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When Islam spread to Persia (iraq-iran) the muslim established the cities of Kufa and Busra. People who are living in the country side began settling in these cities from amongst these new settlers there was a person by the name of Zoty. Zoty settled in kufa so that he could learn islam from the eminent sahaba who were living in kufa. Some of the eminent sahaba who were living in kufa at the time were Hazrat Ali (R.A), Hazrat Abdullah-Ibn-Masud (R.A). Zoty accepted Islam and changed his name to Nauman Zoty had a son whom he named Thaabit. When Thaabit was a little child his father Nauman brought him in to presence of Hazrat Ali (R.A). Hazrat Ali (R.A) made dua for this little child. The effect of Hazrat Ali dua was that Thaabit had a son whome he named Nauman later becoming more well known as Abu Hanifah, the fountain from which muslim are quenching their thirst for Deeni Knowledge till this day. WHAT IS THE MEANING OF ABU HANIFAH (R.A)? When a Person Hears the Name Abu Hanifah (R.A) he is left with the impression that he had a child by the name of Hanifah. Therefore, according to the general laws of Arabic, he is known as Abu Hanifah, or father of Hanifah. However this could not be any further than the truth. The actual reason why Imam Sahib was known as Abu Hanifah is the Arabic word haneef which means a person who obeys Allah does not care for anyone else. Imam Sahib undauntingly followed the path of the quran and hadith, not caring for the criticism and abuse flung at him by the jealous and envious, there by rightfully attaining Haneef. Now the name Abu Hanifah does not mean Father of Hanifah but master of the attribute Haneef. Imam Abu Hanifah (R.A) was not born in to a socially high ranking family, neither were his ancestors muslim many generation. He was not a sayyid , nor was he siddiqi, Farouqq, Uthmani

or Alwali. He was not a prince or the son of the noble man. But allah taaalah bestowed upon him such ilm, that centuries have passed yet in Sharee judgment, Imam Abu Hanifah (R.A) method and teaching are taken into consideration and implemented. This beauty lies only in islam where we see a persion family becoming muslims and from amongst them such a great personality is born that the muslim all over the world regard him as their imam. Not only the people of india and Persia but the arabs, truks, Afghanis, Chinese, Japnese have all acclaimed Imam Abu Hanifah (R.A) as one of the great Imam in Islamic history. All over the world muslim practice on the on wealth or nobility for a person to be chosen as an imam or leader, in fact, the only certerion in islam is Taqwa (Piety). Whoever attains the higgest degree of Taqwa will be regarded as an Imam or leader. Imam Abu Hanifah (R.A) was born in the year 80 A.H. Many great Sahaba (R.A) had left this world by then; although ther were few who were present (Imam Abu Hanifah (R.A) met some of the sahaba as will be discussed later). A muslim who had seen or met a sahabi is called a Taabiee. There was a large number of Taabieen who had the esteemed privilege of learning Deen from the sahaba in citiessuch as Kufa. Basra, Makkah Mukarramah and Medina Munawwarah. They learnt from the sahaba how Rasulullah (SAW) performed his salaah, his walking and talking habits and his meeting and mixing with frends and neighbours. Due to this there was a pleasant atmosphere in kufa. Many madrasah (Madaaris) were established and great scholars were teaching hadith, tafseer, fiqh and other subjects. The people seeking Islamic knowledge didi nit restrict themselves to a single ustaad or a city. After completing their studies under a ustaad they woyld go to another another ustaad in the same manner they travelled from Kufa To Busra, medinah, makkah or any other city or village if

it became Known to them that ilm-e-deen ( Islamic knowledge) is being thought there. These were the people who had great zeal for Islamic knowledge. IMAM ABU HANIFAHS INCLINATION TO KNOWLEDGE: One day while going to bazaar imam abu hanifah (R.A) passed the house of Imam Shabi (R.A) was the great ustaads, of kufa .he called him imam abu hanifah and asked him from whom he was studing. Imam Abu Hainfah replied from no one. Thereupon Imam shabi said with your good character you have not yet embarked upon your quest for Islamic knowledge. Present yourself to some alim and attend his lessons. You are destined to be a great person. The moment imam shabi saw young Nauman he knew that this youth was destined to to be a very great personality. Small incident sometimes have great effects. This by chance meeting with imam shabi did not leave Imam abu hanifah untouched. He used to ponder over the words of Imams shabi but as yet had not begun his quest for knowledge. However everything happens on its appointed time. One day a lady approach Imam Hanifah (R.A) and asked please tell me what is the correct method for man who wishes to divorce his wife according to the sunnah of our beloved nabi (SAW)? Imam abu hanifah (R.A) being unable to answer this question directed the lady to the house of Imam Hammad (R.A) a great Aalim who lived nearby and said Go and ask Imam Hammad and your way back inform me of the answer he has given you. With the word of Imam Shabi still ringing in his ears and the incident of being unable to answer the ladys question created awareness in imam abu hanifah (R.A) and prompted him to attend Imam Hammads lesson.

