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© Copyright 2003 ÷ Bill ¦ohnson
All rights reserved. 1his book is protected by the copyright lavs ot the Lnited States ot
America. 1his book may not be copied or reprinted tor commercial gain or protit. 1he use ot
short quotations or occasional page copying tor personal or group study is permitted and
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quotations are trom the Nev King ¦ames Version ot the Bible. Please note that Destiny Image`s
publishing style capitalizes certain pronouns in Scripture that reter to the lather, Son, and
Holy Spirit, and may ditter trom some Bible publishers` styles.
1ake note that the name satan and related names are not capitalized. We choose not to
acknovledge him, even to the point ot violating grammatical rules.
1reasure House
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lor vhere your treasure is, there vill your heart be also.¨
Matthev 6:21
ISBN 0-7684-2932-8
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I dedicate this book to the tvo churches I have pastored: Mountain Chapel
ot Weaverville, Calitornia, and Bethel Church ot Pedding, Calitornia. You both
embraced a lite ot discomtort÷living vith continual risk÷and vere villing
to endure the unexplainable to obtain the untorgettable. I ove you more than
I could ever repay. 1hanks. I love you so much.
Mom and Dad÷thanks tor honestly believing I could do anything.
Mark Sanders, ¦ohn Montgomery, Kris Vallotton, Diane Brovn, and Dr.
Andre Van Mol÷thanks tor the consistent exhortation and encouragement to
vrite. Diane÷your ideas vere very helptul.
Llders ot Mountain Chapel÷thanks tor giving me room to grov, encour-
aging me to tollov my vision, and tor buying me a Mac.
Statt and Llders ot Bethel Church÷you are my heroes. Your villingness to
pay the price tor revival has paved the vay tor truit beyond our vildest dreams.
You are the Dream 1eam.
Dann larrelly÷thanks tor honest evaluation ot the materials vritten, and
tor your tireless ettorts in editing my stutt.
Guy Chevreau÷thanks tor your candid suggestions and editing ettorts.
1hey vere invaluable to me'
Bobby and Carolyn Conner÷thanks tor the use ot the Angel Cabin tor
many days ot vriting.
Bob and Claudia Perry÷thanks tor the use ot your Shasta Hilton as a vrit-
ing hideavay.
1o my vite Beni÷you are tor me a taste ot heaven on earth. 1hanks.
Bill ¦ohnson is one ot the nicest persons I knov, and one ot the most dan-
gerous. He is living, breathing version ot Matthev 6:10: Your Kingdom come,
Your vill be done on earth as it is in heaven.¨ 1hat`s the cry at the heart ot
1hen Hea:en In:aoes Larth. While many in the Church are just marking time
vaiting to go to heaven, Bill`s challenge is to bring heaven to earth÷right
nov' It`s a challenge ve need to respond to vith urgency.
1his book is a taith builder. It challenges every believer to valk in super-
natural signs and vonders as a natural part ot everyday lite.
÷ ¦ohn Arnott
Senior Pastor, 1oronto Airport Christian lellovship
Author ot lhe Iather`s Piessin¸
lounder and President ot Partners in Harvest
1hen Hea:en In:aoes Larth is revolutionary. It is tilled vith taith trom cover
to cover. Ordinary Christians vill begin to see extraordinary miracles in their
everyday lives vhen they take up the challenges this book throvs out.
÷ Wes Campbell
Co-lounder ot Nev Iite Church
Author, 1eicomin¸ a 1isitation of the Hoi¸ :pirit
Bill vrites in an extraordinary vay that vill inspire, equip, and most impor-
tantly, impart the grace tor the supernatural. I highly recommend this outstand-
ing book.
