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/ - slash.. like @ - at a.k.a as known as ASAP as soon as possible i.e.

e. - ou seja 3 in a row 3 em seguida *Budget oramento *Gadget dispositivo/aparelho *Fidget estar irrequieto/pessoa irrequieta Above x Below Forward x Backward AWOL absent without official leave/american way of life DIY do it yourself DUI driving under the influence (drunk driving) Lmao laughing my ass off FTW for the win/being the best, great, awesome, amazing/sure to succeed/ex: Nerds FTW! FYI For your information/For your interest

Aback surpresa (Taken aback pego de surpresa) Abided by obedecer a Ablaze burning strongly (em chamas)/very bright Abridge to make (especially a book) shorter/abreviar/condensar Accurate preciso (to be more accurate) Ache (se l Eike) dor/doer/sofrer Acquaint familiarizar-se/informar Acquaintance conhecido Acquaintance with - conhecimento Adage old saying, proverb: provrbio Adamant inflexvel Adorn to make beautiful, with decorations etc..(adorner) Affidavit sworn statement/depoimento/declarao jurada Affordable acessvel Affront to insult/confront defiantly/offend the pride or dignity of Afloat floating (a flutuar) Aftermath the situations resulting from an important, especially unpleasant, event (seqela) Aghast struck with horror (horrorizado) Ail to be ill/to trouble(afligir) Ailment an illness, usually not serious or dangerous (indisposio) Aim objetivo/mira

Aimless sem objetivo (like aimless walks) Ajar partly open (entreaberto) Alimony obligation to provide financial support to ones spouse after separation or divorce Allegation - alegao Allege to say, especially in making a legal statement, without giving proof Allow permitir Allure seduzir/seduo/fascinar/atrair Aloof distante, distancia de .. Ambush to wait in hiding for and make a surprise attack on/an attack made in this way/the group of people making the attack Amend emendar Amends (Make amends) reparar/compensar Amendments emenda/reforma/alterao Amiable amvel Amiss errado Amongst entre Amount somar/equivaler/quantia Amusing - divertido Anew de novo/outra vez Antsy nervoso/impaciente/apreensivo/restless Appalling horrvel Argue discutir/argumentar Argument discusso/argumento Arrest prender/deter/deteno/parada Arrival chegada/recm-chegado Arson the crime of setting fire to (a building etc) on purpose As though como se Ashore em terra firme Asthma - asma Ashtray cinzeiro Ask out ask someone to go on a date Assail to attack, torment (assaltar) Assailant a person who attacks (assaltante) Assemble reunir(-se)/montar Asset anything useful or valuable/an advantage Assets patrimnio (the total money, property [etc] of a person, company, [etc]) Assign atribuir/designar Assignment - tarefa Associate associar/relacionar-se/adjunto/associado/colega

Assuming supondo Assumption suposio Astonishment espanto/admirao ATM caixa eletrnico Atrocious very bad/extremely cruel Attempt tentative Attire traje/vestir Avail efeito Avenge vingar // avenger vingador Awe espanto/apavorar Awful terrvel/ horrvel Awry in a position thats turned or twisted to one side/away from the correct course Backup reforo/reserve/a copy of a computer file that can be used in case the original is destroyed Badger importunar Bail fiana Bail out pagar fiana/to set a person free by giving such money to a court of law Bald careca Ballistic relating to projectiles/science of projectiles/crazed with anger Bandwidth largura de banda Bang a sudden loud noise(estrondo)/a blow or knock(pancada)/bater/bater forte/estourar Banish banir Batch fornada/lote (a batch of bread) Bawl to shout or cry loudly (berrar) Bedazzle to confuse by a strong light/to thrill or excite (someone) very much Befallen to happen to a person or thing: acontecer Beget (begot) to father/to cause/to produce Begrudge to envy (someone something) invejar Belittle to make to seem unimportant(usually by harsh criticism): depreciar Benchmark em computao: ato de executar um programa a fim de avaliar a performance relativa de um objeto. Bend dobrar/curvar-se Bereft privado/deprivado d algo Berserk furioso/frentico ? Beseech implorar Bestow (with on) to give (especially a title,an award) to someone Betray trair

Beverage bebida no alcoolica Beware tomar cuidado Bigot a person who constantly and stubbornly holds a particular point of view etc (fantico) Blackmail (Ed) chantagear Bladder part of the body in which the urine collects(bexiga) Blade lmina/p(de remo) Blanket cobertor Blast exploso/exploder/toque Blast divertir-se muito (having a blast) Bleach alvejante/desbotar Bleak not hopeful Blemish mancha/cicatriz/estragar Blender liquidificador? Bless you sade Blimp dirigvel Bliss felicidade/ventura Blister bolha(ex: no p) Blitz a sudden,vigorous attack/to make an attack on(usually in war)/bombardear Blizzard nevasca Bloated estufado Blotch - mancha Blow soprar (dont let the wind blow u away) Blow drying secar o cabelo Blow my nose assoar o nariz Bluff blefar/blefe/franco Blur something not clearly seen Boast vangloriar(-se)/gabar(-se) Bombshell a piece of startling news: bomba Bond lao/vnculo Booger meleca de nariz (dried nasal mucus)/a ghost used to frighten children Boost - to expand/to make greater/to improve/impulso Boot bota/porta-malas/chutar Booze alcoholic drink/to drink alcoholic drinks Boredom tdio Bother preocupar/aborrecer Bow curvar-se Brag to boast (vangloriar-se) Brainstorming tempestade de idias Brainwriting tempestade de idias escritas Brandish to wave(especially a weapon) about

