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A General Solution in Bipolar Coordinates to Problem Involving Elastic Dislocations Author(s): T. T. Wu and J. L.

Nowinski Reviewed work(s): Source: SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 19, No. 1 (Jul., 1970), pp. 1-19 Published by: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Stable URL: . Accessed: 14/05/2012 05:03
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SIAM J. APPL. MATH. Vol. 19, No. 1, July 1970


T. T. WU


Summary. Stressand displacement fieldsin bipolar coordinatesare-derivedand expressedin terms a stress of function, compatibility the equationbecoming governing the equationoftheproblem. Under the assumptionof single-valuedness stress, generalformof stressfunction givencomof a is posed of the fundamental part used by Koehler and an auxiliarypart which helps to satisfy the boundary conditions. The total stress functionyields the desired discontinuity displacement of corresponding the edge dislocation.A generalexpressionfor the stressfieldthus resultswhich to can be applied to particularproblems(eccentric dislocationin a circularcylinder, dislocationin a half-space, two unlikedislocationsin an infinite space) by merely adjustingthevalues of coordinates to corresponding the boundaries.Numericalexamplesare solved forall threeproblemsand graphs are givenillustrating stress the fields.

In Introduction. recentyears a profusionof experimental and theoretical work has been publishedexplainingvarious phenomena,in particularplastic behaviorof crystalline substances, means of the theoryof dislocations.The by fundamental idea is that slip or glide in a crystaltakes place as a resultof the movement dislocations, latterbeingcertaintypeof line singularities the of the in otherwise perfect Since in the neighborhood the dislocationlines the crystal. of deformations so severethattheelasticconstitutive are equationscease to be well grounded,it is a common practiceto ignore or considercut away thin cores aroundthelinesofsingularities. procedure This the increases rankofconnectivity of the body, and ordinarily, followingVolterra,introducesa ratherstringent conditionthatno stressis transmitted across the cylindrical surface exposed by the removalof the core. Such a model is also analyzed in the presentpaper confinedto twodimensionaldislocation problems in bodies bounded by cylindricalsurfaces to In perpendicular theplanes of deformation. a limitcase one of thecylindrical boundariesmaydegenerate intoa plane or recedeto infinity. unified A approach to thisclass of problemsis securedby usinga system bipolar coordinatesas of propounded,e.g., by Jeffery or Coker and Filon [2]. A generalsolutionis [1] obtainedthat can be adjusted to solutionof particular problemsby merelyinthe coordinatevalues associatedwithspecific serting constant boundaries. Three typesof problemsare solved in detail: a dislocationin a cylinder of eccentriccircularcross section,a dislocation in a semi-infinite medium,two unlikedislocations an infinite in medium.In all threecases themediumis treated as elastic, as homogeneousand isotropicand thedeformation infinitesimal. The first problemjust listedwas earlieranalyzed by Koehler [3] also upon usingthebipolarcoordinates. stresses However,his solutiongivesnearlyinfinite
* Received by the editorsMay 13, 1969. This work is an excerptof the first author's Doctoral of to submitted the University Delaware. The researchwas supportedby the National dissertation Science Foundation. t ResearchCenter, UniroyalIncorporated, Wayne,New Jersey, t Departmentof Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, of University Delaware, Newark, Delaware.


