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------------------------------------------x JOHNSON GOLF MANAGEMENT, INC., Plaintiff vs TOWN OF DUXBURY, and NORTH HILL ADVISORY COMMITTEE, Consisting of MICHAEL DOOLIN, CHAIRMAN, SCOTT WHITCOMB, ROBERT M. MUSTARD, JR., MICHAEL MARLBOROUGH, ANTHONY FLOREANO, MICHAEL T. RUFO, THOMAS K. GARRITY, Richard Manning, W. JAMES FORD, and GORDON CUSHING (EX OFFICIO) and CALM GOLF, INC., and CHARLES LANZETTA, Defendants ------------------------------------------x DEPOSITION OF PAMELA D. HAGLER, taken on behalf of the Plaintiff, pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Massachusetts Rules of Civil Procedure, before James A. Lyons, CSR No. 117993, a Registered Diplomate Reporter, Certified Realtime Reporter and Notary Public in and for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, at the offices of Follansbee & McLeod, LLP, 536 Granite Street, 3rd Floor, Braintree, Massachusetts, on Friday, May 4, 2012, commencing at 2:14 p.m. --------------------------------------BRAMANTI & LYONS COURT REPORTING, INC. REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL REPORTERS 92 STATE STREET, BOSTON, MA 02109 TEL: 617.723.7321 / FAX: 617.723.7322


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A P P E A R A N C E S : S F 5 B A t e p h e n R . F o lla n s b e e , E s q . o lla n s b e e & M c L e o d , L L P 3 6 G r a n it e S t r e e t , 3 r d F lo o r r a in t r e e , M a s s a c h u s e t t s 0 2 1 8 4 t t o r n e y f o r t h e P la in t if f

1 2 3 4 5
L e o n a rd H . K e s te n , E s q . B r o d y , H a r d o o n , P e r k in s O n e E x e t e r P la z a 6 9 9 B o y ls t o n S t r e e t B o s to n , M a s s a c h u s e tts 0 A tto rn e y fo r th e D e fe n d a T o w n o f D u x b u ry a n d N o C o m m it t e e m e m b e r s R K 1 B A & K e s te n , L L P

w h e re

s h e Is


n o t a

p a rty , 3 5

d a y s


s ig n

it .

th a t o k a y ? 3 7 . L e t 's d o 3 7 . d a y s . h e I is

M R . K E S T E N :

M R . F O L L A N S B E E : a lw a y s p u s h in g g iv e it . Y o u h im a n e x tra

O k a y , 3 7 fiv e

d a y s, a n d

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 A. Q.

M R . H O L L A N D : r ig h t ?

d o n 't n e e d

n o ta ry ,

2 1 1 6 n ts , r t h H ill A d v is o r y

M R . F O L L A N S B E E : n o ta ry .

N o .

W e 'll w a iv e

th e

ic h a r d T . H o lla n d , E s q . o p e lm a n a n d P a ig e , P . C . 0 1 A rch S tre e t o s to n , M a s s a c h u s e tts 0 2 1 1 0 -1 1 3 0 tto rn e y fo r th e D e p o n e n t

E X A M IN A T IO N C o u ld


M R . F O L L A N S B E E : y o u r s e lf, g iv in g u s

y o u , p le a s e , id e n t ify a n d is b u s in e s s

y o u r n a m e M y n a m e

a d d re ss ? H a g le r . A n d m y

P a m e la is

D ia n e 1 1


P R E S E N T :

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A. Q. A. Q. A. Q.

b u s in e s s

a d d re s s

L in c o ln

S tre e t,

D o u g la s J o h n s o n a n d Ja so n L a ra m e e ( F o r Jo h n s o n G o lf M a n a g e m e n t, In c .) N in a L . P ic k e r in g - C o o k , E s q . A n d e r s o n & K r e ig e r , L L P O n e C a n a l S t r e e t , S u it e 2 0 0 C a m b r id g e , M a s s a c h u s e t t s 0 2 1 4 1 ( S p e c ia l C o u n s e l fo r t h e T o w n o f D u x b u r y )

P ly m o u t h . A n d T h e A n d b y w h o m a re y o u e m p lo y e d ?

T o w n w h a t is

o f P ly m o u t h . y o u r p o s it io n w it h th e T o w n o f

P ly m o u t h ? I 'm A n d I th e h o w p r o c u r e m e n t o ffic e r . lo n g h a v e y o u a s h a d t h a t r o le ?

w a s

a p p o in te d

th e

p r o c u r e m e n t o ffic e r s in c e


I N D e p o s it io n P A M E L A o f: D E X P a g e


1 2 3
5 2 2


th e

m id

'9 0 s . y o u r e d u c a t io n a l b a c k g r o u n d ? in b u s in e s s m a n a g e m e n t fro m

Q. A. Q.

A n d I

w h a t 's a

D . H A G L E R b y b y M r . F o lla n s b e e M r. K e s te n

h a v e

d e g re e

E x a m in a t io n E x a m in a t io n

4 5 6

N o rth e a s te rn . A n d d o y o u h a v e a n y t r a in in g in th e fie ld o f

p u b lic

p r o c u r e m e n t in m y M C P P O o ffic e . d id r e c e iv e th e to la t e

M a s s a c h u s e tts ? fr o m th e I n s p e c to r

E x h ib it s N o . 1 N o . 2 R F P N o . 1 d a te d

P a g e O c to b e r 2 0 0 8 re g a rd 4 4

7 8 9 10 11

A. Q. A. Q.

h a v e

d e s ig n a t io n

G e n e r a l's A n d w h e n

th a t? '9 0 s . p ro c u re m e n ts , a p u b lic

C u s h in g 2 0 0 8 R F P

e - m a ils

P r o b a b ly , in A n d h a v e w it h y o u

re g a rd

g o lf c o u r s e in v o lv e d in

N o . 3 A

F ir s t C u s h in g 1 0 /1 3 /2 0 1 0

m e m o

d a te d

12 13

e v e r b e e n

p ro c u re m e n t u n d e r G e n e ra l L a w s, C h a p te r 3 0 (b ) r e g a r d in g a m u n ic ip a l g o lf c o u r s e ? b e e n in v o lv e d F ie ld w a s in p a rt o f

N o . 3 B

S e c o n d C u s h in g 1 0 /1 3 /2 0 1 0

m e m o

d a te d

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q. A. Q. A. A.

N o . 4

T ro y q u o te fro m th e 1 0 /4 /2 0 1 0 S e le c t m e n s m e e t in g IF B d a te d F e b ru a ry 2 0 1 1 H a g le r 4 4

T h e w ith

o n ly w a s

p r o c u r e m e n t th a t I 'v e w h e n w e d e v e lo p e d

F o rg e s

N o . 5 N o . 6

P ly m o u t h , a n d

C r o s s w in d s S o th e

G o lf C o u r s e p e rs o n th e w h o

A ffid a v it o f P a m e la

th a t d e v e lo p m e n t. F o rg e s c o u rs e A n d w a s F ie ld a n d h a d to

d e v e lo p e d

d e v e lo p it .

m u n ic ip a l g o lf

o p e ra te

th a t d o n e

u n d e r C h a p te r 3 0 (b )?