Brazen descarado Breach (data breach) quebra/brecha/abrir uma brecha em Brew fazer(bebidas fermentadas)/ fazer(infuses)/preparar(-se) Bribe suborno/subornar Bring up mention or introduce a topic Bristle plo Broad largo/de largura/amplo Brood chocar/ninhada/to think (about something) anxiously for some time Bruised - ferido/machucado Bug me me irritar/me aborrecer Bulk em massa (bulk operations) Bullying brigo/valento/violento Bump into to meet someone by accident Burn out become useless Burp arrotar Burrow toca/cavar Bury (buried) enterrar/sepultar/ocultar Call off - cancel Caloje persuader Canvas lona(cloth)/tela(painting) Canvass to go round asking (people) for (support, votes..) Cash register caixa registradora Cast lanar/arremesar Catch up alcanar Cave in ceder/desmoronar (the roof caved in) Chafe aborrecer(-se)/aquecer por frico/esfolar(become sore by rubbing) Chant to recite in a singing manner/to repeat over and over out loud Chart mapa/cartografar/traar um grfico Chase.. chasing perseguir/perseguio Chasm abismo Chastened castigada/punida Cheat trapacear/trair Cheesy de mau gosto/cafona/brega Cherish acarinhar/acalentar/cuidar com carinho Chide to scold(repreender) Chilly frio Chip(ped) rachar/lascar/rachadura/batata frita/ficha(used in gambling) Chitchat casual conversation/small talk/gossip Choked sufocar/asfixiar/entupir/obstruir

Chop to cut into bits Chortle to chuckle(laugh) gleefully Chunk pedao grosso Claim - afirmar/reclamar/reivindicar/afirmao/reclamao/ reivindicao Clammy damp and sticky (like clammy hands) Clerk empregado de escritrio/balconista/secretrio municipal Cling agarrar(-se) Clipboard prancheta Cloth pano Clutch agarrando Coax to persuade by flattery, by patient and gentle treatment Cobble cobalto/pedra arredondada/consertar(sapato)/remendar Cobblestone (streets) paralelepipedo Cobweb teia de aranha Coddle to treat with great care like an invalid/to pamper (paparicar) Coffin - caixo Come across find by chance Compliment cumprimento/cumprimentar/elogio Comply - to act in the way someone else has commanded or wished (obedecer/acatar) Compromise fazer acordo por meio de concesso/settlement of differences in which each side giver up something it has previously demanded Contest disputa/competio para ganhar uma vantagem ou vitria Contestant a person Who takes part in a contest Contrite deeply sorry for something one has done Cope lidar Corny not original or interesting Corpse cadver Cough - tossir Covet (ed) to desire or wish for eagerly (especially something belonging to someone else)/cobiar Cozy aconchegante Cradle bero/to hold or rock as if in a clerk Craft arte(art or skill)/barco/astucia(trickery) Cram(med) to fill very full/to push or force/preparar pra exame Cramp (like suffering from cramp) cibra/apertar/restringir Crank excntrico Cranky excntrico Crass a very obvious or very great/stupid/insensitive(grosseiro)

Crave implorar/ansiar/desejar ardentemente Craving (like craving a chocolate) desejo/anseio Creep arrastar-se/rastejar Creepy arrepiante/horripilante Crib bero/copier Crimson a deep red colour Cringe to shrink back in fear, terror (encolher-se) Crinkle enrugar Cripple aleijar/danificar/aleijado Cross irritado/zangado/cruz/cruzar/atravessar Crumble desfazer Crust the hard outside coating of bread n pizza/pastelaria/crosta Cuddle aconchegar/aconchego Culprit culpado Curfew an order forbidding people to be in the streets after a certain hour (toque de recolher) Curse amaldioar/praga/maldio Cutlery knives, forks and spoons/talheres Damp umido/umidade Dash arremessar/arremeter/frustrar/travesso/trao Dash off rabiscar/sair correndo/disparar Dashboard a board with dials, front of the drivers seat in a car(painel) Dawdle to waste time especially by moving slowly Dazzle ofuscar/fascinar Deadline prazo de entrega/prazo determinado/tempo determinado Deceive enganar/iludir/desapontar Deed something done/an act(ao,feito) Deem julgar Defuse desativar/to make harmless or less dangerous Delay atraso/demora Demeaning degradante/humilhante Demeanour - comportamento Demote to reduce to a lower rank (rebaixar) Denounce - denunciar Depart partir (depart from afastar-se) Departure partida Deplete to make smaller in amount, number etc (exaurir) Deplore to express disapproval and regret about (something) Deploy preparer/distribuir/to put into use or action Despicable desprezvel Detach destacar

