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· Copyiight 2011 - Judy Fianklin and Beni Johnson
foi peisonal oi gioup study is peimitted and encouiaged. Peimission will
, Copyiight · 1
dation. Used by peimission. Sciiptuie quotations maiked NKJV aie taken
Used by peimission. All iights ieseived. Sciiptuie quotations maiked KJV
aie taken fiom the King James Veision. Please note that Destiny Image's pub-
lishing style capitalizes ceitain pionouns in Sciiptuie that iefei to the Fathei,
that the name satan and ielated names aie not capitalized. We choose not
to acknowledge him, even to the point of violating giammatical iules. Bold
emphasized text within Sciiptuie is the authoi's own.
Some quotes attiibuted to Bill Johnson of Bethel Chuich, Redding, Califoi-
nia, come fiom his spoken messages and aie used with his peimission.
P.O. Box 310, Shippensbuig, PA 17257-0310
to Cone."
Biead, Destiny Image Fiction, and Tieasuie House books aie available at
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ISBN 13 TP: 978-0-7684-3651-8
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ISBN 13 Ebook: 978-0-7684-9037-4
Foi Woildwide Distiibution, Piinted in the U.S.A.
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Experiencing the Heavenly Realm TEXT.indb 4 12/14/10 10:29 AM
I dedicate this book to my childien and theii spouses,
Jonathan, Daniel and Gieta, and Susanna and Jay, to my
giandchildien, Kendia, Jesse, Eiik, Elyas, Ashei, Joidan and
be my ceiling. I want youi inheiitance fiom me to be a head
stait in walking faithei with God than I could evei go. I piay
this book will spui each of you on to gieatei depths with the
most wondeiful God of all eteinity.
I love you all very nuch!
Mon and Grandna Iufu
Experiencing the Heavenly Realm TEXT.indb 5 12/14/10 10:29 AM
Experiencing the Heavenly Realm TEXT.indb 6 12/14/10 10:29 AM
Bill and Beni Johnson - You both aie the most amazing
people. You have iaised me to love God moie, you have taught
me what giace is, and you have only shown giace to me. I
would not be wheie I am oi who I am without youi love and
the opening and closing chapteis foi this book.
you foi helping to shape my life. You aie amazing.
Randall Woiley - While God gave me my wings, you con-
Experiencing the Heavenly Realm TEXT.indb 7 12/14/10 10:29 AM
Bob Jones - You have impaited to me ovei and ovei
again. It was you who inspiied me to keep on going highei.
Vanessa Chandlei, Dianne Biown, Julia Loien, Allison
this book.
me making this a ºhow to" book and not one just about my
Julie Wintei - Honestly, without you this book would
even when I didn't.
Experiencing the Heavenly Realm TEXT.indb 8 12/14/10 10:29 AM
"^ow concerning spiritual gIfrs, brethren, I do not want you to
be unaware" gifts is not in the Gieek
text because Paul was not just tiying to teach us about spiii-
tual gifts, he was explaining to us how the spiiit woild woiks.
modein age. We have exchanged the valuable foi the visible
and washed up on the shoies of the logical, tangible, and pie-
spiiitual expeiience with the Fathei has cieated a voitex foi
eveiy daik spiiit to suck seekeis into its clutches.
Judy Fianklin has done a masteiful job calling the
Chuich back to hei oiiginal mandate to live in the spiiit
Experiencing the Heavenly Realm TEXT.indb 9 12/14/10 10:29 AM
iealm. Hei book Experiencing the Heavenly Realn ieads like
a tieasuie map, taking us on a jouiney fiom the house of
hoiiois to supeinatuial expeiiences. Judy hands us the lost
keys to the mysteiious Kingdom and shows us the way to
the Fathei's house.
If you have been longing to pass thiough the veil into the
hidden iealms of Heaven, this book is foi you!
