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Farmer Institutional Role in Marketing of Organic Rice (A Case at Gapoktan Mekartani, Subdistrict of Kebonpedes Sukabumi Regency) By: Reny

Sukmawani (Lecturer of Agricultural Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Sukabumi) Student of Doctoral Program, Agricultural Economics UNPAD Member of PERHEPI Komda Bandung) ABSTRACT The success of marketing strategy depends on the large or the posisition of each business. However, the big scale of the business does not assure of success without being supported by significant strategy. Moreover, some small businesses with significant strategy are able to increse a high result. The example is some rice farmers at the subdistrict of Kebonpedes undertaken by Gapoktan Mekartani in marketing their products. The aim of this paper is to identify the farmer institutional role, that in this case, Gapoktan Mekartani in marketing of organic rice and the marketing strategy carried out by Gapoktan Mekartani so that it could improve the farmers income and developed into competition. As the farmer institutional, Gapoktan Mekartani makes serious efforts to make the best of its role to compose the farmers start from pre farm enterprises until its marketing. One of the efforts done by Gapoktan Mekrtani is in marketing of organic rice. The organic rice is one of Gapoktan Mekartani options in overcoming the price problems faced by farmers in rice business. Gapoktan Mekartani is located on Village Sasagaran, Subdistrict of Kebonpedes, Sukabumi Regency is concentrated as producer and organic rice trader. The marketed varieties are sintanur and ciherang which have been successfully marketing the farmers organic rice both those who are joined in their own group and outside the group until now. As a large group accommodating the farmer groups in one subdistrict, Gapoktani Mekartani has a marketing strategy; it tries to make consumers satisfy with their special quality products, product price as well as distributing the products to their consumers. In the sector of special quality products, the farmers joined in Gapoktan Mekartani have produced healthy rice of which its superiority has been proven either in the flavor, nutritional value, aroma or even in the storage power. In the sector of product price, the farmers joined in Gapoktan Mekartani have determined the product price in accordance with the product quality. In the sector of distribution, Gapoktan Mekartani has permanents distributor and a possibility of purchasing to Gapoktan without any requirement. The success of marketing strategy adopted by Gapoktan Mekartani is reflected in the sales volume which is successfully realized.

Key words: farmer institutional, strategy, marketing, organic rice, Gapoktan 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Research Background

One of the programs of agricultural development is focused on to the effort to increase crop and quality of paddy, neither domestic nor national. To comply with the need of national food and to achieve the vision of agricultural development, Agriculture Department applies the policy of complying with such food need by increasing domestic production. Sukabumi Regency takes apart in providing national food. It is one of the central paddies in West Java even though the area of planting is not large as Karawang area and east Priangan. From the area of 412.591,92 hectares, 121.846 hectare is the area of rice field as the central paddy (West Java Agriculture Department, 2007). Tabel 1. Plant Area, Crop Area and Rice Field Production in Sukabumi Regency 2003-2009 Year Category 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Plant Area Crop Area Production Productivity 114.001 112.409 605.795 53,89 132.945 121.505 634.830 52,25 121.806 117.133 613.336 52,36 123.862 116.063 623.293 53,70 121.846 122.159 116.967 54,01 132,262 118,217 677,122 59,82 128,639 124,257 761,400 61,28

Source: Sukabumi Regency of Horticultural and Food Agriculture Department Tabel 1 shows that plant area, crop area and rice field production in Sukabumi regency is quite high. The area of rice field in Sukabumi Regency spreads out among 47 subdistricts. One of them is Kebonpedes Subdistrict. Besides, one of the paddy central production in Sukabumi Regency, rice field area in Kebonpedes subdistrict is supported by an adequate well irrigation system and most of the farmers in Kebonpedes area have had planted paddy by using government technology recommendation. The paddy which is produced in Kebonpedes subdistrict is not only functioning as a supply of food need in Sukabumi regency but it comply market demand from other area as well. Most of the people in Kebonpedes Subdistrict, Sukabumi Regency earn a living as a farmer. The business of planting paddy that mostly develops is the business of planting rice field. This rice commodity has the important meaning for the people of Kebonpedes subdistrict because it is one of the prime commodities for Kebonpedes subdistrict. As a carbohydrate, paddy is one of the prime and important food productions that will be the government concern. The need of paddy in Indonesia from year to year is more increasingly as the raising of Indonesian population. Therefore the development business of planting paddy is the urgent challenge. Some efforts have been done by the government to increase paddy production. One