÷ Che Ahn
Senior Pastor, Harvest Pock, Pasadena, CA
1his is the most taith-inspiring book I think I have ever read' 1heologically
sound, it has protound implications on hov a Christian lives in this vorld. Bill
¦ohnson could start a retormation vith this book'
÷ Stacey Campbell
Co-lounder ot Nev Iite Church and Praying the Bible International
Warning' 1he contents ot this book vill contront doubt, unbeliet, and sick-
ness in your lite and cause your expectancy level tovard God to explode' Many
books have inspired me, but 1hen Hea:en In:aoes Larth challenged me. I guar-
antee that authentic taith vill arise in your heart and you vill be changed.
÷ ¦im W. Goll
Co-tounder ot Ministry to the Nations
Author, lhe Lost ¬rt of Intercession, 1asteo on ]esus,
and lhe Comin¸ Irophetic Pe:oiution
It vas truly editying, enlightening, and heartvarming to read the manu-
script vritten by Bill ¦ohnson, entitled 1hen Hea:en In:aoes Larth. In 2 Peter
1:12, the statement is made, .established in the present truth.¨ 1his is exact-
ly vhat Pastor Bill is vriting about.
Present truth¨ is vhat the Holy Spirit is doing right nov and vhat the
Iord is saying today, tor this present moment. Many books reter to ¦esus as the
Great I Was¨ or the Great I Will Be.¨ Pastor Bill`s lively book tocuses on ¦esus
as the Great I Am.¨
I vish I could have had this material 30 years ago vhen I vas just starting
out in the ministry, but Lsther 4:14 describes the vhole subject as, lor such a
time as this.¨ It`s ri¸ht nou thinking. You vill be thrilled by the testimonies ot
exciting miracles happening in our day. It`s an energized example ot present
1hanks, Pastor Bill ¦ohnson, tor pouring your heart into your vriting. 1hen
Hea:en In:aoes Larth tultills the promise ot 1 Corinthians 1:3÷that in every-
thing (including reading this book, you are enriched by Him'
÷ Dick Mills
International Conterence Speaker
Author, ·oo`s 1oro Ior You and Marria¸e Piiss
As my triend and pastor, Bill ¦ohnson has mentored me in the pursuit ot
God`s kingdom. Bill`s passion to see the kingdom ot God released in the earth
today is highly contagious and bleeds through every page ot this book. In my
opinion, 1hen Hea:en In:aoes Larth is a must-read tor those desiring a tresh
encounter vith the living God.
÷ Iarry Pandolph
International Conterence Speaker
Author, ¹ser Irienoi¸ Irophec¸
In his book 1hen Hea:en In:aoes Larth, Bill ¦ohnson shovs people vho are
desperate tor more in their Christian lite that all things are possible tor those
vho live immersed in the Holy Spirit. 1his book is a must-read tor all people
vho desire to valk in the supernatural realm ot the Holy Spirit in their every-
day lite. I vas so touched by the Iord as I read it, my taith exploded' I could
hardly put it dovn.
÷ Heidi G. Baker, Ph.D.
Director, Iris Ministries
Co-Author, lhere`s ¬iua¸s Lnou¸h
1his book releases revelation into the army ot God that moves it into the
kingdom vork. Bill ¦ohnson shovs us that the kingdom ot God isn`t just a
tuture kingdom, but a kingdom vork that is available here and nov.
÷ Cal Pierce
Director, Healing Pooms Ministries
Spokane, Washington
I have read many books on healing and miracles. 1his book is more than
just healing intormation. It contains revelatory teaching and keys to living in
the supernatural. I believe this book contains some hidden truths and revela-
tion being shared in these last days÷a must tor those vanting to receive and
minister a kingdom ot pover, healing, signs, and vonders.
÷ 1odd Bentley
President, lresh lire Ministries
International Conterence Speaker
a·:|.r`s N.::.
Some ot the names ot the people mentioned in this book have been
changed. I`ve done so vhere I have telt anonymity is essential.