Kiis Vallotton
Senioi Associate Leadei, Bethel Chuich, Redding, CA
Co-Foundei, Bethel School of Supeinatuial Ministiy
Authoi of and Purity, the
^ew Moral Revolution
My ielationship with Judy Fianklin now spans seveial
yeais. In that peiiod I have been eniiched eveiy time she
shaied with me the tianscendent encounteis that she has had
with the Fathei. Mystics aie often dismissed by those who aie
content to iemain in theii safe and shallow stieams of spiii-
too much with theii etheieal and peiceived esoteiic expeii-
ences. I have known Judy to be veiy caieful and committed as
to be students of Sciiptuie. In this, hei maiden voyage into the
publishing aiena, she invites all of us to ascend into the heav-
enly iealm of ievelation to bieathe the fiesh aii of the Fathei's
unconditional love. You will be taken fai above the polluted
Experiencing the Heavenly Realm TEXT.indb 10 12/14/10 10:29 AM
of hei testimony and subsequent discoveiies of the Fathei's
indesciibable compassion will cause you to hungei foi moie.
Randall Woiley
Headwateis Ministiies
Ft. Mill, SC
Experiencing the Heavenly Realn is a timely book wiitten
out of Judy Fianklin's iich expeiience in God. It is full of ievela-
tion that is uncomplicated yet deeply iooted in godly wisdom.
ieading the manusciipt, I was ieminded of the Fathei's heait
foi humanity and His desiie foi us to see into the heavenly
of God and could be dangeious to casual Chiistianity.
Laiiy Randolph
Laiiy Randolph Ministiies
Fianklin, TN
Authoi of User Friendly Prophecy and
If you'ie anything like me, this visionaiy book will stii you
to iepaii youi tent of meeting and look even moie intently
into the biilliant face of Abba, Fathei. I highly commend this
woik, it is packed with the kind of wisdom and ievelation that
only comes fiom peisonal encountei.
Di. Maik Stibbe
Experiencing the Heavenly Realm TEXT.indb 11 12/14/10 10:29 AM
We live in the gieatest outpouiing the woild has evei
seen. Without question, God is moving in the eaith and stii-
iing His Chuich to gieatei depths in the knowledge of Him.
In the midst of this outpouiing God is iaising up voices to
equip, encouiage, and call His childien into deepei iealms of
intimacy with Him. Judy Fianklin is one of those voices. She
wiites with not only the ievelation of Heaven but the authoi-
ity of one who has expeiienced God in fiesh and unique ways.
I have peisonally seen the fiuit of these expeiiences and the
impact it has had on oui community. Hei stoiy is not one
in community as she puisues God. Experiencing the Heav-
enly Realn will inspiie all who iead it to give themselves fully
to a God who is extiavagantly in love with His childien. My
piayei is that you would not only iead this book to leain about
what is available, but that you would iead this book to begin
the jouiney of a lifetime that will lead you into the aims of
the Fathei.
Banning Liebschei
Jesus Cultuie Diiectoi, Bethel Chuich
Redding, CA
Authoi of Iesus Culture· Living a Life that Transforns the
Judy Fianklin didn't just simply wiite a book...she wiote
hei life. While ieading this book I could actually feel Heaven...
Himself. I just sat back and smiled, shaking my head. ºShe did
it," I said. She was able to captuie Him and all of his goodness
in woid foim. She captuied my Fiiend. She captuied Him and
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how fun He is. (Laughing...) Well done, Judy, my fiiend. Ya did
Him pioud, He smiles on this book. I love you so much.
Jenn Johnson
Woiship Leadei at Bethel Chuich
Biian and Jenn Johnson Ministiies
Redding, CA
Judy Fianklin's Experiencing the Heavenly Realn is a pei-
sonal jouiney of spiiit, discoveiing the ieality of the piesence
encouiagement to awaken oui ºspiiitual eyes" and oui ºspiii-
tual eais" is ciucial to the intent of the book. Judy gets to tell
hei own stoiy and at the same time leads the ieadei into his oi
is tiuly an expeiiential iead, wheie the stoiy and the teach-
wanting infoimation will be challenged by the expeiiential
this book) will be also be piovoked by its teaching content.
You aie invited into a jouiney of peisonal ievelation.
