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Devotionals June 2012 edition

Welcome to the June 2012 Edition of our daily devotional, it is full of many inspiring articles that sharpen the mind and feed the spirit. This months teaching emphasises some delicate truths and removes blurred lines of understanding about the goodness of the God we serve. God is good all the time! It also emphasises our authority as believers over the devil and his works. Right knowledge will lead to right thinking which will affect the way we pray, live and reach out to our world. Be open to Gods leading through His word as you put the right things in the right places. I love the opportunity you have given us to be contributors to your personal spiritual growth. Keep growing, keep expanding your capacity.

Keep the fire burning,

Olalekan Fasina Senior Pastor,

Devotionals June 2012 edition

Testimonies from March May 2012: Amazing things have been happening in since the beginning of the year. Here are a few of these stories to encourage you and stir up your faith. UK started a 2nd service at The Bridge in Dartford A sister got a job in one of the leading consulting companies in the UK A sister got a new job contract
Two of the children won writing awards One of the children became his schools ambassador One of the ladies passed her driving test Two couples got married in April A brothers job contract got extended

Devotionals June 2012 edition

Friday June 1

IN BLACK AND WHITE James 1:7; Proverbs 10:22; John 10:10 To have faith in God, we need to be sure of what we are doing. Those who believe in God must believe in Him all the way and trust Him for great things without wavering and shaking in our trust. We must never be confused and so I have put todays teaching in black and white. The Bible says every good and perfect gift comes from above from the Father in whom there is no confusion, and then it says that the blessings of God do not come with sorrow. It is the devil that comes to steal, kill and to destroy, but Jesus came to give us the very best out of life. So everyday I expect the best things of life from God, I expect good things, and I do not believe that the good things that come to me have an evil side to them. On the other hand if anything bad happens, if it looks like something is stolen or something is killed or

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something is destroyed, I believe it is the devils fault and I attack it with all my heart and expect change as the devil is sent out of that situation and the presence of God is invited in. So in black and white, good things come from God and God will protect us as He gives us good things. Finally, bad things come from the devil; bad things are not lessons from God.

Say it boldly: My Father is a good God; He only gives good things I receive every good and perfect gift from my Father today I accept all the blessings that God has for me today The blessings of the Lord make me rich and there is no sorrow with them I am rich and happy; I am rich and righteous I reject any evil from the devil; the author of evil God daily loads me with benefits; I enjoy Gods great benefits as I go out and come back in Jesus name.

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Saturday June 2 IN BLACK AND WHITE, PART II John 10:10; I Peter 5:8-9; Ephesians 4:27
I am not confused. The principles of faith are clear to me in black and white. If something happens that is evil, then it is from the devil. It is my duty to resist the devil and he will flee. I will fight by the power of declarations; I will walk in what Jesus taught me about speaking to the mountain in Mark 11:23. I will make bold declarations and what I desire will come to pass. I will tell a prayer partner too - we will hold hands and declare victory. We will hold on to Gods word that tells us if we pray in agreement about something, then we can expect positive change. We will apply the weapon of prayer and fasting and we will fight to take the victory that Jesus already bought for us. We will pray and fast and fight. We will not let the enemy run amok on our shores. We will not lie down and say that maybe God wants to teach us a lesson. Instead, we will fight and win. It is clear in black and white and we know what to do. Our God gets glorified when we bear fruit, our God gets glorified when people are healed and demons are cast out and people come to the Saviour to

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make Him Lord of their lives. God is glorified when His children make progress in life.

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Sunday June 3 BLAME THE DEVIL, NOT GOD 2nd Corinthians 4:4; Luke 4:5-6; 1Timothy 2:1-4; Rev 12:12 The devil said the world was delivered to him and he could give it to Jesus if he wanted. Why was he able to make that boast? Because it really belongs to him. It really does. The devil is on earth on a short lease and he is desperate to make massive negative impact. That is why we are called to pray. We need to pray for leaders, we need to pray for unbelievers and pray for peace if we want to experience these things. God is not the author of bad things. God is a good God and in Him is no evil. Say boldly: I declare that the devil has no hold on my territory I rule and reign victorious The devil is under my feet No weapon formed against me shall prosper I am Gods child and the devil has no hold on me

