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1. Increased production of aldosterone causes: A) Decreased plasma sodium levels B) Decreased glomerular blood pressure C) Increased plasma sodium levels D) Increased urine volume 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: Correct Answer(s): C

2. The enzyme renin is produced by the kidney: A) To activate antidiuretic hormone B) In response to low plasma sodium levels C) When too much sodium is being reabsorbed D) To regulate secretion of hydrogen ions 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: Correct Answer(s): B

3. Production of antidiuretic hormone is controlled by the: A) Osmotic gradient of the medulla B) Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system C) State of body hydration D) Cells of the renal cortex 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: Correct Answer(s): C

4. The most common error in measuring the glomerular filtration rate using the creatinine clearance is: A) Diurnal variations in creatinine production B) Inaccurate timing of urine collection C) Calculation errors D) Errors in the chemical analysis 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: Correct Answer(s): B

5. Calculate the creatinine clearance for a patient of average size from the following data: Urine volume: 720 mL for 12hrs/ Urine creatinine: 120 mg/dL/ Serum creatinine: 1.5 mg/dL A) 60 mL/min B) 80 mL/min C) 100 mL/min D) 120 mL/min 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: Correct Answer(s): B

6. All the following are parts of the routine urinalysis EXCEPT: A) Physical examination B) Chemical examination C) Microscopic examination D) Cytodiagnostic examination 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: Correct Answer(s): D

7. Person taking diuretics can be expected to produce:

A) Anuria B) Polyuria C) Nocturia D) Oliguria 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: Correct Answer(s): B

8. The primary cause of the changes that take place in unpreserved urine is: A) Bacteria growth B) Excessive exposure to light C) Oxidation of chemical constituents D) Precipitation of crystals 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: Correct Answer(s): A

9. The recommended specimen for routine urinalysis testing is the: A) Random specimen B) Timed specimen C) First morning specimen D) Catheterized specimen 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: Correct Answer(s): C

10. Documentation of appropriate handling of specimens for drug analysis is provided by the: A) Urinalysis supervisor B) Physician C) Temperature readings D) Chain of custody form

1.0/1.0 Points Earned: Correct Answer(s): D

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