Detachment (the state of not being influenced by emotion or prejudice) imparcialidade/separao/a group(especially of soldiers) Deviate desviar(-se)/to turn aside,especially from a right, normal or standard course Deviation - desvio Devoid (with of) free from or lacking/desprovido Dimple covinha Discern to see or realize/to notice (discernir) Disguise disfarar/disfarce/fingimento/simulao Dismay desnimo Disposable descartvel Dispose of to get rid of Distraught transtornado Ditch vala/abandoner Dodge to avoid (something) by a sudden and/or clever movement (esquivar)/esquiva/artimanha Dodgy arriscado Doodle rabiscar/to make meaningless drawings and scribbles Doused to immerse into liquid/to drench/to extinguish a light or fire/ensopar, extinguir Drag puxar/arrastar/entrave/tragada/chateao Drape to hang cloth in folds(about): drapear Drawer gaveta Drench encharcar Drivel to drool/to talk nonsense (baboseira) Drool babar/baba Drop deixar cair Drop off leave something/someone somewhere Drop out (of) stop going to school or class Dumped largar/despejar/descarregar/despejo Dust poeira/p Easygoing (like.. hes an easygoing person) Eavesdrop to listen in order to overhear a private conversation Education what you learn at school, college Eligible qualificado Embalm to preserve(a dead body) from decay by treatment with spices or drugs: embalsamar Embed(ded) to fix deeply(in something) encravar Embezzle to take (ex: money) from ones use in violation of a trust

Embezzlement act of dishonestly appropriating or secreting assets by one or more individuals to whom such assets have been entrusted Encourage incentivar Endearing afetuoso Endorse to write ones signature on the back of (a cheque) Endorsement - endosso Endure aguentar/tolerar/persistir Engrossing - Occupying one's complete attention; wholly absorbing Enhance to make to appear better or greater (Realar) Enable - possibilitar Entail acarretar Enthrall cativar/fascinar Enterprise empresa Envisage to picture in ones mind and consider Eschew evitar/rejeitar/renegar Essay ensaio/redao Evaluate avaliar/calcular Evaluation - avaliao Eve vspera (like Christmas Eve) Even - par Everlasting endless/continual/unchanging Expand expandir(-se) / dilatar(-se) Fag(got) gay/bicha Fair justo/feira Fancy(cied) estar a fim de Far-fetched afetado/artificial/forado Fare passagem/passageiro Fart peidar Fawn filhote de veado/a light yellowish brown/(of dogs) to show affection (by wagging the tail..) Feasible able to be done(vivel) Fed up de saco cheio/puta da vida Fees (therapists fees) honorrios/pagamentos Fetch - buscar/trazer Figure out find the answer by logic Fill out complete a form Filth sujeito Filthy sujo/obsceno Fissure rachadura/fenda Flatter to praise too much or insincerely/to show, describe someone or something as being better than it really is/gabarse/lijonjeado

Flaw - defeito Flee fugir/escapad (fled) Flick movimento rpido/fazer movimento rpido Fling arremessar/lanar Flock bando/rebanho/to gather or go somewhere together in a group or crowd Flood inundao/dilvio Flow correr/fluir/fluxo Flowchart a chart describing the stages of a process (fluxograma) Flush dar descarga/descarga/corar Flutter - to(cause to) move quickly/esvoaar/palpitao/agitao Fold dobrar/cruzar/recolher/dobra Footage in film and video is the raw, unedited material as it had been originally filmed by movie camera or recorded by video camera Forbearance tolerncia Forecast prever/projetar/previso/projeto Forehead testa Forensic of or concerning courts of law (legal) Forgery(ies) falsificao/the crime of copying documents, signatures, pictures and pretending they are genuine Formidable extremely impressive/arousing fear, dread/inspiring admiration, wonder Forsake abandonar Frazzle to wear away along the edges/to exhaust physically or emotionally: exausto Freak out enlouquecer/pirar/ter um treco Freckles sardas Freshen up refrescar(-se)/renovate/renew Fridge geladeira Frock - vestido Fuck up to make a mistake/to act carelessly or incorrectly Fuel combustvel Fuss unnecessary excitement, worry or activity, often about something unimportant/ too concerned with details Gash a deep, open cut or wound Gather juntar/reunir Gauche desajeitado Gawk an awkward, clumsy person/to gape, stare in a stupid way/ olhar estupidamente Gawp British slang to stare stupidly/ficar de boca aberta/de queixo cado Get along (with) to have a good relationship with

Get laid (or get it on) ter relaes sexuais Gist the main point (ponto principal) Glimpse ver de relance Gloat to look at or think about with wicked pleasure Gloom sadness/a state of not complete darkness Glossy brilhante Gnaw roer Goad to urge or force (a person etc) to do something by annoying (him etc) Gold digger interesseira Goofy pateta/tolo/estpido Gooseflesh pele arrepiada Grade class or year at school/nota/declive/classificar/graduao Greasy gorduroso/oleoso Greed cobia/ganancia Grimace fazer caretas Grind moer/afiar Groove a long, narrow cut made in a surface Groped to search for something by feeling with ones hands/ tatear Grovel rastejar Growl rosnar Gruelling exaustivo Gruesome horrvel Grunt grunhir/rosnar/grunhido Guffaw gargalhar/gargalhada Guise falsa aparncia/disfarce Gullible easily tricked or fooled Gulp engolir/gole Gush jorrar/jorro/to exaggerate ones enthusiasm [etc] while talking/to flow out suddenly and in large amounts Guts coragem (if i had the guts) Hail a taxi chamar um taxi Halt pausa/parada/descanso Handicap desvantagem/deficiencia/prejudicar Handicapped prejudicar/deficiente Hanker (with after or for) - to want (something) Harass importunar/assediar Harbour porto/abrigar/nutrir Harm mischief/hurt/injury Harmful something that is bad for ya Harrowing extremely distressing Harvest colheita/colher