of on theinner whichis physically boundary thecylinder, unsound;italso contradictstheusual assumption thatthestress fieldofa dislocationis associatedwitha of self-equilibrated system internal forces thatthe boundariesare traction so free. Shivakumar solvedthesame problemby means ofconformal [4] mapping;while his solutioncould properly satisfy boundaryconditions, is valid onlyfora the it single problem and itsgeneralization other to problems notstraightforward. is This isjust whatpermits immediately general the form solutionderived thispaper. of in A dislocation in a semi-infinite medium was treatedby an approximate methodusing an image dislocationby Koehler [3] when determining force the the neither outer attracting dislocationto the freeboundary.Unfortunately, the nor theinnerboundaryconditionsare satisfied solutionobtainedin thisway by comsincethestressfieldof the image dislocationfailsto cancel the shearstress ponent.On the otherhand, both normal and shear stressesexist on the inner boundaryand become unbounded when the inner radius decreases. Furthermore, the validityof the superposition principlewhen applied to the case of dislocationsis questionableas explainedlater.Head [5] also solved the problem but by a special procedure, his solutionstillyieldsstresson the innerboundary. in mediumwereanalyzedamong Two unlikecolineardislocations an infinite othersby Koehler [3], assumingthatthe stressfieldof two dislocationsexisting is fields. course, Of simultaneously equivalentto the sum of two individualstress dislocationsdiffer fromconcentrated generally forcesand fromthe theoretical point of view cannot be superposedwithoutqualification althoughsuch a proceduremay sometimes As give a good approximation. regardsthe elasticmodel consideredin the presentpaper this argument becomes even more clear. It is obviousthatan infinite to bodywithtwosingularities notequivalent a combinais is tion of two infinite bodies each witha singlesingularity, since the former a As doubly-connected regionand the latterare simply connected. a consequence, two introducing singularsurfaces, introducing multivalued i.e., two displacement fields in (associatedwithtwosingularities) an infinite bodydoes notyieldthesame resultas introducing one singularsurfaceinto each of the componentinfinite bodies (associatedwithone singularity). After completion thepresent of investigationtheworkofDean and Wilson[6] was brought our attention. to Usingbipolar coordinates they actuallystudiedtwo unlikedislocations havingthediscontinuity ofdisplacements thesegment on between dislocations. the However, theseauthors considered problemas a case ofa singledislocationlineinsteadoftwo,which the is a mistaken notion since the problemis actuallya problemof two unlikedismedium.It is easy to see that theirsolutionretainsits locations in an infinite of occurs outside also in the case when the discontinuity displacements validity the segmentbetween the dislocations which is the problem consideredhere. solutionforthe stressfieldtakesa form from that the Although present differing in [6], the numericalvalues are the same if the Burgersvectorin the present it solutionis setequal to (K + 1)2T/2. Nevertheless, shouldbe notedagain thatthe validityof the solution in [6] is limitedto a singleproblem,while the present solutionis fairly general. 1. General equations. For futurereference and to make the paper selfcontained we firstbriefly review the main aspects of the bipolar coordinate


and fields expressed these in system and theequationsforthedisplacement stress coordinates. As is well known,the bipolar coordinatesystemis definedby the transformation

or equivalently by

z = iacoth-


where (1.3) and




ax and

=tc+ ifl

real const.) (see Fig. 1). The curves const. representa familyof coaxial circles with singularities ?a) as (0, y

fiare bipolar coordinates(a=


FIG. 1. Bipolarcoordinates

= limiting points; the curves /B const. are a set of circlespassing throughthe points (0, ?a). The systemof coordinatesis orthogonal.The values of the coi of ordinate,Bvaryfrom to -7r on crossingthe segment the y-axisjoining the direction.It follows that there is a singularpoints in the counterclockwise


stressesand disdiscontinuity in # when we cross 0102 and single-valued 27r The values of by should be represented periodicfunctions period 27r. placements with(0, - a) and (0,a). The of a varyfrom- oo to + oo associated respectively to outsidethesegment 0102 corresponds x-axiscorresponds a = 0 whilethey-axis to,B = 0. respectively Denote the arc elementsin the directions and ,Bincreasing a by ds, and dsp.We theneasilyget (1.4) dsa ds:

gives by say. Denote the Airystressfunction f = f (a, B). A longermanipulation (1.5) 16 (1.6) a


- cos a)gX - sinha



+ cosh aJf

- cos ,

a a~~ ~ x? ~~2 2-sinh ~~~

cos sin #- + co




,)jf I, --(cosh ac-Jcos

aftcofl)aaL~ a

to vectortangent thecurvef = const. for where, instance, is thenormalstress Ca,, Also J = cosha - cos # (1.8)

With no body forcespresentthe Airy stressfunctionsatisfiesa biharmonic the of in equation phrasing compatibility the deformations the two-dimensional thisbecomes case. In bipolarcoordinates (1.9) V4f = 0, Equation (1.9) that is, a partial differential equation withconstantcoefficients. the equation of the problemprovidedJf is consideredas represents governing variableinsteadoff. dependent A lengthycalculation upon using Hooke's law and strain displacement of equationsforthecomponents thedisplacement, relations leads to thefollowing
(1. 10)




af+ Ja

wherethefunction is defined therelations, P by

(.1 1)