Y e s , it w a s . A n d w h e n a w a s th a t p ro je c t d o n e ? a g o . I d o n 't r e m e m b e r w h e n . It

Q u it e

w h ile



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a s to s w o rn a s w e a s


1 2 Q. A. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A. Q. A. Q. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. Q. A.

w a s A n d

a d id

lo n g y o u

t im e

a g o . o f th e d o c u m e n ts y o u r s e lf

d ra ft a n y

M R . F O L L A N S B E E : o u r e x h ib it s

If y o u

c o u ld

m a rk

th e s e

fo r th a t? I b e lie v e , w e u s ; s o to I h a d a n e n g in e e r in g h a v e b id . it a n a R F P ? re q u e s t fo r p ro p o s a l w o rk e d fir m in w o r k in g w it h

fo r to d a y .

w ith th e m A n d

w o u ld th e

ta n d e m

( E x h ib it N o s . 1

th ro u g h

6 , F o r

d e v e lo p it a b id

I d e n t if ic a t io n , m a r k e d . )

w a s

o r w a s h a v e

W e ll, it w o u ld u n d e r S o

b e e n

M R . F O L L A N S B E E : in , a n d ca n . le t 's g e t R ic k

W h y

d o n 't w e

g e t P a m fa s t

C h a p te r 3 0 ( b ) . h a v e b e e n u n d e r 3 0 (b )(6 ) ra th e r th a n

o u t o f h e re

a s

it w o u ld

3 0 (b )(5 )? I d o n 't k n o w th e n u m b e rs .

P A M E L A b e h a lf o f t h e s a t is f a c t o r ily d r iv e r 's d e p o s e s

D . H A G L E R , a

w it n e s s

c a lle d

o n

O k a y . L a n d is 3 0 ( b ) , R F P s . y o u fa m ilia r w it h th e s u b je c t m a tte r o f to d a y C lu b in

P la in t if f, fir s t h a v in g id e n tifie d b y

b e e n

t h e ir M a s s a c h u s e t t s sw o rn , o n o a th

N o w , a re th e

lic e n s e , th e n a n d sa y s a s

d u ly

la w s u it t h a t w e 'r e th e N o rth

a d d r e s s in g

f o llo w s :

r e g a r d in g

H ill C o u n t r y

D u x b u ry , M a s s .? Y e s . A n d h o w d id y o u b e c o m e m e a fa m ilia r w it h fe w a sk ? in v o lv e d in it , th e le v e l w e e k s th a t? a g o .

M R . F O L L A N S B E E : fo rm a n d m o t io n s to

A ll o b j e c t io n s s t r ik e

e x c e p t to

re se rv e d

t r ia l. M S . P IC K E R IN G -C O O K : M R . K E S T E N : Y e s. A n d a s fa r a s s ig n in g , T h a t 's fin e .

M r. K e s te n A n d H e

c a lle d

w h a t d id a s k e d if I

M r. K e s te n h a d b e e n

M R . F O L L A N S B E E :

o f m y

in v o lv e m e n t.




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Q. And what did you respond? A. That I didn't recall having any involvement in Q. A.

Q. A.


it, but that I would look in my records and see if I could find anything. And having looked in your records since then, have you found anything? I had one e-mail from the finance director in Duxbury. It sounded like he had called me, and I had been out sick; so then he sent me an e-mail that was just an e-mail from an employee of Duxbury, kind of, defining some steps on this RFP that they needed to take. And I had e-mailed him back and said I hadn't received anything. And other than that, had you had any contact with anyone from the Town of Duxbury about this project? Quite a while ago -- I don't know when -- an elected official from Duxbury called me and asked if I was involved with the RFP; and I had said no, that I wasn't. Do you remember the name of the elected official?

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A. Q. Q.


Q. A. Q. A. Q.

include in this RFP? No, no. I'm going to show you a series of e-mails. This is Exhibit No. 2. (Documents handed to the witness.) And if I could just call your attention, this is a series of e-mails amongst Duxbury officials. On page 2 of the exhibit, there is an indication concerning someone in Plymouth. Had anyone consulted you in the fall of 2008 regarding anything to do with the North Hill Country Club? Well, the only communication that I received from Duxbury was the e-mail that I mentioned. But there was never a follow-up on that e-mail. And the e-mail that you mentioned, do you remember the year that you received it? 2007 or 2008. And in 2007 and 2008, did anyone ever send you a draft RFP? No. On the next page, again, there is a mention; and at the bottom of the page, it says -- it




A. No, I don't. Q. Do you ever recall a conversation that you had A. Q.

Q. A. Q. A.

with me about your involvement in this? No, I don't. Exhibit No. 1 is a request for proposals for the North Hill Country Club. And this is RFP number 1. October of 2008 was the bid date. MR. FOLLANSBEE: And I'm going to just show the witness that. (Document handed to the witness.) MR. FOLLANSBEE: If anyone wants a copy, I would be happy to burden you with them. Does anyone want one? MS. PICKERING-COOK: I'll take it, if you have extras. MR. FOLLANSBEE: Oh, we have extras. MR. HOLLAND: I'll take one, too. (Documents handed to counsel.) (BY MR. FOLLANSBEE) Have you ever seen Exhibit No. 1 before I just handed it to you today? No. Did you have any role in drafting it? No.

A. Q. A. Q. A. Q.

A. Q.

should say your name with a "3" after it? Yes. And it indicates again a reference to a lady in Plymouth; correct? Yes. Did anyone ever contact you and suggest that you were the RFP lady from Plymouth? No. And again, on the next page, Hagler 4, at the bottom, it mentions waiting for comments from the RFP lady from Plymouth. And this was dated 9/24/08. Did you have any contact with anybody other than that one e-mail that you talked about that didn't include the RFP? No. This is Exhibit No. 3A. And I'd call your attention to paragraph 8 and ask you to read that to yourself. (Document handed to the witness.) MR. FOLLANSBEE: And for the record, this was a memo from Gordon Cushing, recreation director in Duxbury, regarding the RFP process on the North Hill Golf Course. And there may



MR. KESTEN: Off the record, Steve. MR. FOLLANSBEE: Terrific, we'll take a break off the record. (Discussion off the record.) (BY MR. FOLLANSBEE) The RFP, I'm going to call your attention to page 6 of the RFP, and it indicates Relevant Experience. And if you could just read to yourself the section under Highly Advantageous for Relevant Experience. Okay. In the fourth line down in that section that I've called your attention to, there is an expression "comparable business enterprises"? Yes. Do you know what that expression means? I would say that it would mean something that's comparable to running a golf course. And off the top of your head, do you know of anything that's comparable to running a golf course? No. Is that expression an expression that you suggested to anybody in the Town of Duxbury to


Q. And directing your attention to --



A. Q.

A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q.



not be a date on it. This indicates that a draft of the RFP was reviewed by a woman working for the Town of Plymouth. Did you ever review any draft of an RFP? No. And Exhibit No. 3B is another memo from Gordon Cushing to the Board of Selectmen. Again, if I could call your attention to paragraph 8 of that memo. (Document handed to the witness.) MS. PICKERING-COOK: Off the record, Steve. MR. FOLLANSBEE: Sure. (Discussion off the record.) (BY MR. FOLLANSBEE) With regard to this memo, this is Mr. Gordon Cushing indicating that after gathering comments, that the draft of the RFP was reviewed by Pamela Hagler, procurement officer for the Town of Plymouth. Did you ever review any RFP? No. MR. FOLLANSBEE: Why don't we go off the





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A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q.

record for a moment. (Recess taken.) (BY MR. FOLLANSBEE) I'd like you to read to yourself Exhibit No. 4, which is an enlargement of some transcript testimony from an October 10th -- sorry, October 4, 2010 meeting of the Board of Selectmen. (Document handed to the witness.) Okay. Have you had a chance to review that? Yes. Do you own a procurement company? No. Do you have special expertise in the field of golf course procurements? No. Have you ever spoken to Attorney Troy regarding a golf course procurement for the North Hill Country Club in Duxbury, Massachusetts? No. Have you ever spoken to Attorney Troy about any issue involving the North Hill Country Club? No. Have you ever spoken to anybody, other than the


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A. Q.