1.||: .; ¸..::.:s
lorevord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Chapter One 1he Normal Christian Iite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Chapter 1vo Commission Pestored . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Chapter 1hree Pepent and See . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
Chapter lour laith÷Anchored in the Lnseen . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
Chapter live Praying Heaven Dovn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
Chapter Six 1he Kingdom and the Spirit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
Chapter Seven 1he Anointing and the Antichrist Spirit . . . . . . . . .79
Chapter Light 1eaching Into an Lncounter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87
Chapter Nine 1he Works ot the lather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97
Chapter 1en Poverlessness: Lnnecessary and Lnbalanced . . . . .107
Chapter Lleven 1he High Cost ot Iov Pover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119
Chapter 1velve Our Debt to the World: An Lncounter With God .133
Chapter 1hirteen Our Identity in 1his World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .143
Chapter lourteen Warring to Invade' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133
Chapter litteen Hov to Miss a Pevival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .137
Chapter Sixteen Intiltrating the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .163
Chapter Seventeen 1his Present Pevival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .177
When I am interested in reading a nev book, I alvays have tvo questions:
Is the lite ot the author consistent vith the message ot the book· Is his (or her,
ministry supportive ot the declarations ot the book· It both questions are not
ansvered in the attirmative vithout resounding detinition, I vill pass on read-
ing the book.
In the case ot 1hen Hea:en In:aoes Larth and Bill ¦ohnson, I had prior
knovledge ot the author and his ministry betore I read the manuscript.
1heretore, vith the atorementioned questions already ansvered in the attirma-
tive, I happily read the treatise.
I tirst ministered in Bethel Church ot Pedding, Calitornia vhich is pas-
tored by Bill ¦ohnson÷in 2001, a tev months atter my vite died. I had heard
several tapes by Bill ¦ohnson a tev months previous to going to Bethel. Being
very much in the grieving process over the loss ot my vite ot more than 47
years, I tound myselt being greatly ministered to vhile I vas ministering. I
taught in the School ot Supernatural Ministry and vas exposed to a large
group ot radical seekers atter the kingdom ot God. I vas intormed that their
subject vas the kingdom ot God and that these sessions vere only a part ot
their training. 1he sessions vere geared tovard preparing tor Kingdom min-
istry. Atter the session the instructor told the students, You have studied the
Kingdom, nov go out and do the Kingdom stutt'¨ And they the
malls, on the streets, in the bookshops and cotteehouses' 1hey expected results
and results happened'
I got the impression that this group represented the spirit ot Bethel Church,
vhich seemed to say, Iet`s seek the Kingdom, tind it, declare vhat ve`ve
tound, and give it avay'¨
When I returned to visit Bethel Church and Bill ¦ohnson a second time, I
had just learned that my tiance, ¦erry, had cancer. ¦erry, nov my vite, vas
÷ + ; ÷
scheduled to undergo major surgery a tev days atter our visit to Bethel
Church. At Bethel, tvo separate healing teams and a statt member and his vite
joined us in povertul seasons ot prayer, each group vithout knovledge ot the
content and impressions ot the others. 1he experience vas joytul, taith-giving,
and contidence-building as they all agreed, She vill live and join you in an
enhanced ministry.¨ 1he surgery took place a tev days later, and today ¦erry is
my vite and she ministers vith me cancer tree. 1o us this experience at Bethel
vas a demonstration ot the validity ot the message ot this book.
1he direction and perspective ot this volume is essentially, What happens
vhen heaven invades earth.¨ 1his book you are holding is literally out ot this
vorld' It is about something unseen yet more real than the eyes reading this
vord. It is about the eternal realm, not yet tully seen or expressed but present-
ly accessible and avaiting the obedience ot anyone or any group to seek tirst
the kingdom ot God and His righteousness¨ (Matt. 6:33,.
I love 1hen Hea:en In:aoes Larth and am excited that it is about to break
upon the Christian scene. I love this book because it points us tovard primary
reality in a vorld almost totally preoccupied vith secondary reality. 1he read-
er ot Scripture is avare that it ultimately detines primary reality as unseen and
eternal¨ vhile secondary reality is temporal, that is, it doesn`t last (see 2 Cor.
