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Module PMR


1. 2. 3.

A variable is a quantity where its value is not fixed. A constant is a quantity where its value is fixed. An algebraic formula is an equation that relates several variables with constants.


The subject of an algebraic formula is a variable expressed as a term in terms of other variables.


An algebraic formula can be rearranged to let another variable to be the subject of the formula. The process involves: (a) (b) (c) change the operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; change roots and square roots combined operations and determination of roots and power.



State whether each of the following quantities is a variable or a constant. Example: The number of sides of a pentagon. Constant. Exercise: 1) The age of your parents.

2) The number of colours of the rainbow.

3) The daily sales of PTA Stationaries.

Algebraic Formulae


Module PMR

State the possible values for each of the following variables. Example: The mass (m) of a watermelon, in kg. 2.5 kg Exercise: 4) The volume of food (V) consume by your friends, everyday, in g.


The number of students who scored As in Mathematics in the PMR.


The water charges (q) per month of a school, in RM.



Write formulae based on statements and situations.

An iron pipe measures 95 cm long while a PVC pipe is 7.5 m long. Write a formula for the total length L, in m, of b iron pipes and p PVC pipes. Errors L = 95b + 7.5p Unit in m Units are in m Incorrect because unit is in cm Correct because unit is in m Correct Steps L = 0.95b + 7.5p

Algebraic Formulae


Module PMR



1) Saiful has RMp. After spending RM(q The entrance fees to a museum are RM4 for an adult and RM3 for a child. + 2) per day for a week, the remainder If, on a certain day, p adults and q is RM18. Find a formula for p. children visited the museum, write a formula for the total collection of that day. Solution: Let A = Total collection (in RM) A = (Number of adults 4) + (Number of children 3) A = 4p + 3q


Syafik is b years old. His mother is twice his sisters age. If Syafik is 5 years younger than his sister, write a formula for the sum (S) of their ages.

3) The price of a bicycle is RM500. Write down a formula for the new price, N, if the price is increased by r%.

Algebraic Formulae


Module PMR

Example: Write a formula relating m and n based on the table below. M 1 2 3 4 5 N 3 5 7 9 11

4) Write a formula relating m and n based on the table below. m 1 2 3 4 5 n 3 Solution:

Values of m are substituted here



Solution: From the table: m = 1 => n = 2(1) + 1 = 3 m = 2 => n = 2(2) + 1 = 3 m = 3 => n = 2(3) + 1 = 3

Hence; n = 2m + 1

5) Write a formula relating m and n based on the table below. m -1 0 1 2 3 n -3 -2 -1 0 1

6) Write a formula relating m and n based on the table below. M 0 1 2 3 4 n -5 -3 -1 1 3



Algebraic Formulae


Module PMR

C. Change the subject 1) Given that 3m

2n = 1, express m in terms of n. 3

Common Errors Error 3m

2n =1 3

Correct Steps 3m
2n =1 3

3m 2n = 3 3m = 3 + 2n m=
3 + 2n 3

9m 2n = 3 9m = 3 + 2n m=
3 + 2n 9

Incorrect because 3m is not multiplied by 3

2) Given

1 1 1 + = , express u in terms of v u v 5

Common Error Errors

1 1 1 + = u v 5

Correct Steps
1 1 1 + = u v 5 v+u 1 = uv 5

u+v=5 u=5v
Incorrect because the concept of LCM is not applied

5v + 5u = uv uv 5u = 5v u(v 5) = 5v u=
5v v5

Algebraic Formulae


Module PMR


Given that a2 b2 = 9c2, express a in terms of b and c. Common Error Error a2 b2 = 9c2 a2 = 9c2+ b2 a = 3c + b Correct Steps a2 b2 = 9c2 a2 = 9c2+ b2 a =

9c 2 + b 2

Incorrect because

(9c2+ b2) 9c2 + b2


Given that 2 h + k = 3m, express h in terms of k and m. Error 2 h + k = 3m 2(h + k) = (3m)2 (3m) 2 (h + k) = 2 h= (3m) k 2