Q. A. Q.

A. Q.

prospective bidders that there can be no judicial review of any decision by the elected officials of the Town of Plymouth? MS. PICKERING-COOK: Objection. No. Is it your opinion that such a provision, if it was included, would be legal? MS. PICKERING-COOK: Objection. She is here as a fact witness. MR. FOLLANSBEE: Okay. You can answer. She's made her objection. I'm sorry, I lost the question. Okay. My question was, do you think such a provision would be legal under Chapter 30(b) to include in a bid document a provision that says that there can be no judicial review of any decision by the Town of Plymouth? MS. PICKERING-COOK: Same objection. Well, the review would be by the Inspector General's office. And would there also be a right to judicial review by a judge of the superior court? MS. PICKERING-COOK: Objection.



fellow that you identified as the finance director, regarding the North Hill Country Club? I don't even remember -- I don't remember even speaking to the finance director. I just have the e-mail that says I got your message or something like that so. And do you have the name of that finance director? John Madden. Is John Madden somebody that you know? He used to work in Plymouth; so that's how we know each other. And other than that, do you have any other kind of personal relationship with Mr. Madden, social or friendly or anything like that? Well, we're friends because we worked together in Plymouth. And how long ago did he work in Plymouth with you? He might have left five or six years ago, maybe longer. I'm showing you an IFB for the North Hill Golf Course for bids due on February 17, 2011 at 2:00


A. If they wanted to sue the town. Q. And is it your belief that, if you put a



Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q.

A. Q. Q. A. Q. A.


p.m. This is Exhibit No. 5. (Document handed to the witness.) Have you ever seen that document before? No. And you've had experience in either drafting or assisting to draft IFBs and RFPs -Yes. -- under the procurement statute? Yes. And how many times, in your experience, have you been involved with procurements under Chapter 30(b)? I process about 30 to 50 bids a year, under all of the procurement laws. I can't tell you how many are 30(b) and how many are 30, 39(m) and 149. But I have a lot of experience with 30(b). And that experience goes back over the last 20 years? Uh-huh. Is that yes? Yes, sorry. Have you ever included a provision in a draft of your documents in which you advised the


clause in your contract that says no matter what the town says, you can't go to court and challenge it, do you think that would pass legal muster? MS. PICKERING-COOK: Objection. Personally, no, I don't think it would. Exhibit No. 6 is a draft of an affidavit that we had prepared. (Document handed to the witness.) Now, have you seen a draft of that affidavit before? I have the affidavit that was forwarded to me by counsel, but it's different. It looked different than that. Can you just read that to yourself, and then I'll ask you a couple of questions about it? Okay. THE WITNESS: Oh, it was the summons that you sent, I'm sorry. MR. HOLLAND: That's all right. (Discussion off the record.) (BY MR. FOLLANSBEE) Have you had a chance to


review that? Yes. Is there anything in that affidavit that is not true? MR. HOLLAND: Just an objection, for the record. Do you want to ask her individually the questions? MR. FOLLANSBEE: Well, I can ask her individually, sure. MR. HOLLAND: It might be easier that way. MR. FOLLANSBEE: Okay. (BY MR. FOLLANSBEE) Are you an employee of the Town of Plymouth? Yes. Are you a procurement officer? Yes. Have you ever drafted any requests for proposals or related documents for the Town of Duxbury pertaining to the North Hill Country Club golf course? No. Have you read the quote from Attorney Troy before the Duxbury selectmen which is Exhibit



Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A.

A. Q.

Q. A. Q. A. Q.

Q. A. Q. A. Q.

A. Q.




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A. Q.

A. Q. A. Q.

Q. A.

No. 4? Yes. To the extent that Attorney Troy or anybody else from Duxbury is suggesting that you drafted the documents, are they 100 percent wrong? Yes. And if anybody from Duxbury is suggesting that you reviewed documents, are they 100 percent wrong? Yes. And it's correct that you do not have a company that does the drafting of procurement documents for municipal golf courses; is that correct? THE WITNESS: Should I clarify? MR. HOLLAND: When you say "documents," you're referring to the RFP documents for the golf course; is that right? MR. FOLLANSBEE: Yes. (BY MR. FOLLANSBEE) You don't have a company that drafts documents, do you? Well, I did two bids for the Town of Duxbury prior to this.


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A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A.

Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q.

No. He was the accounting officer. Accounting officer? Yes. Was he involved in those at all as the accounting officer? No. He had nothing to do with them. Was he working in Plymouth when you did those procurements? Yes. What other projects did you do for Duxbury? What projects did you do for Duxbury in terms of helping them for procurements? I did a compensation study. And I can't remember what exactly it was, but you it was the Tarkiln Building. It was either a reuse or a design for the Tarkiln Building. Who did you work with in Duxbury? Rich McDonald on both of them. Was Bob Troy involved? No. So you just worked with the town manager? Yes. Now, with regards to your communications with Mr. Madden --




Q. I'm talking only about a company that does the A. Q. A. Q. A.

drafting of procurement documents for municipal golf courses. No. Do you have such a company? No, I don't. Have you ever had anything to do with an RFP for the North Hill Country Club golf course? No. MR. FOLLANSBEE: I have nothing further. MR. KESTEN: Nothing. MS. PICKERING-COOK: I have some questions. MR. FOLLANSBEE: Sure. EXAMINATION BY MS. PICKERING-COOK:

A. Yes. Q. -- with regard to that e-mail that you got about


A. Q.

A. Q. A.

Q. You mentioned that John Madden, the finance

director in Duxbury, worked with you in Plymouth; is that right? MR. HOLLAND: Sorry, can you just identify yourself, for the record? MS. PICKERING-COOK: I apologize. Nina Pickering-Cook of Anderson Kreiger on behalf of the Town of Duxbury.



I just have a few questions for you, ma'am. MR. FOLLANSBEE: Have you entered an appearance in the case? MS. PICKERING-COOK: I have not. MR. FOLLANSBEE: Then I don't think that you are going to ask any questions today. But thank you for your interest. MR. KESTEN: Well, give us a moment then. (Recess taken.) MR. KESTEN: I have some questions. I've taken an interest.