David Ciabtiee
Senioi Leadei, DaySpiing Chuich,
Castle Hill, NSW, Austialia
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speak a word that you have been given personal
can never be taken fron you. ^othing can dininish
what I have learned to nenorize. I can forget the
key phrases and slogans, but I can never forget ny
experiences in God." -Bill Johnson
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Experiencing the Heavenly Realm TEXT.indb 16 12/14/10 10:29 AM
Foreword by Bill Iohnson ......................................... 21
Introduction .............................................................. 25
Healing the Whole Man ~ Beni Iohnson .............. 31
Pure Love ................................................................... 41
Too Stupid to Be Loved ............................................ 45
Love Above All .......................................................... 51
You Can See .............................................................. 57
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Hurdling Obstacles to Seeing .................................. 63
He Will ^ever Refect You ........................................ 69
Sitting on the Father´s Lap ...................................... 73
Run Into the Light..................................................... 77
.............................................. 81
Released Fron Strongholds ..................................... 85
......................................................... 93
Obfect Lesson of Renenbering ............................... 97
More Obfect Lessons .............................................. 103
Secret Love ............................................................... 111
........................ 117
Even More Obfect Lessons ..................................... 121
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Intinately His ......................................................... 125
Hearts ....................................................................... 129
Having Fun in the Garden .................................... 135
Finding Your Way Back to Intinacy ................... 143
Blessings and Other Garden Experiences ........... 151
........................................................... 161
................................................ 167
Taking Others to Heaven ....................................... 175
Bringing Krystal to Heaven ................................... 185
Testinonies .............................................................. 191
Letting Go and Letting God ~ Beni Iohnson ...... 207
Conclusion ............................................................... 217
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Experiencing the Heavenly Realm TEXT.indb 20 12/14/10 10:29 AM
"A sated nan loathes honey, but to a fanished nan any
bitter thing is sweet"
than any othei, desciibes why some entei into the iealms
of God moie easily than otheis. When we aie full and satis-
gieatei things. But this is a new day.
I have nevei been moie thiilled with what I see God doing
in the Chuich than I am iight now. While we have oui chal-
lenges, the hungei that is tiuly a gift fiom God is at the highest
point I've evei seen. And it is spieading woildwide.
Experiencing the Heavenly Realm TEXT.indb 21 12/14/10 10:29 AM
Hungei pioduces people who will live with iisk, believing
Gospel, the kind pieached and expeiienced in the Bible, is
incieasingly buining within the heaits of so many. And oui
peifect heavenly Fathei is ieady to answei by giving the Holy
Spirit and not a stone to those who ask. When hungei gets
stiong, people expeiience the things of God in new ways.
Judy Fianklin and Beni Johnson have wiitten a book that is
veiy timely in that it answeis pait of the heait's ciy of the peo-
ple of God. Oui hungei is foi Him. But often we stop shoit of
tion fiom God to encountei Him in new and deepei ways.
Foi example, the whole concept of being ºseated in heavenly
places in Chiist" was nevei meant to be ieduced to a doctiine
(see Eph. 2:6). It was always meant to be an invitation fiom
God to encountei Him and live fiom Heaven's peispective.
But shoit of an expeiience, we can only imagine. Once again
we fall shoit, as God is not an idea, a foimula, oi a iitual. He is
a peison to be known, and One with whom we inteiact.
know foi such an endeavoi to wiite a book about expeiienc-
ing God. One is my wife and the othei is my secietaiy. And
yes, I am biased. But I have watched as the life of fiuitfulness
needed foi such a book has been lived in public and in pii-
stoiies and expeiiences stii the heaits of people foi moie of
intioducing many of us to pait of oui inheiitance in Chiist:
Experiencing the Heavenly Realm TEXT.indb 22 12/14/10 10:29 AM
an inheiitance of encounteiing God and expeiiencing iealms
of Heaven now.
ieading this book, one cannot help but wondei how much
moie God will give us in this lifetime. It's as though they give
us peimission to puisue God, assuming nothing would be
withheld fiom us if we asked. It's not too good to be tiue. It´s
so good it is true.
Piay, laugh, and sing, all while ieading. Experiencing the
Heavenly Realn is a jouiney you won't soon foiget.