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Monday June 4 HE WILL GET YOU UP, BUT HE DID NOT GET YOU DOWN Psalm 40:2; 1 Corinthians 2:6-8 God will get us out of the pit and the miry clay. God will turn evil into good and get glory out of the devils planned disasters, but we must not be confused. Disaster is not the way to growth. We should be careful not to believe that things have to get bad before good can come out of the situation. You do not need to go into a pit for God to be glorified. Even when God takes us out of the pit, He wants to establish our goings so that we do not fall anymore. Why go from the pit to glory when you can go from glory to glory? God did not kill Lazarus; the devil did, but God turned it around. God did not throw Joseph into the pit or the prison, these were done by people who listened to the devil, but God turned the situation around. The rulers of this age killed Jesus but God used it for His eternal plan and established the New Testament. God used the whole scenario for our redemption. Challenge yourself today to go from glory to glory. Dont go into the miry clay when you can go from glory to glory.

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Tuesday June 5 HEALTH 3 John 2; Mark 16:15-18 God cares about our health and wellbeing, He wants us to prosper spiritually and physically and be in health. The enemy will try to put all sorts of diseases on us, but we must learn to resist him and win all forms of temptations to be ill. We must learn that Gods best is health, but we must never belittle or ridicule those who need miracles of healing. Steadfast resistance will make sickness leave; the incurable will become incredible testimonies in the name of Jesus. We should embrace every opportunity to bless our world by laying hands on the sick to believe God for their healing. When anyone is ill, we should rally round and be the elders who surround the sick, anoint them with oil and pray over them with great faith that the requests will be granted. It is not little; it is not wrong, it is not a sign of weakness to have health needs that need to be addressed, we should take the opportunity and be ambassadors for Christ.

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Wednesday June 6 WEALTH 2 Corinthians 8:9; Proverbs 10:22; Job 22:2128, 36:11 We should be compassionate when it comes to people and their financial needs. All needs are important. The way to victory in finances is that we as a church care about the needs of others and are concerned about the needs of anyone around us at any moment. We dont judge first, instead we care first, and then we teach and train. As believers, we must hold on to Gods promises that say that when we give, it shall be given to us and also that when we tithe, the flood gates of heaven will be open over us. We have victory, we have abundance. We should also support one another in the area of practical wisdom. Money comes as we do the right things and take the right steps; money comes as we invest in ourselves by becoming more valuable through education, training and adding skills to our abilities. Prayer

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My needs are met, my bills are paid and I have more than enough today. I abound unto every good work in Jesus name.

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Thursday June 7 SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS Romans 3:23; Ephesians 1:3; Psalm 84:7; Daniel 11:32

You will be surprised how hard a non-believer will pursue God once they get touched by the conviction power of the Holy Spirit. People have needs of the heart. The first step to God is to get born again. We also call it getting saved or giving our hearts to Jesus and making Him the author and the finisher of our faith. It starts by coming to terms with the fact that without Jesus, we are sinners. We need to believe that He died for our sins and that God raised Him up so that we can be totally justified i.e. be in a position as if we have never sinned in the first place. This simple prayer shows us all the elements involved in getting born again.


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My Lord, I come to You as a sinner and ask You to forgive my sins. I know that without You, I am truly a sinner. I accept the sacrifice of Jesus on my behalf and I pray that His precious blood will wash away my sins. I believe You died and rose again for me to be totally free and I ask you to come into my heart, give me a heart of flesh and take away a heart of stone, come and dwell in me and be my Lord and personal Saviour in Jesus name. From today I am saved, I am a child of God and I belong to the family of God. I have been transferred into the kingdom of Gods son.

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Friday June 8 MENTAL AGILITY Job 32:6-8; Isaiah 11:2-3; Exodus 31:3&6 Man is a spirit; he has a soul (which consists of mans mind, his will and emotions) and he lives in a body. Mans mind is powerful, it is the most awesome Computer ever built, and we must remember that God never made zombies. NEVER!!! The key to getting the best out of our mind is to invest in it. Education, professional courses, apprenticeships, learning by observation and other forms of learning will all train the brain. Challenges will also train the brain. Do what youve never done before and be determined to succeed in it. Prayer May God work amazing signs and wonders through your mind, may new industries come about because of you, and may you win in all aspects of life.

