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alternative sign languages Associate in science degree associate member association

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sistema de comunicaci alternatiu grau associat amb les cincies persones associades associaci enfoc bilinge i bicultural

sistema de comunicacin alternativo grado asociando con las ciencias personas asociadas asociacin

are developed and used by some groups of hearing people for various special proposes refers that the people doing the training for two years to be interpreter, in this case, given a title which is called, Associate in science degree, because they have completed their studies (grau superior) Are the people who stay in the organization group of people who come together because they have same way of thinking, the same way of being, the same culture ... that deaf people are in contact with both the as deaf culture as hearer culture as their respective languages.

bilingual and bicultural approach bicultural identity Bilingual and bicultural school blind

enfoque bilinge y bicultural

identidad bicultural escuela bilinge y bicultural

identitat bicultural escola bilinge i bicultral cec


the identity bicultural is the situation who have the deaf community. On one side is their culture and also have the oralist culture. are schools where deaf children learn sign language (as the vehicular language) and spoken language alike. So students are immersed in two cultures. a blind man is a person who can not see. this person is deprived of sight.
borrow a language is do a relation between these language and a person or between these language and other language the bylaw is the set of rules to be followed by law. coda is a person who was raised by a deaf parent or guardian Is a system where codes are used to convey a message. Attempt to represent a spoken language in a manual form, are usually invented by hearing people coherent translation, refers to a translation that is reasonable and makes sense of what is said. is important that the interpreter and the receiver understand the meaning of the phrase


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bylaw CODA
code system coherent translation

reglament intern CODA

sistema de comunicaci augmentatiu traducci coherent

reglamento interno CODA

sistema de comunicacin aumentativo traduccin coherente

communicatio n



process to transfer some information between a sender and a receiver

contemporary deaf history continuing education

convey cued speech Deaf deaf adult role model deaf child Deaf community


histria contempornea dels sords educaci contina

transmetre paraula complementada sord referent adult sord nen sord comunitat sorda

historia contempornea de los sordos

is the stage where you have more information of the deaf community

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educacion continua
transmitir palabra complementada sordo referente adulto sordo nio sordo comunidad sorda

the continuing education are activities and programs are theoretical and practical learning that takes place after the mandatory training and that may continue for a lifetime
broadcast or pass a message to a person/people system that allows communication with hearing impaired people through the simultaneous use of lipreading, which corresponds to the word, and a series of manual supplements, which have no linguistic meaning and complement the word person who for some reason can't hear

is a child with a hearing impairment. Can range from slight to severe

The deaf community is a group of deaf and some listeners who have a common identity and share their own language; the sign language and values, customs and culture. are various options that have deaf people in education, for example the oralist method or bilingual method in integration schools or ordinary schools etc
are specific centers of education for the deaf people. place where deaf people meet to talk, share different views and have fun

deaf education
deaf education center deaf nests


educaci dels sords

educacin de los sordos

centro de educacin de sordos sordos que se

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centre deducaci de sords agrupament de sords

deaf parent Deaf People deaf population

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pares sords persones sordes poblaci sorda

ajuntan padres sordos personas sordas poblacin sorda

are parents with a hearing impairment. Can range from slight to severe people who have hearing impairment and they can't hear refers at all the people who are deaf or have hearing problems

Deaf President Now Movement

deaf school Deaf sign languages

rector actual del moviment sord

escola de sords llengua de signes prpia de les comunitats de persones sordes primera llengua

rector actual del movimiento sordo

escuela de sordos lengua de signos propia de las comunidades de personas sordas primera lengua

is the highest authority in the movement for the Deaf community, that person is chosen by the community. Its goal is to make decisions
are a specific school where deaf people go to have an education.

is a natural language expression and gesture configuration space and visual perception, through which the deaf people can establish a channel of communication with another people who understand these language
when we grow, we need that the adults give we a language for we can communicate, as soon as possible

early language

educational assistant education program for the deaf extended family family awareness
face- to face meeting foreing sign language 15

programa deducaci pels sords famlia nombrosa

programa de educacin para los sordos

are the different possibilities of education with deaf people. egColleges of integration, mainstream schools, the bilingual method,oralist method .. erc extended family is considered to consist of one or two ancestors with 3 or more children, whether or not common, or with two children if one is recognized as disabled refers to information that may have relatives on the deaf person, such as deaf culture, Deaf education etc.
place where, interpreter, emissary and receptor, are looking to communicate are the sign language that don't belong to our country, for example, American Sign Language


familia numerosa

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concincia familiar
reunions cara a cara llenges de signes estrangeres

consciencia familiar reuniones cara a cara lenguas de signos extranjeras

formal pharameters

parmetre formatiu

parmetro formativo

are the pharameters that we use to represent a sign Gallaudet University is a federally chartered university for the education of the deaf and hard of hearing located in Washington. It was the first school for the advanced education of the deaf and hard of hearing in the world, and is still the only higher education institution in which all programs and services are specifically designed to accommodate Deaf and hard of hearing students difficulty or inability to use the sense of hearing due to hearing loss is one of the format parameter. Where we structure the signs child who can hear community of hearing people and deaf oralist Family that can hear and dont have hearing problems people who have hard of hearing parents that can hear person who in future will be interpreter, and now have to practice to done her/his job well in the future studies that do for work to interpreter in the future it is an act of communication consists in passing the original content of a message issued in another language. For example del Catalan we pass de message in Catalan sign language in the context, means a requirement that each interpretation requires. For example in the consecutive consecutive interpreting requires more time than simultaneous interpreting the interpreter does his/her job, interprets what the emissary says in another language that receptor can understand

