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BE (AM / IS / ARE) (LIHAT KALIMAT TUNGGAL I) ) BE sebagai kata kerja penuh merupakan kata kerja penghubung (= linking verb) antara unsur subyek (kata ganti orang, frasa benda, dsb.) dan unsur pelengkap subyek (= subjective c complement) (kata sifat, frasa preposisi, dsb.) Bentuk kalimat tunggal I berbeda dengan bentuk kalimat tunggal II, III, IV, dan V dalam kalimat positif, negatif, tanya iya / tidak, dan t tanya dengan kata tanya. Contoh kalimat tunggal I dalam kalimat positif, negatif, tanya iya / tidak, dan tanya dengan kata tanya: a. Kalimat positif The PC IS . (kata sifat, frasa preposisi, dsb.) The PCs ARE . One of the PCs IS . Many / Most / Some of the PCs ARE .

Much / Most / Some of the information IS . Some people are . The news IS . Two dollars IS . Ten silver dollars ARE . Twenty-six miles IS .

b. Kalimat negatif The PC IS NOT . The PCs ARE NOT . c. Kalimat tanya iya / tidak IS this PC . (kata sifat, frasa preposisi, dsb.)? (= APAKAH ?) Yes, IT IS / No, IT ISNT. ARE those PCs ? Yes, THEY ARE / No, THEY ARENT. IS everybody ? Yes, THEY ARE / No, THEY ARENT. IS everything ? Yes, IT IS / No, IT ISNT. ARE there any PCs in the room? Yes, there ARE (some PCs in the room) / No, there ARE NOT (any PCs in the room). d. Kalimat tanya dengan kata tanya What IS a system?

What IS your office like? What IS in the box? What kind of man IS the new director? What IS your e-mail address? Where ARE the other staff members? When IS your birthday? Who IS the man at the door? Who IS absent from work today? Why ARE you interested in this job? How IS your manager? How many employees ARE present at work today? How much money IS in the bag? Which IS better, the red one or the yellow one? Which one of the PCs IS the most powerful? Whose IS this PC? (= Whose PC IS this?) 2. SENSESORY / SPECIAL VERB (LIHAT KALIMAT TUNGGAL II) ) SENSORY / SPECIAL VERB merupakan kata kerja penghubung (selain BE) antara unsur subyek (kata ganti orang, frasa benda, dsb.) dan unsur pelengkap subyek (= subjective complement) (kata sifat, frasa preposisi, dsb.)

Bentuk kalimat tunggal II, III, IV, dan V sama dalam kalimat positif, negatif, tanya iya / tidak, d dan tanya dengan kata tanya. Contoh kalimat tunggal II dalam kalimat positif, negatif, tanya iya / tidak, dan tanya dengan kata tanya: a. Kalimat positif I / You / We / They FEEL happy. He / She FEELS happy. The workers FEEL happy. The worker FEELS happy. b. Kalimat negatif I / You / We / They DO NOT (DONT) FEEL happy. He / She DOES NOT (DOESNT) FEEL happy. The workers DONT FEEL happy. The worker DOESNT FEEL happy.

c. Kalimat tanya iya / tidak DO you / they FEEL happy? DOES he / she FEEL happy? ( DO the workers FEEL happy?

Does the worker feel happy? d. Kalimat tanya dengan kata tanya How DO you / they FEEL? How DOES he / she FEEL? How DO the workers FEEL? How DOES the worker FEEL? 3. INTRANSITIVE VERB (= KATA KERJA INTRANSITIF) (kki) (LIHAT KALIMAT TUNGGAL III) ) KATA KERJA INTRANSITIF: a. Kata kerja yang tidak memerlukan obyek. b. Kata kerja yang tidak dapat dipasifkan (tidak d dapat diubah dengan awalan di) Bentuk kalimat tunggal II, III, IV, dan V sama dalam kalimat positif, negatif, tanya iya / tidak, d dan tanya dengan kata tanya. Contoh kalimat tunggal II dalam kalimat positif, negatif, tanya iya / tidak, dan tanya dengan kata tanya: a. Kalimat positif I / You / We / They WORK in a factory. He / She WORKS in a factory. The men WORK in a factory.