2(A + 2u) _ a2(Jf)

[ad( f) (1.12) JP - A+ 24u ff 2(0 + it)e




o ej

d: Jfldot + g1(a)+ g2(/3) i

withg,(a) and g2(ft) integration as functions be determined to (1.1 through 1).


which function of to We now turnour attention thedetermination thestress stressand straincomponents.Since,as mentioned would providesingle-valued the ,B in is there a discontinuity thecoordinate on passingthrough segment earlier, connecting singularpoints,guided by (1.5H1.7) we seek the solutionin the the alternative forms (1.13) cos Jf= fj(ca) nfl,

Jf= q.(a) sinnfl.

= lfn((X)0.

into equation (1.9) yields Substitution thegoverning


2(n +

+ n - 2n2 +

Thus forn # 0 and 1, (1.15) whileforn = 0, (1.16) (1.17) sinha fo(x) = AOcosh a + Boc cosh o + Co sinha + Docx = f1(cL) A1 cosh 2a + B1 + C1 sinh2a + Dlcx. and forn = 1, equation takes the formas the Consequently generalsolutionto the governing follows: sinha + + cosh ct COsinhcx Doca Jf= AOcosh ax + Booa + (A1 cosh 20 + B1 + C1 sinh2a + Dlx)cos f, + (A' cosh 2x + B' + C' sinh2cL D1cx) + sin# (1.18) +
L n=2


cosh (n - 1)a cosh (n + 1)a + Bn An + Cnsinh(n + l)oc+ Dnsinh(n -l)o

+ [Ancosh(n + 1)oc B cosh(n - 1)o + Cnsinh(n + l)ax+ Dnsinh(n - 1)x]cos nfl

n= 2

Z [A' cosh (n +

1) + Bncosh (n - l)oc

+ Qsinh (n + 1)x + Dnsinh(n - 1)a] sinnfl. the corresponding whether displacements It is now our task to determine to and function multi-or single-valued, further derive are stress to theforegoing of for conditions thesingle-valuedness thedisplacements. function an auxiliary In viewoftheequations(1.10),in additionto thestress f, P function should be given to evaluate the componentsof the displacement u and v. the In orderto describemore clearlythe methodof determining displaceJf let ments, us deal witha typicaltermof the function givenby (1.18), say with


Jf= D' osinfl.


Upon inserting (1.19) into(1.11) and (1.12) we obtain (1.20) g7(0) - g"(/3)- g1((X) - g2(U) = _2( + 2 o)D l

Since gl(oc)and g2(/3) arbitrary are functions restricted only by the above equation we get gl(oc)= 0. Moreover,we ignorethe complementary solutionof (1.20) involving two arbitrary constants integration. of Thus, finally function the JP associatedwithJffrom (1.19) takestheform (1.21) jp=(A +2/tD JP =

Proceedingin a similarway withothertermsof (1.18) we conclude on the basis of the principleof superposition that the generalexpression the function of JP to corresponding (1.18) has theform, J A+ 2JuBo cosha + Do sinh o)/ + (A1 sinh2a + C1 cosh 2a + DI/3) /B sin

(A' sinh2a + Cl cosh 2a


D1) cos /3



[Ansinh(n + 1)a + Bnsinh - 1)x (n

cosh(n + 1)x+ Dncosh(n - 1)oc] nfl sin + Cn


Z [Ansinh(n + n=2


1)x + Bnsinh(n - l)o cos n/}.

+ C cosh (n + 1)x + Dncosh (n -l)]

We mayeasilyfigure in from (1.10)thattheonlyterms thegeneral expressions forJF and JP, (1.18) and (1.22), whichmay possiblyyieldmultivalued displacementsare (1.23) and (1.24) JP = A+ (Bo cosha + Do sinha + D sin + D1 cos,),. Jf = (Bo cosh a + Do sinha)a + (D1 cos,B+ DI sinf3Oa

the Upon inserting above expressions into the equations fordisplacements and ensuring single-valuedness the latterby suppressing terms of the associatedwith the coordinate/3 period 27t,we obtain the following of relationsbetweenthe coefficients: (1.25) and (1.26) DO(1 - cos , cosha)