North Hill, do you recall having heard from anyone in Duxbury about a golf course procurement before that e-mail? No, I don't. Now, in your e-mail or in your response, you talked about or you indicated that you had never called Peter Butkus, B-U-T-K-U-S, to set up a meeting. Who is Peter Butkus? I believe, Peter Butkus was either the DPW director or the parks director. So had there been some plan for you to help them with a DPW or parks procurement? I don't really know. I gathered from my e-mail that I must have gotten a message from John. I was out sick, and this was my response to him. But I never -Well, the e-mail -MR. HOLLAND: Excuse me, did you have more to say on that or no? THE WITNESS: No. To refresh your memory, he had forwarded you an


e-mail from Gordon Cushing to Richard McDonald and a bunch of folks which was dated September 24, 2008. And in bullet point 4, it says, Mr. Cushing says, "Here is what I believe remains." Bullet point 4, he says, "Comments from the RFP lady in Plymouth." That appears to have been forwarded to you by Mr. Madden on that same day, September 24th? Yes. You then respond on the 30th and say, "I just saw this e-mail but haven't yet received anything from you, so I never called Peter Butkus to set up a meeting. Am I the lady in Plymouth with comments? I was out sick today, so I will try to connect with you tomorrow, Pam." Do you remember talking to Mr. Madden after you sent this e-mail? No, I don't. And you have no memory of some arrangement that you may have had with Mr. Madden or the Town of Duxbury to talk to Peter Butkus about something?



A. Q.

Q. How many procurements did you do for the golf A. Q. A. Q.


course in Plymouth? We did the initial -- I did the initial procurement, and then we've done maintenance procurements. For the golf course? Yes. Now, John Madden, was he the finance director in Plymouth?

A. Q.




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Q. A. Q. A. Q. A.

I d o n 't h a v e a n y m e m o ry o f a n y th in g to d o w ith t h e N o rt h H ill G o lf C o u rs e e x c e p t fo r th a t. I d id n 't h a v e a n y m e m o ry o f th a t e -m a il u n til I fo u n d it. W e ll, w e 're p u ttin g it o n th e r e c o r d , I k n o w th a t's w h a t y o u to ld m e . B u t it s ure in d ic a tes lik e y o u h a d s o m e pla n to ta lk to Peter B u tk u s a b o u t s o m e th in g , w h ic h m ig h t h a v e b e e n s o m ethin g d iffe re n t. D o y o u h a v e a n y m em o ry o f a b o u t w h a t th a t m ay have been? I d o n 't e v e n k n o w w h o P e t e r B u tk u s is e x c e p t h is ro le in D u x b u r y ; so I 'm a s s u m in g th a t J o h n m u s t h a v e le ft m e a m e s s a g e , a n d h e s u g g e s t e d t h a t I ta lk to P e t e r B u tk u s . O r m e e t w ith , o k a y ? Yeah. B u t y o u h a v e n o m em o ry o r n o evid e n c e , y o u h a v e n 't fo u n d a n y th in g tha t c o u ld refresh y o u r m em o ry a s to w h a t th is m a y h a v e b e e n ? No. W ith re g a r d to P e ter B u tk u s ? N o , I d o n 't k n o w . M R . K E S T E N : O k a y , th a n k y o u . I've lo st

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

C E R T IF IC A T E C o m m o n w e a lth o f M a s s a c h u s e tts M id d le s e x , s s . I, JA M E S A . LYO N S , C ertifie d S h o r th a n d R ep o r te r , R e g istered D ip lo m ate Reporter, C ertifie d R e a ltim e R e p o rter and N o ta r y P u b lic in a n d fo r th e C o m m o n w e a lt h o f M assachusetts, d o h e re b y certify : th a t P A M E L A D . H A G L E R , th e w it n e s s w h o s e d e p o s itio n is h e r e in b e fo re s e t fo rth, w a s s a tis fa ctorily id e n t ifie d , th e n d u ly s w o r n b y m e , a n d tha t s u c h d e p o s itio n is a tru e r e c o r d o f the testim o n y g iv e n b y th e s a id w it n e s s . I fu rther certify th a t I a m n o t a rela tiv e or e m p lo y e e o r c o u n s e l o r a tto r n e y fo r a n y o f th e p a r ties , or a rela tiv e o r em p lo y e e o f s u c h c o u n s e l or attorney, nor am I fin a n cia lly o r otherw is e in terested in th e o u tc o m e o f the a c tio n . IN W IT N E S S W H E R E O F , I h a v e h e r e u n to set m y h a n d a n d n o taria l se a l th is 1 5 th d a y o f M a y , 2012. JA M E S A . L Y O N S CSR No. 117993, RDR, CRR M y co m m is s io n e x p ire s o n A p r il 2 9 , 2 0 1 6



in te re st ag a in . M R . FO L L A N S B E E : W e'r e a ll d o n e , th a n k y o u . T h a n k y o u v e r y m u c h for y o u r tim e . S o r r y fo r th e in co n v e n ie n c e . T H E W IT N E S S : N o p r o b le m . T h a n k y o u .



C E R T I F IC A T E I, P A M E L A D . H A G L E R , d o hereby certify th a t I h a v e r e a d the fo r e g o in g transcrip t o f m y te stim o ny, a n d fu rth er certify th at s a id transcript is a true and accurate r e c o r d o f said te stim o n y . D a ted at , th is day of , 2012.




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'90s [2] - 6:1, 6:10

02109 [1] - 1:23 02110-1130 [1] - 2:12 02116 [1] - 2:8 02141 [1] - 2:19 02184 [1] - 2:4 08-04641-B [1] - 1:4

7:14, 16:12, 16:15, 17:15 30(b) [2] - 7:9, 16:17 30(b)(5 [1] - 7:11 30(b)(6 [1] - 7:10 30th [1] - 25:11 35 [1] - 5:1 37 [3] - 5:3, 5:4 39(m [1] - 16:15 3A [2] - 3:10, 12:17 3B [2] - 3:12, 13:8 3rd [2] - 1:19, 2:3

4 [15] - 1:20, 3:8, 3:9, 3:10, 3:12, 3:13, 3:15, 3:16, 12:9, 14:4, 14:6, 20:1, 25:3, 25:5

1 [8] - 1:1, 1:2, 3:8, 4:6, 9:5, 9:7, 9:20 10/13/2010 [2] - 3:11, 3:12 100 [2] - 20:5, 20:9 101 [1] - 2:12 10th [1] - 14:6 11 [1] - 5:16 117993 [2] - 1:17, 29:23 149 [1] - 16:16 15th [1] - 29:20 17 [1] - 15:24

5 [3] - 3:4, 3:15, 16:1 50 [1] - 16:13 536 [2] - 1:19, 2:3

6 [5] - 1:2, 3:16, 4:6, 10:7, 18:9 617.723.7321 [1] 1:24 617.723.7322 [1] 1:24 699 [1] - 2:7

2 [3] - 3:9, 11:4, 11:8 20 [1] - 16:18 200 [1] - 2:19 2007 [2] - 11:19, 11:20 2008 [7] - 3:8, 3:9, 9:7, 11:11, 11:19, 11:20, 25:3 2010 [1] - 14:6 2011 [2] - 3:15, 15:24 2012 [3] - 1:20, 28:10, 29:21 2016 [1] - 29:24 22 [1] - 3:4 24 [1] - 25:3 24th [1] - 25:9 29 [2] - 1:1, 29:24 2:00 [1] - 15:24 2:14 [1] - 1:20