of the efforts is to apply of technology. So far as if the increase production is not balanced with good marketing so that the farmer destiny will not change from period to period. According to Kotler (1993), marketing is the main condition in development. The successful of marketing strategy depends on the big or position of each firm. The big firm will be able to implement certain strategy that it will not be able to be done by small firm. But, there is no guarantee with the large scale is going to succeed without supporting by good strategy. The small firm with good strategy does not often afford to raise high production compare to big firm. Yet, unfortunately such condition can not be applied at farmer level, moreover the farmer who has small area of rice field, limited capital and the low level knowledge. So that forming group is the good option alternative for the farmers who have small area of rice field in raising bargaining position in marketing their product, such as; what have the farmers been done in Kebonpedes subdistrict who is in group of Gapoktan Mekartani? It is suitable with what Sesbany said; who stated that the effort which must be done by the farmer to rise up its bargaining position are as follow; 1. The farmer consolidation is in one institution to unite them economically in every agriculture change from preproduction to marketing. 2. Production collectivise is collectivise plan production to determine the Patten, type, quantity and production cycle collectively. 3. Collective in marketing agriculture production. The high demand of rice does not suit with the raising of farmer income. It is caused by the low price of unhulled rice that is received by farmer. The research result of Erizal Jamal, etl (2006), Husni (2004) and Dwidjono H Darwanto (2005) shows that the low price of unhulled rice in farmer level is caused by some factors. They are among other; (1) It is still a dominant system of buying crop Patten directly as the consequency of the urgent need and the use of payment capital in agriculture, (2) The weak position of farmer bargaining in unhulled rice trading, (3) the addition value from production and rice trade is more gotten by trader, mill rice agent and others included Bulog (Rice Logistic Bureau), (4) rice market structure is still imperfect yet in competition and the inefficient of crop period system and rice distribution in domestic area, and (5) it is still left behind the technology of crop period in farmer level so sucrose content of sugar cane crop and rice quality which is produced is low. This condition is the general phenomenon for all the farmers in Indonesia. Organic rice is one of the options of Gapoktan Mekartani in solving the price problem that the farmer deals with in business of planting paddy. The awareness of people in healthy life is also influence in agriculture sector. It can be seen more from the development of organic agriculture technology. For example, the demand of organic rice keep rising in price and the opportunity of this commodity is still quite promising in the market. Gapoktan Mekartani tries to take an opportunity. Gapoktan which is located on Sasagaran, Kebonpedes Subdistrict, Sukabumi Regency works on organic agriculture by using technique System of Rice Intensification (SRI). Gapoktan Mekartani recently focuses on as a producer and trader of organic rice. The varietal that is marketed are Sintanur and Ciherang. It is