The man works in a factory. b. Kalimat negatif I / You / We / They DO NOT (DONT) WORK in a factory. He / She DOES NOT (DOESNT) WORK in a factory. The men DONT FEEL WORK in a factory. The man DOESNT WORK in a factory. c. Kalimat tanya iya / tidak DO you / they WORK in a factory? DOES he / she WORK in a factory? DO the men WORK in a factory? Does the man WORK in a factory? d. Kalimat tanya dengan kata tanya Where DO you / they WORK? Where DOES he / she WORK? Where DO the men WORK? Where DOES the man WORK? 4. TRANSITIVE VERB (= KATA KERJA TRANSITIF) (kkt) DENGAN SATU OBYEK (LIHAT KALIMAT TUNGGAL IV) ) KATA KERJA TRANSITIF: a. Kata kerja yang memerlukan obyek. b. Kata kerja yang dapat dipasifkan (dapat diubah dengan awalan di)

Bentuk kalimat tunggal II, III, IV, dan V sama dalam kalimat positif, negatif, tanya iya / tidak, d dan tanya dengan kata tanya. Contoh kalimat tunggal II dalam kalimat positif, negatif, tanya iya / tidak, dan tanya dengan kata tanya: a. Kalimat positif I / You / We / They DO the work every morning. He / She DOES the work every morning. The men DO the work every morning. The man DOES the work every morning. b. Kalimat negatif I / You / We / They DONT DO the work every morning. He / She DOESNT DO the work every morning. The men DONT DO the work every morning. The man DOESNT DO the work every morning. c. Kalimat tanya iya / tidak DO you / they DO the work every morning? DOES he / she DO the work every morning? DO the men DO the work every morning? DOES the man DO the work every morning? d. Kalimat tanya dengan kata tanya What DO you / they DO every morning? What DOES he / she DO every morning? What DO the men DO every morning? What DOES the man DO every morning?

5. TRANSITIVE VERB (= KATA KERJA TRANSITIF) (kkt) DENGAN DUA OBYEK (LIHAT KALIMAT TUNGGAL V) ) KATA KERJA TRANSITIF: a. Kata kerja yang memerlukan obyek. b. Kata kerja yang dapat dipasifkan (dapat d diubah dengan awalan di) Bentuk kalimat tunggal II, III, IV, dan V sama dalam kalimat positif, negatif, tanya iya / tidak, dan tanya dengan kata tanya.

You do the work every night. S P O Adverbial of Time (= mengerjakan) (kkt) (kata kerja penuh) (= full verb) Do you do the work every night? Yes, I do. (= Apakah bukan apa) (kata bantu tanya)

What do you do every night? (= Apa bukan apakah) (kata tanya) (menanyakan obyek) What do you do? I am a programmer. (= Apa pekerjaan Anda) (Tanpa keterangan) (menanyakan pekerjaan) many PCs. You have Do you have

many PCs? How many PCs do you have? He has many PCs. Does he have many PCs? No, he doesnt have many PCs How many PCs does he have? You have

much money.

Do you have

much money? How much money do you have? How much money do you earn a month? You have a class / classes today. (= Saya ada kuliah / kuliah kuliah hari ini) Do you have a class / classes today? Yes, I do. How many classes do you have today? I have two classes today. What class(es) do you have today? What programming language(s) do you know? What kind of computer do you have today? What kind of operating system do you use? I use Linux.

How many times (a day) do you access your e-mail (a day)?

THE DIRECTIONS OF ANSWERING THE TEST ITEMS GIVEN IN THE FINAL, WRITTEN EXAMINATION OF ENGLISH I A. Read Each of the Following Test Items Carefully. Read the Four Choices Marked a, b, c, and d, and Decide Which One Is False. Then, on your Answer Sheet, Write the Letter of the Answer You Have Chosen: Y Example The test item: Two employees is absent from work today. . a b c c d The correct answer: b. .

