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Bend Family Dentist Many people feel that children do not need to see the dentist, especially if the

y still have their baby teeth. This is untrue. Scheduling your children for bi-y early dental cleanings with a Bend family dentist is one of the best decisions y ou can make to help take care of your child's teeth. By seeing a Bend family den tist you can prevent cavities which can effect the adult teeth that are undernea th. If you begin visits to the dentist early, your child may not have anxiety th at many people feel regarding the dentist as they get older. Making sure that yo ur child receives bi-yearly checkups is an excellent way to help your child have strong, healthy teeth for a lifetime. The thought that baby teeth do not need to be checked by a dentist is very commo n. After all baby teeth fall out and are replaced by adult teeth. However, baby teeth can still become infected with cavities. When baby teeth are infected they can cause future concerns for the underlying teeth. These cavities can hurt and leave your child in pain. By getting bi-yearly dental cleanings through Corners tone Family Dentistry your child's oral health care will be in good hands. Dr. D i Giulio will look for any cavities that surface before they become so bad that they are painful. Many times children have a huge fear of going to the dentist. They do not like i t and may become uncomfortable during the process. However, if children begin vi siting the dentist at a young age, you may be able to eliminate some of the fear and negativeness of having their teeth cleaned. Your child will feel comfortabl e going because they have been through the process since they were young. The of fices at Cornerstone Family Dentistry offer a very family oriented and caring en vironment. Your children, even those as young as two, will be comfortable with B end family dentist, Dr. Di Giulio. The process is made painless. Even parents wh o can sometimes become anxious will be calm and relaxed knowing their children a re in the care of Dr. Di Giulio. Some people feel that children who still have their baby teeth do not need to se e a dentist on a regular basis. However, young children can still develop caviti es. These cavities can have an affect on their adult teeth. Regular dental clean ings at a young age can help to prevent fears and anxiety about going to the den tist. It is best to find a reputable Bend family dentist. If you are considering family dentistry, call Dr. Di Giulio in order to learn more about her dental se rvices for people of all ages.

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