+ cos# cosha) + Do sin, sinhox (Bo + D1) sin, coshx = 0

DI sin#sinha - (Bo + D1) sinhox P = 0. cos



It is sufficient orderto satisfy above equationsto pose in the (1.27) Do = O, D'1 = 0, Bo + D1 = 0, so that these relationsbecome the conditionsof the single-valuedness the of displacements. As a finalpreparationwe turnour attention the boundaryconditions. to the By hypothesis boundariesin thepresent case are stress free. a free On surface = a = const.the shear stressvanishes, that by (1.7), d2Jf/(a0f/) 0. It follows so that (1.28) J=

on theboundarya = const.,whereF is a constant. The vanishing the normal of stresson the same boundaryleads to a second orderlinearordinary differential equation withvariablecoefficients. Upon inspection is easy to findthegeneral it solutionof thisequation in theform (1.29) Jf = F tanha + A sin# +Q(cosh o cos -1), whereA and Q are arbitrary constants. Both equations (1.28) and (1.29) are the whichthe "revised" stressfunction conditions on should satisfy a freeboundary ci= const. 2. Stressfunctions associatedwithdislocations. we did in the preceding All sectionis of generalnature not limitedto dislocations.In this sectionwe are concernedwith threedifferent problemswhichare: (a) an eccentric dislocation in a circularcylinder, a dislocation in a semi-infinite (b) medium,and (c) two unlikedislocationsin an infinite medium. Following Volterra'sapproach [7] we exclude a small regionsurrounding thedislocation line(thesingularity where Hooke's law does nothold)and consider the Burgersvectoras a relativerigid body displacement two singularfaces of withrespect each other. to Sincewe assumethatthedeformation is generated field all by dislocations, the boundariesof the body are freefromexternaltractions. We considerthe problemas a plane strainproblem but, as is well known,a mappingA* = 24y/( + ,u)converts problemintothegeneralized the plane stress problem. Koehler [3] has solved problem (a) also upon using bipolar coordinates; his however, solutionyieldsan infinite stresson the innerboundarydespitethe factthathe uses thesame model as we do here.Despite thisshortcoming may we use hisAirystress function whichyieldsno tractions theoutersurface on and add anotherstress function eliminate remaining to the tractions. The solutionobtainedby this methodis fairly generaland is valid,among for others, the threeproblemslisted above. As a matterof fact,the differences betweenthe configurations the bodies consideredreduce simplyto different of values ofthecoordinatecxrepresenting boundaries. the We now turn thederivation thegeneral to of solutionwhichis laterspecialized by merely adjustingthe values of ac.The Koehler stressfunction of the form [3] (2.1) = Jf1 D sin, [a +


whereD is a constant, yieldsthe stressfieldsau and cy5that vanishat a = oc term in boundary. also notethatthefirst We so thata = oca represents load free a and the constantD may be determined (2.1) yieldsmultivalued displacements, fromthe conditionof the discontinuity the displacements of upon crossingthe surface. singular Assume that the body is bounded by the boundariescL= oc and cx= ocl. Jf2 Our task now is to determine auxiliarystressfunction associated with the on introand eliminating externaltractions oc= xo% single-valued displacements duced by thefundamental function To thisend,guidedby (1.18), we take Jf1.

(2.2) where (2.3) (2.4)


Jf2 =


cos + {fxn(a) nfl

sin qn(Lx) n,B},

An (n + cosh

1)c +

Bncosh (n


+ Cnsinh(n + 1)a

+ Dnsinh(n -),

A' cosh (n + 1)x + Bncosh (n + D sinh(n - 1)o,

1)c + Cnsinh(n + 1)a

(2.5) (2.6) (2.7)

= + 2c f1(oc) A1cosh2cc B1 + C1 sinh + D1a, = ql(ox) A' cosh2a + Bl + Cl sinh + Dla, 2a = AOcosha + Bo0x sinh cosha + C0 sinh + Doca a. f0(ac) a