B. Write down the Phonetic Scripts and Meanings of the Following words:

Example The test item: Delete. . The correct answer: /dIli:t/ menghapus.

C. Identify and Underline Each Subject, Predicate, Object, or Direct Object and Indirect Object or Vice Versa, and Adjunct (If There Is Any) of the Following Sentences, and beneath each Line, Write S for the Subject, P for the Predicate, O for the Object, DO for the Direct Object, IO for the Indirect Object, and A for the Adjunct: I Example The test item: I visit Internet sites regularly. . The correct answer: I visit Internet sites regularly. . S P O A A

D. Arrange the Following Cues in Proper Word Order To Make Complete Sentences: O Example The test item: laptop he new a has. . The correct answer: He has a new laptop.

E. Change Each of the Following Sentences into a Negative Sentence, a Yes-no Question, and a Question Beginning with an Interrogative Word, and Answer the Questions You Have Made: a Example The test item: Those are our PCs. T The correct answer: 1. Those are not our PCs. 2. Are those your PCs? No, they are not.

3. Whose PCs are those? (= Whose are those PCs?) They are theirs / his / hers / Johns.

TENSES KALI MAT TUNGGAL I DAN KALI MAT TUNGGAL II V KALI MAT TUNGGAL I KALI MAT TUNGGAL II V Simple Present Tense Simple Present Tense Kalimat Positif Kalimat Positif now / today / in every morning every to I am Jogj / on Sundays / I go morning / on Jogja a this morning Sundays. (= pagi ini).

They He

are is

They goe s Kalimat Negatif He I They He does not Kalimat Tanya Iya / Tidak Do to you go on Sundays? Jogja Does he Yes, I do / No, I do not; Yes he does / No, he does not. Kalimat Tanya dengan Kata Tanya Wher do you go on Sundays? e does he I go / He goes to Jogja on Sundays. Simple Past Tense Kalimat Positif yesterday / last Monday / I went two days He (Verb to Jogja ago / in 1988 / They II) this morning (= pagi tadi). Kalimat Negatif I He They yesterday / last Monday / to two days Jogja ago / in 1988 / this morning (= pagi tadi). do not go to on Sundays. Jogja

Kalimat Negatif I am in not Jogj on Sundays. a They are not He is not Kalimat Tanya Iya / Tidak in Are you Jogj on Sundays? a Is he Yes, I am / No, I am not; Yes, he is / No, he is not. Kalimat Tanya dengan Kata Tanya Wher are you on Sundays? e is he I am / He is in Jogja on Sundays. Simple Past Tense Kalimat Positif yesterday / last Monday / I in two days ago / was He Jogja in 1988 / this morning (= pagi tadi). They were Kalimat Negatif yesterday / last Monday / two I was in days ago / in He not Jogja 1988 / this morning (= pagi tadi). were They not Kalimat Tanya Iya / Tidak yesterday / last Monday / two I in days ago / in Was he Jogja 1988 / this morning (= pagi tadi)? were they Yes, I / He was; No, I / He was not / Yes, they were / No, they were not Kalimat Tanya dengan Kata Tanya yesterday / last Monday / two Whe days ago / in were you re 1988 / this morning (= pagi tadi)?

did not


Kalimat Tanya Iya / Tidak you he they yesterday / last Monday / to two days Jogja ago / in 1988 / this morning (= pagi tadi)?



Yes, I / He did; No, I / He did not / Yes, they did/ No, they did not Kalimat Tanya dengan Kata Tanya yesterday / you last Monday / Wher he two days did go e the ago / in 1988 / y this morning (= pagi tadi)?

they was he I / He was / They were in Jogja yesterday. Future Tense Kalimat Positif will (can) (may ) (must ) tomorro w/ next Sunday / in two hours / soon. tomorro w / next Sunday / in two hours / soon.

I / He / They went to Jogja yesterday. Future Tense Kalimat Positif will (can) (may) (must ) tomorrow / next Sunday / in two hours / soon.