10:10 advised [1] - 16:24 ADVISORY [1] - 1:9 Advisory [1] - 2:9 affidavit [4] - 18:9, 18:12, 18:14, 19:3 Affidavit [1] - 3:16 ago [6] - 6:24, 7:1, 7:21, 8:19, 15:19, 15:21 ALSO [1] - 2:15 Anderson [2] - 2:18, 21:23 answer [1] - 17:11 ANTHONY [1] - 1:10 apologize [1] - 21:22 appearance [1] - 22:4 APPEARANCES [1] 2:1 applicable [1] - 1:16 appointed [1] - 5:24 April [1] - 29:24 Arch [1] - 2:12 arrangement [1] 25:21 assisting [1] - 16:6 assuming [1] - 26:13 attention [6] - 10:1, 10:7, 10:13, 11:6, 12:18, 13:10 attorney [2] - 29:14, 29:16 Attorney [7] - 2:4, 2:8, 2:13, 14:17, 14:21, 19:23, 20:3

Brody [1] - 2:6 Building [2] - 23:15, 23:16 bullet [2] - 25:3, 25:5 bunch [1] - 25:2 burden [1] - 9:12 business [4] - 5:14, 5:16, 6:3, 10:14 Butkus [9] - 24:9, 24:11, 24:12, 25:14, 25:23, 26:7, 26:12, 26:15, 26:22 BUTKUS [1] - 24:9 BY [10] - 5:12, 9:19, 10:6, 13:17, 14:3, 18:24, 19:13, 20:21, 21:16, 22:15

C.A [1] - 1:4 CALM [1] - 1:12 Cambridge [1] - 2:19 Canal [1] - 2:19 case [1] - 22:4 CERTIFICATE [2] 28:1, 29:1 Certified [3] - 1:18, 29:3, 29:5 certify [4] - 28:3, 28:5, 29:7, 29:13 CHAIRMAN [1] - 1:10 challenge [1] - 18:5 chance [2] - 14:10, 18:24 Chapter [5] - 6:13, 6:21, 7:9, 16:11, 17:15 CHARLES [1] - 1:12 Civil [1] - 1:17 clarify [1] - 20:16 clause [1] - 18:3 Club [8] - 7:17, 9:6, 11:12, 14:19, 14:22, 15:3, 19:20, 21:8 commencing [1] 1:20 comments [3] 12:10, 13:19, 25:15 Comments [1] - 25:5 commission [1] 29:24 COMMITTEE [1] - 1:9 Committee [1] - 2:9 Commonwealth [3] 1:18, 29:2, 29:6 COMMONWEALTH [1] - 1:3

background [1] - 6:2 become [1] - 7:20 behalf [3] - 1:16, 4:14, 21:23 belief [1] - 18:2 bid [4] - 7:6, 7:7, 9:7, 17:16 bidders [1] - 17:1 bids [3] - 15:24, 16:13, 20:23 Board [2] - 13:9, 14:7 Bob [1] - 23:19 BOSTON [1] - 1:23 Boston [2] - 2:8, 2:12 bottom [2] - 11:24, 12:10 Boylston [1] - 2:7 Braintree [2] - 1:19, 2:4 BRAMANTI [1] - 1:22 break [1] - 10:4

8 [2] - 12:18, 13:10

9/24/08 [1] - 12:12 92 [1] - 1:23

accounting [3] 23:1, 23:2, 23:5 accurate [1] - 28:6 action [1] - 29:18 address [2] - 5:14, 5:16 addressing [1] - 7:16 Advantageous [1] -

3 [1] - 12:1 30 [2] - 16:13, 16:15 30(b [6] - 6:13, 6:21,

communication [1] 11:13 communications [1] - 23:23 company [5] - 14:12, 20:13, 20:21, 21:1, 21:5 comparable [3] 10:14, 10:18, 10:20 compensation [1] 23:13 concerning [1] - 11:9 connect [1] - 25:16 Consisting [1] - 1:9 consulted [1] - 11:10 contact [3] - 8:16, 12:6, 12:13 contract [1] - 18:3 conversation [1] 9:2 Cook [2] - 2:18, 21:23 COOK [12] - 4:22, 9:14, 13:13, 17:4, 17:8, 17:19, 17:24, 18:7, 21:12, 21:16, 21:22, 22:5 copy [1] - 9:11 correct [3] - 12:4, 20:12, 20:15 Counsel [1] - 2:20 counsel [4] - 9:18, 18:15, 29:14, 29:16 Country [8] - 7:17, 9:6, 11:12, 14:19, 14:22, 15:2, 19:20, 21:8 couple [1] - 18:18 course [13] - 6:11, 6:14, 6:20, 10:18, 10:21, 14:15, 14:18, 19:21, 20:19, 21:8, 22:17, 22:21, 24:4 Course [4] - 6:17, 12:24, 15:24, 26:2 courses [2] - 20:14, 21:3 COURT [2] - 1:4, 1:22 court [2] - 17:23, 18:4 Crosswinds [1] 6:17 CRR [1] - 29:23 CSR [2] - 1:17, 29:23 CUSHING [1] - 1:11 Cushing [8] - 3:9, 3:10, 3:12, 12:22, 13:9, 13:18, 25:1, 25:4



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date [2] - 9:7, 13:1 Dated [1] - 28:8 dated [6] - 3:8, 3:10, 3:12, 3:15, 12:11, 25:2 days [3] - 5:1, 5:4, 5:5 decision [2] - 17:2, 17:18 Defendants [2] 1:13, 2:8 defining [1] - 8:12 degree [1] - 6:3 Deponent [1] - 2:13 deposes [1] - 4:17 DEPOSITION [1] 1:15 deposition [2] - 29:8, 29:10 Deposition [1] - 3:2 design [1] - 23:16 designation [1] - 6:7 develop [2] - 6:19, 7:6 developed [2] - 6:16, 6:18 development [1] 6:18 Diane [1] - 5:15 different [3] - 18:15, 18:16, 26:9 Diplomate [2] - 1:17, 29:4 directing [1] - 10:1 director [9] - 8:7, 12:23, 15:2, 15:5, 15:9, 21:18, 22:23, 24:13 discussion [3] - 10:5, 13:16, 18:23 document [8] - 9:10, 12:20, 13:12, 14:8, 16:2, 16:3, 17:16, 18:11 documents [12] - 7:2, 9:18, 11:5, 16:24, 19:19, 20:5, 20:9, 20:14, 20:17, 20:18, 20:22, 21:2 done [4] - 6:21, 6:23, 22:19, 27:2 DOOLIN [1] - 1:9 Douglas [1] - 2:16 down [1] - 10:12 DPW [2] - 24:12, 24:15 draft [9] - 7:2, 11:21, 13:2, 13:5, 13:19,