Upon Letus consider typical two terms = AO Jf2 coshacandJf2= B1cos/3. we using (1.5}-(1.7) find = =%pp A0/a, uof=O, ?aa (2.8) 0, (2.8) = = B1/a, =




in therefore, for pose stress bothcases.We may, respectively, is a constant that instance = 0. Ao In viewofthedesired ofthe associated with single-valuedness displacements (1.27)yield Jf2, conditions
(2.9) = fn(cX) cosh (n - 1)C + cosh (n + 1)a + Bn An

sinh(n + 1)oc

+ D sinh(n - )o,
+ D sinh(n - 1)x, (2.11) (2.12) (2.13)

n > 2, n > 2,

= qn(Oc) A' cosh (n + 1)a + Bncosh (n - 1)a + Cnsinh(n + 1)a = + fp(cx) A1 cosh 20c B1 + C1 sinh2c -Booc, qj(o) = A' cosh 2c + BI + Cl sinh2a, = + fo(Ox) Booccoshca Cosinho(.

All the parametriccoefficients involvedin the above expressionsmay be In evaluatedfrom boundaryconditions. fact, the bearingin mindthatthefunda= mentalstressfunction (2.1) gives no stresson the boundary cx ocl,we insert



(2.2) in the condition(1.28) witha = c1 and after the auxiliarystressfunction obtain the comparing coefficients


f'o(oc1) =

q (ox) = 0,

Fi, fi(ai) = ,


= ?,

= qn(cx1) 0,

and n > 2. constant whereF1 is an arbitrary applied to (1.29) yieldsfortheboundaryoc=Lol procedure A similar fo(cl) = (2.15)

F1tanh 1 -Ql,

fi(ocl)= Qj cosh oc1, q1(l1) = A1,

fn((xl) qn(c1l) =

0, 0,

the and n > 2. Upon combining foregoing constants withA1 and Q1 as arbitrary amongthe of get (2.13)we finally thesystem sixrelations with(2.9) through results C An B' and Cn (n > 1). It now remainsto satisfy coefficients C0, A Bo, the ocO is eliminating tractions that on conditions theboundarya theboundary This is done by using the total stressfunction. generatedby the fundamental

function + stress J(f1



= Jf, Dsinf3[a + 2e-


+ [fn(cx)cosnfl qn(Lc)sinnf].

yieldsfinally to A similar procedure thatused fora = oc1 (2.17) (2.18) (2.19) (2.20) (2.21)
fo(xo) = FO

tanho0 -0, Ao,

ft(oo) = Q0 cosh oco, + q1(cx0) D[ao + le 2(ao1)1

fn(aO) = 0, = qn(oLO) 0,

n > 2,

n > 2.

(2.13) we get theseresultswiththe set (2.9) through Again upon combining between C0, An, Cn,A', B' and C' (n > 1). a system relations of Bn, Bo, in coefficients therepresentathe We are thusreadyto determine parametric constantsFo, Qn, AO, F1, in termsof six arbitrary tions of the stressfunctions Q1, and A1. solely Bo, C0, A1, to First we turnour attention the equations involving thesenineunknowns F1 and Q,. We geteightequationsinvolving B1, C1, Fo, Q0, In may be chosenarbitrarily. otherwords, quantities so thatone oftheunknown whichyieldthesame function stress of choose variousforms theauxiliary we may to the of This givesus the possibility restricting auxiliarystressfunction results. the of An form. inspection theequations suggests choice desiredparticular some
Qo = 0.



This gives (2.23) and in turn (2.24) (2.25) Bo = 0, Al = B1 = 0 and Cl = 0. C0 cosh oc = Fo and C0 sinhoc = Fo tanhLo, Thereremainnow therelations which infact In are identical. other we words, haveactually sevendistinct equations fornineunknownsunderthe assumption(2.22). It followsthatthe value of one morequantity We maybe assumedarbitrarily. put (2.26) whichyields (2.27) C0 = 0, F1 = 0. Since all thequantities Bo, C0, Al, Bl, Cl, Fo, Qf, F1 and Ql vanishunder assumptions (2.22) and (2.26), a considerably form the auxiliary of simpler stress function hopefully is achieved(it appears thattheonlyequationconnecting these quantities and yetunusedis now satisfied identically). A similarprocedureapplied fordetermining unknownquantitiesAl, five B'1,Cl, Al and Ql leads to fourequationsrelating thesequantities. Some experimenting suggests assumption the (2.28) Al D[1 -e-2(o -)] 2 cosh 2Lxl(tanh cosh 2Lx - sinh2Lxo) 2a Fo = 0 fl = 0

