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Techlog Interactive Suite 2008

What’s the big idea?

Bring all of your petrophysical and geological data
together within a single graphical environment.
Techlog Interactive Suite 2008 is designed for the
petrophysical interpretation of wellbore data and
offers a complete processing and modelling toolbox.
You can display what you want, how you want and
perform high level analyses of core, log, image and
related data types together in one program.

Data integration...right here, right now. ity





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© 2008 Techsia. All rights reserved. Techlog is a registered

trademark of Techsia - Texts and images are not contractual. What’s the big idea? 1 >
Techlog Interactive Suite 2008

One big happy family.

Introducing the Techlog Interactive Suite 2008.

Application modules (in purple) are available to suit your

specific needs and objectives. You can add application
modules one at a time or you can add an entire focus area
(see page 11) depending on your requirements.
The Techlog platform (in orange) is the foundation for
everything that you want to do with any of the modules. It
comprises a package of tools for loading, manipulating and
viewing the enormous range of data handled by Techlog.
Turn the pages to read the individual strengths and
capabilities of each module.

Techlog Interactive Suite 2008
Application modules

CoreDB Techcore Saturation-height Quanti Quanti.min Thin bed Nuclear magnetic

modelling analysis resonance

FPress Fluid contact Wellbore imaging Ipsom K.mod Geophy

Platform modules

Techdata Techplot 3D Vue Python Techstat

© 2008 Techsia. All rights reserved. Techlog is a registered

trademark of Techsia - Texts and images are not contractual. One big happy family. < 2 >
Techlog Interactive Suite 2008

Welcome to our world.

Our world encompasses 6 main focus areas (shown
in the graphic to the right). Collectively, the subjects
cover the gamut of reservoir characterisation.
Techlog Interactive Suite 2008 is organised as
a series of application modules, founded upon a
robust platform comprising all the data management
and viewing utilities.
The program enables you to bring together, within
a simple data structure and single, powerful GUI,
every type of data that falls within the “world of
reservoir characterisation”.

© 2008 Techsia. All rights reserved. Techlog is a registered

trademark of Techsia - Texts and images are not contractual. Welcome to our world < 3 >
Techlog Interactive Suite 2008

Make the connection.

Find your focus area on the next page (bottom),
then see the module that’s right for you.

Our world encompasses 6 main focus areas (shown in the

graphic to the right). Collectively, the subjects cover the gamut
of reservoir characterisation.
Techlog Interactive Suite 2008 is organised as a series
of application modules, founded upon a robust platform
comprising all the data management and viewing utilities.

The program enables you to bring together, within a simple data

structure and single, powerful GUI, every type of data that falls
within the “world of reservoir characterisation”.

Application modules

CoreDB Techcore Saturation-height Quanti Quanti.min Thin bed Nuclear magnetic

modelling analysis resonance

FPress Fluid contact Wellbore imaging Ipsom K.mod Geophy

Focus areas
Core Log Fluids Geology Earth Model Geophysics
Core data storage/ Conventional Formation pressure QC Cross-sections/ Wellbore trajectories SEG-Y import
manipulation interpretation correlation
Fluid typing Mapping Checkshots editor
Reservoir rock typing Mineralogical inversion Facies prediction
Fluid contact Surfaces Depth-time conversion
Capillary pressure NMR management Image processing
Cross-sections Fluid substitution
Saturation-height Thin bed analysis Dip analysis
modelling Synthetic seismograms
Saturation-height Textural map analysis*
Relative permeability modelling Interactive frequency
Upscaling/1D kriging Cased hole analysis
Resistivity modelling*
Production logging*

*Coming soon

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Techlog Interactive Suite 2008

Focus areas.
Petrophysics depends on access to many types
of data, particularly log and core together.
A wide choice of tools are available for bringing
the core data into the interpretation including
plotting, editing, upscaling, classifying and
fitting function definition. All of these can be
found in the application modules Techcore
(Tco), Saturation-height modelling (SHM), and
CoreDB (CDB).
Core data storage and manipulation are vital
tasks. Once they are properly managed, the
effective integration of core data with other
sources requires reconciliation for reasons
of differences in measurement scale and
measurement environments. Integration and
reconciliation are facilitated by visualisation,
quantification and upscaling.

Log data are the fundamental data resources
available to petrophysicists. Now, the term
includes a wide variety of data types and modes
of acquisition: Wireline, LWD, continuous
recording, irregularly sampled, single value at a
sample, multiple values at a sample (array data),
image data, real-time data streaming.
Day after day petrophysicists and log specialists
are loading, manipulating and analysing large
quantities of log data. Experts go further with
specialised interpretations addressing advanced
petrophysical questions.
Find these activities in the following modules:
Quanti (Q), Quanti.min (Q.m), NMR, Thin bed
analysis (TBA) and Saturation-height
modelling (SHM)

© 2008 Techsia. All rights reserved. Techlog is a registered

trademark of Techsia - Texts and images are not contractual. Make the connection. < 5 >
Techlog Interactive Suite 2008

Focus areas.
Reservoir layering, continuity and
compartmentalisation are key elements of
detailed reservoir characterisation. Their
effective analysis is enhanced by bringing
many different strands of data to bear on
the problem. You can do this within Techlog
where the FPress (FP°) and Fluid Contact
(Fc) modules evaluate multiple contacts
within compartmentalised reservoirs to derive
minimum, maximum and most likely depths for
fluid contacts in complex reservoirs.
The resultant contact surfaces and fluid typing,
by compartment, can be visualised in 3D and
instantly updated, should analyses change.