4:18,. Bill ¦ohnson`s beliets, teachings, and ministry center on primary or
Kingdom reality and tinds that reality sutticient to change the tace ot that
vhich is seen.¨
I love this book because it declares unapologetically that Kingdom living
and pover are a part ot the normal Christian lite. What is described in this vol-
ume is not some exotic and rare expression, only to be vieved on intrequent
occasions, instead it is the very heartbeat ot the Kingdom believer`s lite and
I love this book because it includes the necessity ot repentance or change
ot mentality¨ as a prerequisite to seeing and entering the Kingdom. 1his is
approached in the briet but pungent material in Chapter 1 and somevhat
enlarged in Chapter 3.
I love this book because it is a call to spiritual revolution to change the tace
ot the earth, and it reports on hov one church is doing it by changing its
neighborhood, city, and region one person at a time.¨
÷ + 8 ÷
÷When Heaven I nvades Lar th÷
I love this book because practical taith (Is there any other kind·, is clearly
presented as being anchored in the unseen and living trom the invisible to the
visible. Once ve repent, ve see the Kingdom and upon that viev, taith comes.
1his is ably presented in Chapter 4.
I love this book because it is tramed in a setting ot the miraculous' Its open-
ing pages are taken up (much like ¦esus at Cana, vith a miracle at a vedding
and its concluding pages narrate the healing ot a child.
I love this book because it challenges me to Kingdom prayer as the gatevay
to pover and the means ot getting heaven dovn to earth. As the kingdom ot
God sheds true and nev light on all other truths, so it does to prayer.
I love this book because it makes clear the practical results and truit ot signs
and vonders. We do not seek such things but are promised that signs and von-
ders vill tollov those vho believe.
linally, I love this book because it leaves me vith an intense desire to knov
God better, to tellovship vith Him more intimately, and to minister vith Him
in more pover than ever betore. 1his is coupled vith a standing-on-tiptoe
excitement about vhat the tuture holds tor myselt in particular and the Body
ot Christ in general in sharing Christ vith the vorld.
I nov read this volume vith a real, but tading, regret that something like
this vas not presented to me 33 years ago vhen I began ministry. It is a tading
regret because I knov that God can make up tor the years lost or limited by a
lack ot knovledge ot these things.
It is vith no small measure ot expectation ot vhat reading this vork may
ettect in your lite that I recommend it to you vithout reservation. Pead it
slovly, read it thoroughly, and valk out vhat God teaches you through it. 1he
results, I believe, vill be heaven invading earth in your lite'
÷¦ack P. 1aylor
Dimensions Ministries
Melbourne, llorida
Bill ¦ohnson`s book, 1hen Hea:en In:aoes Larth, contains a message greatly
needed tor the Church today. It challenges many ot our sacred covs.¨ Iike
Gideon, ¦ohnson had to begin by tearing dovn the Asherah poles in the back-
yard ot the Church. He is a man vith a mission to vake up the Church. Not
÷ + , ÷
since I tirst met ¦ohn Wimber have I been so taken vith someone`s understand-
ing ot the signiticance ot the kingdom ot God message. I have yet to meet a
pastor vho is more committed to pover evangelism¨ than Bill ¦ohnson. 1he
stories ot the healings and miracles done through the little ole me`s¨ in his
local church are truly amazing. 1his book is not about some theoretical possi-
bility, nor some pie-in-the-sky theology, nor some rationale tor the lack ot
pover in the Church. No, instead it otters practical, tried-and-proven strategies
tor pushing back the kingdom ot darkness and advancing the kingdom ot light.
I vish I had met Pastor Bill ¦ohnson earlier in my lite. I teel I vould be tarther
along on the road to moving in the pover ot the kingdom ot God than I
presently am at this time.