Hassle problema/disputa/brigar/aborrecer Hastily apressadamente/rapidamente Hatched tramar/sair da casca/chocar/portinhola Haul puxar/puxo Haunt assombrar/perseguir/obcecar/freqentar Haven a harbour, a place of safety or rest Havoc great destruction or damage/devastao Hazard arriscar/aventurar Heirloom - herana Hiccup soluo/soluar Hijack sequestrar/assaltar/sequestro/assalto Hinder - atrapalhar Hindsight wisdom or knowledge got only after something (usually bad) has happened Hitting on dar em cima Hive colmia/enxame Hoarse rouco Hoax brincadeira (play a hoax on pregar uma pea) Holler gritar Honk grasnar/buzinar Hoover passar aspirador/a kind of vacuum cleaner Hose mangueira/meia/regar com mangueira Hound co de caa/perseguir Household the people who live together in a house, including their servants Householder the person who owns a house or pays the rent for it Hovel a small, dirty house/ choupana Hover pairar/ficar suspenso no ar Hum cantarolar/zumbir/estar em atividade/zumbido Humming-bird beija-flor Hunch palpite Hurdle obstaculo Hurl - lanar Hush silncio/quieto!/calar Hustle movimento Imply insinuar Impose to place (a tax, task) on someone or something/to force (oneself, ones opinion) on a person/to ask someone to do something which he shouldnt be asked to do or which he will find difficult to do/abusar de/impor Impoverish - empobrecer Income rendimento Indelible (making a mark) that cannot be removed

Ingrown encravado Ink tinta Insolent (of a person or his/her behavior) insulting or offensive Intertwined to unite or be united by twisting or twining together Intruder intruso/intrometido Invoice - fatura Itch coceira/coar Jab to poke or prod (espetar/cutucar/cutuco/pontada) Jabber to talk rapidly and indistinctly/tagarelar Jeer caoar/zomar/to shout or laugh at rudely or mockingly Jeopardize arriscar/por em perigo (jeopardy perigo) Jet lag cansao areo, fadiga de vo Jiggle to (cause to) jump or move jerkily Jigsaw quebra-cabea Jinx m sorte Jittery very nervous and easily upset/nervoso, agitado Jolt to move jerkily/chachoalhar/tranco/choque Jostle to push roughly/empurrar Juggle fazer malabarismo Jumble (up or together) misturar/a confused mixture Jumble sale - bazar Keen ardoroso/perspicaz/cortante Kerb guia Kidnap raptar/sequestrar Kindle to (cause to) catch fire: acender Knob calombo/protuberancia/puxador Knock down derrubar/abaixar Knock out por a nocaute/eliminar Laid back relaxado Lame unable to walk properly(manco)/not satisfactory, unacceptable/to make unable to walk properly(aleijar) Lane caminho/rua/alameda/pista/rota Lapse to cease to exist/to slip,fall,be reduced/a mistake or failure(in behaviour, memory)/a passing away(of time)/cair/ lapso/intervalo Latch trinco(a catch of wood or metal used to fasten a door,etc) Launch lanar/lanamento Laundry lavanderia/roupa lavada(para lavar) Lax descuidado Layer camada/arrumar em camadas Lead (passado de led) levar/conduzir Leaflet panfleto Leak fenda/vazamento/vazar(gs, gua, informao)

Leakage vazamento Leap saltar/pular/pulo Lease (the period of) an agreement giving the use of a house etc on payment of rent/to give or acquire a house etc in this way/contrato de arrendamento/arrendar Leash coleira Lecture conferncia/sermo/dar aula/dissertar Lethargy a lack of interest or energy: letargia Libel difamao/difamar por escrito/the legal term for something written which is harmful to a persons reputation Lid tampa/plpebra Line up(ed) programar/planejar Linger demorar-se/to remain,last or continue for a long time limbs- membros(like..leg,arm..) Loaf a shaped mass of bread(po)/to pass time without doing anything in particular(vagabundear) Loan emprstimo (like bank loan) Loiter to proceed, work etc slowly or to stand doing nothing Look after to take care of someone or something Look for procurar Look up procurar (look up this word on the dictionary) Look up to - admire/respect someone Loss perda Lurk to wait in hiding especially with a dishonest or criminal purpose/esconder-se Mainstream the chief directions or trend of a system of theories, developments, etc.. (corrente principal) Makeshift - improvisado/temporrio Maneuver manobrar (manuver) Maul to injure (person or animal) usually badly: espancar/lacerar Meddle intrometer-se/interferir Mellow meigo/suave/amadurecer Menace ameaa/ameaar Mend - emendar/consertar/reparar/corrigir Merge combine or join/fundir-se/to disappear into Merger a joining together of a business firms - fuso Midget ano Mingle misturar-se Misbehave to behave badly/comportar-se mal Miscarriage aborto/falha Mischief dano/travessura Misfit a person who is not able to live or work happily with others/desajustado

