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Perception is the process of attaining awareness.

The word comes from latin perceptio,percipio and means receiving,collecting,action of taking posession apprehension with the mind or sense.

The Process of perception begins with an object in the real world,termed the distal stimulus ordistal object.

By means of light, sound or another physical process.

The resulting mental recreation of distal stimulus is the percept.

A person looking at a shoe. The shoe it self is the distal stimulus. When light from the shoe enters a person's eye and stimulates their retina, the image of shoe reconstucted by the brain of the person is the percept.

Perception vary from person to person. Different people perceive different things about the same situation. But more than that, we assign different meanings to what we perceive. And the meanings might change for a certain person. One might change ones perspective or simply make things mean something else.

Some people see a young lady looking away. Others see an old lady looking down. Depending on how you look at it, part of the picture might be the young womens nose and eyelash, or it might be a wart on the old womans nose. What is the young womans ear might be the old womans eye. What is the young womans necklace might be the old womans mouth.

The picture hasnt really changed. you just emphasize different part and assign them different meaning.

We fill in a lot of blanks with our minds. If we have incomplete perceptions, which we practically always do to a certain extent , our minds fill in the rest. Do you see a vase or do you see two faces looking at each other?
The meaning of something will change when you look at it differently. You can look at anything differently and it will have a different meaning.

There is no fixed meaning to anything. You can always change perspectives and change meanings. Why not change them to what you prefer them to be?

Lines will appear to draw closer together as they go farther into the distance

line in the distance appears larger

Which line longer, basically both are equal

Surfaces appear to have a finer texture as they recede into the distance.

We perceive objects as wellorganized patterns rather than separate components. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Based on the concept of



We impose order and structure on what we see.

Our expectancies affect how we interpret sensor input. Gestalt theory allows communicators to predict how viewers will respond to design elements.
visual perception was a result of organizing sensual elements or forms into various groups. Major Gestalt principle of perceptual organization We divide world into 2 parts 1.Figure -Has shape & location in space 2.Ground -Has no definite shape and seems to continue beyond figure

Selective PerceptionPeople selectively interpret what they see on the basis of their interests,background,experience,andattitudes.

The lines are naturally grouped as a 3D cube.

Perception for Architects is set within the context of visual perception and phenomenology and illustrated with a series of case studies of architectural representations. Its origins to its contemporary application in architecture and provides an in-depth understanding of how and why they have a defining impact on the design process and the built outcome.

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