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THEMES The magic of blue light

The story is a magic story. It has a magic of blue light, that begins from a sol dier who finding a blue light in the old dry well. The soldier can show the magi c of blue light when he light his tobacco pipe and begin to smoke, then the dwar f coming next to him. It can be see from : paragraph 2 He sat for a while very sorrowfully, then suddenly he felt in his pocket and fou nd his tobacco pipe, which was still half full. 'This shall be my last pleasure, ' thought he, pulled it out, lit it at the blue light and began to smoke. When t he smoke had circled about the cavern, suddenly a little black dwarf stood befor e him, and said: 'Lord, what are your commands?' 'What my commands are?' replied the soldier, quite astonished. paragraph 6 As soon as the soldier was alone again, he lighted his pipe and summoned the bla ck manikin. Then the soldier pulled out his pipe and lighted it at the blue light, and as so on as a few wreaths of smoke had ascended, the manikin was there with a small cu dgel in his hand, and said: 'What does my lord command?' 'Strike down to earth t hat false judge there, and his constable, and spare not the king who has treated me so ill.' B. PLOT Summary Plot A soldier has been discharged from the king's service because of his wounds. The soldier leaves the castle and as night falls he requires somewhere to stay. Enc ountering the cottage of a witch, he asks her for lodging. She agrees if he will spade her garden the next day. This takes so long that he must stay another night, and in return she asks him to chop her wood. Once again , he must stay another night. The following day she requests that he go into a w ell and retrieve her blue light for her. He is in the process of doing so, but r ealizes he is being tricked and will be trapped in the well as soon as he gives it to her. He keeps the light for himself, not knowing what it is, but she leaves him in th e well. He decides to smoke one last time and lights his pipe with the blue ligh t. A dwarf comes to grant him whatever he wishes. He first asks to be led out of the well, then for the witch to be taken to jail and hanged. The soldier is still upset about the king, so he asks that the dwarf bring the p rincess to be his servant during the night. When she wakes up, the princess tell s her father of her strange "dream", which the king believes could have actually happened. He has the princess fill her pocket with peas and put a little hole in it so that if she actually is carried away they will be able to follow the pa th. The dwarf, however, notices, and spreads peas all over the city so that the peas lead to everywhere and cannot pin it on the soldier. The next night, she plans on hiding her shoe in the home to which she is taken. The dwarf warns against th is to the soldier, but he does not heed it. The next day, the princess's shoe is found in his quarters and he is taken to jail. He sends his friend to get the b lue light and as his final request asks for a last smoke of his pipe. The dwarf

appears and kills the henchmen; the soldier also demands the king's life, but sp ares him after he begs for mercy. The soldier marries the princess and takes the throne. Based on the synopsis above, the author choose chronological plot to write or to tell the story of Blue Light of Fairy Tale because the author presents the story in s equence of events. This story has a beginning of events, rising actions, climax, falling actions to a happy ending in the end

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