Correct Steps 2 h + k = 3m [2 h + k ]2 = [3m]2 4(h + k) = 9m2 (h + k) = h= 9m 2 4 9m 2 k 4

Incorrect because 2 should be squared

Algebraic Formulae


Module PMR

Exercise: 1) Express a in terms of w, if w=

2 3a a

2) Given a = and c

b , express b in terms of a b+c


Given p =

vw , express w in w

4) Given 2k of k and n.

m = m, express m in terms 2n

terms of p and v


Given 3(x z) = 4xy, express x in terms of y and z.


Given f and v.

1 1 1 = , express u in terms of f u v

Algebraic Formulae


Module PMR


Given 5pq = qr 2p, express p in terms of q and r.


Given 2 of T and l

l = T, express g in terms g


Given v =

8 , express x in x+2


Given 5 m n = t, express n in terms of m and t.

terms of v.

D Finding the value of a variable. Example: Given that W = 3a

1 b , find 2

Exercise: 1) Given p = 3q + 5r, find the values of (a) p when q = 4 and r = 3 (b) q when p = 7 and r = 1 Solution:

(a) W when a = 2 and b = 4, (b) b when a = 3 and W = 5. Solution: W = 3a (a)

1 b 2

Substitute a = 2 and b = 4 into

the formula W = 3(2) =62 =4 (b) 5 = 3(3)

1 b 2 1 ( 4) 2

1 b =95 2

b=42 =8
Algebraic Formulae


Module PMR

2) Given k = 2m 3n2, find the values of (a) k when m = 3 and n = -2 (b) m when k = -5 and n = 3 Solution:

3) Given y = 2r 3s + 6t, find the values of

1 2 (b) t when y = 4, s = 3 and r = -1 Solution:

(a) y when r = 3, s = -2 and t =

PMR past year questions 2003 1). Given that 3h = 5k + 4, express k in terms of h. terms of k. 2004 2). Given that
2(p 3) =5, k

express p in

[2 marks] 2005 3). Given of p.

4y - 3 = 2 , express y in terms y+p

[2 marks] 2006 4). Given F = F and k.

3n - nk 5

, express n in terms of

[2 marks]
Algebraic Formulae

[2 marks] 50

Module PMR

2007 5). Given that r2 + 7 = p, express r in terms of p.

2008 6). Given qr + s = p, express r in terms of p , q and s.

[2 marks]

[2 marks]

Algebraic Formulae


Module PMR

CHAPTER 4 : ALGEBRAIC FORMULAE ANSWERS A. Variable and Constant 1) Variable 3) 5) Variable 20 students

2) 4) 6)



B. Formulae 1) p = 7(q + 2) + 18 3) 5) N = 500 + 5r n=m2

2) 4) 6)

S = 4b + 15 n = 3m n = 2m 5

C. Change The Subject 1) 2 a= w+3 3) 5) w= v p +1 3z x= 3 4y p= qr 5q + 2

8 2v v



ac 1 a

4) 6)

4kn 2n + 1 vf u= v f




4 2l T2




n = m

t2 25

D Finding the value of a variable 1) a) P= 27 b) q = 2/3 2) a) k=-6 b) m=11


Y=15 T=
5 2

Algebraic Formulae


Module PMR

PMR past year questions 2003 1). 5k = 3h - 4 3h 4 k= 5 2004 2). 2p - 6 = 5k 2p = 5k + 6 5k + 6 p = 2 2005 3). 4y - 3 = 2y + 2p 2y = 2p + 3 y =
2p+3 2

1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1

2006 4). 5F = 3n - nk n(3 - k) = 5F 5F n = 3k 2007 5). r 2 = p - 7 r = p7 2008 6). qr = p - s ps r= q

1 1 1

1 1

1 1

Algebraic Formulae


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