whichgivesBI = 0 and all theremaining in coefficients termsof theconstant D. For thecoefficients BnC9 and Dna system homogeneous of linearequaAn tionsis obtainedwhichhas a nontrivial solutiononlyifitsprincipal determinant does vanish.It is easilyseen thatsucha conditionis in generalproblematical and consequently possible values of the coefficients ratherzeros. Again upon a are similar we argument mayassume thattheprimednthcoefficients vanish. The above analysis indicates that the only nonvanishing parametriccoefficients theauxiliary of function A' and Cl; their stress are values are (2.29) (2.30)

D[1 -e-2(a?-a)] cosh 2o 2(tanh2oc,



D[1 - e2(o -T)] tanh2oc, cosh 2o - sinh2oco) 2(tanh2oc,

all Consequently thecoefficients through (2.2) (2.7) ofthetrigonometric expansion oftheauxiliary stress function (2.2) vanishexcept (2.31) q1(a) = 2(tanh
-2. c

2A sh

) [cosh

sinh tanh2 2o1].



simple by represented a relatively function finally is It follows thatthetotalstress equation

= DFo + 12()e1 (232 Jf,= D[a+ 2e

? 2(tanh2a, cosh 2xo- sinh2xo)

(cosh 2a

sinh2a) sin,B tanh20c,

As earlierwe are of of 3. Conditions discontinuity displacements. mentioned These are illustrated dislocations. edge concerned withthreeproblemsinvolving whosefacesare displacedelastically by in Fig. 2 as generated a cutalong they-axis thisaxis and thenrejoined. b bya rigidtranslation along y
_ _


a L





FIG. 2. Threemodels



In viewof(2.32)it is seenthattheonlyterm thetotalstress of function which may yieldmultivalued displacements the termDa sin/3. us check whether is Let this termcan suitablyrepresent jump of the displacements the requiredin the three given dislocation problems.A slightmanipulationyields the following equationsforthedisplacements associatedwiththetermDa sin/3: UD

A + p coshoa- cos / + 2u)D sin2 + + -coshs o-cos



and (3.2) 2yV uD A+




coshL o-cos ,B

(A + 2u)D /3sinhosin/ i + p coshx - cos/,

Here again u and v denotethecomponents the displacement thedirections of in normalto the curve ocand /3 constantrespectively. we now describea closed If froma point P on one singularface,passing around the path o = L, starting in sense for the lower singularity the clockwise sense (in a counterclockwise in singularity the thirdproblem)and reachingagain the point P on the other of singular face,we findthattheincrement thedisplacements across thesingular surface givenby is

AU =-D D sin
(3.3) 2y



asinh sin,

A+ + 2)I


sin 2/

Cs \


A =
AV4= (34)(il

Cssin2/3 221X+ ,) 1I(cosP cosh c + 2),B sinhosin ,P2 coshL - cos/3



Here thelimiting values/3,and /2 are -i and i forthefirst secondproblems, and whileforthethird half problemtheyare equal to 0 and i forthefirst circuit and to - i and 0 forthesecond halfcircuit. usingthesevalues in theabove equaBy tionsand setting equal to any value in theinterval < oc< Lx(o(L > 0) forthe oc oc1 0 first and -ao < oc< oX > 0) for problem, < o o<o forthesecond problem, 0(oc thethird we for of problem, get thesame expressions theincrement thedisplacementacrossthesingular surface all three for problems. Theyare (3.5)


(K (+ (

)Dn +2D

AV= 0, whereK was defined earlier.We assume thatthe right-hand singularface in the first two problemsis displaced upward withrespectto the left-hand one by a



the problem, left-hand In b translation along the y-axis. the third rigid-body are facesbothin theupperand lowerhalvesofthemedium displaced singular displacements faces. these All singular to with downward respect theright-hand all Thenwehavefor problems. translationalongthey-axis. b represent
(3.6) Au = b.

this problems. Applying convaluesin different b Of course, maytakedifferent to D is dition (3.5),weareableto determine which
(3.7) D =