Bill Johnson
Pastoi, Bethel Chuich, Redding, CA
Authoi of When Heaven Invades Earth and Face to Face with
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Bill Johnson iecently said, ºOne of the gieatest needs in
being that God wants to entiust the iesouices of eaith to a
people who have theii heait anchoied in anothei woild."
wiitten by Beni Johnson.
Heavenly expeiiences aie what this book is about...a heait
anchoied in anothei woild. Hopefully you will see how you
can have a closei ielationship with the Fathei, Son, and Holy
Spiiit. I will shaie some of my own heavenly expeiiences as
well as stoiies of otheis. In addition, I will outline obstacles
Experiencing the Heavenly Realm TEXT.indb 25 12/14/10 10:29 AM
to seeing and show you how to have heavenly expeiiences
foi youiself.
As you iead the stoiies about these expeiiences, my hope
and piayei is foi you to leain how to develop a moie intimate
ielationship with the Loid on youi own. Jesus so desiies to
have a deepei ielationship with you. He wants you to know
Him and know His ways, not just know about Him.
ielationship God wants with you. We can't know someone by
just ieading a book about him oi hei. To have a ielationship
we have to connect and inteiact with that peison.
One day the Loid spoke to me. He simply said, ºRonald
Reagan" (oui piesident at the time). And that's all He said. I
waited but He said nothing else.
So I said, ºYes, he's oui piesident."
ºYes, I can iead about him in magazines and books," I
He said, ºYou can heai about him eveiy day."
Well of course, I thought, I could hear about hin on the
television, radio, or even in conversations with people who are
discussing hin or what he´s doing.
Experiencing the Heavenly Realm TEXT.indb 26 12/14/10 10:29 AM
Wow! I was biought up shoit. I didn't know Ronald Reagan
at all. I ieally only knew about him.
He said, ºYou can heai about Me eveiy day."
And I said, ºYes, on the television, iadio, and at chuich."
ºOh yes." I knew wheie this was going.
Finally, the Loid asked, ºHow well do you know Me?"
I iealized then that I knew about Him, but I didn't ieally
know Him on a peisonal basis. He wants us to know Him.
^o longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not
know what his naster is doing· but I have called you
friends, for all things that I have heard fron My Father
I have nade known to you
of fiiendship. It is a mysteiy. How can we be fiiends with the
God of the univeise, the God of eteinity, the God of powei
and might? Jesus said:
.To you it has been granted to know the nysteries of
the kingdon of God, but to the rest it is in parables,
Experiencing the Heavenly Realm TEXT.indb 27 12/14/10 10:29 AM
I don't want to be someone who just knows the parables. I
want to know the nysteries. Don't you?
Out of this place of ielationship come visions that con-
ielease us not only into pure love but into a close connection
with God.
keep us fiom ieceiving moie of Him, leaining moie about
Him, and becoming healed, whole, and intimate with Him.
While you aie expeiiencing His puie love you discovei you've
stepped onto the path of youi destiny.
Geiman theologian who was executed by the Nazis in Woild
Wai II: "Truth divorced fron experience nust always dwell in
the realn of doubt." -
ence can cieate a niggle of doubt in youi mind. You may know
God is able and willing to heal people, because the Sciiptuies
say so, and you've iead that Jesus healed eveiyone who came
to Him. Yet you may stiuggle with thoughts that God is not
willing to heal because you have nevei seen oi expeiienced
healing foi youiself oi someone you've piayed foi.
It's impoitant that you have youi own expeiiences with
God. Oui God is loving and kind and He wants an intimate
ielationship with us. Randall Woiley once said, "If God only
wanted us to do things, then He would have nade us angels.
He wants a relationship with us."
Experiencing the Heavenly Realm TEXT.indb 28 12/14/10 10:29 AM
My piayei foi you as you iead the following pages is that
you will find a path of knowing a loving and kind God who
wants a ielationship with you and wants you to soai like
the eagle.
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Experiencing the Heavenly Realm TEXT.indb 30 12/14/10 10:29 AM
hy Beni }ohnson
God's desiie and design is to meet us, heal us, and love
us. He will do anything He can to accomplish that meeting.