Misread ler mal/compreender mal/interpretar mal Mold/mould frma/moldar Moody mau-humorado Motto lema (like family motto lema de familia) Muddle to confuse or mix up Mug(ged) caneca/cara(slang word for face)/assaltar Munch to chew something with the lips closed (mastigar) Narrow-mind (Ed) mente pequena/pensamento fechado Nephew - sobrinho Network rede/trabalho em rede/cadeia Never mind not important Niece - sobrinha Nos(e)y curioso/intrometido Notwithstanding apesar de Nourish nutrir Nourishment alimento Nuisance a person or thing thats annoying or troublesome Oak carvalho (tree) Obnoxious desagradvel/detestvel Odd estranho/mpar Outbreak a sudden beginning (usually of something unpleasant) Outcast a person who has been driven away from friends etc Outgoing sociable Outline contorno/resumo/esboo/delinear/esboar/resumir Outstanding excellent/very good/not yet paid, done..(pendente) Overcome superar/comovido/dominado pela emoo Overdue atrasado/vencido Overflow transbordar/transbordamento Overweight acima do peso Painstaking cuidadoso/meticuloso Pamper - mimar Pamphlet - panfleto Parrot papagaio Passersby passante Paste cola/massa(used to make pie)/pasta(food-related) Patches remendo/canteiro/remendar Pattern modelo/padro Patterned estampado Paunch pana Paunchy panudo/barrigudo Peek espiar/espiadela Peel descascar/casca Peep espreitar/espiar/espiadela

Pelt to throw (things) at/arremessar/corer a toda velocidade/ chover forte Perform executar/representar Performance the doing of something/the way in which something or someone performs/something done on stage/execuo/ desempenho/representao Perk up reanimar-se Pilgrimage a journey to a holy place/peregrinao Pinch beliscar/apertar/roubar/belisco/a very small amount (pitada) Piss off go away Pissed off angry or annoyed/puta da vida Pitch to set up (armar)/to throw/fall heavily/an extreme point/ponto/arremesso Pitfall cilada/armadilha Pivot girar/the pin or centre on which anything balances and turns/piv/eixo Plague peste/praga/aborrecer Plea a prisoners answer to a charge/an urgent request/ contestao/alegao/apelo Plead alegar/advogar/suplicar(make an urgent request) Pledge promessa/penhor/sinal/prometer/penhorar (to give to someone when borrowing money etc) Plight situao difcil Plot trama/tramar/traar/lote Ploy a plan/a manoeuvre/a piece of business, a little task/ ocupao Plug plugue/tampo/tapar Plummet cair verticalmente Plunge (d) afundar/mergulhar/mergulho Polite educado Portfolio a case for carrying papers, etc/the post or job of a government minister/pasta de documentos/pasta ministerial Posh - elegante/fino Postpone adiar/to put behind in order of importance Poverty pobreza Praise elogio Prank a trick/a practical joke/travessura/brincadeira Prattle tagarelar/tagarelice Prelude an event etc that goes before, and acts as an introduction to, something/a piece of music played as an introduction to the main piece

Premises a building and the area of ground belonging to it/local/ instalaes Prick picar/picada/furinho Prickle formigando Probe investigao/investigar/a long thin instrument used by doctors to examine a wound Procedure the order or method of doing something/procedimento Prod cutucar/to urge or encourage/cutucada Profit lucro/vantagem/proveito/lucrar/tirar proveito Profitable lucrativo (a profitable business) Prompt on time/punctual Prose writing that is not in verse/ordinary written or spoken language/prosa Protrude to stick out/to project/salientar-se (his teeth protrude) Prowess skill or ability Prowl to move stealthily in order to steal,attack,catch/rondar Pry to try to find out about other peoples affairs: espreitar Puff blow in small blasts/small blast of air,wind Purge to make (something) clean by cleaning it of everything thats bad, not wanted/to rid of disloyal members Purr to make the low,murmuring sound of a cat when its pleased Put up with agentar/tolerar Puzzled perplexa Quaint singular Quandary a situation in which its difficult to decide what to do/ dilema Quaver tremular/tremido Queasy enjoado Queer estranho/esquisito Query pergunta/ponto de interrogao/perguntar/questionar Quest- procura/busca Quirk a strange or unusual feature of a persons behaviour/ peculiaridade Quiver tremer/estremecimento Racking ones brain quebrar a cabea Range variedade/alcance/faixa/extenso/cadeia/pastagem/ campo de tiro/fogo/enfileirar(-se)/variar/estender(-se)/ abranger Rank linha/posto/classe/classificar(-se)/absoluto/completo Rant to talk angrily Rash acting, or done, with little caution or thought: precipitado Ravage (d) - devastar Raw cru/em carne viva

Realm reino/setor Recipient - destinatrio Reckon considerar/pensar que Redemption redeno Reeked to smoke, steam/a stench/to emit or exude Regard considerar/ter considerao/olhar/prestar ateno a/respeito/estima Regardless independentemente de Register registro/registrar(-se) Reimburse reembolso:to pay back or compensate for money spent Relent ceder/condescender Relentless - implacvel Relinquish to give up/renunciar a Relish saborear/gosto/tempero Rely contar com/confiar/depender Remain restar/ficar/permanecer Remark observao/observar/comentar/notar Remarkable notvel Remnants remanescente Renowned famoso Reprieve comutar/adiar/perdoar pena/comutao Request pedido/solicitao/pedir/solicitar Require precisar/exigir Requirement exigncia Resort recorrer/local de frias Restrain to prevent from doing something/to control/conter Retract retrair Reward recompensa Ripple ondulao/ondular Rotten (taste) podre/pessimo Rottenness podrido Rowdy noisy and rough/turbulento Rub esfregar Rubble small pieces of stone,brick,etc/entulho/pedregulho Run into encontrar-se com Run out acabar (the food has run out) Sack (me) despedir/saco Sag ceder/arquear/vergar Sample amostra/exemplo/tirar uma amostra/experimentar Scald (a) to hurt (caused by) with hot liquid or steam Scam a fraudulent business scheme, a swindle/fraude, burla Scarlet a bright red color Scattered espalhado/disperse

