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Communication Law Jour 411/511 Spring 2012 late) T h u r s d a y , 3:10 a . m . - 4:30 p . m .

n., or by appointment. REQUIRED Text: Trager, Russomanno, Ross. The Law of Journalism and M a s s & f-Ccov IXFZ9--TO .T>3 0(1,

Communication, Third Edition. [ISBN: 978-1-60871-669-2] C o u r s e Objectives: You will learn about the laws that affect the mass communication, as well as familiarize yourself with First A m e n d m e n t theory and doctrine. Y o u will get the practical legal knowledge you need to understand your rights as a journalist and professional communicator. By the end of the course, you will: Understand h o w the courts have balanced the First A m e n d m e n t right of free speech and free press with other governmental interests (national security, privacy, libel, obscenity, access to information, confidentiality, free press v. fair trial). Understand how, w h y and w h e n First A m e n d m e n t rights can be limited. Apply the law to situations you may face as a journalist. Attendance: I expect perfect attendance. N o make-up exams will be given for unexcused absences. The only excused absence on exam day is one that has been approved by m e in advance. You will need a verified excuse - a note from your medical doctor, for example - to m a k e up an exam. E x a m s : There will be three exams. This includes the final. Material is d r a w n from the lectures and readings. Expect fill-in-the-blank, short answer, true/false and essay. E a c h test counts one third of your grade (undergrads). Grads will receive supplemental grading information on Day 1. Exam One: Tuesday, April 17. Exam Two: Thursday, M a y 10. E x a m Three (Finals Week): Tuesday, June 5, at 12:20 p.m.

Class participation: Y o u will be expected to participate in class discussions and be ready to discuss individual cases in a Socratic dialogue. The ability to discuss cases and threads of cases when called upon and the ability to engage productively in this dialogue is essential. Be prepared to thoroughly discuss the following elements for each assigned court case: 1) What the case was about; w h o sued who and w h y 2) Resolution: W h i c h court m a d e the final decision and what that decision was. 3) Significance. What effect this court decision had on the First A m e n d m e n t protection and/or the media. 4) Application: H o w might this affect journalists and other m e d i a practitioners and h o w they do their j o b s ? H o w might you apply this court decision in a future case involving the same or a similar issue? Core requirement: This is course is one of the core requirements for undergraduate majors in the School of Journalism. To remain active in the program, you m u s t earn at least a C in all core courses. G r a d i n g scale: A AB+ B B94-100 90-93 87-89 84-86 80-83 C+ C CD F 77-79 74-76 70-73 65-69 64 and below

H o w to make an A in this class: Along with keeping up with the readings and taking good notes in every class, form study groups to go over the material with your colleagues. D o n ' t wait until right before each e x a m to revisit your notes - they'll be "cold"! Focus on case outcomes. What was the importance of each decision and where does it fit into the chronology of the particular issue at h a n d ? For example, w h e n it comes to student press freedom, h o w did the U.S. Supreme Court alter student freedoms over the years? There is a line of important cases that track the evolution of student speech and the First Amendment. A c a d e m i c Misconduct: A c a d e m i c honesty is expected at all times. All forms of academic dishonesty are violations of the Ohio University Code of Student Conduct. Examples of academic dishonesty include (but are not limited to) copying from others or using notes or books during an exam; taking an e x a m in the place of another person; permitting another student to cheat from you; or signing in persons other than yourself for class attendance. If you are found to be involved in academic dishonesty, you will receive a grade of F for the e x a m or for the class and referral to the Director of Judiciaries for possible suspension or expulsion. E-mail accounts: Please be aware that I also will communicate from you via email. Check your O U account regularly. I will respond to y o u as soon as possible, typically within 24 hours. Special note: If you have a documented disability that requires an accommodation, please notify m e within the first two w e e k s of the quarter.

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