16:6, 16:23, 18:9, 18:12 drafted [2] - 19:18, 20:5 drafting [4] - 9:23, 16:5, 20:13, 21:2 drafts [1] - 20:22 driver's [1] - 4:16 due [1] - 15:24 duly [2] - 4:16, 29:9 Duxbury [25] - 2:9, 2:20, 7:18, 8:8, 8:12, 8:17, 8:20, 10:24, 11:7, 11:14, 12:23, 14:19, 19:19, 19:24, 20:4, 20:8, 20:23, 21:18, 21:24, 23:10, 23:11, 23:17, 24:4, 25:23, 26:13 DUXBURY [1] - 1:9

excuse [1] - 24:21 Exeter [1] - 2:7 exhibit [1] - 11:8 Exhibit [10] - 4:6, 9:5, 9:20, 11:4, 12:17, 13:8, 14:4, 16:1, 18:9, 19:24 Exhibits [1] - 3:7 exhibits [1] - 4:4 EXHIBITS [1] - 1:2 experience [4] - 16:5, 16:10, 16:16, 16:18 Experience [2] - 10:8, 10:10 expertise [1] - 14:14 expires [1] - 29:24 expression [4] 10:14, 10:16, 10:23 extent [1] - 20:3 extra [1] - 5:5 extras [2] - 9:15, 9:16

21:14, 22:3, 22:6, 27:2 Follansbee [4] - 1:19, 2:2, 2:3, 3:4 follow [1] - 11:15 follow-up [1] - 11:15 follows [1] - 4:17 FORD [1] - 1:11 foregoing [1] - 28:4 Forges [2] - 6:16, 6:19 form [1] - 4:20 forth [1] - 29:9 forwarded [3] 18:14, 24:24, 25:7 fourth [1] - 10:12 Friday [1] - 1:20 friendly [1] - 15:16 friends [1] - 15:17

heard [1] - 24:3 help [1] - 24:14 helping [1] - 23:12 hereby [2] - 28:3, 29:7 hereinbefore [1] 29:8 hereunto [1] - 29:19 Highly [1] - 10:9 HILL [1] - 1:9 Hill [13] - 2:9, 7:17, 9:6, 11:12, 12:24, 14:18, 14:22, 15:2, 15:23, 19:20, 21:8, 24:3, 26:2 HOLLAND [8] - 5:7, 9:17, 18:22, 19:5, 19:10, 20:17, 21:20, 24:21 Holland [1] - 2:11

GARRITY [1] - 1:11 gathered [1] - 24:16 gathering [1] - 13:19 General [1] - 6:13 General's [2] - 6:8, 17:21 given [1] - 29:11 Golf [5] - 2:17, 6:17, 12:24, 15:23, 26:2 GOLF [2] - 1:6, 1:12 golf [15] - 6:11, 6:14, 6:19, 10:18, 10:20, 14:15, 14:18, 19:20, 20:14, 20:19, 21:3, 21:8, 22:16, 22:21, 24:4 Gordon [4] - 12:22, 13:8, 13:18, 25:1 GORDON [1] - 1:11 Granite [2] - 1:19, 2:3

e-mail [17] - 8:7, 8:10, 8:11, 11:14, 11:16, 11:17, 12:14, 15:6, 24:2, 24:5, 24:7, 24:16, 24:20, 25:1, 25:12, 25:19, 26:3 e-mailed [1] - 8:14 e-mails [3] - 3:9, 11:3, 11:7 easier [1] - 19:10 educational [1] - 6:2 either [3] - 16:5, 23:15, 24:12 elected [3] - 8:20, 8:23, 17:2 employed [1] - 5:18 employee [4] - 8:11, 19:13, 29:14, 29:15 engineering [1] - 7:4 enlargement [1] 14:4 entered [1] - 22:3 enterprises [1] 10:14 Esq [4] - 2:2, 2:6, 2:11, 2:18 evidence [1] - 26:18 EX [1] - 1:12 exactly [1] - 23:14 Examination [2] 3:4, 3:4 EXAMINATION [3] 5:12, 21:16, 22:15 except [3] - 4:19, 26:2, 26:12

fact [1] - 17:9 fall [1] - 11:10 familiar [2] - 7:15, 7:20 far [1] - 4:24 fast [1] - 4:10 FAX [1] - 1:24 February [2] - 3:15, 15:24 fellow [1] - 15:1 few [2] - 7:21, 22:1 field [2] - 6:5, 14:14 Field [2] - 6:16, 6:19 finance [6] - 8:7, 15:1, 15:5, 15:8, 21:17, 22:23 financially [1] - 29:16 fine [1] - 4:22 firm [1] - 7:4 First [1] - 3:10 first [1] - 4:14 five [2] - 5:5, 15:21 Floor [2] - 1:19, 2:3 FLOREANO [1] - 1:10 folks [1] - 25:2 FOLLANSBEE [30] 4:3, 4:9, 4:19, 4:24, 5:4, 5:9, 5:12, 9:8, 9:11, 9:16, 9:19, 10:3, 10:6, 12:21, 13:15, 13:17, 13:24, 14:3, 17:10, 18:24, 19:8, 19:12, 19:13, 20:20, 20:21, 21:10,

Identification [1] 4:7 identified [3] - 4:15, 15:1, 29:9 identify [2] - 5:13, 21:21 IFB [2] - 3:15, 15:23 IFBs [1] - 16:6 IN [1] - 29:19 INC [3] - 1:6, 1:12, 1:22 Inc [1] - 2:17 include [3] - 11:1, 12:15, 17:16 included [2] - 16:23, 17:7 inconvenience [1] 27:4 indicated [1] - 24:8 indicates [4] - 10:8, 12:3, 13:2, 26:6 indicating [1] - 13:18 indication [1] - 11:9 individually [2] 19:6, 19:9 initial [2] - 22:18 Inspector [2] - 6:7, 17:20 interest [3] - 22:8, 22:13, 27:1 interested [1] - 29:17 involved [7] - 6:12, 6:15, 7:23, 8:21, 16:11, 23:4, 23:19 involvement [3] 7:24, 8:2, 9:3

Hagler [4] - 3:16, 5:15, 12:9, 13:20 HAGLER [6] - 1:15, 3:3, 4:13, 28:3, 28:14, 29:7 hand [1] - 29:20 handed [9] - 9:10, 9:18, 9:20, 11:5, 12:20, 13:12, 14:8, 16:2, 18:11 happy [1] - 9:12 Hardoon [1] - 2:6 head [1] - 10:19



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involving [1] - 14:22 issue [1] - 14:22

James [1] - 1:17 JAMES [3] - 1:11, 29:3, 29:23 Jason [1] - 2:16 John [6] - 15:10, 15:11, 21:17, 22:23, 24:17, 26:13 JOHNSON [1] - 1:6 Johnson [2] - 2:16, 2:17 JR [1] - 1:10 judge [1] - 17:23 judicial [3] - 17:2, 17:17, 17:22

lost [2] - 17:12, 26:24 Lyons [1] - 1:17 LYONS [3] - 1:22, 29:3, 29:23 [1] - 1:24