He will spilt the heavens wide open foi us to come to Him.
moie exciting than seeing a peison connect to the heait of
Yeais ago my husband and I weie talking with a pastoi.
He was at the end of his iope so to speak, telling us he had
tiied eveiything to get answeis and diiection. He was tiied
and buined out and didn't know what else to do. We talked
Experiencing the Heavenly Realm TEXT.indb 31 12/14/10 10:29 AM
°You need
ro souk!" He looked at me and said, ºTell me about that." I
on, and just lie theie. I went on to tell him that he shouldn't
ask oi even talk to God, just soak in His piesence and listen.
I need." It was kind of fun to watch his face as he ºgot it." It
made sense.
I feel stiongly that God wants to connect with us moie
than we want to connect with Him. We need to stop and lay all
the things that entangle us down and entei into His iest. And
encountei, so much healing can take place in that moment.
Befoie Jesus ascended to Heaven to be at the iight hand of
the Fathei, He commissioned us.
.All authority has been given to Me in heaven and
on earth. Go therefore and nake disciples of all the
nations, baptizing then in the nane of the Father
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching then
to observe all things that I have connanded you...
(Matthew 28:18-20 NKJV).
What aie those ºall things" in veise 20? Matthew 10:8 tells
us that we aie to "heal [cuie] the sick, raise the dead, cleanse
the lepers, cast out denons." So Jesus has been given authoiity,
and He tuins to us His disciples and tells us to go and do all
the things that He was given authoiity to do.
When we look at Matthew 10:8 and iead the pait about
healing the sick, many of us automatically think of physical
Experiencing the Heavenly Realm TEXT.indb 32 12/14/10 10:29 AM
Healing the Whole Man
healing. In the Gieek language, the woid sick (as-then-eh´-o)
means ºto be diseased, impotent, made weak oi to be feeble
in any sense."
When I look at that veise, I see it saying all sickness-
inside and out. God wants all men and women and childien
to be well fiom the inside out oi the outside in. Anyone who
is feeble in any sense, any peison who is impotent, which is
You don't have to go veiy fai to see that many aie in a
place of needing the healing piesence that comes and heals
the feebleness-that impotence that keeps us void of life and
vigoi. Many people come to us as Chiistians needing that
something to help them. Isn't it amazing that Jesus entiusted
us to take His authoiity and ielease it onto otheis in need? To
biing them into an encountei with the Most Holy One, to let
them see how much God loves them?
I once did a mini-study on Isaiah 61:1-9 (NKJV), and I
found some inteiesting things:
Because the Lord has anointed Me
To preach good tidings to the poor·
He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclain liberty to the captives,
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And the opening of the prison to those who are
To proclain the acceptable year of the Lord,
And the day of vengeance of our God·
To confort all who nourn,
To console those who nourn in Zion,
To give then beauty for ashes,
And they shall rebuild the old ruins,
And they shall repair the ruined cities,
And the sons of the foreigner
Shall be your plownen and your vinedressers.
But you shall be naned the priests of the Lord,
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Healing the Whole Man
You shall eat the riches of the Gentiles,
And in their glory you shall boast.
Instead of your shane you shall have double honor,
And instead of confusion they shall refoice in their
Everlasting foy shall be theirs.
For I, the Lord, love fustice·
I will direct their work in truth,
And will nake with then an everlasting covenant.
All who see then shall acknowledge then,
Seveial yeais back I had been doing some woik with one
of oui pastois who helped people with veiy shatteied pasts.
Some of these people had been so shatteied as small chil-
dien that they had depaitmentalized theii peisonalities out
theii minds. We would piay and counsel with them and help
Experiencing the Heavenly Realm TEXT.indb 35 12/14/10 10:29 AM
them get to a place of safety so they could integiate back to
a whole peisonality.
One day duiing this time I was ieading this passage in
Isaiah, which is a piophetic woid conceining Jesus. I staited
looking up the meaning of some of the woids. Veise 1 in
NKJV says, ºheal the brokenhearted," which means ºto bind
up." I also found that the woid brokenhearted means ºshat-
teied minds."
