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Summary introduction sentence author text type title textsource publish date main topic summary most important

informations (1/3 rule) Dos own words 1/3 rule connectives linkin words avoid repetitions Donts details examples judgement interpretation background knowledge own opinion create suspence direct speech Helpful Words Describing Trends

charts barchart, pie chart, line chart, X axis, Yaxis

Reporting words These words are useful for integrating references into your writing. Suggest(s) (that) Argue(s) (that) According (to) Outline(s) Focus(es) on Define(s) Conclude(s) (that) State(s) Mention(s)

Maintain(s) (that) Found (that) Promote(s) Establish(ed) (by) Asserts (that) Show(s) Claim(s) (that) Report(s) Address(es)
Emphasis Undoubtedly Indeed Obviously Generally Admittedly In theory/fact Particularly Especially Clearly

Linking words and phrases Sequence Cause First, firstly, second, secondly, third, For thirdly because next, last, finally since in addition, moreover as furthermore because of also to cause In conclusion, to summarise Effect The first So The/a second. as a result One.. as a consequence Another .. therefore An additional. thus Addition consequently In addition hence Furthermore to result from Also due to and as a result/consequence as well as of to result in to affect Comparison Contrast Similarly However Likewise Nevertheless Also Nonetheless Too Still as Although, Even though, just as though and but like yet just like Despite , In spite of similar to In contrast, In be similar to/ the same as comparison be alike While, whereas not onlybut also On the other hand to compare to/with On the contrary But

Example For example For instance That is Such as Including Namely

addiction to be addictet to to be dependant on health to be healthy

criticize satirize ridicule mock condemn convey intention symbolizes implies exaggerate superficial

Sucht schtig sein abhngig sein von Gesundheit gesund sein

--> kritisieren --> satirisch darstellen --> lcherlich machen --> verspotten --> verspotten --> vermitteln --> Absicht --> symbolisiert --> darauf hindeuten --> bertreiben --> oberflchlich

English topics The life 15 years ago (How was it and what changed till today?) Tech addiction (Who has problems and why?) How much do you use different things ( internet playing games, social networking sites, MP3 Player, Blackberrys, TV, Laptop) Smart phone addiction in general Smart devices and Networking options WOW Smooking and Drinking analysing cartoons and caricatures headline subheadline caption speech bubble foreground background message berschrift zweite berschrift Bildunterschrift Sprechblase Vordergrund Hintergrund Botschaft

prepositions in cartoons or picture analysis in the picture above ber below unter

describing a picture 1. Read the title or caption first. Then look carefully to see what the main theme of the picture material is. (Example: The cartoon positive proof of global warming painted by an unknown artist should show the viewer the development of the global warming, as a funny metaphor for that the painter uses the shrinking of female panties in the same time period.) 2. Describe the picture material systematically (describe just things you want to use later or which are related to the meaning of the comic) analysing an picture 1. for a picture/photo What is the artist/photographer trying to say? How does he say it (technique/colour/...)? What effects does it have on the viewer / me? 2. for a poster/cartoon Who was it made for (newspaper, charity, political or advertising campaign)? Where and when did it appear? What is it trying to say/criticize/encourage people/me to do? 3. Own meaning Struktur Cartoon Einleitung Was sagt der Cartoon aus (in my opinion the cartoon is supposed to) Beschreiben mit welchen Mitteln sag der es aus Own oppinion (ist der cartoon gut?) Comment / model version (elaborate version) introduction1: Smoking is always an important topic at schools because many teenagers start smoking in young years. We often hear about different activities to stop teenagers from smoking. So it makes sense to discuss the question if all these measures are useless or not. Struktur Kommentar (siehe Deutsch) Einleitung (siehe oben) (aktuelles Ereignis o..) Pro und Contra Argumente (linear/laufende Antithetik/Antithetik im Block) Synthese (Kompromis) Schluss (Eigene Meinung, Fazit, Appell, Ausblick)

Unternehmenskulturen Gemeinschaftliche Unternehmenskultur -offener und freundlicher Arbeitsplatz -Focusierung auf Gruppenarbeit und Strukturen -Entwicklung der Mitarbeiter ist wichtig -niedrige Hierarchien Erschaffende Unternehmenskultur -schneller, innovativer Arbeitsplatz -Betonung auf Langzeitwachtum -Entwicklung und erschlieung einzigartiger Produkte und Recourcen -Marktfhrerschaft -individuelle Freiheit und persnliche Initiative sind wichtig -es wird ermutigt Risiken einzugehen Kontrollierte Unternehmenskultur -straffe Strucktur und sehr formell -gut durchorganisiert und effizient -Systemstabilitt Wettbewerbsorientierte Unternehmensfhrung -Wettbewerbs und Zielorientiert -Betonung auf Gewinn -Erfolg bedeutet Marktteilhabe -Marktfhrerschaft, Erfolg und Ansehen wichtig Recent trends in the workplace flexitime: Gleitzeit Angestellte arbeiten eine feste Zeit von Stunden, aber knnen Anfang und Ende frei whlen hotdesk: Man kann an jedem freien Schreibtisch oder PC arbeiten. Jobshare: Verantwortungen und Gehalt eines Arbeitsplatzes auf zwei Personen aufteilen, die zu verschiedenen Zeiten arbeiten.

Comment writing Step by Step question: Does it sense to teach pupils about the benefits and dangers of social networks at school? 1.) Think about which aspects of the question are important (here: school, benefits and dangers, social networks) 2.) Take notes: Make a list of the different arguments in in favour of the question and against it and decide about your own opinion 3.) Make a ranking of the arguments (which argument isimportant which is not so important) 4.) Write the introduction either relating to recent events or discussions or to the text. If you are not sure how to put the question into your own words copy it. ("...") 5.) Start with the strongest arguments against your opinion: " I would like to look at the counter arguments first." Link the arguments with suitable phrases (furthermore, moreover....) 6.) Lead over to the pro arguments: "On the other hand we also have to consider the arguments in favour of the question." Start with the weakest argument and finish with the strongest (use linking phrases" 7.) Write a conclusion, stating your own opinion and give reasons for it. example: You can see that the positive arguments outweigh the negative ones and therefore come to the conclusion that it makes sense to teach young people about the benefits and dangers of social networks at school Construction of comment arguments ---------+ ++ ++++ ++++++

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