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Saturday June 9 ITS NOT GODS FAULT John 10:10, 14:10; Rev 12:7-12; Acts 10:38 God does not cause storms, tornadoes, tsunamis, floods, famine and sickness. He is not in the business of making people lose their jobs and slipping into recession. Bad things come from the devil, but Jesus brings life. God and the Holy Spirit are on the same team supporting and empowering Jesus to heal the sick and freeing those who are oppressed by the devil. Salvation, strength and power are the signs of the kingdom of God. God is in the business of healing. Healing has a good purpose. Sickness has no good purpose. Hardship has no good purpose. Jesus empowered by God stopped the storm on the sea. God cannot cause something and then also stop it. Say it boldly: My God is a good God & in Him is no evil. He has no evil, He does no evil and He does not

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need evil to train me.

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Sunday June 10 FORCE OF INTERCESSION 1 Timothy 2:1; Colossians 4:3; I Thessalonians 1:2 Satan is the god of this world. He is responsible for evil on earth; he will plan evil, do evil and cause people to take decisions that will lead to evil. He is the one who takes over dictators, killers and criminals and inspires evil. The Bible makes it clear that the world was delivered to the devil. That was why he said that the world was given to him when he tempted Jesus. Always remember, good things come from God and evil comes from the devil. GOD does not do evil so that good can come out of it. He is bigger than that. When we intercede, we invite God to come in legally and turn things around. Thank God for the opportunity to pray and intercede, and seize the opportunity.

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I challenge you to intercede for the unsaved. Also intercede for bad situations to turn around for good.

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Monday June 11 PASTOR SOLOMON Acts 10:38; Psalm 84:11; Matthew 7:11 Pastor Solomon ran around a lot, not leaving anytime for meditation and prayer. One day while preaching he fell over a row of chairs and broke his arm. He was admitted to the hospital and was admitted for 3 weeks. While he was in the hospital, he was able to think and pray regularly. In fact, he received a whole years plan for the growth of the church. He left the hospital revitalised, revived and ignited to face the ministry. Jane a lady in the church later said, thank God for orchestrating the broken arm for our pastor, he had time to think, pray and really listen to God. When Jane said that, many people were baffled and Jane knew she had made a grave mistake. She saw in the word of God that it is impossible for God to orchestrate evil. She knew a broken arm is not a good thing, so it could not have come from God. If natural parents dont punish their children with evil,

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how can God, the author of ALL good things punish His children with evil? She studied about the Father heart of God in the story of the prodigal son, she saw that even when people made major mistakes, God will be the first to run out to greet them when they come back home as in the case of the prodigal son. God will not do evil and He wants the best for His children always. Fathers will do their best for their kids. Jane concluded that she cannot scripturally say that God orchestrated the pastors broken arm and repented immediately. God is a good God. Let it permeate your being, let it affect all your thinking, let that thought change you forever. Say it to yourself every single day. I serve a loving God, my Father is a good Father, He watches over me to do me good all the days of my life.

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Tuesday June 12 GRACE AND JILL James 1:17; John10:10 Jill was a 29-year old final year student in the university; she felt lonely and dejected - a victim of two failed engagements with rings and all. She did not study well in her final year and had to retake the academic session. During the beginning of the repeat year, she met an angel of a man who was God fearing, he loved her wholeheartedly. He encouraged her to study and she passed her examinations brilliantly. They started a relationship and after 3 months of intensive marriage counselling, they got married. They lived happily ever after serving God in their local church. When Jill shares her life story, she always says it was a good thing that she failed in her final year because she would not have met the man of her dreams. She believes that God will bring hard situations to place us on the path of destiny. Jill has a 23-year old friend called Grace. Grace did not fail in her final year and met a lovely Godly man in her final year - they also got married the following year.

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I dont like Jills story! Academic failure is never from God. If you fail, your foolishness and your yielding to the devil made you fail. You do not need to fail to get Gods best. I prefer Graces story, she did not fail; she did well academically and found the man of her dreams as well. Gods plan is from glory to glory and from success to success, God does not bring us evil so that He can turn it to a testimony. Let there be no confusion in these things.

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Wednesday June 13 UNDERSTANDING: THE KEY TO LIFE Psalms 119:144; Proverbs 21: 16 What more could a king possibly be looking for to further enhance the quality of his life? Yet, this king said he is not alive without understanding. This great king gave birth to a son who also become a king and history records it that he is the wisest king that ever lived. King Solomon also likened understanding to a path. He said a man that wanders out of this path is as good as a dead man walking. How many of our waking moments or hours do we spend alive? As you go into the day today, vow to be alive throughout. Walk in understanding, act with understanding, make decisions with understanding, form opinions with understanding, do everything you do today with understanding. There is a spirit of understanding; and you have this spirit if you have the Holy Spirit in you. Pray this morning and ask God to stir up this spirit in you. And as you manifest through the spirit of

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understanding, your results will be different from that of your peers in Jesus name.