expected to get the betterment income by producing organic rice because the low expense production meanwhile the organic rice price is tending to high. Yet, the high price causes the consumer is limited to certain people and it is normally influenced by the capable of buying and comprehending of the importance to consume organic rice for health. Therefore it needs the marketing strategy so that the consumer can have it. Gapoktan Mekartani has succeeded to market organic rice of farmers who become its group even they help market it to other farmer group. But, the dynamic market always changes every time. So far as marketing strategy has the importance role to keep the business because it gives the clear description and focuses on to what should be done by marketer in using the opportunity or resources that they have. This paper tries to describe the farmer institution role in marketing organic rice and its marketing strategy. 1.2. The Purpose The aim of this research is to identify the farmer institution role, that in this case, Gapoktan Mekartani markets organic rice and the marketing strategy that is done by Gapoktan Mekartani so that it enables to improve the farmers income and develop in competition. II. METHODOLOGY The method of this research is survey method. The data were collected by interview with questioner. The data were explained by descriptive. This research was conducted on July 2011 with the research object was Gapoktan Mekartani. III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. Gapoktan Mekartani Profile Gapoktan Mekartani was established at Jambe Nenggang, Kebonpedes Subdistrict, Sukabumi Regency, West Java. The success of Gapoktan Mekartani in running its function is not separated from the role of Mr. Ujang Zaenal Muttaqin who as a leader of Gapoktan Mekartani. It was 2000, he just went home from Japan after he worked at a factory since 1997. He had agriculture on the job training over the weekend when he was in Japan. It could be done by him with the recommendation of Sukabumi regency Employment and Transmigration Department. He saw the machine systematic agriculture and its well-organized. He went home to Indonesia and does not have a dream to see the farmer in his village to work with machine. But, he convinces that the farmer can earn a living more if they want to. We are definitely left behind in technology from Japan. But, if the farmer want to change their work, I convince they can have a better living, Ujang said. Since than time Ujang worked hard with Gapoktan Mekartani to make his hope comes true in helping farmer to rise up their welfare. Gapoktan Mekartani is one of the 356 Gapoktan in Sukabumi Regency. It was established in 2007 and consisted of four farmers group. Gapoktan was initially conventional rice field and vegetable group. It now develops to be organic rice field

group. Meanwhile vegetable commodity is still processing to organic. In producing organic rice, farmer is guided by BP4K advisor. From 159 farmer s who is member of Gapoktan Mekartani, 59 farmers have organic rice business with planting area 19 hectare of rice field. Though, the irrigation is still simple with System Rice Intensification (SRI). The farmer can plant three seasons planting in a year and the average crop per season is 7-8 ton GKP (it was 6 ton). The succes of organic rice business by the farmers who are in Gapoktan Mekartani have interested two researchers from different institute in Japan to study to Gapoktan Mekartani. They are; SVRK Prabhakar, policy researcher climate policy project from institute for Global Environment Strategies (IGES) and Daisuke SANO, expert (agriculture sector) Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Change Advisory and Monitoring Mission in Indonesia. Gapoktan Mekartani is not only succeeding to develop organic rice from its production but also in its marketing. Gapoktan Mekartani has lately succeeded to market organic rice through cooperating with PT. Medco in Jakarta. So as to the production which is produced by its member is inadequately. Therefore Gapoktan Mekartani invites a lot farmer to be their member group. B. Farmer Institutional Role The reinforcement of farmer bargaining position through institutional is an urgent need and it is absolutely needed by farmer so that they can compete in doing planting paddy activity and enable to increase life welfare. According to Huntington (1965), Institution is A networking consists of a number of people and institution for same purposes, it has a rule and norm, and structure. In the system contect of agricultural in the rural, known by eight of institutions: (1) supply institution of farm enterprises input, (2) supply institution of capitalization, (3) institution of employment fulfill (4) area supply institution and irrigation water, (5) institution of farm enterprises or livestock enterprises, (6) process institution of agricultural produce, (7) distribute institution of agricultural produce, (8) supply institution of information (technology, market, etc.). Whereas institution or it can be said organization, is a place for running one or more of institution. Instiution has clear and formal structure. Institution runs institutional function, but it can get one or more function also: Institution in agricultural is a farming group, Gapoktan, farming women group, agribusiness clinic, cooperation, etc. Principally institutional or institution has four components: component of actor, component of importance, component of norm and rule, and component of structure. According to Mardikanto (1993) the definition of farmer group is a group of farmer people or farmers who consist of adult farmers (men/women) or youthfarmers who bounded informally in an area of the group based on harmony and together necessity and is on the influence environment and headed by a farming contact, while based on Decicion Letter of Agricultural Minister, Number: 273/Kpts/OT.160/4/2007, farmer group is a group of farmer/breeder/churner formed by similarity of importance, similarity of environment condition (social, economy, resource) and familiarity to increase and grow the business of member. Whereas a group of farmer group consists of farmer groups are in an administration area of village or in an area of irrigation current of tertier irrigation compartment