Sceptic/Skeptic a person who is unwilling to believe Sceptical/Skeptical unwilling to believe Scheming a systematic plan of action/secret or devious plan: plot Schmooze to chat or gossip(for the purposes of self-promotion or to gain some advantage) Scold to criticize or blame loudly n angrily repreender Scorn contempt or disgust/desdm/desdenhar Scour to clean by hard rubbing/to make a thorough search of/ esfregar Scrap pedao/sobra/resto/desfazer-se de/luta/lutar Scratch arranhar/coar/riscar/arrancar/retirar/arranho/ linha de partida Scruffy desleixado Scumbag - usado para dizer que algum imprestvel, um lixo Secluded not able to be seen,talked to etc by other people/far away from other people: recluso Seclusion the state of being away from people, privacy Seething very crowded/very excited or agitated/very angry/ fervilhante/furioso Seldom raramente Self-center(ed)- selfish, egoistic, egocentric Sell-by date prazo de validade Set-up arranjo Settle down acalmar-se/acomodar-se/comear Sever to put an end to/to cut or break off: romper/cortar Severance - ruptura Sew costurar Shade sombra/a slight amount/guarda-sol/escurecer/sombrear/ graduar Shallow raso Shambles baguna Shattered estilhaado/abalado(to upset greatly) Shed irradiar/mudar/soltar Shepherd pastor/conduzir Shield escudo/trofu/proteger(often shield from) Shift mudar/transferir/remover/mudana/turno Shoplifting furto em loja/ roubar loja Shove to thrust/to push: empurrar, empurro Shovel p/revolver com p Shred farrapo/retalhar Shrink - encolher Shun(ned) evitar Shush fazer calar

Sit bolt upright to sit up straight Sizzle a hissing sound/(informal)to seethe with anger or indignation/(informal)to be very hot: chiar, chiado Skip (like skip class) pular/saltar/faltar na aula Slang gria Slash cortar/reduzir/golpe/barra(/) Slate to say harsh things to or about (criticar asperam/e) Slay matar/assassinar Slippery deslizante/escorregadio/instvel/evasivo Slit abrir uma fenda/rachar Slither escorregar/deslizar Slumber sono/dormir Slump despencar/baixar repentinamente/depresso/recesso Smear lambuzar/manchar/borrar/mancha Smirk sorrir tolamente/sorriso tolo Smother to suffocate/be surfeited with an emotion/surround or envelop Snap tentar/morder/estalar/falar bruscamente/estalo/fotografia /sbito Sneer to raise the top lip at one side in a kind of smile that expresses scorn/dizer com desprezo Sneeze espirrar Snicker to laugh in a sly or derisive, partly stifled manner or broken laugh Snoop to make secretive investigations into things that dont concern oneself (bisbilhotar) Snore roncar Snotty dirtied with nasal mucus/arrogante Snuggle aconchegar-se Soar voar alto Sob soluar Socket tomada Sorority fraternidade/repblica de garotas Sour azedo/azedar Spare - livre/vago/extra Spicy ardido/apimentado Spinster a woman whos not married solteira Spit cuspir Spite (verbo) - aborrecer/irritar Spoil mimar(hes a spoiled kid)/estragar(dont spoil things) Sponsor patrocinar/patrocinador Sponsorship patrocnio Spooky suggesting the presence of ghosts

Squabble brigar/briga Squander to waste Squash esmagar Squeal guincho/guinchar Squeeze apertar/abrao/aperto Stain mancha Stand (tv stand) estante/suporte Standstill pausa/paralizao/imobilizao Staple grampo/grampear Statement declarao/confirmao/afirmao Staunch firm/trusty: leal Stench fedor Stinky smelly: fedido Stir tumulto/agitao Stood her up dar bolo/no aparecer Store clerk - balconista Stout resistente/firme/corpulento Straggler espalhar-se/desgarrar-se/desalinhar-se Strain esforo Strand of hair fio de cabelo Strangle estrangular Strapless (top) sem ala Straw palha/canudo Stream riacho/corrente/fluir/tremular/turma Strife conflict, fighting or quarrelling: conflito Strive empenhar-se/to try very hard or struggle/batalhar/ esforar(-se)/to devote serious effort or energy Stroke golpe/batida/penada/pincelada/remada/tacada/ movimento/ao/ataque/afagar/afago Struggle lutar Stumble - tropear Subdue subjugar Subdued deprimido Submit submeter-se/entregar-se/apresentar Subscribe subscrever/assinar Subtle - sutil sue (sued) processar Suffice bastar/to be enough for a purpose or person Sulk to show anger or resentment by being silent/moodily silent Sunbathe tomar banho de sol Sunlit ensolarado/lighten up by the sun Surround rodear/cercar Survey exame/inspeo/vistoria/pesquisa/avaliao

