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Chapter 26 Imperialism Imperialism - the policy of extending a nations authority by territorial acquisition or by establishing economic & political hegemony

over another nation. Hegemony - the dominance of one social group over another 1. What happened in the second half of the 19th century that led to increased hostilities among European Nations? (Min. 3 Sentences) (5pts)

2. What were the three elements that allowed Europe to become an imperialistic power? (3pts)

3. How did the New Imperialism add to the old Imperialism? (3pts)

4. What were the traditional motives for imperialism? (2pts)

5. What were the five plausible justifications for imperial actions that literally stole territory from native peoples? (5pts)

6. How were the motives of Belgium, Portugal, Spain and Italy different from Great Britains motives for territorial grabs in Africa? (3pts)

7. What was behind Bismarcks motives for annexing parts of Africa? (4pts)

8. In addition to Germanys actions in Africa, causing the wild scramble for that continent, what other developments caused fear and pressed forward Imperialistic ventures?

9. What was the impact of Bismarcks Germanys rise to power?

10. Bismarck insisted that Germany was a _______________ power. He wanted to avoid __________. He tried to assuage or sooth ______________ _______________ and supported French ________________ aspirations. If he could not make the French happy he believed he must __________________ them. (5pts) 11. Bismarcks first move was to establish the ____________ _____________ _______________ in 1873, bringing together _________________ _________________ & ________________. (5pts) 12. The outbreak of the _________________ _________________ _________ caused the league to collapse. Russia turned the war into an international incident due to their most cherished goal, ________________ _______________________. Their intervention also reflected the ____________ _________________ ____________________. (5 pts) 13. What was the reaction to the Russian action from the rest of Europe? (3 pts)

14. The Congress of Berlin met under the presidency of __________________________. He referred to himself as an _______________ __________________, and wanted Germany to avoid ____________ between __________________ & ________________________. (5pts). 15. The Berlin Agreement disgruntled most of the Eastern Nations but the most serious troubled spot was ______________________ & __________________________. (2pts) 16. What was seen as two major flaws to the anchor of German diplomatic policy? (2pts)

17. Though aware of this issue, why was Bismarck unconcerned? (2pts)

18. In 1881 what happened between Russia and Germany? 19. Why was Italy joining the Dual alliance a complete success for Bismarck? (2pts)

20. Bismarcks Reinsurance treaty ensured what? 21. Discuss William IIs personality, his beliefs, desires, his differences with Bismarck and the ultimate results of those differences. (10pts) 22. What happened after Bismarcks retirement? (3pts)

23. Why w/in a decade had Germany displaced France as antagonists in English novels? 24. What was the key issue that drove a wedge between Germany & Great Britain? 25. Explain splendid isolationism. 26. What basically drove Germany to antagonize Britain? 27. What was the Kruger Telegram and explain its intent and impact. (3pts)

28. Briefly discuss why Germanys naval policy was an abysmal mistake. (2pts) 29. Briefly outline the thawing of relations that resulted in the Entente Cordiale and the extinction of fears over a possible Russo-British relationship. (7pts)

30. Explain the Moroccan Crises and results. (6pts)

31. How did German bungling turn Bismarcks nightmare into reality? (2pts) 32. How did the Young Turks actions increase tensions in the Ottoman Empire? 33. Explain the Germans Schlieffen Plan. 34. Briefly outline the events that led to WWI. (Page 903) (4pts)

34. Refer to the map on page 906. Identify who fought on Allies side & who fought on AustriaGermanys Central Powers side, then analyze the graph on page 904 and explain why you think one side would be victorious over the other using data from the graph.

35. Describe the Western Front. (5pts)

36. Describe the eastern Front. (5pts)

37. Why do you believe this war left the entire Western World and Russia feeling disenchanted and psychologically damaged? (7pts)

38. What two events opened the way for the United States to enter the war? 39. What caused the Russian Revolution to break out during WWI? (8pts)

40. What radical steps did the Bolsheviks take once they controlled the government? (p.910) (6pts)

41. What did Lenin concede in order to pull Russia out of the war? (3pts)

42. Who were the White Russians? 43. Why did the final German push in the war fail? 44. What were the Fourteen Points? (5pts) 45. With the collapse of the Ottoman Empire at the end of WWI, describe the rise of Ataturk and the nation he created. (4pts)

46. How did the Arab portions of the old Ottoman regime fare? (3pts) 47. Outline the results of the Treaty of Versailles that ended WWI and how it contributed to WWII. (10pts)

48. Explain how Sargents painting is actually a piece of propaganda

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