+ (Kc 1)n(


(2.32)exactly function that was saidonecan conclude thetotalstress Fromwhat the By under investigation. using relation problems of fits conditions thethree the function becomes the stress (3.7)wehavethat total


2jtb (K + 1)

!x + 1e-2(a-al)

1- e 2ot cosh 2ao - sinh2ao) 2(tanh

sin 2a1 2a)1 /B. (cosh2ax tanh sinh

investigation. problems under for is function by(2.32) suitable all three given stress problems fields all these in It is easyto obtain for expressions thestress general inserting intheformulas (3.8) bymerely (1.5H1.7).Thisgives

As 4. Stressfields associatedwiththreeproblems. indicatedearlierthe total

. 21tb _ -2ca) sin: sinh cx I - e + 1)ita

(4.1) 41ib -(2a-aj) e


2cx) [1 - e-2(ao-l)](tanh 2cxcosh2a - sinh

tanh2a1 cosh2a0 - sinh2ao

[1 -e- 2(ao-a1)](tanh sinh - cosh2a) 2a 2cx1

cosh 2cxo sinh2oxI tanh2cx1


+ 1)ia

*(cosha - cos/,)sin/,

(K +



J1e W
[1-- 2(e-) (tanh2a1cosh2a - sinh 2cx)l 2c tanh 1cosh2ao - sinh 2ao

1 sinha sin

14 and






- 2-a)

-cosh a) cosf,



(tanh2oc1 cosh 2c


tanh 2oc,cosh 2o

sinh 2o

problemby suitably fields each particular for The above equationsyieldthestress adjusting the values of Lo and oc1associated with the boundaries. Since the determination the stressfieldsin the mediumis our main goal, the solution of oftheproblemis completed. 5. Numericalexamples. The derivationsof the last section permitus to noneach problem.To thisend, we first solve a numericalexample illustrating sectionby posing dimensionalize equationsin thepreceding the
Caa =
(K +



(K +

,B 1)ra


0*jB .5aj

(K +


Ca 7

5 '.5 4 3 1.0



-2 -3



f coordinate coordinate versus FIG. 3. Nondimensional normal stressJ~along constant (x




we Furthermore, definiteness assume: for located in a (a) in the first problem,that is, fora dislocationeccentrically body, circular cylindrical (5.2) (5.3) ao = 3,
= cXO 3,

a1 = 0.5;

body, thatis, fora dislocationin a semi-infinite (b) in thesecondproblem,

= 0;

(c) in the thirdproblem,that is, fortwo unlikedislocationsin an infinite body, (5.4)



in 6. results illustrated Figs. 3 through are Some numerical of (a) First problem.(i) Figures 3 and 4 present the distribution nondimensionalnormaland shear stressesalong the curvesax = const. -aa becomes a tensilestresson the left part of the curvesa = const.,whileit is a compressive on on stress theright part.Similarly, theinnerboundary, (notshown)becomes U-p#



a -1.5


7 --y 7r'-3


coordinate coordinate versus shearstress FIG. 4. Nondimensional (x alongconstant fl



and a compressive stresson theright a tensilestresson theleft partof thecircle, The nonpart of the circle; near the outer boundarythe situationis reversed. dimensional shearstress 4, reachesits maximalvalues for,Bequal to 0 and - 7t. the Of course,bothforoc= 0.5 and o = 3, thatis, on theboundaries, normaland shearstresses and 6ajBvanish. 6a (ii) Figures 5 and 6 display the distribution nondimensionalnormal of stressesalong the segmentsof the curves , = const. (froma = 0.5 to a = 3). r becomesa tensilestressalong the curves,B= -7r/2, -7r/4 and - 37r/4, a but = compressivestressalong the curves /3 r/2, 7r/4and 37t/4; it vanishes along ,B= 0, +? . Besides,6aa has absolute maximalvaluesaround x = 2.5. Th,changes with an infromtensionto compressionalong the curves : = n/4,7r/2, 37r/4 creasingdistancefromthe innerboundary,but it changes in the reversesense = it along the curves /3 -7r/4, -7r/2, - 37r/4; reaches its maxima at innerand = outerboundaries.Cap (not shown) is positivealong the curves/3 +37r/4, 7T, ? = = negative along /3 0, ? 7r/4, vanishesalong /3 ? i/2. It reachesitsmaximal but valuesaround a = 2.4.