Sustenance sustento/alimento Swaddle to wrap (a baby) in bandages/to restrain as if by wrapping with bandages Swagger fanfarronear/andar fanfarro Swap - trocar Swathe embrulhar Sweep varrer Swell dilatar/inchar Switch interruptor/mudana/varinha/mudar/desviar Switchback montanha-russa Syrup xarope/calda Tacky distasteful or offensive/pegajoso/grudento/lacking style or good taste/neglected and in a state of disrepair/cafona Taint estragar/corromper/mancha Takeout (Japanese takeout) pra viagem Tame domesticado/mando/montono Target objetivo/alvo/mira Taunt zombar/zombaria (ing zombeteiro) Tawdry cheap in nature or appearance/shameful or indecent/ cheap, showy and of poor quality Thaw derreter/descongelar Thighs coxas Third wheel the person who is the outsider when theres a group of 3/the extra, unnecessary person in the group of 3 Thirsty com sede Thrash surrar/debater-se/vencer facilmente Thrive crescer/prosperar/desenvolver(-se) Throng multido/aglomerar(-se) Thump pancada/bater Thwart (ed) impedir Tickle fazer cscegas Tied up amarrado Tip-toe to walk or move quietly on ones toes Toss jogar/lanar/sacudir/agitar/jogar fora Tousle to disarrange or rumple/disordered or disheveled(hair) Track localizar/seguir Track down - rastrear Trail rastro/pegada/pista Trap armadilha Treacherous traioeiro/perigoso Treachery - traio Treason disloyalty to, or betrayal of, ones own country/traio Trespass entrar sem permisso/invaso

Tricky a bit difficult Trim aparar/enfeitar/marear/bem cuidado Trivia insignificncias Trivial insignificante/only interested in unimportant things/not at all serious Trump in some card games,any card of a suit which has been declared to rank higher than the other suits: trunfo/trunfar Tumble to (cause to) fall, especially in a helpless or confused way/a fall:tombo Turn down recusar/reduzir Twinge dor/pontada Twitch puxar/puxo Unbearable insuportvel/intolervel Uncharitable selfish Unravel desvendar/desfiar/decifrar Upbringing educao (o que vc aprendeu dos seus pais, de familiares) Vagrant a person who wanders from place to place without a home (vadio/vagabundo/mendigo) Vain vaidoso Venture aventura/aventurar(-se)/arriscar(-se) Vertigo dizziness, especially as brought on by fear of heights Void vazio/vcuo/sem nada/desocupado Voucher comprovante Wag abanar (the tail of a dog) Wage to carry on or engage in(especially in a war)/salrio(usually weekly rather than monthly) Wager aposta/apostar Wagon carroa/carrinho/vago Waif criana abandonada Wail gemer/lamento/lamentar/to grieve or protest loudly Waiver abandono/renuncia/desistncia Wallow to roll about with enjoyment Warrant justificar/apostar que/mandato Warrior guerreiro Waterproof a prova dgua Weasel out to go back on a commitment/to evade a responsibility (find a sneaky way to not do something) Whim a sudden desire or change of mind Whine gemer/choramingar/lamuriar-se Whinge to complain or protest Whip (ped) up - bater Whistle assobiar

Whoosh a swift movement or explosive rush/a sibilant sound Wicked very bad or wrong Widespread muito difundido Wiggle ondular/sacudir Willpower fora de vontade Wilt murchar Withdraw afastar/remover/retirar/tirar witness testemunha Worship adorar/cultuar Workbench a table or bench in which manual work is performed, as by a machinist, carpenter or jeweler Workshop oficina Wound (ed) ferido Wrath violent anger(ira) Wreck destruio/algo que est destrudo, arruinado Wreckage destruir/destrudo/os restos de algo destrudo Wrestle lutar corpo a corpo/lutar Wring torcer/contorcer as mos Wrinkle rugas Writhe to twist violently to and fro,especially in pain or discomfort: contorcer-se Yank puxo/puxar Yawn bocejo/bocejar Zenith the highest point: the sun reached its zenith at midday.

Frases* =)
Once seen, never forgotten. Without knowledge of despair, was hope real or only an untasted thought? Absence makes the heart grow fonder. No strings attached. The scars had taken years to heal. Life just worked this way sometimes. Seal the deal. Let me get this straight. When you know, you know. I got through each day and the only thing that kept me going was the hope that tomorrow would be easier. But it wasnt. Everyday was exactly the same. Horrific, unbelievable.

Dont let him be gone from my life again. Expect the unexpected. How can I get rid of you? You scared the hell out of me. Hes way out of my league. Feed your faith and your doubts will starve to death. Love is like a war; easy to begin but very hard to stop. Sometimes the pain is the only thing that reminds us that we are still alive. Great minds think alike Great minds discuss ideas average minds discuss events small minds discuss people Forbear to judge, for we are sinners all. The stars are always there, even in the daylight. Sometimes we just cant see them. Im looking forward to do it. The best way to hold on is to let go. Where do yoga classes are held ? When the cats away, the mice are at play. Been there, done that. Much rain wears the marble. Little by little does the trick. Time wounds all heels. If you wish to reach the highest, begin at the lowest. All things flow, nothing abides. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder (beer holder). They would if they could, but they cant so I should. Quanto tempo faz que vc no fala com ele ?(How long has it been since you spoke to him?) Ill call you when I have arrived and leave a number. "I've lived"- eu moro(ainda moro); "I lived" - eu morei(no moro mais). If I saw something like that (se eu VISSE algo assim) If I had seen something like that (se eu TIVESSE VISTO algo assim) I was reading a magazine and all of a sudden I stumbled upon the word MAZE, so I'm going to look up this word on the dictionary. She has faced a lot of difficulties throughout her life. She has been through a lot. She has probably overcome most of the obstacle she has encountered in her life. It hasnt been easy. I felt my ears pop due to the change in the altitude. Love is the wisdom of the fool and the folly of the wise. Sorrow looks back, worry looks around and faith looks up.

Had it shrunk? God never gives you more than u can handle.