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Thursday June 14 PURPOSE FOR TODAY Psalms 139:16; Jeremiah 1:5 I am amused with very intelligently produced/directed movies or TV programs simply because it reminds me that life is similar to drama. All the artists on the set in a movie have their own roles to play. They are not on the set by chance, they didnt just wander there. If the producers of these movies who are human can bring this much control to their work, how much more the maker and producer/director of all living things. Everything that God has made including you has purpose. They all have a purpose to play in the grand scheme of things. Some people say this life is one big drama. We all have our role to play; we have been given the script (the Bible) to work with in order to obtain the result that the producer purposed. As we commit to our role knowing that we are not here by accident, we will begin to see things work out as God intended. Every day counts towards our purpose here on earth. Let us go into the day consciously

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aware that every moment counts and that we are to maximize those moments. Do all you do today according to the script, do not go off script, and do not be caught in mindless moments of sadness or idleness. Be full of joy knowing that your life has a purpose and today is another opportunity to give expression to that purpose. Confessions I play my role in the grand scheme of things today I am not useless; I am useful I add value; every minute counts I am purposeful in all I do I work with purpose; I do not go off script I am on point I am a master of my trade today in Jesus name I am not lazy; I am not slothful; I do not waste time

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Friday June 15 A SENSE OF DESTINY Jeremiah 1:5; John 14:12 A million sperms swam towards the egg from my mother; one of them got there first and fertilized the egg and that became me. I won!!! Thats the same process that produced each of us. We are very unique; we were handpicked out of a million possibilities. Each of us is unique and marked; we have a set purpose and destiny. We have great potential. Our potential is the possibility of being as valuable as Jesus was during His earthly ministry. Jesus Himself said the work that I do shall ye do.
You have a destiny and you need to carry yourself with a sense of seriousness. You are special, super special. You are unique, you are important, dont let the devil put you down; refuse to have any sad days. Choose to have only big days; something good and great must happen to you daily. Move towards destiny today. You have a future, you are here to contribute, and you have something to offer the world. So fight for it and be all God has called you to be.

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Saturday June 16 ELIJAH AND THE TENT Psalm 121; Psalm 46; 1st Samuel 30:1-8 Pastor Elijahs tent is always full of people pouring in from all over the metropolis. As a passionate evangelist he wants to see souls saved and lives transformed and God blesses those desires consistently. They went to the city of Luz and put up the tent and the crusade was going on well. On the 2nd night of the crusade, Pastor Elijah got a call that the tent was on fire. The fire service tried their best to put out the flames but alas! the tent could not be saved. In analysing the situation, Pastor Elijah called his team and explained to them that this was not a trial from God because God does not burn down tents, He raises them up. He said it was only the enemy who will derive joy from such an incident. They took time to pray and fast about this and came to conclude that writing to their financial partners and encouraging them to pray and give was the best was forward. To the glory of God, the partners responded

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and they were able to buy a much bigger and better tent. The tent may have caught fire due to human error or a technical mistake, but the devil would have been excited that it happened. As Christians, we must never let the devils excitement last. We must fight for things to turn around. God did not burn his tent so he could get a bigger one. God did not permit Pastor Elijahs tent to be burnt so that he could pray and fast and get closer to God. Instead the correct analysis of the situation is that the tent may have burnt for any reason, but the burnt tent is a bad report and our final report card must never carry a bad report. We should call on God to turn any bad report into a good report. We should pursue, overtake and recover all like David did.

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Sunday June 17 Fathers Day A LIFE OF SIGNIFICANCE Acts 9:15; John 16:15; 2 Samuel 29:13-23 Your life has meaning to it. You were born for a purpose, you have enormous potential, and you have something to give. You are not a waste of space. There is no reason to lose hope as if there is no God. Seasons of fasting and prayer will help you discover your purpose in life. Separate yourself from noise to be alone with God. As you stay alone with God and talk to Him and ask questions, there will be a revelation of the unique you that God wants to give to the world. The teachings of the bible, especially an understanding of who you are, what you have and what you can do as a Christian will show you who you are as a Christian but solitude, prayer and fasting will show you who you are specifically. Pray and ask God where you fit into the plan. Ask the questions: Lord, where do I go? What do you want me to do? What do I do in my church, in my cell and in

