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Astrology: a pseudoscience claiming divination by the positions of the planets and sun and moon Belief of astrology was

as a prominent world view Not a science but viewed as a real rational authority. Attractive to poor middling sort, prediction enabled them to feel less subject in a hostile environment. Elizabeth 1 consulted with an astrologer. The belief of astrology was strong enough to survive the reformation. Studied and used throughout the world for thousands of years, Astrology is the study of the interactions among the Stars and the Planets, based on intricate mathematical cycles. White Magic: Is used for good purposes: Heal a sick, get a job, the return of the bad husband, or the rebel child, obtain a boyfriend... or make it rain, sunshine, stop a thunderstorm... Practitioners provided valuable services. Practiced by both sexes. Widely available. An aural culture in an illiterate society. Power was attached to the words in the spells. Cunning Folk: People consulted them regarding a wide range of problems, but particularly those concerning affairs of the heart, theft, sickness and most important of all witchcraft. They were multi-skilled, or at least professed to be so. They practiced herbalism, treasure-seeking and love magic. They revealed the identity of thieves and divined the whereabouts of lost and stolen property. The more learned Cunning-Folk also practiced astrology, while the less learned pretended to be masters of the art. The most lucrative aspect of their business was the curing of those people and animals who were thought to be bewitched, and also the trade in charms to ward off witches and evil spirits. Middle class practitioners. Urban. Profit motive. Educated practitioners. Medicine was linked to the supernatural. Witchcraft: It is a supernatural power acquired by contact with evil spirits.

Witchcraft is a spiritual system that fosters the free thought and will of the individual, encourages learning and an understanding of the earth and nature thereby affirming the divinity in all living things. Widely held belief that thoughts could harm. Cursing was the most common form. Emphasis on spoken words. Women who were assumed to be morally weak were thought to be prone to witch craft. Women were seen as a threat in society. Witches have a very strict belief in the Law of Three which states that whatever we send out into our world shall return to us three fold either good or bane. It was thought that witches worshipped satin but this is not the case. They could be found operating openly in towns and villages across the nation and they were a valued part of the community. Some cunning folk were so successful that they began attracting clients from many miles away. Cunning folk could make a good living from their talents, and there usually was a set monetary charge for their services. The money they earned meant they were often considered, especially by the better educated, as frauds and tricksters who got money out of the gullible for parlor tricks; certainly some were caught in fraud such as spying on customers to aid their predictions, repeatedly promising vast treasure which was never found, or accusing innocent people of theft or witchcraft.

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