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Skeletal Bone Table

Axial Skeleton
Bone Parietal bone Temporal bone Occipital bone Frontal bone Description Above temporal bone. Forms side of cranium. inferior to the parietal bone on lateral skull Most posterior bone of cranium. Forms floor and back wall. In the base is the Foramen Magnum Anterior portion of cranium. Above zygomatic bone. Bat-shaped bone forming the anterior plateau of the middle cranial fossa across the width of the skull. Keystone of cranium because it attaches with all other cranial bones. Feature Description of the feature point of articulation of parietals with frontal bone. forms the lateral portion of the skull base large hole through which the inferior part of the brain connects with the spinal cord. allows the supraorbital artery and nerve to pass to forehead a saddle shaped region of the sphenoid midline. The seat of this saddle, called the hypophyseal fossa, surrounds the pituitary gland. (hypophysis)

The Bones of the Skull

coronal suture petrous region foramen magnum supraorbital foramen (notch)

Sphenoid bone

sella turcica

Ethmoid Bone

Irregular shaped bone anterior to the sphenoid forms most of the bony area between the nasal cavity and the orbits

cribriform plate

punctured by tiny hole called olfactory foramina that allow the filaments of the olfactory nerves to pass from the smell receptors in the nasal cavities in the brain

Lacrimal Bone

the smallest and most fragile bone of the face, is situated at the front part of the medial wall of the orbit small rectangular bones forming the bridge of the nose a paired bone which articulates with the maxilla, the temporal bone, the sphenoid bone and the frontal bone. situated at the upper and lateral part of the face and forms the prominence of the cheek

lacrimal fossa

passageway for tear

Nasal Bone



Zygomatic Bone

zygomatic process

Any of three processes that articulate with the zygomatic bone,

Maxilla Mandible

two bones fused in a median structure lower jaw bone which articulates with the temporal lobes in the only freely movable joints. blade shaped bone in the median plane of nasal cavity that forms the posterior and inferior nasal septum

palatine process mandibular condyle

Forms the anterior hard palate meet medially in the inter maxillary suture. Articulation point of the mandible with mandibular fossa of the temporal bone. none






Description of the feature

The Vertebral Column Cervical vertebra first 7 vertebrae-form the neck portion of the vertebral column. the next 12 vertebrae in the spinal columnlarger body than the cervical vertebrae heart shaped the last 5 vertebrae supporting the lower back. Massive block like bodies, short and thick hatchet-shaped spinous processes extending directly backward bone formed from the fusion of five vertebrae. Superiorly articulates with L5 and inferiorly it connects with the coccyx Tailbone - attached to the sacrum by ligaments breastbone, A long flat bone in most vertebrates that is situated along the ventral midline of the thorax and articulates with the ribs. Typical flat bone. A result of the fusion of three bones. concave upper border of the manubrium. Generally at the level of the third thoracic vertebra atlas C1- lacks a body, its lateral processes contain large concave depressions on their superior surfaces that receive the occipital condyles of the skull articulate with the heads of the corresponding ribs

Thoracic vertebrae

costal facets

Lumbar vertebra

superior articular facets

reduce mobility of the lumbar region


sacral foramina

located at either end of the ridges it allows blood vessels and nerves to pass none


none The Bones of the Thoracic Cage


xiphoid process

constructs the inferior end of the sternum and lies at the level of the fifth intercostal space.

Jugular notch

part of the sternum





Description of the feature

True Ribs False Ribs Floating Ribs

the first seven pair of ribs. Attach directly to the sternum by their own costal cartilages the next five pair of ribs that indirectly attach to the sternum last 2 ribs of the 12 that have no sternal attachment

none none none

none none none

Appendicular Skeleton
Clavicle Scapula Humerus The bones of the Pectoral Girdle and Upper Limbs collar bone - a slender doubly curved bone the projection that anchors a ligament and provides the convex forward on its medial two-thirds conoid tubercle landmark for determining whether the clavicle is from the and concave laterally right or left side of the body shoulder blades- triangular, flattened body. long bone of upper arm. Its rounded head fits into the shallow glenoid cavity of the scapula the smaller one of the two large bones of the forearm. articulates with the capitulum of the humerus, the radial notch and the head of the ulna. The larger bone of the two bones of the forearm, extending from elbow to wrist on the side opposite the thumb 8 bones of the wrist, inferior to the ulna and radius numbered 1-5 - base of the metacarpals articulate with the carpals of the wrists glenoid cavity greater tubercle a shallow socket that receives the head of the humerus larger of two bump-like projections of the proximal humerus. It is situated lateral to the head and lesser tubercle the point of attachment for the tendon of the biceps muscle of the arm serves as a point of attachment for the ligaments of the wrist restrict movement between the bones none none superior margin of the iliac bone cartilaginous joint at the pubic crest receives the weight of the body when sitting


radial tuberosity

Ulna Carpals Metacarpals Phalanges Ilium Pubic bones Ischium

styloid process ligaments none

digits - our fingers 14 bones- each finger none contains 3 phalanges The bones of the Pelvic Girdle and Lower Limbs forms major portion of coxal bone iliac crest most anterior portion of the coxal bone "sit down bone" - forming the most inferior and posterior portion of the coxal bone pubic symphysis ischial tuberosity




Description of the feature

Femur Patella Tibia Fibula Tarsals Metatarsals Phalanges

thigh bone - superior to the tibia and fibula a triangular sesamoid bone enclosed in the tendon that secures the anterior thigh muscle to the tibia Shin bone - larger and more medial of the two leg bones lies parallel to the tibia. Thin and stick like with aq sharp anterior crest 7 bones where body weight is concentrated 5 bones - form instep 14 bones - forms the toes

greater trochanter surface for patellar ligament tibial tuberosity lateral malleolus calcaneus none none

a strong process overhanging the root of the neck of the femur. Site of muscle attachment ligaments, leverage knee joint roughened protrusion on the anterior tibial surface, is the site of attachment of the patellar forms the outer part or lateral bulge of the ankle heel bone none none

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