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The tribal women have a peculiar position and status in the tribal society.

In some tribal societies, matrilineal and matriarchal systems exist. Most of the tribal organizations have clearly defined areas of work among the males and the females. Although the work domain assigned to woman is important in terms of sustenance of the family, yet viewed from the value rating of work, they are relatively low in the hierarchy of work domains (superior-inferior domain) (Ambasht 2001). Tribal women in Indian society have been contributing positively to the local economy by participating actively along with men in the pursuit of economic activities to earn livelihood. In reality, women are seen to do more hard work in the fields than women. They participate in all agricultural operations except ploughing. They work in all sectors of indigenous cottage industries, tribal arts, and production of artifacts. conclusion
Women are important part of family life and role in the society is important. They help husband in agriculture, gather forest ingredient in forest, selling and buying from the market, child care and cooking and taking care of the house. As they have more social responsibility they have also more social rights. Society protects their rights also. Girl children are valuable to parents so they get equal or in some cases better treatment from parents. Tribal society has given special status to women by giving privileges of social status.

Social and ritual rights:

Among the best part of women rights is, she is equal partner in the house and society though the male head of the family has rights for maintain house. She has right to involve in rituals, social ceremonies, running house, participation in social activities. As women responsibility is more in some cases they have more rights than men.

Domestic violence: Domestic violence is story of each and every house in this world. Domestic violence is caused due to difference of

opinions between both. In modern world especially in Indian or other developing countries (where religious sentiment is intense) women has to accept to submit whether the cause of fight is right or wrong. But in case of tribal women she has all the right to resist (family separation is discouraged in tribal society tries to reunite) and leave this man and go back to her parents house as society protects her. In case of re-marring another man she can do so but she has to return marriage expenses incurred in her last marriage or what she or her parents get as dowry (marriage expenses) in remarriage. This freedom I think is not there in any of modern society. Also if a man is impotent or sexually weak she has all the reasons to leave him without any problem. Thus ultimately women win in the domestic violence. Except in HALBA tribes (some what civilized) community and rich community where women is not allowed to divorce.
click to view tribal women dance

This Is Jetra festival celebration by tribal girls

Right of freedom:
Right of freedom to select or reject she has but all subject to condition applied by society that is applicable to both men and women. Thus have same freedom as men in their specific daily and other activities in the society. Even in some areas women get more privileges than men. Though

they gain equal rights yet the burden of family responsibility and hard work is more than men. Generally women walk up to 10-20 kms for markets holding heavy load on their head. Sometimes men too help but finally it is responsibility. Men have responsibility of family security, hunting, farming.

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