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Biography of Samuel Beckett:

Samuel Barclay Beckett was an Irish poet, novelist and dramatist. Although he insisted he was born on Good Friday, 13th of April 1906, but his birth certificate sets the date one month later. He pursued his studies at Trinity College, in Dublin from 1923 till 1927, where he studied numerous languages such as English, French and Italian. Shortly after that, he was offered to teach in Paris. There, he met a guy who had totally made a massive influence on him, and his name was James Joyce. Even so, he still continued his writing career while helping out some secretarial work with James Joyce. In 1929, he published his first critical story, "Assumption". On the following year, Beckett wrote a poem "Whoroscope", which had won him a small literary prize. In 1930, he came back to Trinity College as a lecturer. But less than 2 years later, he began travelling around Europe. During his time in London, he published his critical study of Proust in 1931. 2 years later, he went for a Jungian psychotherapy with Dr. Wilfred Bion in the wake of his father's death for about 2 years. In the year 1932, he worked on his first novel, "Dream o Fair to Middling Women", due to some rejections and disagreements from the publishers, he decided to spliore Pricks Than Kicks", and in 1933 it was finally published to the public. 2 years later, he worked on another novel titled "Murphy", and this novel also showed great influence of James Joyce. Then, in 1936, he left for Germany, and during this time he listed and noted his dislike against the brutality of the Nazis, which was taking over the country. On the following year, he returned to Ireland, but after some arguments with his mother, he decided to settle down permanently in Paris. In December, when Beckett refused solicitations of a pimp, he was almost killed, and while recovering in the hospital, he met a woman, Suzanne Descheveaux-Dumesnil. She is a secret civil ceremony in England, and in 1961 they both got married. In 1938, he published a book "Murphy" and translated it to French the ext year. He chose to remain in France at the outburst of World War II and following the 1940 occupation by Germany, Beckett joined te French Resistance, working as a courier. During the next two years, he was almost caught by the Gestapo, but in August his unit was betrayed by a former Catholic priest, and for safety, he and Suzanne fleed their way to South on foot at a small village of Roussillon, in the Vaucluse dpartement on the Provence Alpes Cote d'Azur region. Although Samuel Beckett kept a low profile about him, which he did not really talk about his war activities, during his stay in Roussillon, he helped the Maquis to destroy the German armies in the Vaucluse mountains. While hiding, he began working on the novel Watt, which was expected to be completed in 1945. Because of his efforts in fighting the German occupation, the French government awarded him the Croix de Guerre and the Mdaille de la Rsistance. Beckett has some well-known collections of novels, and they are the series of three novels written in French "The Trilogy": "Molloy" (1947; published in French in 1951; in English, partly translated by Patrick Bowles, in 1953), "Malone Dies" (1947-48; published in French 1951; in English, translated by the author, in 1956) and "The Unnamable" (1949-50; published in French 1953; in English, by the author, in 1957). The other famous play from the same period is called Endgame. After all his great achievements and hardwork, he was proudly to be awarded the Nobel Prize in literature in 1969. In 1984, he was elected Saoi of Aosdna, but unfortunately four years later, he passed away on December 22. His dead body was burried in the Cimetire du Montparnasse, Paris, France. His grave was a huge, massive slab of polished black granite. Engraved into its surface was "Samuel Beckett 1906-1989" and the equivalent information for his wife, Suzanne, who is also buried together with him.

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