In addition to the well-by-well view, you can
post data onto maps, see the well spatial
relationships in 2D/3D and assess correlations
and trends qualitatively and quantitatively
through the subsurface. Primary tools in the
geological workflows include log data for
correlation and geological characterisation, core
data for facies descriptions and image data for
structural and fracture analysis.
Core and log data are used very effectively
together within Ipsom (Ips) for example
to characterise facies; borehole image
interpretation in all its forms is the main activity
covered by the Wellbore imaging (Wbi) module.

© 2008 Techsia. All rights reserved. Techlog is a registered

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Techlog Interactive Suite 2008

Focus areas.
Earth Model.
Show petrophysical and geological data
and results as a 3D view of the sub-surface
within the same environment where detailed
interpretation of those data are performed.
Access the 3D graphical library of 3D Vue (3DV)
to build a visualisation of an “Earth Model”
which you can then use to explore the interwell
space. The 3D graphics toolkit is also used
within Wellbore imaging (Wbi) to represent
image data and dip planes.
Now petrophysicists work within the context of the
full reservoir view in Techlog .

The need to tie seismic survey data into well
information is paramount in successful seismic
analysis. Well data are often considered the
“ground-truth” for seismic data.
Preparation of the log data is best done within
the log domain using the neural network in
K.mod (K.m); thus, in Techlog you can use
Geophy (GeΦ) a comprehensive, single-offset,
synthetic seismogram package that includes
time-depth functioning from checkshot and/or
sonic log data, fluid substitution and synthetics
Then compare these and other petrophysical
results directly against seismic data (loaded
from SEG-Y).

© 2008 Techsia. All rights reserved. Techlog is a registered

trademark of Techsia - Texts and images are not contractual. Make the connection. < 7 >
Techlog Interactive Suite 2008

What you get out of the box.

Techlog Interactive Suite 2008 is a comprehensive range of high-
level capability for managing all your petrophysical data.
This section will take you through the 5 main utilities including
data connectivity, data handling, viewers, user programming and
statistical analysis.
Techlog is especially designed for interpretation of all types of
wellbore data. It is a complete processing and modelling toolbox
dedicated to reservoir characterisation. Techlog offers a tightly
integrated environment with everything you need to process data for
tomorrow as well as today.

Data connectivity User programming

Input/Output Python™
Data API Stand-alone scripts
OpenSpirit compliant Multi-well/zone scripts
PetrisWINDS Recall link
WITSML Statistical analysis
Exploratory analysis
Data handling - Factor analysis
Data management - Decision Tree
- Correspondence
Data editing
Data processing
- Line fitting linear/
Viewers non-linear
Single/multi-well viewers - Multilinear regression
Plots: 1D, 2D, 3D, array
and matrix

© 2008 Techsia. All rights reserved. Techlog is a registered

trademark of Techsia - Texts and images are not contractual. What you get out of the box. < 8 >
Techlog Interactive Suite 2008

Data connectivity.
There is a full range of data loaders
and there is a developing family of data
connectors, so that you can easily source
your data from corporate data stores,
other applications or external suppliers:
® TM
OpenSpirit , Recall , CGM, SVG, EMF, JPG,

We have accommodated every type of

data that you could want to use during
an analysis.
TechlogDataAPI is available to enable
clients’ programmers to build connectors
for other programs to directly access
Techlog data objects.

Log data Core data

Types of data handled by Techlog
Core Geology
Routine core data Mud log
Special core data Geological layering
Core reports Geological facies
Core photos Structural data
Thin sections Dips
Core logs
Log Seismic
Wireline Checkshots
Earth Model
Fluids Maps/Surfaces
Cased hole logs
Production logs

Wellbore image data Formation pressure

and seismic data

© 2008 Techsia. All rights reserved. Techlog is a registered

trademark of Techsia - Texts and images are not contractual. What you get out of the box. < 9 >
Techlog Interactive Suite 2008

Data handling.
Rapid and effective Data Management
organisation of data is Within a Techlog project there can
exist one or more wells, each with one
paramount. Understand or more datasets, each with one or
the data that are present, more variables. There are no software
understand their limitations, limitations to the storage.
Make sense of what can amount to
plan the steps required to
very large quantities and variety of data
repair data and then carry through data tools such as inventories
out those repairs on large for each data type in the project.

amounts of data at once, Search for and repair erroneous

naming or unit assignment; ensure the
either through detailed correct family and/or alias attribution
query commands or is made. By this means, performing
multiple well data processing becomes
through graphical tools. very efficient in the system.
Data inventory and query
Datasets hold data at a single
reference, which can be regular,
irregular, depth (MD, TVD, TVDSS, etc.)
or time-based, or just a simple index
count (e.g. sample ID for core data).
Images and complex array data curves
are stored within the same robust
data model.

