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QUESTION BANK Q1. Discuss the architecture of DBMS? Q2.

Discuss the difference between the database approaches and file system approach? Q3. Write short notes on the following: A) Data Dictionary. B) Data Manager. C) Object Oriented Model. D) Schema and Subschema. Q4. What are the different types of database end-user? Discuss the main responsibilities of Database Administrator (DBA)? Q5. Differentiate between Network, Hierarchical and Relational Data Model? Q6. Discuss Data Independence between external, internal and conceptual schemas? Q7. Explain the difference between external and conceptual schemas? Q8. Briefly explain the DBMS languages used for various database operations. Q9. Discuss the various terms used in ER-modeling? Q10. Define the following: A) Super Key ER Diagram? Q12. Write short notes on the following: A) Aggregation. B) Degree of Relationship. C) Generalization. D) Specialization. Q13. Design an ER Diagram for a complete process of selling the products to the customers which consists of the following: Salesman, customer, order, Item, Warehouse. Q14. Are week entities necessary? What is the distinction between a week entity and strong one? Can a week entity be converted to a strong entity? Q15. Draw an ER Diagram for a car insurance company with a set of customers, each of which owns a number of cars. Each car has a number of recorded accidents associated with it. Also specify the attributes and primary keys for each entity set. B) Candidate Key. C) Primary Key. D) Mapping Cardinalities. Q11. Discuss the basic principles of ER Diagram. Explain the graphical notations used in

PART-2 Q1 (a) What is DBMS? How is data stored in DBMS? Explain. (b) What is a transaction? How is the transactions managed in DBMS? Q2. (a) Define E-R modeling with suitable example. (b) Explain the following: Key constraints, Participation Constraints, Aggregation, Generalization. Q3. Write short notes on the following: a) Internal Database. a) Weak Entity Set. c) Identifying relationship. e) Multivalued attribute g) Total generalization. Q5. Explain the following terms in brief: a) Generalization and Specialization. B) Data Dictionary. Q6. Explain various role of DBA. How does DBA grant permission to user for accessing and modifying data in database? Can these privileges be passed further? Q7. What problems are caused by data redundancy? Can data redundancy be completely eliminated? What is the database approached used? Why or why not? Q8. (a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using database system? (b) What is the difference between logical data independence and physical data independence? Which is easier to accomplish, why? Q9. Write short notes on (any three) a) Explain Database. B) Meta Data C) Data D) Database Management System. Q10. (a) What are main difference between a file processing system and a DBMS? (b) Difference between Database language and procedural language? Q11. (a) Construct an E-R diagram for a hospital with a set of patients and a set of medical doctors. Associated with each patient a log of the various tests and examinations conducted. (b) Describe the differences in meaning between the terms relation and relation schema? B) Object oriented database system b) Derived attribute d) Total participation. f) Primary Key Q4. Draw the symbols used in the E-R notation for the following:

Q12. (a) Why would you choose a database system instead of simply storing in operating system file? Define the database concept in details. (b) Define the following terms: i) Primary key ii) Candidate key iii) Degree of a Relation Q13. Draw an E-R Diagram for a car insurance company with a set of customers, each of which owns a number of cars. Each car has a number of recorded accidents associated with it. Also specify the attributes and primary keys for each entity set. Q14. Are weak entities necessary? What is the distinction between a weak entity and strong one? Can a weak entity be converted to a strong entity? Q15. Design an E-R Diagram for a complete process of selling the products to the customers, which consists of the following. Salesman, customer, Order, Item, Warehouse Q16. Discuss the basic principles of E-R Diagram. Explain the graphical notations used in E-R Diagram. Q17. Write short notes on any four: i) IV) Data Independence. II) Data Dictionary III) DDL and DML Data Models. V) Query Optimization.