Imam Hammad (R.A) had a circle of the most hardworking and brilliant students. The more intelligent students used to sit in front of Imam Hammad (R.A) or to his right. Imam Abu Hanifah sat on the left hand sight where he found an empty place, but when he showed some signs of his great intelligence Imam Hammad (R.A) Seated in front of all the other students. This was a great honour for Imam abu hanifah (R.A) that in short time he became the most respected student. To this extent that when Imam Hammad (R.A) had to go to Basra for a few days he appointed Imam Abu hanifah (R.A) as his successor (deputy). The city of kufah was established by Hazrat Umar Farouk (R.A) as mentioned previously, many grat shahba settled in kufa due to which there was a large group of Taabieen nad many learned Ulema. Hazrat Umer Farouk (R.A) used to remark that kufa is the treasury of Iman. It had become well known that whoever wanted to know any masalah of whatever nature concerning Halaal or Haraam then they would enquire from the people of Kufa. Scholors and experts in all field of Hadith, Tafseer, Fiqh etc. where to be found in kufa imam abu hanifah (R.A) was a resident of kufa. He was not in need of more wealth, why then not avail himself of this great blessing i.e Islamic knowledge. It is astonishing to note that Imam abu hanifah (R.A) studied tafseer, Hadith, Fiqh and sought spiritual guidance under no less than 90 great Aalims. He did not confine himself to kufa alone in his search for knowledge, but in his quest for knowledge he traveeled to distant places suxch as basra, Makkah, and Madinah Munawwarah. Whenever he heard of a great Aalim, he travelled to that place to learn from that Aalim. There lived in Makkah Mukarrama a great Aalim bu the name of Ata Ibn Abi Ribah (R.A), Imam Shaeb journeyed to Makkah Muharramah to learn from this great Aalim.

This was the times when Ataibn abi Ribah was regarded as the most learned Aalim of Makkah Mukarramah. The government too, acknowledged that capability of this great Taabiee. During the Haj season, the government would announce that whoever seeks a fatwa concerning any Masalah should enquire from Ata Ibn Abi Ribah. Nobady other than Ata Ibn Abi Ribah was allowed to give a fatwa and no other fatwa was regarded as authentic. When Imam abu hanifah (R.A) arrived in the presence of Ata Ibn Abi Ribah (R.A) Hazrat Ata (R.A) asked him what are your beliefs? Imam abu hanifah (R.A) replied I do not speak ill of those who have passed away. I do not declare the sinful as Kaafir and I belief in Qadaa and Qadr (Taqdeer). There upon Hazrat Ata (R.A) allowed imam hanifah (R.A) to attend his lessons. As imam hammad (R.A) had showed great respect for Imam abu hanifah (R.A) in the same manner Hazrat Ata (R.A) also respected Imam abu hanifah (R.A) and he would remove the other students and Imam abu hanifah (R.A) next to him. Amongst the great Ulema of Makkah Mukarramah was Hazrat Ikramah (R.A). Hazrat Ikramah was the slave of Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Abbas (R.A) The cousin of our beloved Rasulallah Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (SAW). From his child hood Hazrat Ikramah (R.A) showed signs of piety and character. Because of this Hazrat ibn Abbaas (R.A) with great efforts and determination thought him the Ahaadeeth of Rasulullah (SAW). Many great Ulema had mentioned that Hazrat Ikramah (R.A) was the most learned Aalim of the Holy Quran during his time. During his stay in makkah Mukarrama Imam abu hanifah (R.A) also attend his lessons of Hzarat Ikramah.