MA [1] - 1:23 ma'am [1] - 22:2 Madden [9] - 15:10, 15:11, 15:15, 21:17, 22:23, 23:24, 25:8, 25:18, 25:22 mail [17] - 8:7, 8:10, 8:11, 11:14, 11:16, 11:17, 12:14, 15:6, 24:2, 24:5, 24:7, 24:16, 24:20, 25:1, 25:12, 25:19, 26:3 mailed [1] - 8:14 mails [3] - 3:9, 11:3, 11:7 maintenance [1] 22:19 MANAGEMENT [1] 1:6 management [1] - 6:3 Management [1] 2:17 manager [1] - 23:21 Manning [1] - 1:11 mark [1] - 4:3 marked [1] - 4:7 MARLBOROUGH [1] - 1:10 Mass [1] - 7:18 MASSACHUSETTS [1] - 1:3 Massachusetts [12] 1:16, 1:18, 1:20, 2:4, 2:8, 2:12, 2:19, 4:15, 6:6, 14:19, 29:2, 29:6 matter [2] - 7:15, 18:3 McDonald [2] - 23:18, 25:1 McLeod [2] - 1:19, 2:3 MCPPO [1] - 6:7 mean [1] - 10:17 means [1] - 10:16 meet [1] - 26:16 meeting [4] - 3:14, 14:6, 24:10, 25:14 members [1] - 2:9 memo [6] - 3:10, 3:12, 12:22, 13:8,

KESTEN [8] - 4:23, 5:3, 10:2, 21:11, 22:9, 22:12, 22:15, 26:24 Kesten [5] - 2:6, 2:6, 3:4, 7:21, 7:22 kind [2] - 8:12, 15:14 Kopelman [1] - 2:11 Kreiger [2] - 2:18, 21:23

lady [5] - 12:3, 12:7, 12:11, 25:6, 25:14 land [1] - 7:14 LANZETTA [1] - 1:12 Laramee [1] - 2:16 last [1] - 16:18 late [1] - 6:10 laws [1] - 16:14 Laws [1] - 6:13 lawsuit [1] - 7:16 left [2] - 15:21, 26:14 legal [3] - 17:7, 17:15, 18:5 Leonard [1] - 2:6 level [1] - 7:23 license [1] - 4:16 Lincoln [1] - 5:16 line [1] - 10:12 LLP [4] - 1:19, 2:3, 2:6, 2:18 look [1] - 8:3 looked [2] - 8:5, 18:15

13:11, 13:17 memory [7] - 24:24, 25:21, 26:1, 26:3, 26:10, 26:18, 26:20 mention [1] - 11:23 mentioned [3] 11:14, 11:17, 21:17 mentions [1] - 12:10 message [3] - 15:6, 24:17, 26:14 MICHAEL [3] - 1:9, 1:10, 1:11 mid [1] - 6:1 Middlesex [1] - 29:2 MIDDLESEX [1] - 1:4 might [3] - 15:21, 19:10, 26:8 moment [2] - 14:1, 22:9 motions [1] - 4:20 MR [46] - 4:3, 4:9, 4:19, 4:23, 4:24, 5:3, 5:4, 5:7, 5:9, 5:12, 9:8, 9:11, 9:16, 9:17, 9:19, 10:2, 10:3, 10:6, 12:21, 13:15, 13:17, 13:24, 14:3, 17:10, 18:22, 18:24, 19:5, 19:8, 19:10, 19:12, 19:13, 20:17, 20:20, 20:21, 21:10, 21:11, 21:14, 21:20, 22:3, 22:6, 22:9, 22:12, 22:15, 24:21, 26:24, 27:2 MS [12] - 4:22, 9:14, 13:13, 17:4, 17:8, 17:19, 17:24, 18:7, 21:12, 21:16, 21:22, 22:5 municipal [4] - 6:14, 6:19, 20:14, 21:2 must [2] - 24:17, 26:14 MUSTARD [1] - 1:10 muster [1] - 18:6

Nina [2] - 2:18, 21:22 NO [1] - 1:4 North [13] - 2:9, 7:17, 9:6, 11:11, 12:24, 14:18, 14:22, 15:2, 15:23, 19:20, 21:8, 24:3, 26:2 NORTH [1] - 1:9 Northeastern [1] 6:4 Nos [1] - 4:6 notarial [1] - 29:20 notary [2] - 5:7, 5:10 Notary [2] - 1:18, 29:5 nothing [3] - 21:10, 21:11, 23:6 number [1] - 9:7 numbers [1] - 7:12

oath [1] - 4:16 objection [7] - 17:4, 17:8, 17:11, 17:19, 17:24, 18:7, 19:5 objections [1] - 4:19 October [4] - 3:8, 9:7, 14:5, 14:6 OF [4] - 1:3, 1:9, 1:15, 28:15 office [2] - 6:8, 17:21 officer [7] - 5:22, 5:24, 13:21, 19:16, 23:1, 23:2, 23:5 offices [1] - 1:19 official [2] - 8:20, 8:24 officials [2] - 11:8, 17:3 OFFICIO [1] - 1:12 one [4] - 8:7, 9:13, 9:17, 12:14 One [2] - 2:7, 2:19 operate [1] - 6:20 opinion [1] - 17:6 otherwise [1] - 29:17 outcome [1] - 29:17 own [1] - 14:12

name [5] - 5:14, 5:15, 8:23, 12:1, 15:8 need [1] - 5:7 needed [1] - 8:13 never [4] - 11:15, 24:9, 24:19, 25:13 next [2] - 11:23, 12:9

P.C [1] - 2:11 p.m [2] - 1:20, 16:1 Page [2] - 3:2, 3:7 page [5] - 10:7, 11:8, 11:23, 11:24, 12:9 PAGES [1] - 1:1

Paige [1] - 2:11 Pam [2] - 4:9, 25:17 PAMELA [6] - 1:15, 3:3, 4:13, 28:3, 28:14, 29:7 Pamela [3] - 3:16, 5:15, 13:20 paragraph [2] 12:18, 13:10 parks [2] - 24:13, 24:15 part [1] - 6:17 parties [1] - 29:15 party [1] - 5:1 pass [1] - 18:5 PENALTIES [1] 28:15 percent [2] - 20:5, 20:9 PERJURY [1] - 28:15 Perkins [1] - 2:6 person [1] - 6:18 personal [1] - 15:15 personally [1] - 18:8 pertaining [1] - 19:20 Peter [9] - 24:9, 24:11, 24:12, 25:13, 25:23, 26:7, 26:12, 26:15, 26:22 Pickering [2] - 2:18, 21:23 PICKERING [12] 4:22, 9:14, 13:13, 17:4, 17:8, 17:19, 17:24, 18:7, 21:12, 21:16, 21:22, 22:5 Pickering-Cook [2] 2:18, 21:23 PICKERING-COOK [12] - 4:22, 9:14, 13:13, 17:4, 17:8, 17:19, 17:24, 18:7, 21:12, 21:16, 21:22, 22:5 Plaintiff [4] - 1:7, 1:16, 2:4, 4:14 plan [2] - 24:14, 26:7 Plaza [1] - 2:7 Plymouth [22] - 5:17, 5:19, 5:21, 6:17, 11:9, 12:4, 12:7, 12:11, 13:4, 13:21, 15:12, 15:18, 15:19, 17:3, 17:18, 19:14, 21:19, 22:17, 22:24, 23:7, 25:6, 25:15 point [2] - 25:3, 25:5 position [1] - 5:20 prepared [1] - 18:10