-4 -2 \ R .

-6 -8


stress along constant FIG. 5. Nondimensional normal coordinate versus coordinate ,B a




40 30





FIG. 6. Nondimensional coordinate versus coordinate normal stresssaa along constant ,B a

the both forthe first (b) Second problem. Qualitatively, stressdistributions and the second problemare quite similar, but quantitatively, magnitudes the of the stresscomponentsare different. the otherhand, the stresses6a, and aOn vanishon theboundariesin both cases as theyshould. results mindand whatwas said in theIntroduction, in Bearingthenumerical it seems that Koehler's approximatemethod of images gives ratheraccurate resultsin the vicinity the edge of the dislocation.However,the stressfieldsat of and near the edge of the half-plane well as farfromthe dislocationbasically as differ from rigorous the solution. The distribution nondimensionalnormal and shear of (c) Thirdproblem. stresses heresimilar Figs. 3 to 6, respectively. Alongthecurvesa = const., is to (i) = appears to be a tensionon theleft partof thecurves - const.located above Qxx occurs thex-axis,whileit is a compression theright on part; an oppositesituation along the curvesa = const.,located below the x-axis. -xx vanisheson the x-axis and on theboundaries.The maximaof6a occurat # = ? ic/2.



tensionto compression and vice versain a mannersimilar 4# changesfrom values around a = +? /2,but vanishesalong the It reachesits maximum to ( x-axis. and f and it/2 6e along the curvesa = positivebetween = -/2 at = It outsidethissegment. has positivemaximum ft + 7t. negative = the of (ii) Alongthe segments thecurvesft const.located between boundwithan 37r/4, 7r/2, aries, a changes fromtensionto compressionfor f = 7t/4, increasingdistance fromthe boundarya = -3; it changes in a reversesense f valuesoccurarounda = + 2.4. The for = - 7t/4, 7r/2, 37r/4. absolutemaximal = = as and of The distribution 6,, along curvesft 7r/4 37t/4 well as ft 7-/4 and - 37r/4 identical. is along thecurves t = 0 and + 7t. jaa vanishes With regardto 6p this stresscomponentchanges fromtension to com= and 37t/4 7t/2, pressionwithan increasingdistance froma = -3 for ft 7t/4, = as along the same segments mentioned vice versa for ft - 7t/4,- 7t/2, 37t/4 whileon t = 0 + 7r, valuesat bothboundaries, It previously. has absolutemaximal it identically vanishes. = and has twomaximaaroundoc=-2.5 ka On ft ? 37t/4 + 7t, is positive and and has two = However,on ft 0 and +7t/4,?a: is negative, and 2.5, respectively. = minimaat c = + 2.5. Moreoveron ft 0 it vanishesat.a = 0 as well as on the boundaries. The Acknowledgment. authors express theirgratitudefor the reviewerof of to thispaper fordrawingtheirattention the treatise A. Seegeron theTheorie Vol. VII, Part 1,S. Flugge, in der der Gitterfehlstellen published Handbuch Physik, concerning Berlin,1955.In thisworkon pp. 561-562,results ed.,Springer-Verlag, edge dislocation paper (eccentric two out ofthreeproblemssolved in thepresent medium)are quoted from edge dislocationin a half-infinite in circularcylinder; as that, although Dietze's models noticing a thesis H.-D. Dietze. It is worthwhile of of givenin terms Airy'sstress cores,his solutions, servedislocations withremoved fail functions, to have the innerboundariesof the dislocationsfreefromstress. the This can be easilychecked, e.g.,by evaluating normalstress for0 = 0 and a,. x = xa + a, y = 0 in Fig. 93, and for 0 = 0 and x = 4 + a, y = 0 in Fig. 95. for in stress functions modelsotherthanthe the Actually, major difficulty finding on the of boundary. from elimination tractions theinner stems concentric cylinders This remarkalso concernssolutionsof otherauthorswho have studiedsimilar problems. thatshouldbe mentioned, of method, Perhapsas anotherfeature thepresent the is its generality; latterenables one to solve theabove two problemsplus one medium) extraproblemat the same time(two unlikedislocationsin an infinite approach in bipolarcoordinates. by usinga unified
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