I They He


ther e

I They He


ther e

Kalimat Negatif I They He

Kalimat Negatif I They He tomorrow / next Sunday / in two hours / soon.

will not


ther e

will not


ther e

Kalimat Tanya Iya / Tidak tomorro w / next you Will ther Sunday they be e / in two he hours / soon? Yes, I / He / They will; No, I / He / They will not Kalimat Tanya dengan Kata Tanya Whe n will you they he be there?

Kalimat Tanya Iya / Tidak you they he tomorrow / next Sunday / in two hours / soon?



ther e

I / He / They will be there tomorrow.

Yes, I / He / They will; No, I / He / They will not Kalimat Tanya dengan Kata Tanya you Whe the will go there? n y he I / He / They will go there tomorrow.

PRONOUN (= KATA GANTI) SEBAGAI SUBYEK I am tall YOU are tall WE are tall JONI AND ANI JONI ANI THEY are tall HE is tall SHE is tall SEBAGAI KATA SIFAT YANG BERSIFAT MILIK MY PCs are good YOUR PCs are good OUR PC are good THEIR PCs are good HIS PCs are good HER PCs are good ANIS PCs are good MR. JONESS PCs are good THE STUDENTS PCs are good THEIR colors are black and grey ITS color is black SEBAGAI OBYEK This is for ME This is for YOU This is for US This is for THEM This is for HIM This is for HER SEBAG AI KATA GANTI MILIK This is MINE This is YOUR S This is OURS This is THEIR S This is HIS This is HERS


THEY are good IT is good

One of THEM is new

WHERE WHY WHO / WHOM WHAT WHEN WHOSE (= milik siapa) WHICH (= yang mana) HOW
1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3.

I am Sakura. I am not Suzuna. Are you Kurenai? No, . (= Siapa) are you? I am Tsunade. My name is Sakura. My name is not Suzuna. Is your name Kurenai? No, . (= Siapa) is your name? My name is Tsunade. Mr. Jono is in his room now. Mr. Jono is not in his room now. Is Mr. Jono in Citra room now? No, . (= Dimana) is Mr. Jono now? He is in the lab now.

1. 2. 3.

Mr. Jono on the way (= dalam perjalanan) to the head office. Mr. Jono on the way to the head office. Mr. Jono on the way here? No, . (= Dimana) Mr. Jono? He is on the way to the branch office. My address is 1 Jl. Ciblek Klaten. My address is not 4 Jl. Ciblek Klaten. Is your address 9 Jl. Emprit Wonosari? No, . (= Dimana) is your address? My addres is 8 Jl. Emprit Wonosari. My e-mail address My e-mail address your e-mail address No, . (= Dimana) your e-mail address? My e-mail address My phone number 1111. My phone number 4444. your phone number 9999? No, . (= Berapa) your phone number? My phone number 8888. I am 11 (years old). I am not 14 (years old). you 19 (years old)? No, . (= Berapa usia) you? I am 18 (years old). My hobby making a site about movies. My hobby browsing on the Internet. (= Apakah) your hobby also making a site about movies? No, . (=Apa) your hobby? My hobby surfing on the Internet.

1. 2. 3.

1. 2. 3.

1. 2. 3.

1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3.

1. 2. 3.

Making a site about movies my hobby. Browsing on the Internet ... my hoby. (= Apakah) making a site about movies also your hobby? No, . (=Apa) your hobby? My hobby surfing on the Internet. Jogging in the morning and playing badminton in the afternoon are good for your health. My job to fix computers. My job to repair cars. (= Apakah) your job also to fix computers? No, . (=Apa) your job? My job to repair cars. My job fixing computers. My job repairing cars. (= Apakah) your job also fixing computers? No, . (=Apa) your job? My job repairing cars. He is a / the / my / your / her manager. (determiners: a / an, the, my, your, her, etc.) They are programmers. A computer is a machine. Computers are machines. Their office a long way from their houses. Their office far from my house. (= Apakah) their office far from your house? No, . (=Berapa jauh) their office from your house? about 80 meters from my houses. A computer is a machine for processing data. I am interested in studying IT.

1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3.

1. 2. 3.

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