(Department of Agriculture, 1980). It (2007) says that a group of farmer group (Gapoktan) is a group of some farmer groups who work together to increase economical scale and business efficiency. At present Gapoktan it self has new definition, involved in form and new role. It becomes gateway institution as a connector between farmers in one village and other institutions. It is hoped to have a role for functions of agricultural cavitalization fulfillment, fulfillment of production medium, marketing of agriculture product, and involved for supplying various information for the farmers. Until now the picture of farmer institutional is confessed still has not hoped yet. One of the causes is less care of the important to find entry-point of institution, so that it causes confusion in institution engineer that suitable with the purpose of agriculture production (Suradisastra 2008). This situation is more crucial with effort to chase time in order to the program can show the result in the sort in time. But it is not the same with Gapoktan Mekartani. As the farmer institutional, Gapoktan Mekartani has made serious efforts to run its role in increasing economical scale and business efficiency by doing collective action in various things especially in marketing of organic rice and this effort has got significant result. It is suitable with the function of Gapoktan based on Rule of Agricultural Minister, number 273/Kpts/OT.160/4/2007, dated 13rd April 2007, about Establishment of Farmer Institutional, that is: 1. Business Unit of Production Service for fulfilling the market necessity (quantity, quality, continuity and price); 2. Business Unit of Supplying Service of Agricultural Produce (subsided fertilizer, certified seed, and any others) and to distribute to the farmers through their groups; 3. Business Unit of Supplying Service of Financial Capital and to distribute by credit to the farmers who need it; 4. Business Unit of Processing Process Service of Product of members (grinding, grading, packing, and any others) that can increase more value; 5. Business Unit of Trading Operate Service, marketing/selling the agricultural produce to the traders/ off farm industry Nevertheless, those functions are still necessary to be optimalyzed their role again in order to increase economic scale and efficiency of farmer business. So Gapoktan Mekartani still needs training in order to grow and develop farming group to the more progress direction. It is important to be implemented for: 1. The number of production member which is produced can be collected more, because each member/ group collects it for together importance. 2. The result continuity will be easier to be managed, because Gapoktan can discuss the plan of its activity business together with group, so that palnting scheduled agenda of the activity can be planned in accordance with the member and the market needs. 3. Farmer is a subject, because Gapoktan is hoped can negotiate with business partner in accordance with its member need. 4. Farmer has stronger position in bargaining position, because it can choose profitable alternative and can also acces better market.

5. It can compose business cooperation which is profitable each other with cooperation, whether as a member or as a business partner. Marketing Strategy of Organic Rice The success in achieving business purpose depends on businessman skill in marketing field, it is how to run or transfer farming product from producer to the consumer. In marketing the product there are several activities such as planning, composing, price, promoting, and distributing product and service to the buyer group. This causes marketing being important. As a large group accommodating the farmer groups in one subdistrict, Gapoktani Mekartani has a marketing strategy; it tries to make consumers satisfy with their special quality products, product price as well as distributing the products to their consumers. In the sector of special quality products, the farmers joined in Gapoktan Mekartani have produced healthy rice of which its superiority have been proven either in the flavor, nutritional value, flavour or even in the storage power. In the sector of product price, the farmers joined in Gapoktan Mekartani has determined the product price in accordance with the product quality. In the sector of distribution, Gapoktan Mekartani has permanents distributor and a possibility of purchasing to Gapoktan without any requirement. The success of marketing strategy adopted by Gapoktan Mekartani is reflected in the sales volume which is successfully realized. In applying it marketing strategy Gapoktan Mekartani always considers target market consisting of three main steps, namely (1) market segmentation, (2) target market determination, (3) product positioning. A company or marketer should choose the target market first because basically not all companies could serve the customer in market as a whole. It is because they are a lot of customer and spread everywhere. In its market strategy Gapoktan Mekartani also does the same thing. A market consists of potensial customer with the certain need who possibly takes part in selling and buying to satisfy their needs. Since the heterogent consumer then the company needs to classify the market into market segment than chooses and determines a certain market segment as a target. 1) Market Segementation Basically, market segmentation is strategy based on the philosophy of marketing management, of which the orientation is consumers. In determining market segment, Gapoktan Mekartani implements basic identification of market segmentation. 1. Measurable; the market segment could be measured either the capacity, the area or even the segment of buying in the market. 2. Accessible; the market segment could be reached so that it could be served effectively 3. Substancial; it could be beneficial when it is served. 4. Actionable; all the arranged programmes to attract and serve market segment. C.