1hen Hea:en In:aoes Larth is a must-read tor every pastor and leader in the
Church today. 1his book vas vritten by a titth generation pastor trom the
Pentecostal perspective÷and, vhat better perspective to hear trom vhen it
comes to the vorking ot the Holy Spirit, especially regarding the gitts ot heal-
ings. I have had the privilege ot meeting many pastors trom the Lnited States
and Canada over the past nine years ot traveling. Pastor Bill ¦ohnson, I believe,
has more to say regarding the concepts ot pover evangelism¨ than any other
pastor I have met. 1hough he is an Assembly ot God pastor and not a Vineyard
pastor, he carries the DNA ot ¦ohn Wimber more than anyone else I knov,
especially vhen it comes to his passion tor healing and the activity ot the Holy
Spirit. He is a radical pastor, a great teacher, and an apostolic voice in the
Church today. His message is not the sound ot an echo, it is a voice ot one cry-
ing in the vilderness, Prepare the vay tor the Iord`s kingdom, vhich is at
1his book is tull ot povertul statements I vish I had vritten. So many von-
dertul quotes vill be taken trom this book÷quotes such as the tolloving: One
ot the tragedies ot a veakened identity is hov it attects our approach to
Scripture. Many, it not most, theologians make the mistake ot taking all the
good stutt contained in the prophets and sveeping it under that mysterious rug
called the Miiiennium.. We are so entrenched in unbeliet that anything con-
trary to this vorld viev (the dispensationalist`s viev ot a veak end-time
Church, is thought to be ot the devil.¨
Other great quotes trom this book are: Lnbeliet is anchored in vhat is vis-
ible or reasonable apart trom God. It honors the natural realm as superior to
÷ : o ÷
÷When Heaven I nvades Lar th÷
the invisible.. Lnbeliet is taith in the interior¨, and laith comes by hear-
ing.It does not say that it comes trom having heard. It is the listening heart,
in the present tense, that is ready tor heaven`s deposit ot taith.. Hearing nov
is a key to taith.¨
1hen Hea:en In:aoes Larth is a vake-up call to the Church. It is a death-
blov to cessationism,¨ a challenge to dispensationalism,¨ and it is a call to
those vithin the Pentecostal heritage to return to their roots. 1he book is
solidly based in Scripture and reveals the heart ot a man vho loves not only
the Spirit, but also loves the Word ot God. With tresh revelation Bill ¦ohnson
takes us to Scripture and lets Scripture speak a tresh vord to us. He torces us
to see vhat the Scriptures actually say, instead ot only seeing vhat our theo-
logically correct blinders allov us to see.
I have been vaiting tor Bill to tinish this book so I could otter it at my book
table at my meetings. He has so much to say that I avoid missing any ot his
speaking times vhen ve minister together. 1hey are too rich to miss. In this
day ot so many principles and strategies it is retreshing to hear one call us back
to the strategy ot ¦esus tor evangelism.
÷Pandy Clark
Global Avakening Ministries
International Conterence Speaker
Author, ·oo Can use Littie ·i` Me
÷ : + ÷
A tev years ago I overheard a conversation that stirred me beyond vords.
It vas during my uncle David Morken`s 90th birthday party. Along vith a siz-
able crovd ot tamily members, several ot his peers in ministry had gathered tor
the celebration. As a young man Lncle David had been a soloist tor Aimee
Semple McPherson betore becoming a missionary to China and Sumatra, and
later he became a right-hand man to Billy Graham. His accomplishments are
stunning, but are a subject tor another time.
1ovard the end ot the evening I sav a tev ot the older saints sitting togeth-
er, talking. Noticing the subject vas the outpouring ot the Spirit during Aimee
Semple McPherson`s ministry, I couldn`t help but eavesdrop. With youthtul
enthusiasm one said to the other, It vas like heaven on earth.¨ 1here they
vere, some 70 years atter the tact, vith eyes brightened by the memory ot
things that others seldom dream ot. 1heir experience became the standard by
vhich all other days vere to be measured. I vas pierced through.