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my community? How do I make a difference in my generation? Monday June 18 STAND YOUR GROUND Mark 11:24; James 5:14; I Peter 5:9 When you sense trouble, it is your duty to stand your ground. Yesterday, a mother called me from the hospital to say the doctors said her child would need a surgical operation. She did not want it as it was a painful procedure, so we prayed that the child would not need the operation; she called me three hours later to say the doctors decided the procedure was no longer necessary. One of our pastors was told about a childs eyeballs being yellow, our pastor told the parent to lay hands on the child and command the eyes to be normal. It happened immediately. If you dont want something, stand and say NO to it and your voice will ring through the realm of the spirit bringing miracles. Confession I stand firm and claim all of Gods promises for me What God has for me is for me

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I reject any bad news from the evil one, the devil I submit myself to God, I resist the devil and he flees in Jesus mighty name My victory is sure today and always Thank You Jesus

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Tuesday June 19 THE NORMAL CHRISTIAN 1st John 5:4; Ephesians 6:13-14 You do not have to be a super-star Christian to overcome the enemy. You just need to live the normal Christian life. The normal Christian life is powerful enough to defeat the enemy and keep him at bay. A normal Christian prays daily both in English and in tongues, a normal Christian will study the bible and memorise a few scriptures daily, a normal Christian will have seasons of fasting and prayer, a normal Christian will be in church and be a blessing by giving their finances, time, talent and skill. As a normal Christian, these things keep you fit and healthy. A normal Christian and the enemy are not on the same level. The normal Christian is a child of God. Say this out loud I am a child of God; it is in my DNA to overcome. I am an overcomer by default, I believe it and so it is. I put on the whole armour of God to defeat the devil. I know his devices; I resist him & give him no place. I

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overcome by Gods Spirit and by the blood of the Lamb. Wednesday June 20 THERE IS NO REASON FOR DEFEAT Ephesians 6:10-17; 2 Cor 10:3-5; Mark 11:1214, 20-24 On one of my trips to Malawi, our 4x4 truck got stuck and stopped moving up a hill. We tried to move forward unsuccessfully for some time and then the driver remembered that the car was a 4x4. He switched into the 4x4 mode and like a dream, the vehicle sped up the hill without any difficulty. The vehicle was equipped and when the driver remembered to use the equipment, he got good results. Just the same way, we believers are equipped to win against our enemy, the devil. If we are defeated, it is not Gods fault. God is not to be blamed if the 4x4 of our spiritual life gets stuck because we refuse to use the equipment He provided. Gods word and armour are the equipment we need. You must declare the word boldly; you issue commands and decrees, then expect results. That is the way. Jesus expected the fig

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tree to dry up and He expects that mountains will move when we speak. So be bold and win today. There is no place for defeat.

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Thursday June 21 I WANT TO KNOW: PART 1 THE QUALITY AND QUANTITY OF OUR SECURITY AGAINST THE ENEMY 2nd Kings 6:16; 1st John 4:4 I have been asked this question before: How many demons and devils do we have and how many angels of God do we have? The answer is they that are with us are more than they that are with them. There are many things to think of here. If God is for us, then everything is for us and no one can successfully be against us. When we needed Gods help to see us through, God stepped in and helped us by giving us His son Jesus to die for our sins, how much more will He not help us in all we lay our hands on and in all we do? He will release to us all we need in combat and much more. Also, the bible talks about the strength level of the Spirit of God who lives in us. He is the Greater One who is greater than all beings in heaven or earth or under the earth. He is the Greater One who is seated far above, very far above all evil beings.

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So we win in quantity and we also win in quality.

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Friday June 22 I WANT TO KNOW: PART 2 Isaiah 14:13-15; Psalm 121 There are 2 questions I get asked frequently: 1) What role does the human will play in dealing with demons? 2) Can demons be inherited or received against ones will? A person cannot participate in intensive demonic activity against their own will if they are Christians. A non-believer is the weakest link in the realm of the spirit. They are just weak. They are easily influenced and swayed, but they cannot do things against their own will. A person has to decide for God or for the devil, but in many cases not deciding for God is simply the easiest way to decide for the devil. Certainly a Christian can be oppressed and disturbed from outside which is like general temptation, but it is our duty to resist. All we need to resist the devil is at our disposal already and we should just use what we have very well. A person cannot inherit demons without his or her own co-operation. If a person inherits demons, it is because they are happy to have