From this we can take note of how slaves also achieved great heights and honour in islam, wher great personalities such as Imam abu hanifah (R.A) and many notable families of Makkah Mukarrama and elsewhere came to seek knowledge from Hazrat Ikramah (R.A). After attending the lessons of Hazrat Ata (R.A) and Hazrat Ikramah (R.A) AND OTHER LEARNED Ulema of Makkah Imam abu hanifah (R.A) journeyed to Madina. The knowledge of Ahaadeeth spread all over the world from his scared city of our beloved Nabi (SAW). Amongst the Ulema of Medinah ther were seven famous Ulema of Fiqh and Hadeeth. Imam abu hanifah (R.A) had the opportunity of meeting Hazrat Sulaiman and Saalim(R.A). The other five had passed away before Imam abu hanifah (R.A) came to Madinah. Hazrat Sulaiman (R.A) was the slave of Ummul Muminien, Hazrat Maimoona (R.A) while Hazrat Saalim (R.A) was the Grandson of Hazrat Umar Farouk (R.A). Imam abu hanifah (R.A) attented the lessons of these great Aalims and also received spiritual guidance from Imam Jafer Saadiq (R.A) and Imam Baaqir (R.A). Both these great men are from amongst the descendants of our Nabi (SAW). Imam Abu Hanifah (R.A) being trader, travelled to distant cities and countries. Wherever he went, he achieved spiritual guidance from the great ulema of those places. Imam abu hanifah (R.A) achieved spiritual guidance from approximately 4000 such great Ulama. IMAM ABU HABIFAH (R.A) WAS A TAABIEE: Any muslim who has seen or met a sahabi is called a Taabiee. When the cities of kufa and Basra were established many sahaba (R.A) settled in these cities.there were approximately 300 sahaba (R.A) from kufa. The Ashabu Shajarah are those sahaba who made a pledge to Rasulullah

(SAW) ON THE BETTLEfield of Hudaibiyya that they would sacrifice their lives nad would not flee from the bettle field. This oath was taken under a tree thereafter they became known as Ashabu-Ridhwaan. This name has been delivered from an ayat of the Holy Quraan wherein Allah Taaala pronounces his pleasure and happiness for these Sahaba (R.A). Rasulallh (SAW) also said the best among my followers those who are with me then those who are after them, then those who are after them. Thereafter these three generation i.e Sahaba, Taabieen , Taabieen are the best among the ummat. In his early youth Imam abu hanifah (R.A) was more interested in pursuing his business interest rather than seeking knowledge, therefore he did not compile any book on Ahaadith narrated directly from the sahaba (R.A) Imam Abu hanifah (R.A) certainly meet a few sahaba (R.A) . It is recorded that approximately 20 sahaba passed away after the year 80 A.H (the year of Imam abu hanifah (R.A) birth. Imam abu hanifah (R.A) saw or meet about 10-12 of these sahaba (R.A) therefore there can be no dought that Imam abu hanifah (R.A) was a Taabiee. IMAM ABU HANIFAH AND IMAM ABU MALIK (R.A): Imam malik (R.A) was born in Medina in the year 93 H.H. Imam malik had the utmost respect for the Ahaadith of Rasulullah (SAW). Whenever somebody requested Imam Malik( R.A) to recite a hadith he would wear clean clothes perfumed with itr , sit on high place and with utmost respect recite hadith. On one occasion with Imam malik (R.A) was busy teaching Hadith a scorpion stung him on his back. He did not move nor did he remove his cloak. When he had completed the lesson some student asked him why he hadnt remove it from his cloak or had the scorpion killed. He replied it is not possible for me to divert my attention elsewhere thereby disrespecting the Ahaadith of our beloved Nabi (SAW).

Knowledge of deen is a great gift granted by Allah Taaala to whomsoever he wishes. Any person who intends seeking knowledge shouldnot consider the social satnding ot the age etc. of the person from whom he is gaining knowledge. The only certerion to be considered is Taqwa and piety. Imam abu hanifah (R.A) studied under a slave i.e. Hazrat Ikramah(R.A) and also studied under a person younger than him i.e Imam Malik (R.A). Although Imam abu hanifah (R.A) was 13 years elder then Imam Malik (R.A). He would sit with utmost respect nad humility when he attended the lessons of Imam Maalik (R.A). On one occasion when Imam abu hanifah (R.A) attended the lesson of Imam Maalik (R.A). Imam Maalik (R.A) gave him a seat next to himself. When Imam abu hanifah (R.A) left Imam Maalik (R.A) addressed the other students saying, do you know who this person is? He is Imam abu hanifah (R.A) of Iraq. His capability is such that if he claims this stone pillar is made of gold he will be able to prove it. This mutual love and interest between these two great imams was for the knowledge of Deen and not for wealth, age, nobility or mundance consideration. Imam Abu Hanifah (R.A) also attended the lessons of Imam Maalik (R.A) solely for the purpose of learning the Ahaadith of our beloved Nabi (SAW). RESPECT FOR USTAADS:

As long as Imam Hammaad (R.A) was alive Abu Hanifah (R.A) did not stretch his feet to wards Imam a(R.A) did not open his own Madrasah during the life time of Imam Hammaad. After Imam Hammaad (R.A) passed away initially his son took his place,but when his son went to Makkah Mukarramah for Haj,people insisted that Imam Abu Hanifah (R.A) take his place and carry on teaching. Imam Abu Hanifahs (R.A) fame spread world wide and people began

flocking to kufah to benefit from the knowledge of Deen being imparted by Imam Abu Hanifah (R.A)


Imam Abu Hanifah (R.A) was very generous. He never told any body of his own personal necessity. He was handsome and had a sweet manner of speaking. He would explain the Masaail in such a clear and sweet manner that the people did not remain in any doubt. He treated friend and foe alike and never resorted to insulting his enemies

Imam Abu Hanifah (R.A) had a textile manufacturing business with a turnover of thousands of rands. The reproductivity of his factory amounted to thousand of meters of blended silk material annually. He had agencies in all the major cities of Arabia, Persia and Syria. Imam Abu Hanifah (R.A) was so trust worthy that people would leave large amounts of money as trust with him. When Imam Abu Hanifah (R.A) passed away. 50 million Dirhams of peoples Amaanat was found intact Imam abu hanifah (R.A) conducted his business in a completely interest free manner. If Imam Abu Hanifah (R.A) gave a losnto any one he would not ask that person for any favour, nor would he accept any gifts from that person. One day Imam Abu Hanifah (R.A) was on his way to visit somebody, there was a big tree in front of this persons house. It wad a very hot day, so one of Imam Abu Hanifahs (R.A) companions suggested he wait in the shade of the tree. Imam Abu Hanifah (R.A) repied, This person owes me some money and I fear, by standing under this tree it may become interest, which I will have to answer for on the Day of Judgment

Imam Abu Hanifah (R.A) had many business agencies in various towns and cities. A person by the name of Hafs-ibn-Rahman was the manager of one of the agencies. Imam Abu Hanifah (R.A) sent a or consignment of clothes to him and informed him that the these material have some flaw in them. When you sell the material inform that the customer about the flaw. Eventually the whole consignment was sold. When Imam Abu hanifah (R.A) came to know of what had happened he was very perturbeb and gave the entire amount of that consignment to charity. The amount to alled 30,000 Dirhams. Imam Abu Hanifah (R.A) would not take advantage of anybodys need or iogrance. Once a needy lady wanted to sell some material to Imam Abu Hanifah (R.A). Imam Abu Hanifah (R.A) asked her what the price was. The lady replied, 100 Dirhams. Imam Abu Hanifah (R.A) said, Surely this is worth much more than 100 Dirhams. The lady said ok give me 200 Dirhams. Imam Abu Hanifah (R.A) replied, This material is worth 500 Dirhams. The leady thought that Imam Abu Hanifah was jesting, but Imam Abu Hanifah gave her 500 Dirhams and kept material. If any person who was owning mam Abu Hanifah and could not repay the amount, Imam Abu Hanifah would forgive him and should not seek to embarrass him. One day a person seeing Imam Abu Hanifah tried to hide away. Imam Abu Hanifah asked him why was he hiding away, he replied, I owe you some money which I unable to pay. Imam Abu Hanifah asked him how much was he owing? He replied, 10000 Dirhams Imam Abu Hanifah forgave him the entire amount.

RESPECT FOR HIS MOTHER: Imam Abu Hanifahs father passed away when Imam Abu Hanifah was only a child. His mother remained alive for a long time. Imam Abu Hanifahs mother had great respect of a orator and whenever she wanted to enquire any she would do to that orator. Imam Abu Hanifah would let his mother mount the animal and he would walk at her side. When the orator remarked that how is it possible for me to give a verdict on my masalah in your presence, Imam Abu Hanifah replied, It is my mother wish that you tell her the masalah. If at any time the orator did not know the masalah Imam Abu Hanifah would tell him yhe masalah and he in turn would tell Imam Abu Hanifa mother.