My heart burns tor the coming move ot God. I live tor the revival that is
untolding and believe it vill surpass all previous moves combined, bringing
more than one billion souls into the Kingdom. Yet, tor this one moment, I
vished I could go back in time.
As a titth generation pastor on my dad`s side ot the tamily, and tourth on
my mom`s, I grev up hearing ot the great moves ot God. My grandparents sat
under the ministry ot Smith Wigglesvorth and other notable revivalists. (I
remember Grandpa telling me, Not everyone liked Wigglesvorth.¨ Ot course
he is vell loved today. Israel also loved their prophets atter they vere dead.,
Grandpa and Grandma Morken received the baptism in the Holy Spirit in
1901 and 1903, respectively, and they loved to talk about vhat they had seen
and experienced. 1hey`ve been in heaven nov tor over 23 years. I only vish I
÷ : ¡ ÷
had another chance to hear their stories and to ask them the questions I never
had asked as a young man. It vould mean so much more to me nov.
1he quest described in this book began in me many years ago. I needed to
see the gospel in lite as it is in print. lor me it vas an issue ot being taithtul to
God. Hovever, it quickly became clear to me that such a pursuit vas costly.
Many misunderstandings come vhen ve pursue vhat others ignore.
I could not limit my values and pursuits to vhat makes others comtortable.
Being possessed by a promise I live vithout options. I vill spend the rest ot my
lite exploring vhat could happen through the lite ot one vho is villing to cul-
tivate the God-given appetite to see impossibilities bov to the name ot ¦esus.
All my eggs are in one basket. 1here is no Plan B.¨ And it`s trom this posture
that I vrite.
÷ : ¡ ÷
÷When Heaven I nvades Lar th÷
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n a cold and rainy Saturday, church buses vere sent to the neediest parts
ot our city, Pedding, to tind the homeless and the poor. 1he bride and
groom eagerly anticipated their return and prepared a meal in their honor. 1he
needy vere to be the distinguished guests ot their vedding.
Palph and Colleen met vhile vorking in our ministry to the poor. 1hey
shared a passion tor God and a love tor the needy. Although it is common tor
the bride and groom to register tor gitts at tine department stores, Palph and
Colleen did so at 1arget, and all they put on their uish iist vere coats, hats,
gloves, and sleeping be given to their ¸uests. 1his vas not going to be
a typical vedding.
In our pre-vedding meeting the bride and groom encouraged me to be
sensitive to the Holy Spirit in case He vanted to heal people during the ved-
ding. It I received a vord ot knovledge tor healing, I vas to stop the ceremo-
ny and pray tor the sick. As a pastor I vas excited to see vhat might happen.
1hey had created tar too great a miracie opportunit¸ tor God not to do some-
thing extraordinary.
1he vedding began. Apart trom an extended time ot vorship, tolloved by
an evangelistic message and a prayer tor salvation, the ceremony ended up quite
It`s very ditterent to see among tamily and triends ot the bride and groom
people vho are there simply to get a meal. It vasn`t vrong. It vas just ditter-
ent. lolloving the ceremony, the nevly married couple vent directly to the
÷ : ¡ ÷
reception hall, got behind the serving table, and dished the tood tor their
guests. 1he meal vas excellent. 1he hungry became satistied. God vas pleased.
But betore the vedding ever started tvo or three people came to me vith
excitement in their voice. 1here is somebody here vho only has 2 1´2 to 3
years to live'¨ We had crossed a milestone. Miracles ot healing had become more the point that a lite-threatening disease seemed more like a poten-
tial miracle than it did something to tear. 1hat in itselt is a dream come true tor
me÷people in North America expectin¸ something supernatural trom God'
His name vas Iuke. Iike most ot the tolks trom the streets he and his vite
¦enniter had come to the vedding because tood vould be served. Iuke valked
vith ditticulty, needing the help ot a cane. He vore braces on each arm, and a
large brace around his neck.
lolloving the meal my brother Bob and I brought them into the church
kitchen, asking him about the braces on each arm. He told us his problem vas
carpal tunnel syndrome. I asked him it he vould take the braces ott and let us
pray. He said yes. (Whenever it`s possible I like to remove vhatever that person
might trust in other than God., He did so, and ve laid our hands on his vrists,
commanding the tunnei to open and all numbness and pain to be gone. He then
moved his hands treely, experiencing the healing he had just received.