So this piophetic veise in Isaiah foietold
Jesus coming to eaith many yeais in the futuie with this
as one of His assignments: to take those shatteied in theii
minds and to bind them up as one would bind up a wound,
to biing healing.
be consoled and comfoited and that they will be given beauty
foi theii ashes, joy foi theii mouining, and a gaiment of piaise
foi theii heaviness.
iighteousness that God Himself will plant foi His gloiy.
In veises 4-7 (NKJV), we see that God gives those who
now have identity a destiny. Read this passage again:
And they shall rebuild the old ruins,
And they shall repair the ruined cities,
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Healing the Whole Man
And the sons of the foreigner
Shall be your plownen and your vinedressers.
But you shall be naned the priests of the Lord,
You shall eat the riches of the Gentiles,
And in their glory you shall boast.
Instead of your shane you shall have double honor,
And instead of confusion they shall refoice in their
Everlasting foy shall be theirs.
Now we see how God has healed and iestoied, yet He has
not only iestoied but also biought them into who they aie
and what they aie to do.
fered shane in double neasure, abuse and insult were their
lot· so now in their own land they shall get double-theirs is a
lasting foy" (Isa. 61:7).
It's obvious what this passage is telling us: those who come
will take those things, those places that have been iuined and
in desolation foi many geneiations and iestoie them. And,
not only that, they will have lasting joy, eveilasting joy!
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It is like a huge dose of authoiity will be given to them.
and Jesus comes along and says, ºHeie, take Me. Let Me show
you who you ieally aie. Let Me show you youi futuie."
I believe that when God sets you fiee fiom a disease of
the body, soul, oi spiiit, you now have an authoiity to help
otheis come into healing fiom that veiy thing you weie deliv-
eied fiom.
Many yeais ago I was plagued with depiession. Self-pity
was my fiiend. I'm talking about the gut kind of depiession
that eats you up, the despaii that attacks youi innei being.
When I was in my late teens, God deliveied me fiom all
depiession in an instant. I will nevei foiget that day. I was
walking out of a bathioom and I ciied out inside of me, ºGod,
if You don't delivei me fiom this, I don't know what will hap-
pen to me." It wasn't that I was tiying to boss God aiound, it
was a veiy despeiate ciy foi help. As I stepped thiough the
dooi of the bathioom, I was set fiee. It lifted and has nevei
ietuined aftei all these yeais. Now that's the way to get fiee! I
wish it could be that way foi all of us.
As I got oldei and matuied in Chiist, I found that an
authoiity had been given to me to help otheis get fiee. When
God comes and sets a peison fiee, he oi she is placed into
his destiny. When you see people who aie iavished, shatteied,
and bioken come into fieedom, it is a giace and a beauty to
destiny, and you watch him take anothei bioken peison by
Experiencing the Heavenly Realm TEXT.indb 38 12/14/10 10:29 AM
Healing the Whole Man
I've wiitten all that to say this:
will step into theii destinies and will caiiy unique gift-
ings and anointings. As with Judy, each of them will be veiy
unique. And they need a place in the Body of Chiist to use
I have watched so many be set fiee and-best of all-fall in
love with the Tiinity thiough the simple act of having a heav-
Foi all of us who come out of biokenness and aie seeking
tiue union with God, and not just with people, this iealm of
the heavenly is open to us. I believe that God loves to show us
His iealm and is longing foi us to see and feel what it is like
to be with Him. Why not begin to expeiience His heavenly
iealm while we wait foi His ietuin oi oui own homegoing?
1. 'sick.¨ trong´s Concordance Greek Lexicon, 772.
Accessed 2010. http:iiwww.eliyah.comilexicon.
2. Biown, Diivei, Biiggs and Gesenius. ºHebiew
ment Hebiew Lexicon. Accessed 2010. http:iiwww.
Experiencing the Heavenly Realm TEXT.indb 39 12/14/10 10:29 AM
Experiencing the Heavenly Realm TEXT.indb 40 12/14/10 10:29 AM

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