2) Determining Target Market According to Kotler (1993) some steps in determining target market are developing accesment method toward segment interest, the choosing the segment that will be included. In developing accesment method for attracted segment, a producer has to understand well about techniques in measuring market potential and predicting future demand. Those techniques are really useful in choosing target market, so that producer can avoid the faults that will happen later, or approximately reduce it as little as possible in practically. So, in order that, gapoktan Mekartani has to devide the market into the segment of main market, each segment is evaluated then. Choosen and applied particular segment as a target. In fact, based on a theory, a company can follow one of five strategies of market report, as follow: 1. The concentration of single market, is a company can focus on its activity in a part of market. It is usually implanted by smaller company. 2. Product specialization, a company decides to produce one kind of product. For example a company decides to only produce electrical type writer for a group of consumer. 3. Market specialization, for example a company decide to make all kinds of special product, but its directed for a group of smaller consumer. 4. Selective specialization, a company runs on every business activity which has no relationship with the others, except that every business activity contains interesting challenge. 5. Whole reports, is commonly implemented by bigger industry to consider market. They available a product to everybody, in accordance with each power of buying, must really understand about techniques in measuring potensial market and predicting of demand in the future. Meanwhile the area market strategy of Gapoktan Mekartani which is selected is the single market strategy. This strategy is selected by reason to be more focus in marketing its product. It is done because as farmer institutional, Gapoktan Mekartani also still has limited fund and resources in accomplishing its role in helping farmers. So the option of single market strategy is suitable for this feriode. Besides, the segmet factor as potential way to make an expansion in the future. It is just done generally because according to Tjipto (2011), the small company usually has an activity to avoid direct competition with the big competitor. It is with the option of single market strategy. Selected market is ignored segment or unwell served because it is less interesting because the big companies think that it is too small. The purpose of main strategy is to look an ignored segment at present or maybe unwell served then trying to fulfill the segment need. The result is hoped to be able to achieve, low price and high rest. Thus strategy selection which is done by Gapoktan Mekartani is exact enough if considering on strategy main purpose. 3) Product Positioning Product positioning is product designing action and marketing mixture in order to the constomer has certain impression trough the product. Basicaly product