IMAM ABU HANIFAH PIETY: From the time of Fajr Imam Abu Hanifah would conduct lesson in the masjid. After Zuhr in summer he would rest for a while. After Asr till Maghrib and after Maghrib for a short while he would conduct lesson. The rest of the time would be spent visiting the sick and helping the needy and destitute. From Esha till fajr Imam Abu Hanifah would engage himself in nawaafil salaah,Ibaadah and Tilaawah of the Holy Quran. Whenever he came across any Aayah concerning punishment he would burst out crying. Once when the Imam of the Masjid read a particular Aayah his whole body begen to shiver. While reciting the Holy Quran in Nafi Salaat whenever he came across any Aayah describing the difficulties of Qiyamah he would cry and carry on repeating the Aayah and crying till the time of Fagr. Imam Abu Hanifah would recite the whole Quraan in Nafl Salaah in one night. Many people bear witness to the fact that Imam Abu Hanifah spent every night in Ibaadah for 40 year and performed thr Fajr salaah with the Wuzu which he had made for Esha salaah. Imam Abu Hanifahs crying and weeping and could

be heard by his close neighbors while working in the shop Imam Abu Hanifah servant once exclaimed :O Allah ! Grant us Jannah.Imam covering mam Abu Hanifah began crying and covering his face with a shawl and left the place. When he returned the next day he told the servant O my brother ! we are not fit enough to hope for jannah. If Allah Taaala in his infinite mercy saver us from any punishment that in it self will be a great blessing. Hazrat Umar Farouk also used to say that, On the day of judgement if I am not punished, nor am I rewarded, than too will I be happy

AN EXTRA ORDINARY MASALLAH: During a gathering in which many great Ulama were present a person came forward and addressed the Ulama saying, Respected Ulama! An incident took place while four people were sitting. A snake climbed on one of them. Out of fear he pushed it away and it fell on the second person. He too, out of fear pushed it away and it fell on the third person. He too, out of fear pushed it away and it fell on the forth person. The snake bit the forth person and due to the snake bite he passed away. The question arises that on whom does the penalty fall? The ulama began discussing this Masalah amongst themselves. Some said that the three remaining people should share the Diyyah. Imam Abu Hanifah who was also present in that gathering sat smiling to himself. One of Ulama asked him O! Abu Hanifah whats your opinion about this Masalah? Who is responsible for the Diyyah? Imam Abu Hanifah replied, the first person pushed it away and it fell on the second person who in turn also pushed it away before the snake could bite him thereby exonerating the first person of any blame. The same applies when the second person did this and same goes with third person, now it depends on the forth person that when the snake fell

on him, did it bite him immediately or after some time had elapsed. If the snake bit him immediately then third person is responsible and if the snake bit him after some time then nobody is responsible because it happened because of the persons negligence.

THE CHANGE OF GOVERNMENT AND IMAM ABU HANIFAHS DEATH: The Banu Umayyah were ruling the Muslim empire during the time when Imam Abu Hanifah was born. The Banu Umayyah is the same branch of the Quraish from which Hazrat Uthman (R.A) and Hazrat Muaawiyah (R.A.) came. During the later years of Imam Abu Hanifahs (R.A.) life the Banu Abbas took over the leadership. The Banu Abbas made Baghdad the capital and built big palaces for themselves. Mansoor who was an Abbaasi ruler called Imam Abu Hanifah to Baghdad to offer him the position of Qazi. When Imam Abu Hanifah entered the court of Mansoor he was praised with these words. This is the greatest Aalim on the earth. Mansoor questioned Imam Abu Hanifah as form whom he had acquired knowledge. Imam Abu Hanifah mentioned the names of his Ustaads and said that this links up with noble sahabah. Mansoor thereafter offered Imam Abu Hanifah the post of Qazi. Imam Abu Hanifah declined the offer saying I am not worthy of such a lofty position. I am not an Arab. I am an Ajmi and the Arabs would not accept my verdicts against them. Mansoor got very angry and accused Imam Abu Hanifah by saying that you are a liar. Imam Abu Hanifah calmly replied, Think for yourself if I am a liar how can you make me Qazi. Eventually Mansoor ordered that Imam Abu Hanifah be jailed. Imam Abu Hanifah preferred to go to jail rather then being a Qazi. After some time in jail he suddenly took ill and passed away. When the news of his death spread in Baghdad people became hysterical. Janazah Salah was performed six

times and after Imam Abu Hanifah was buried people form far and wide came for twenty days to perform the Janazah Salah at his graveside.

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