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Papers on SPEECH

A. Understanding Speech is words that are delivered and addressed to the crowd. Speeches of many kinds, among other things, speech delivered at the beginning of an event or state speech delivered by the president. A good speech can give a positive impression to those who heard the speech. The ability of a good speech or speaking in public / public can help to achieve a good career path. 2. Speech goals Speech generally perform one or more of the following: a. Influence others to want to follow our willingness to volunteer. b. Giving an insight or information to others. c. Make other people happy with an entertaining speech that other people happy and satisfied with the words we say.

3. The composition framework Speech The schematic arrangement of a good speech: a. Opening with a greeting. b. An introduction that describes the content slightly. c. Speech content or material systematically: intentions, goals, objectives, plans, measures, etc..

d. Cover (the conclusion, of hope, messages, greetings cover, etc.).

4. Step Making Speech Before making the speech you should write the important things about the show, for example the name of the show, the audience, and purpose of organizing the event. After that, make a speech frame having regard to the parts of speech.

5. Things I Must Be In Speech There are 5 things that must exist in the speech, among others: a. Opening greetings or greeting b. Opening speech c. Content of speeches d. Peroration e. Hail cover

6. Types of Speech Based on the nature of the content of the speech, the speech can be divided into: a. The opening speech, the brief speech that was delivered by the readers of the event or mc. b. Pdato briefing is to lead to a meeting. c. Speech, which is a speech delivered at an event or activity of certain events that can be done by some people with limited time in turn. d. The inauguration speech, the speech made by people who are influential to formalize things. e. Report of speech, ie speech that it is reporting a task or activity. f. Accountability statement, is a speech that contains an accountability report.

7. Method of Speech According to the presence or absence of the preparation according to the ways in which preparation time there are four kinds of speech, among others: a. Impromptu (necessarily) This method is a speech that if you attend a party and suddenly called upon to deliver a speech. Advantages: 1) over the speaker to express feelings 2) the idea came spontaneously 3) lets you keep thinking Disadvantages: 1) lead to the conclusion that crude

2) resulted in delivery is not smooth 3) presented erroneous ideas 4) stage fright

b. Manuscript A speech to the manuscript. Here do not apply the term 'speech' but 'read speech'. Manuscript is required by national figures, because the slightest mistake can lead to national chaos. Advantages: 1) the words can be selected as well as possible 2) a statement can be saved 3) fluency in speech can be achieved 4) are not inconsequential 5) the manuscript may be reproduced Disadvantages: 1) listener communication will be reduced because the speaker does not speak directly to them 2) the speaker can not see a good listener 3) preparation for longer

c. Memoriter Speech was a message written later remembered word for word. Advantages: 1) the words can be selected as well as possible 2) motion and the cues that are integrated with the description Disadvantages: 1) listener communication will be reduced because the speaker switch on the effort to recall the words 2) require a lot of time d. Ekstemporan Is a form of speech already prepared an outline and discussion of basic support (supporting points), but the speaker did not try to remember it word for word. Advantages: 1) communication with the listener a better speaker 2) the message can be flexible Disadvantages: 1) the possibility to deviate from the outline 2) fluency hampered by the difficulty of choosing your words

8. Speech Preparation Before giving a speech in public, it helps to make the following preparations: a. Insight into the listener's speech in general. b. Knowing the length of time or duration of the speech to be delivered. c. Arrange the words are easy to understand and be understood. d. Knowing the type of speech and the theme of the event. e. Preparing materials and equipment speeches, etc..

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