Expresses* =)
A bit dull boring Above-average acima da media Bear with me its a request for patience or tolerance Beside the point not important Blowing it out of proportion when someone overreact Boost for my ego lift the ego, the self-esteem/aumentar o ego Cant sleep a wink Crank it up a notch - stimulate, increase one's efforts, intensify Cut to the chase to get to the point and without wasting time Done the deed when someone feels guilty about doing something and not wanting to talk about the actual act or in the sense of finally overcoming reluctance to do something unpalatable that we havent been looking forward to Face-off bate-boca/confronto Fair and square in an honest way and without any doubt Fill in - To provide with information that is essential or newly acquired/To act as a substitute Fill out - To complete (ex: a form) by providing required information (carefully filled out the job application)/To become or make more fleshy Flush the toilet dar a descarga Fond of you gosto de voce Fool around to engage in idle or casual activity/to engage in frivolous activity; make fun/To engage in casual, often promiscuous sexual acts/hook up Get ahold of communicate with someone/obtain something Get stoned the effect of getting high/drunk Good riddance Im happy to have got rid of it, him, etc.. Grow apart (grown) to become distant, have changed Have a crush ter uma queda (por algum) He went ballistic he was insanely angry Head over heels completely Hook up make a connection between components in a system/ to make out with someone/to have sex with someone

I didnt do it on purpose - no fiz de propsito I have taken a tumble on the street levei um tombo na rua I'll get you rung up. I'll ring that up for you - passar no caixa e gravar sua compra Im full estou cheia(food) Im wasted stoned/high/chapado/bebado In advance beforehand, ahead of time Its up to you voce que sabe Left to my own devices to allow to do as one pleases Lump in my throat Make out - The act of kissing fervently, while also engaging in various acts of rubbing,touching/To discern or see, especially with difficulty/To understand Mind-blowing - Intensely affecting the mind or emotions: a mindblowing horror story. Mind you,.. Mouthful / Handful of beans My bad foi mal On a daily basis diariamente On the dole unemployed and in receipt of state benefit Paunch-bellied man Period due Pluck my eyebrows tirar a sombrancelha Pluck(ed) up the courage force oneself to overcome fear or timidity Plug in to connect up (an electrical apparatus) by inserting its plug into a socket Put off to postpone or delay/to confuse/to cause to lose interest in/adiar Put up with to endure something without complaint Shove it up your ass Split the bill dividir a conta Take for granted nao dar o merecido valor, no valorizar!! Take its toll - to cause harm or suffering This love has taken its toll) Take off ir embora That stuff went way over my head It means I have no idea what the stuff is about The dinner is my treat (trit) O jantar por minha conta. The last straw a gota dgua Things are looking up - things are getting better/improving Though ( like.. that was a good try, though)

Thought, tough(stiff,hard), though(as though, even though), through.. Throw a party/have a party..NOT make a party, DO a party Tying the knot getting married Unhook the clasp desenganchar o fecho When the bus came I hopped on subi no onibus With all due respect Wreak havoc to cause a lot of trouble or damage/causar estragos, danos You know the drill - to know what needs to be done or what usually happens in a situation/to know what to do You nailed it you got it right, did well.

Appliance Artery clogger Assessment Berate Besmirch Bilking Blister Blunt Box of pads absorvente? Brainwash Bunk off Change lanes mudar de pista? Chivalrous Clout Compunction Concierge Cracking up Cussing Devolved Double check DUI Endorse Eye patch Eye socket -

False pretenses Fizzled out Flippant Fortress Fuzzy FYI Godmother Going through the motions Gripe Gross Gurney Halved Heads up Heave out Heist Hickey Hostage Hype Intern estagirio? Jaw-dropping Jerk off Jitter Jot down on the paper Kickass Left over Lobby Long for Make room Meltdown Moron Muffed Newswire Nonchalant Onslaught Outage Outlet Perk Pervy Power cable Pull it off Registry Reminiscing Retaliate -

Rhetorical Sabbatical Sacked (I was sacked) Scam Schmuck Set up Slaughter Slavery Slob Smoldering Snatch Snivel Snob metida? Snogged a guy Snot Socket tomada/ Solace Sparkle Spellbound Spittle Split up Stack Stairway Stairwell Starch Stash Statement Stammer Stealth Stifle Stockbroker Thesis Upholstery Uptight certinho(cheio de convenes e atitudes conservadoras)? Warfare Panting seems to help the spasms.

Expresses usadas na Informtica

Backup fazer uma cpia dos dados e programas para evitar a perda dos mesmos

Browser - navegador Bug uma falha no programa Copyright direitos autorais Customize personalizar, configurar de acordo com o seu gosto Fix a bug consertar uma falha Glitch o mesmo que bug, porm normalmente relacionado a falhas que impedem o programa de funcionar GO down cair (conexo)/like: my internet went down.. Malfunction quando o programa no funciona direito Phishing informaes reunidas sobre a vtima para sacar dinheiro da conta bancria. Reactivate reativar Reboot - reiniciar Report a bug denunciar uma falha Update - atualizar Upgrade melhorar, tornar (computador) mais rpido, eficiente.. Upload carregar dados para internet

Chill out fica frio? On the piss na gandaia/na farra? Bounce back dar a volta por cima/se recuperar Diss desrespeitar Tore up feio/a Biggie algo importante ou de sucesso Riot algo muito engraado Whiz gnio, algum muito talentoso Jam problema, situao difcil Hes having the time of his life at our expense -

*I have a flight to catch My flight leaves at

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