When ve asked him about his cane and the obvious problem vith his leg,
he described hov he had suttered a horrible accident. As a result he had an arti-
ticial shin and hip and had even lost halt a lung. His valk vas labored and
paintul. When the surgeons put him back together, his leg vas an inch too
short. I had him sit dovn and encouraged both him and his vite to vatch vhat
God vas about to do. I held his legs in such a vay that they could see the prob-
lem and vould be able to recognize any change. We commanded the leg to
grov. It did. When he stood, he shitted his veight trom side to side, almost as
though he vere trying on a nev pair ot shoes, saying, Yeah, that`s about right.¨
1he response ot the unchurched is very matter ot tact.and very retreshing. I
asked him to valk across the room, vhich he did gladly, vithout a limp and
vithout pain. God vas at vork. He replaced one inch ot missing bone and
removed all the pain caused by Iuke`s accident.
÷ : o ÷
÷When Heaven I nvades Lar th÷
Next ve asked about Iuke`s neck. He told me he had cancer and vas given
a couple ot years to live. He vent on to explain that the brace vas necessary
because ot the loss ot the muscles in his neck. 1he brace held his head in place.
By this time a group had gathered, not to vatch, but to participate. At my
request he removed the brace vhile another man in our church, a medical doc-
tor, sately held his head. As ve began to pray I heard the doctor command nev
muscles to grov. He called them by their Iatin names. I vas impressed. When
ve vere tinished, Iuke turned his head trom side to side. All vas restored. He
then placed his hand on the side ot his neck and exclaimed, 1he lumps are
His doctor gave him a clean bill ot health, and the miracles continued long
past the physical healing. Iuke and ¦enniter began to serve ¦esus as their Iord
and Savior. Within veeks Iuke got a job, the tirst time he had vorked in 17
years. ¦esus heals the vhole person.
Although that kind ot vedding remains unusual, our church`s deliberate
pursuit ot the poor and the miracles are common. 1his story is true, and it is
closer to the normal Christian lite than vhat the Church normaii¸ experiences.
1he lack ot miracles isn`t because it is not in God`s vill tor us. 1he problem
exists betveen our ears. As a result, a transtormation÷a reneuin¸ of the mino÷
is needed, and it`s only possible through a vork ot the Holy Spirit that typical-
ly comes upon desperate people.
1he atorementioned bride and groom, although noble, are ordinary people
vho serve an extravagant lather. 1here vasn`t a great person involved, except
tor ¦esus. All the rest ot us simply made room tor God, believing Him to be
good 100 percent ot the time. 1he risks that the bride and groom took vere
more than God could pass up. In the midst ot this marriage celebration God
invaded a home marked by hellish disease and established a testimony tor His
Stories ot this nature are becoming the norm, and the company ot people
vho have joined this quest tor an authentic gospel÷the ¸ospei of the Kin¸oom÷
is increasing. Ioving God and His people is an honor. We vill no longer make
up excuses tor poverlessness because poverlessness is inexcusable. Our man-
date is simple: raise up a generation that can openly display the rav pover ot
÷ : ; ÷
1|:| ¸|r.s: ... ¸.;:
God. 1his book is all about that journey.the quest tor the King and His
lhe kin¸oom of ·oo is not a matter of taik |ut of pouer.
:eek first the kin¸oom of ·oo.
LN D N O 1 L S
1. 1 Cor. 4:20 NIV.
2. Matt. 6:33.
÷ : 8 ÷
÷When Heaven I nvades Lar th÷

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