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those demons and to live with them and may have even been involved in seeking demonic powers themselves. 3) Can a person be delivered against his own will? The answer is No. They need to be willing to be set free. If they are set free without their own will, they will refuse to do the work they need to do to stay free so the demons will definitely come back. So the will of man is important. The devil also chose to use his will to rebel against God. A Christian uses his will to pray to God. Confession I choose to follow and serve God I am willing and obedient to Gods voice I choose to go Gods way I shun the way of the devil I walk in Gods path every day of my life

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Saturday June 23 I WANT TO KNOW: PART 3 CAN A PERSON BE POSSESSED OR OPPRESSED WITHOUT KNOWING? James 5:14-15 Many people have certain persistent problems that they cannot explain. There are problems in life caused by a simple lack of wisdom. If we make mistakes and things go wrong, we should just ask God for mercy and restoration and then go on in life on the right path. If we are stupid for any reason we should be humble enough to repent and turn to wisdom. We should not blame all problems on the devil. However, when an issue is unexplainable and we also sense an enemy, let us be sensitive enough to pray the right prayers. There are people whose problems are demonic oppressions, but they just do not know it at all. So it is possible not to know. Counselling with your church pastors or cell leaders will definitely help. They will deal with the matter sensitively.

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Sunday June 24 I WANT TO KNOW: PART 4 CAN A CHRISTIAN BE CHEATED BY THE DEVIL? Psalm 82:6-end; 2nd Peter 1:3-5; Psalm 105:15 A story is told of a guy who bought a ticket to get on a cruise ship. He was so happy to save up and get on the cruise ship as it had always been the dream of a lifetime. He lived a very rough life on the cruise ship sneaking around and sleeping on restaurant seats and eating sandwiches while admiring others who ate three-course meals. Someone said to him at the end of the cruise,Hey buddy, I never noticed you at the dining table during mealtimes while on the cruise. You must be such a quiet fellow. The man said I just bought a basic standard ticket so, could not join you at mealtimes. The other fellow had a look at his ticket and said that was the ticket most people on the cruise had and the man had missed out on all the privileges he had. The man had an inclusive deal and was entitled to a lovely room, 3 full meals a day with snacks while on the ship. However, he never bothered to check the ticket for details of his entitlement.

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The devil is not powerful but he gets lucky, he can be successful with Christians who do not know their rights just like the man who did not know what was on his ticket. What is on your ticket? Dont make the devil lucky; know your rights in Christ. The bible says that we have promises from God that will make us sharers of the nature of God. The Bible says we are gods. If someone with the nature of God is being cheated by the devil, it is because of ignorance. I challenge you to study Gods word thoroughly. Use this devotional in detail. You have what it takes.

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Monday June 25 I WANT TO KNOW: PART 5 DO DEMONS ALWAYS LEAVE IN A DRAMATIC WAY? Mark 1:25-27, 32-34; Mark 5:1-16; Matthew 8:16 When Jesus cast out demons from the mad man of Gadara, they went into 2000 pigs and the pigs drowned. In Mark chapter 1, the demonised person in the temple cried with a loud voice while he was being set free. These were pretty dramatic exits but demons do not always leave in a dramatic manner. On another occasion, Jesus did not permit demons to speak. Jesus did not always encourage drama, and sometimes He discouraged noise. When we minister to people, we should always minister with a lot of sensitivity knowing that the people concerned have a normal life to live after they are set free. We should help them make that transition as smooth as possible. They do not have to roll on the floor, they do not have to be humiliated by standing them in front of everyone, and they do not have to tell every detail if not needed.

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Remember, it doesnt have to be dramatic to be supernatural.

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Tuesday June 26 I WANT TO KNOW: PART 6 WHO CAN CAST OUT DEMONS? Mark 16:15-20; Matthew 10:1-8; James 4:7 I started casting out demons at the age of 18 and I started instilling confidence in people to face the world in spite of devils just like I do today. A student once told me he believed he would die the next time he ate because he had a dramatic dream where another boy told him to eat. He ate in the dream and was afraid to eat in real life. I told him to eat; hes been eating since and is very much alive today (15 years later). I have thrown away and destroyed fetish objects with my bare hands. According to the bible, all believers or all born-again Christians can cast out devils. As long as you know your position in the spiritual power hierarchy and believe in the weapons at your disposal, you can use the name of Jesus with the understanding of the power behind the name and cast out devils. Anyone who understands the power in the blood of Jesus and who knows how to apply it in combat can cast out devils, anyone who knows how to declare the word of God boldly can cast out devils. Anyone who knows how to

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pray and fast can cast out demons. Yes, you can cast out devils!!