positioning activity coveres two things: To formulate product positioning and to grow marketing mixture for each selection segment as target. The stategy of product positioning is important to grow especially for each entered segment. It is caused by each product circulates in the market to occupy certain position in its market segment. What the most important thing here is perception or customer suggestion held by each product in the market. The strategy of product positioning at Gapoktan Mekartani is an effort to create a certain impression to consumers such as naming healthy to the product so that the consumers are interested in buying (consuming) it. The factors concerned by Gapoktan Mekartani related to the product of healthy rice are the cases of quality, branding customer care particularly in the case of sales service and delivery product. It is suitable with Philip Kotler (1993), the product is Bargained somethimg to the market for getting interest to be bought, used, or consumed to fulfil the need. In producting of organic rice, Gapoktan mekartani is really to run its function as business unit of production service to fulfil the market need (quantity, quality, continuity, and price) and business unit of processing process service of product of members (grinding, grading, packing, and any others) that can increase more value. Of course, not only to serve the costumers Gapoktan Mekartani, but also to give priority for costumer especially in sales services and delivery product. Gapoktan Mekartani considers that Healthy Rice is better than the same other product, so it is hoped to be absolute excellent, and so the product is higher position in customer opinion. Thus Gapoktan Mekartani has placed its product in customer opinion well. It becomes the Healthy Rice from farmers production is involved in Gapoktan Mekartani is definitely liked by its costumer. A. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION As a farmer institution, Gapoktan Mekartani has tried to implement its role in improving the economical scale and business efficiency by doing the collective act in any activities especially in marketing organic rice. Meanwhile, the marketing strategy applied by Gapoktan Mekartani is trying to satisfy consumers from the field of product quality, product price or product distribution to consumers In applying it marketing strategy Gapoktan Mekartani always considers target market consisting of three main steps, namely (1) market segmentation, (2) target market determination, (3)product positioning Establishing group is a good alternative choice for farmers having narrow field in improving their bargaining position, it has been implemented by the Rice Farmers at Kebonpedes subdistrict under Gapoktan Mekartani management. However establishing group is not enough if it is not committed to be developed together by the members, therefore, Gapoktan should maintain the commitments and improve solidarity. As well as developing the group growing so that the number of member is increasing and so is the production scale, so that it could fulfil costumers demand in demanding product. BIBLIOGRAPHY

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Place and Date of Birth University Academic functional Position Present Address Contact No./Faks. E-mail ID

: Sukabumi, October 12th, 1974 : Muhammadiyah University of Sukabumi : Lektor : Perum Cigunung Indah Blok C No. 34-35 Sukabumi : (0266) 225952, HP: 081572980953 :

Year of Passing 1999 2009

HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION Educational Programs (Diploma, University Department Scholar, Magister, & Doctor) S1 Padjadjaran Agronomics University (UNPAD) S2 Winaya Mukti Agribusiness University (UNWIM) S3 Universitas Agricultural Padjajaran (UNPAD) Economics


2010, - now (smt 4)

BOOKS/BOOK CHAPTERS /JOURNALS (THE LAST THREE YEARS) Year Title Publisher /Journal 2010 Soil, Function and Their Benefit Citralab. ISBN 978-602-8711-69-2 2010 Analysis of Red Rise Farming at Dusun UMMI, Research and Development Lemahduhur Hamlet of Cianaga Village of Science and Technology Journal. in Kabandungan District Sukabumi ISSN: 1907 7750 Regency 2010 Effects of Capital Cash Advance Capital Jurnal Agribisnis Terpadu. Vol 3, and Marketing Channel Selection toward No. 2 Desember 2010. ISSN 1979Paddy in the Level of Farmers in the Sub 4991. Jurusan Agribisnis, Faperta. district of Gunungguruh, Sukabumi UNTIRTA Regency 2010 Condition, Potency and Problems of Wawasan Tridharma, Scientific Agribusiness Activity in West Java Magazine Zone IV, N0 2 Year XXIII September 2010, ISSN 0215-8256 2011 Market Vision, Structure & Analysis UNSUR Journal (a Case at Keripik Kampus Production, Sukabumi Regency) Year 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE (The Last 2 Years) Title of Paper Caretakers Infomation The Roles of Productive University of Malaya, Presenter Economical Acceleration Field Malaysia



School (Sl-AEP) to Increase Farmer Income in Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia Learning Model Of Student Centre Learning (SCL) In Agriculture Extension Activity And Its Influence Upon Farmers Behaviour Change Farmer Institutional Role in Marketing Of Organic Rice (A Case at Gapoktan Mekartani, Subdistrict of Kebonpedes Sukabumi Regency)

ICWED, University of Malaya, Malaysia


UNPAD, CAPAS, PERHEPI Bandung, Indonesia


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