Gallaudet university
hard of hearing handshape hearing child


universitat de Gallaudet
problemes daudici configuraci manual nen odor

universidad de Gallaudet
problemas de audicin configuracin manual nio oidor

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hearing community
hearing family heraringimpaired hearing parent s interpreter trainee interpreter training

comunitat odora
famlia odora persones amb problemes auditius pares odors intrpret de prctiques formaci dintrpret

comunidad oiente
familia oidora personas con problemas auditivos padres oidores interprete de prcticas formacin de interprete interpretar



interpreting requires interpreting service

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requisits dinterpretaci servei dinterpretaci

requisitos de la interpretacin servicio de interpretacin

linguists linguistic structures languages signs location

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lingistes estructures lingstiques llenges signades localitzaci

lingistas estructuras lingsticas lenguas signadas localizacin

people who have studied linguistic studies or they is dedicated to studying the science of language.
are all the parts that has the linguistic the languages that for you understand you have know sign specific place where you will find a person or thing

mainstream school
manual alphabet mental processing memb ership movement native language non-deaf sign languages non native sign languages

escola dintegraci
alfabet manual agilitat mental

escuela de integracin
alfabeto manual agilidad mental

allow the insertion of those children with special educational needs in ordinary system education, recognizing that diversity and differences are part of the human being and society.
system of representation, oral-symbolic, iconic, of the letters the alphabets of spoken-written languages thanks to the hands mental agility is the speed of thought to sort, extract the main ideas and make timely decisions. In the simultaneous interpreting is very important the mental processing person has capacity to influence the minds of people in a group of people, making this team to work with enthusiasm, but the reality can be different, in achieving goals and objectives

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lideratge moviment llengua materna llengua artificial que la poden utilitzar totes les persones. llengua de signes superposada

liderazgo movimiento lengua materna lengua artificial que la pueden utilizar todas per las personas lengua de signos superpuesta organizacin sin nimo de lucro

state of a body while changing place or position (the same body, or only a part of the body)
the language that parents give us since we are born is the language who use the people who can hear or no. These language isnt official. Normally small groups use that. Isnt understood by society, groups invent these language is aimed at people who have learned sign language after learning their language of birth

non profit organization


organitzaci sense nim de lucre

an a nonprofit organization is a organization that aims to support a primary aspect of public or private interest without commercial purposes

notation official recognition orientation polite sign

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notaci reconeixement oficial signe de cortesia

notacin reconocimiento oficial signo de cortesa

refers that the profession of interpreter is recognized as a common use for the society all those signs that people use to refer to others with courtesy and respect Pride can be defined as the exaggerated self-esteem or high, although not always have negative connotations. Pride can also be associated with noble motives are. the school taught by the first language through the writing when you finishez yours studies to be interpreter and you get your degree you are a professional interpreter public gathering of people parading to give his opinion or assert something. In the case of deaf people is important the vindication of their rights and recognition a person who help for some items that it need for the interpretation service

pride print
professional interpreter

orgull impressi
intrpret professional

orgullo impresin
interprete profesional

protest march
provider of interpreting service


provedor del servei dinterpretaci

proveedor del servicio de interpretacin

regional dialect

dialecte geogrfic

dialecto geogrfico

is the language peculiar to the members of a group, especially in an occupation a regional variety of a language distinguished by pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary, especially a variety of speech differing from the standard literary language is the time that need an interpreter to rests. normally the conferences have two interpreters because while an interpreter was interpreting the other interpreter can have rest. Depth study of a subject

regular breaks

descansos regulars

descansos regulares





residential school
schools for the deaf setting sight translation sign sign language signed languages sign languages interpreter simultaneous interpreting speech reading system of signs time lag trainees user writen document

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escola residencial
escoles de sords establiment traducci a primer cop dull signe llengua de signes llengua de modalitat visogestual intrpret de llengua de signes interpretaci simultnia lectura labial sistema semitic temps de demora alumnes usuari document escrit

escuela residencial
escuelas de sordos establecimiento traduccin a primera vista signo lengua de signos lengua de modalidad visogestual intrprete de lengua de signos interpretacin simultnea lectura de labial sistema semitico tiempo de demora alumnos usuario documento escrito

school in which students can to reside there during the year or years studying in the school schools that are specialized for the people who can't hear place where people go to talk about certain things or needs the interpretation that do from on a written text. The interpreter can interpreting a text or the deaf person dictates and the interpret writes a text is a symbol that has been agreed to have a specific meaning is a natural language that people cant communicate thanks that a system of signs and visual we use when we speak of a mode. For example: written form, sign mode, spoken form person who works making interpretations with oral languages and sign languages known as the Instant interpretation, however, requires a time large. The interpreter interprets while the other speaks is a system to communicate which consist in read the lips and so understand the message, without use the voice is a system that informs us of a signal through which we can perceive thanks at us eyes time that the interpreter needs to begin to interpret what the speaker says. Normally at these times, the interpreter, organize the signs order to make sense of the phrase people who stay in class, listen to the teacher and studying things that they like, or not person requesting an interpretation service for deaf people can report or the user requesting the interpretation service for receive information from person can hear written document is the testimony of a material fact or act made writing on paper. When the translate a written document, called a sight translation

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