Q18.What is authorization? What are some possible forms of authorization a user may have in a data base system? Q19. Explain various role of DBA? Q20. What do you mean by security and integrity? Discuss the various level at which security measures be taken? Q21. (a) What is data abstraction? Explain the various levels of data abstraction. (b) What are different types of data model? Explain the entity relationship model. Q22. IMMORTAL records has decided to store information about musician who performs on its album in a database. Design an E-R diagram with the help of the following details. Each musician that records at immortal has a musician, a name, an address, and a phone number. Each instrument used in songs recorded at immortal has a name (e.g guitar, synthesizer) and a musical key (C, B-flat, E-flat). Each album recorded on the immortal label has a title, a copyright date, a format (CD or MPG), and an albumid.

Each song recorded at immortal has a title and an author. Each musician may play several instruments, and a given instrument may be played by several musician. Each album has a number of songs on it, but no song may appear on more than one album. Each song is performed by one or more musicians, and a musician, may perform a number of songs. Each album has exactly one musician who acts as its producer. A musician may produce several albums. Q23. In University database, information on the following is to be kept Faculty (name, dept., title, office, ext, email) Staff (name, dept, job, ext, email) Graduate-student (id, name, addr, prey-degree program enrolled for) Underdraduate-student (id, name, address, year, major) Teaching- Assistant (id, name, quarter, course) Reader (id, name, quarter, course, hours) Course (id, title, day, hour, room) Review-section (course-id, TA, day, hour, Proom) The following constraints apply: - professors have a teaching assistant (TA) for each course they teach, a TA (Reader) must be a graduate (undergraduate) student. TAs hold review sections for some (currently given) courses. Several reader can be assigned to one course and /or review section. All students hence TA and readers attend the course. Develop an E-R diagram for above specifications. Q24. Explain the following data models in brief. Also point out relative merits and demerits of each model: a) E-R model B) Network model. C) Hierarchical model. D) Relational model. E) Object oriented model. Q25. What is data abstraction? Explain the various levels of data abstraction. Q26. What are different types of data model? Explain the entity relationship model. Q27. In a certain art gallery information is to be maintained about artists, their names, birth places, age and style of art. For each piece of artwork, the artiest, the year it was made, it unique title, its type of art (e.g. painting, lithograph, sculpture, photograph) and its price must be stored. Pieces of artwork are also classified into groups of various kinds, for example,

portraits, still lifes, work by Picssso, or works of the 19th century; a given piece may belong to more than one group. Each group is identified by a name that describes the group. Finally keeps their unique name, address, total amount they have spent in the gallery and the artists and groups of art that each customer tends to like Design and draw an E-R diagram for the above art gallery. Also reduce this diagram into table.

Q29. Consider the following table:Branch (branch_No, street, City, Pincode); Staff(Staff_No, fName, lname, Position, Sex, DOB, Salary, Branch_No); Answer the following using SQL command:a) List all staff with a salary between Rs 20,000 and Rs 30,000 of branch office in New Delhi or Jaipur. b) Find the number of staff working in each branch and the sum of their salary. c) For each branch office with more than one member of staff, find the number of staff; find the number of staff working in each branch and the sum of their salaries. d) Find all staff whose salary is larger than the salary of at least one member of staff at branch B003. e) Give all staff a 3% pay increase.

Q31. What is relational algebra and calculus? Explain the relational algebra operators:Selection and Projection, Set Operation, Joins and Division Q32. Explain the following: a) Generalization and Specialization. b) Trigger and Assertion. c) Serializability. d) Data Dictionary. Q33. Draw the symbols used in the E-R notation for the following:

i) Weak entity set iv) Total participation. VII) Total generalization.

ii) Derived attribute

iii) Identifying relationship vi) Primary Key

V) Mutivalued attribute

PART-3 Q1. What is the role of Integrity Constraints in Relational Model? Define various Integrity Constraints of Relational Model? Q2. Discuss various features of relational data model? Q3. Describe the traditional set operations and special relational operators in Relational Algebra? Q4. Discuss the basic operations in Relational Algebra with the help of suitable example?