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Wednesday June 27 I WANT TO KNOW: PART 7 WHAT HAPPENS TO A PERSON AFTER DEMONS ARE CAST OUT? Matthew 12:43-45; Proverbs 4:20-24; Num 23:23 Jesus taught us this in a very practical and direct way. His teaching is not to scare us but to encourage us to do the right thing. Jesus clearly teaches us that a person who is set free of demonic oppression is like a house that is thoroughly cleaned it is inviting. He also teaches us that demonic forces like to remain in the vessel they possess and are only expelled against their wish; the demon likes to remain until a mightier force like a decree in the name of Jesus comes on the scene and forces him out. When he is forced out, he tries to stay in other places and if it not successful, he will try to return to his former home in the person who was delivered. If he finds his previous abode clean and empty, he brings 7 others along with him. The solution to this is to radically fill the life

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of anyone who is delivered with the word of God and surround them with prayers and worship. We need to teach them the principle of guarding their heart with all diligence. They need to study Gods promises of protection like Numbers 23:23, 1st Timothy 1:7, Psalm 121, Isaiah 54:1317, Psalms 91 and Psalm 105:15. We need to teach them how to believe and how to internalize Gods word through repetition, confessions and bold declarations. The delivered will stay delivered by growing in the things of God.

Devotionals June 2012 edition

Thursday June 28 UNDERSTANDING FASTING PRAYER Matthew 6: 17-18 Fasting is abstaining from food for spiritual purposes. Fasting prayer is all the prayer you pray while fasting. The most powerful tool we have in Gods arsenal of weapons is not prayer and it is not fasting, it is FASTING PRAYER i.e. prayer prayed while fasting. In the normal Christian life, there should be a regular practice of fasting prayer. Jesus gave us instructions about fasting like He expected us to fast without any fuss. It is similar to instructing a child about being careful while crossing the road on the way to/from school. You are not preaching to the child and encouraging them to go to school; you are just giving them instructions because you are certain that they will go. Jesus gave us instructions because He knew that we would fast. There should be regular times and special seasons of fasting prayer in your life. It is very good practice for a Christian to fast for one day in a week. Typical fasting involves missing one or more meals in a day e.g. you can skip breakfast so that your first meal in the day is at 12pm or 3pm as long as you

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concentrate on praying more and studying the word of God more.

Devotionals June 2012 edition

Friday June 29 HOW TO PREPARE FOR A NORMAL FAST Matthew 6:17-18, Mark 11:25; Hebrews 11:6 Some Christians have a day in the week when they fast. This habit is a part of a regular spiritual discipline. A church or a denomination may also choose a day of the week to fast and then meet to pray at an agreed time. Sometimes, a congregation or group of people may set a period of time for fasting and praying e.g. 21 days, 40 days or 72 days. The most important thing in all these is making time to pray. In Mark 11:25, we are told to take time to forgive and ask for forgiveness before we pray. Apart from asking for forgiveness, the greatest preparation is to plan your prayer time and bible study time for the period of the fast. If we do not make the time to pray then we should ask ourselves am I fasting or just on a diet? We have to pray more when we are fasting. Also, we need to approach fasting with a positive attitude of faith. God rewards those that diligently seek Him, we should approach

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fasting as an investment in our spiritual lives and we should expect rewards.

Devotionals June 2012 edition

Saturday June 30 THE BENEFITS OF FASTING Isaiah 58:5-12; 3 John 2 Here are some of the benefits of fasting: Light: We will enjoy clarity in Gods word and enjoy more answers from the word of God. Health: We will enjoy a state of wellbeing. Righteousness: We will enjoy ease in living right and in avoiding anything that annoys God. Glory: We will enjoy the presence of God in a heavy dimension. Answered Prayers: We will experience answers to prayer. Continual guidance: We will enjoy Gods guidance easily. He will show us things clearer and quicker. Satisfaction: We will enjoy a supernatural satisfaction. Refreshing: We will enjoy freshness, feel fresh and be able to rest in spite of any pressure in life. Work that endures: Our work will endure and last. Restoration: What was lost will be regained.

Devotionals June 2012 edition

I challenge you to make fasting prayer a regular aspect of your Christian walk, starting from today.

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