Rocking- to move someone or something backwards and forwards or from side to side in a gentle way Universe space and everything that exists in it Nuclear- the energy produced by changing the structure of the central part of an atom To be aware- to know about a situation or a fact Development change, growth or improvement over a period of time Research- the detailed study of something in order to discover new facts Mould-breaking- to change a situation or to do something in a new way Produce- to make or grow something Unbelievable- something that so unlikely to be true Demonstrate- to show clearly that something is true Length- a measurement of how long something is Time-the quantity you measure using a clock Constant regular over a long period of time Theory- one or more explanations how something works or why did it happen Relativity-the relations between time, mass and length Perceptive-to notice things easily and quickly Appear- when something is different from the way we see it Slow motion- when something appears to be very slow World-famous-to be known by people all over the world Observatory - a study centre or a building with a telescope which astronomers use to study the stars and planets High-powered - very powerful and effective Painstakingly - done or doing something very carefully and slowly Nebulae a very large cloud of dust and gas that exists in outer space Patches an area that is different from what surrounds it Brink- on the edge of finding something new Astronomical -relating to the scientific study of the stars and planets Breakthrough- a discovery or achievement that comes after a lot of hard work Century- any period of 100 years Discover- to find a place, fact, or substance that no one knew about before Prove - to provide evidence that shows that something is true Vastly a vast extent or degree Previously -before the present time, or before the time you are discussing Expanding - to become larger in size and fill more space Further- a longer distance Published - to produce many copies of a book, magazine, or newspaper Far-reaching - affecting a lot of people or things in an important way Shepherd - a man whose job is to look after sheep Petri dish - a flat dish with a lid that is used in laboratories, especially for growing cultures Laboratory - a building or large room where people do scientific and medical experiments or research Ordinary - normal or average, and not unusual or special Double-checked - to check something for a second time so that you are certain it is right Mould - green, blue, or white bacteria that grow on food that is not kept fresh or on other things that are not kept clean and dry

Natural form - existing in nature and not produced or caused by people Penicillin - a drug used for treating infections and illnesses caused by bacteria Effective - someone or something that is effective works well and produces the result that was intended Mass-produced - made in large quantities by using machines Despite - used for saying that something happens even though something else might have prevented it Modest - fairly small, especially when compared with other things of the same type Unassuming - behaving in a quiet and pleasant way, without trying to appear better or more important than other people Involved - someone who is involved in something takes part in it Manufacturing - the business of making goods in large quantities in a factory Navy - the part of a countrys armed forces that can fight at sea Improving - to make something better Accuracy - the ability to do something in an accurate way Artillery - large powerful guns that are used by an army and are moved on wheels or fixed in one place Incredibly - used for saying that something is difficult to believe Complex - something that is complex has a lot of details or small parts that make it difficult to understand or deal with Calculation - a series of numbers or symbols that you write when you are calculating something Engineer - someone who designs or builds things such as roads, railways, bridges, or machines Computer - a machine that stores programs and information in electronic form and can be used for a variety of processes, for example writing, calculating, and communicating on the Internet Huge - extremely large in size Measuring - to find the exact size, amount, speed etc of something using a special tool or special equipment Tubes - a long narrow object similar to a pipe Switches - something such as a button or a key that controls the electrical supply to a light, piece of equipment, machine etc Tons - a unit for measuring weight, containing 2,240pounds and equal to 1,016 kilograms Consume to use Local - in or related to the area that you live in, or to the particular area that you are talking about Dim - not bright Programmable - a machine that is programmable can be given instructions so that it will do something automatically Ground-breaking - using new methods, or achieving new results Biologists - a scientist who studies living things Passing - to give something such as a disease to your children through your genes Result - a piece of information that is obtained by examining, studying, or calculating something Jigsaw puzzle - a picture made of a lot of small pieces that you have to fit together Setbacks - a problem that delays or that stops progress or makes a situation worse Chemicals - a substance used in chemistry or produced by a process involving chemistry Combine - if you combine substances, or if they combine, you mix them together to form a single substance Code - a complicated system of rules, relationships, or instructions Telephone directory -a book containing the names, telephone numbers, and addresses of people and businesses in a area Hereditary - a hereditary disease or quality is passed from a parent to a child in their genes Illness - the state of feeling ill or of having a disease Seem - to appear to be something, or to appear to have a particular quality According to agree with or be the same as something else Machine a piece of equipment that does a particular job by using electricity, steam, gas Lawyer - someone whose profession is to provide people with legal advice and services Notice - to become conscious of someone or something by seeing, hearing, or feeling them Nature - the physical world including all living things as well as the land and the seas Team - a group of people working together Numerical - expressed as numbers, or consisting of numbers Electronic - using electricity and extremely small electrical parts such as microchips and transistors

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