Q5. Give the tuple calculus expressions for Relational Algebraic Operations of the following: a.Union of two relations A and B. b.Difference of A and B (A-B). c.Division of relations A by B. Q6. Consider the following relation: DEPT(#deptno, dname, loc) EMP (#empno, ename, address, design, date_join, deptno) SALARY(#empno, basic, hra, ta, da, t_sal); Write the below queries in terms of relational algebra, tuple calculus and domain calculus. a.Get the name of all the employees. b.Get the name of all those employees, who are Managers. c.Get all the Managers who are in department number 10. d.Get all the employees from Physics department. e.Give the complete break up salary of employee Axay. f. Display the name of the employee, his department name along with his total salary. g.Find the employees from physics department who are getting the more salary that the salary of Sparsh from Chemistry Department. Q7. Define Triggers. How triggers can be used to enforce integrity constraints in a database. Q8. Define Selection and Projection with suitable example. Q9. What is the difference between the table ad the view. What are the various advantages of using view? Explain the simple and complex views with suitable examples. Q10. What are the different types of join in Oracle? Q11. Define the various control constructs available in PL/SQL with suitable example? Q12. What are cursors and for what purpose these used in PL/SQL block. Explain various cursor attributes.

PART-4 Q1. What do you mean by Normalization? Why normalization is required in database designing? Q2. Discuss the various problems, which we have to face without normalizing the database? Q3. Explain the functional dependency with suitable example? Q4. Explain why BCNF is stronger than Third normal form.

Q5. Explain the following Normal Forms. Take the appropriate example for each normal form to covert the relation into a particular normal form. 1. 1NF 2. 2NF 3. 3NF 4. BCNF 5. 4NF 6. 5NF Q6. Define the following: a. Multi-valued Dependency. b. Join Dependency. c. Loss less Dependency. d. Closure of a set of Functional Dependency. Q7. A relation R satisfied the following FDs ABD E AB G B F CJ I GH Find the closure {A, B, C, J} + of the set of attributes {A, B, C, J} under the set of given FDs. Q8. Is the set of FDs given in Q7 an irreducible set?

PART-5 Q1. Discuss the various measures of reliability? Q2. Differentiate the volatile and non-volatile storage with suitable example? Q3. What is a transaction? Discuss the ACID properties of transaction. What the various transaction states? Q4. What is a schedule? Differentiate between serial and non-serial schedules.

Q5. Explain conflict and view serializability with suitable examples? Q6. What is fragmentation? Define vertical and horizontal fragmentation with the help of example? Q7. What is Deadlock? How to handle the deadlocks? Discuss the deadlock handling techniques. How to recover from deadlocks? Q8. What are long duration transactions? What do you mean by SAGA. Why is it needed? Q9. What do you understand by interleaving of transaction? How it is different from the serial execution? Q10. Discuss the precedence graph? How will you design it? Q11. What is a lock? Differentiate between exclusive lock and shared lock, give suitable examples. Q12. Explain two phase locking with suitable example. Also explain the advantages of two phase locking over single phase locking. Q13. What is deadlock? Explain with example how deadlock occurs. How will you recover from deadlock and how you can avoid deadlock? Q14. What do you mean by starvation? Q15. What do you understand by the cost of tuple transfer for join in a distributed database? What are the various strategies used for cost estimation?

PART-6 Q1. What do you understand by interleaving of transaction? How it is different from the serial execution? Q2. Discuss the precedence graph. How will you design it?

Q3. What is a lock? Differentiate between exclusive lock and shared lock, give suitable examples. Q4. Explain two phase locking with suitable example. Also explain the advantages of two phase locking over single phase locking. Q5. What is deadlock? Explain with example how deadlock occurs. How will you recover from deadlock and how can avoid deadlock? Q6. What do you mean by starvation? Q7. What do you understand by the cost of tuple transfer for join in a distributed database? What are various strategies used for cost estimation?

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