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PRESENT [1] - 2:15 problem [1] - 27:5 Procedure [1] - 1:17 process [2] - 12:23, 16:13 procurement [16] 5:22, 5:24, 6:6, 6:13, 6:15, 13:20, 14:12, 14:18, 16:8, 16:14, 19:16, 20:13, 21:2, 22:19, 24:5, 24:15 procurements [7] 6:11, 14:15, 16:11, 22:16, 22:20, 23:8, 23:12 PROFESSIONAL [1] - 1:23 project [2] - 6:23, 8:18 projects [2] - 23:10, 23:11 proposal [1] - 7:8 proposals [2] - 9:5, 19:18 prospective [1] - 17:1 provision [4] - 16:23, 17:6, 17:15, 17:16 provisions [1] - 1:16 public [2] - 6:6, 6:12 Public [2] - 1:18, 29:5 pursuant [1] - 1:16 pushing [1] - 5:6 put [1] - 18:2 putting [1] - 26:5

questions [6] - 18:18, 19:7, 21:13, 22:1, 22:7, 22:12 quite [2] - 6:24, 8:19 quote [2] - 3:13, 19:23

rather [1] - 7:10 RDR [1] - 29:23 read [6] - 10:9, 12:18, 14:3, 18:17, 19:23, 28:4 really [1] - 24:16 Realtime [2] - 1:18, 29:5 receive [1] - 6:9 received [4] - 8:14, 11:13, 11:18, 25:12

recess [2] - 14:2, 22:11 record [13] - 10:2, 10:4, 10:5, 12:21, 13:13, 13:16, 14:1, 18:23, 19:6, 21:21, 26:5, 28:6, 29:11 records [2] - 8:3, 8:5 recreation [1] - 12:22 reference [1] - 12:3 referring [1] - 20:18 refresh [2] - 24:24, 26:19 regard [5] - 3:9, 6:11, 13:17, 24:2, 26:22 regarding [6] - 6:14, 7:17, 11:11, 12:23, 14:17, 15:2 regards [1] - 23:23 Registered [2] - 1:17, 29:4 REGISTERED [1] 1:23 related [1] - 19:19 relationship [1] 15:15 relative [2] - 29:14, 29:15 Relevant [2] - 10:8, 10:10 remains [1] - 25:5 remember [7] - 6:24, 8:23, 11:18, 15:4, 23:14, 25:18 Reporter [5] - 1:17, 1:18, 29:4, 29:5 REPORTERS [1] 1:23 REPORTING [1] 1:22 request [2] - 7:8, 9:5 requests [1] - 19:18 reserved [1] - 4:20 respond [2] - 8:1, 25:11 response [2] - 24:7, 24:18 reuse [1] - 23:15 review [8] - 13:5, 13:22, 14:10, 17:2, 17:17, 17:20, 17:23, 19:1 reviewed [3] - 13:3, 13:20, 20:9 RFP [21] - 3:8, 3:9, 7:7, 8:13, 8:21, 9:6, 10:6, 10:7, 11:1, 11:21, 12:7, 12:11, 12:15, 12:23, 13:2, 13:6, 13:20, 13:22,

20:18, 21:7, 25:6 RFPs [2] - 7:14, 16:6 rich [1] - 23:18 Richard [3] - 1:11, 2:11, 25:1 Rick [1] - 4:10 ROBERT [1] - 1:10 role [3] - 5:23, 9:23, 26:13 RUFO [1] - 1:11 Rules [1] - 1:16 running [2] - 10:18, 10:20

satisfactorily [2] 4:15, 29:9 saw [1] - 25:12 SCOTT [1] - 1:10 seal [1] - 29:20 Second [1] - 3:12 section [2] - 10:9, 10:12 see [1] - 8:3 Selectmen [2] - 13:9, 14:7 selectmen [1] - 19:24 Selectmens [1] - 3:14 send [1] - 11:20 sent [3] - 8:10, 18:21, 25:19 September [2] - 25:2, 25:8 series [2] - 11:3, 11:7 set [4] - 24:9, 25:14, 29:8, 29:19 Shorthand [1] - 29:3 show [2] - 9:9, 11:3 showing [1] - 15:23 sick [3] - 8:10, 24:18, 25:15 sign [1] - 5:1 SIGNED [1] - 28:15 signing [1] - 4:24 six [1] - 15:21 social [1] - 15:15 someone [1] - 11:9 Sorry [1] - 27:3 sorry [5] - 14:6, 16:22, 17:12, 18:21, 21:20 sounded [1] - 8:9 speaking [1] - 15:5 Special [1] - 2:20 special [1] - 14:14 spoken [3] - 14:17, 14:21, 14:24 ss [2] - 1:4, 29:2

STATE [1] - 1:23 statute [1] - 16:8 Stephen [1] - 2:2 steps [1] - 8:12 Steve [2] - 10:2, 13:14 Street [6] - 1:19, 2:3, 2:7, 2:12, 2:19, 5:16 STREET [1] - 1:23 strike [1] - 4:20 study [1] - 23:13 subject [1] - 7:15 sue [1] - 18:1 suggest [1] - 12:6 suggested [2] 10:24, 26:14 suggesting [2] 20:4, 20:8 Suite [1] - 2:19 summons [1] - 18:20 superior [1] - 17:23 SUPERIOR [1] - 1:4 sworn [3] - 4:10, 4:16, 29:10

trial [1] - 4:21 Troy [6] - 3:13, 14:17, 14:21, 19:23, 20:3, 23:19 true [3] - 19:4, 28:6, 29:10 try [1] - 25:16 two [1] - 20:23

under [9] - 6:13, 6:21, 7:9, 7:10, 10:9, 16:8, 16:11, 16:13, 17:15 UNDER [1] - 28:15 up [3] - 11:15, 24:10, 25:14

VOLUME [1] - 1:1 vs [1] - 1:8

tandem [1] - 7:5 Tarkiln [2] - 23:15, 23:16 TEL [1] - 1:24 terms [1] - 23:11 terrific [1] - 10:3 testimony [4] - 14:5, 28:5, 28:7, 29:11 THE [5] - 18:20, 20:16, 24:23, 27:5, 28:15 the10/4/2010 [1] 3:13 THOMAS [1] - 1:11 today [5] - 4:4, 7:16, 9:21, 22:7, 25:15 together [1] - 15:17 tomorrow [1] - 25:16 top [1] - 10:19 TOWN [1] - 1:9 town [3] - 18:1, 18:4, 23:21 Town [15] - 2:9, 2:20, 5:19, 5:20, 8:17, 10:24, 13:3, 13:21, 17:3, 17:18, 19:14, 19:19, 20:23, 21:24, 25:22 training [1] - 6:5 transcript [3] - 14:5, 28:4, 28:6

waiting [1] - 12:10 waive [1] - 5:9 wants [1] - 9:11 weeks [1] - 7:21 WHEREOF [1] 29:19 WHITCOMB [1] - 1:10 WITNESS [5] - 18:20, 20:16, 24:23, 27:5, 29:19 witness [12] - 4:13, 9:9, 9:10, 11:5, 12:20, 13:12, 14:8, 16:2, 17:9, 18:11, 29:8, 29:12 woman [1] - 13:3 www.bramanti [1] 1:24 [1] - 1:24

year [2] - 11:18, 16:13 years [2] - 15:21, 16:19 yourself [7] - 5:13, 7:2, 10:9, 12:19, 14:4, 18:17, 21:21



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