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Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Sistem Kewaspadaan Dini Kejadian Luar Biasa Campak di Kota Pontianak Tahun 2011. Di bawah bimbingan MALIK SAEPUDIN dan ASMADI. Campak adalah penyakit infeksi akut dengan daya penularan tinggi, yang ditandai dengan demam, konjungtivitis, batuk disertai enanthem spesifik (kopliks spot) diikuti ruam macula popular menyeluruh. Komplikasi campak cukup serius seperti diare, pneumonia, otitismedia, ensefalitis bahkan kematian. Kematian akibat campak sering terjadi pada anak dengan malnutrisi terutama di negara berkembang. Data dari Dinas Kesehatan Kota Pontianak tahun 2009 terdapat 95 kasus, tahun 2010 berjumlah 29 kasus, dan tahun 2011 hingga bulan Agustus berjumlah 70 kasus. Kasus pada umumnya menyerang anak usia balita sampai dengan usia <15 tahun dan terjadi hampir di semua kecamatan di kota Pontianak. Untuk melakukan perlindungan campak pada anak sejak tahun 2005 sampai agustus 2007 telah dilakukan kegiatan crash program campak terhadap anak usia 6 59 bulan dan anak usia sekolah dasar di seluruh provinsi dalam 5 tahap dan kegiatan surveilans campak secara terus menerus. Untuk menilai dampak pelaksanaan program tersebut diperlukan pengkajian apakah pelaksanaan surveilans campak di Kota Pontianak sudah berjalan dengan optimal. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi sistem Surveilans Epidemiologi dan Penanggulangan Kejadian Luar Biasa Campak di Kota Pontianak tahun 2011. Data diperoleh dari 23 responden melalui wawancara dan observasi menggunakan pedoman wawancara dan ceklis. Analisa data menggunakan uji distribusi frekuensi. Variabel yang diuji adalah komponen masukan (input), proses (process) dan keluaran (output) dari kegiatan penanggulangan KLB Campak di Kota Pontianak. Hasil analisa data menunjukkan gambaran bahwa komponen masukan dan komponen proses belum memenuhi standar sedangkan komponen keluaran sudah memenuhi standar. Bagi instansi terkait disarankan untuk membuat standar penentuaan KLB, melakukan pembimbingan secara kontinyu dan supervisi secara rutin, meningkatkan kerja sama lintas sektor, mengusulkan alokasi dana khusus untuk kegiatan surveilans dan penambahan sarana penunjang.

Kata kunci Referensi

: komponen, masukan, proses, keluaran, kegiatan penanggulangan KLB Campak : 13 (1996 2003)


ABSTRACT DIAH NOPENIARTI. The Evaluation of the Response on Measles Extraordinary Events in the City of Pontianak in 2011. Under the guidance MALIK SAEPUDIN and ASMADI. Measles is an acute infectious disease with high transmission power, which is characterized by fever, conjunctivitis, cough with specific enanthem (Koplik's spots), followed by a thorough popular macular rash. Serious complications such as diarrhea, measles, pneumonia, otitismedia, encephalitis and even death may occurs as its prognosis. Deaths from measles are common in children with malnutrition, especially in developing countries. Data from Pontianak City Health Department in 2009 showed that there were 95 cases, in 2010 there were 29 cases, and in 2011 until August there were 70 cases. Cases generally attacks children under five until the age <15 years and occurs in almost all districts in the city of Pontianak. To make the protection of measles in children, from 2005 until August 2007 a crash program of activities has been carried out measles on children aged 6-59 months and the primary school age children throughout the province in five stages and measles surveillance activities continuously. To assess the impact of the implementation of such programs requires assessment on the surveillance of measles in the city of Pontianak either it has running optimally or not. This is study a descriptive study which was aimed to evaluate the system Surveillance Epidemiology and Prevention Measles Extraordinary Events in the City of Pontianak in 2011. Data were obtained from 23 respondents through interviews and observations using the interview guidelines and checklists. The data were analyzed using frequency distributions. The variables tested were the component of the system Surveillance Epidemiology and Prevention Measles Extraordinary Events such as input, process and output. The results of the analyzed data showed that the components of the input and the components of the process were not met the standards while the output component was met the standard. For the related parties were advised to make a standard to decide a call for an outbreaks, perform continuous supervision and regular supervision, improving cross-sectoral cooperation, proposing the allocation of special funds for surveillance activities and the addition of support facilities. As for the public were advised to increase any efforts to gain education and information about measles, especially on how to control measles in communities before outbreaks occur.

Keywords : component input, component process, component output, prevention activities, measles outbreaks References : 13 (1996 - 2003)


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