Data Editing Data Processing

Inspection and review of the values for reporting or sharing data When simple editing is not sufficient,
or content of simple curves, arrays, with colleagues. turn on the power of the many graphical
zonations and well properties are Combine, re-size datasets within and calculation-based tools for more
facilitated by dedicated spreadsheet- wells or merge data from several complex data processing.
type editors. These can often be wells into a composite well as the Data can be re-sampled, shifted,
linked or copied directly into Excel process may require. despiked, clipped or upscaled.
Perform mathematical operations such
as find derivatives, integrate, filter, spline
or linearly interpolate or standardise.
Frequency domain filtering is a powerful
option in this category of tool.
Multiple wells may require inter-well
normalisation, for instance before
computing formation properties. Ensure
full and close user control of this
operation with a graphical interface to
view progress and results at all times.

Data editor

© 2008 Techsia. All rights reserved. Techlog is a registered

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Techlog Interactive Suite 2008

There is an enormous range of Customisable
customisable and interactive All aspects of the plots are
customisable; freely mix regular
viewers that you can use to look and irregular sampled data;
at your data. All plots can be drag & drop arrays and images
conditioned by depth or zone onto the plot and easily add
log or core data on top; vary
ranges to focus your views to the scale factors of tracks to
the matter in hand. Once a plot amplify sections, or look in
detail at core photos; create
is made for one well, apply it to cross-plots and histograms on
many other wells directly, or after the plot that can be live with the
storage. Run previous templates data in the display and updated
by dragging up and down the
again by the double-click. Rapidly plot; add colours and shadings
build matrix plots of histograms, to custom designs or choose
the built-in templates.
cross-plots, box-plots to see
cross-relationships between
many data simultaneously. Data
selected in plots are instantly
Plot template default property table
identified in all other plots that
share a common reference.

Broad and interactive Innovative

Box-plots, histograms and In Techlog , graphical tools are the solution process, facilitating
cross-plots allow you to take more than cosmetic “add-ons” to complete incorporation of all
data out of the depth domain; the system. Intelligent use of plot data types within the many plot
in one dimension look at CDFs structure and colours make the options available.
and PDFs across one or more pictures a truly integrated part of
wells; in two dimensions
explore relationships with fit
lines, fixed or free; see the
actual data plotting or the
frequency density distribution,
that is such an aid to picking Multi-well cross-plot defining two groups of interaction
end points in analyses; choose
subsets of data and calculate
instantly the fit lines through
the restricted data; see your
data choice highlighted in all
other viewers using the same
reference system.

Multi-well spectrum display of multivariate log patterns Multi-well layout displaying the selected points in depth
within the two selections only

© 2008 Techsia. All rights reserved. Techlog is a registered

trademark of Techsia - Texts and images are not contractual. What you get out of the box. < 11 >
Techlog Interactive Suite 2008

User programming.
Python is an open- Comprehensive
source scripting language Within the platform, there is There is no need to maintain
an editor/parser environment for a dedicated compiler for the
that has been harnessed TM
the Python language together language, which keeps installation
to work inside Techlog . with libraries of access-functions very simple and managed entirely
You can use the full power to the data, plot objects and within the Techlog program.
the calculations under the hood
of the Python language; in Techlog . ©

for example you can Reservoir fluid units identification based on the Lorenz plot analysis:
customise integrated
workflows or generate
data access routines that
link directly into Oracle
databases. It is powerful,
yet can be incredibly

Python script editor Phi vs K with Lucia, Winland, FZI charts

Short learning curve Workflow automation

Tap into the brainpower of Python scripts permit the
thousands of developers and automation of many tasks; for
practitioners in Python , from example, establish a batch
all over the world, to make process that periodically reads
your special application that a real-time data stream and
accesses the Techlog data automatically processes a set
and plot objects that much analysis workflow to produce a
more efficient. preformatted output product.
Be effective with a few lines
of program that yet can be
run on multiple wells and
multiple zones without the
user having to program a
lot of housekeeping code to
make it happen.

Depth plot showing reservoir flow units Lorenz plot: reservoir fluid units identification

© 2008 Techsia. All rights reserved. Techlog is a registered

trademark of Techsia - Texts and images are not contractual. What you get out of the box. < 12 >
Techlog Interactive Suite 2008

Statistical analysis.
There are many statistical The basics
analysis techniques Create tables of simple directly transfer the reports important means of data
exploratory statistics that cut into Excel or into the plot characterisation.
available for obtaining a through the data in many header/footer region of the Access multiple linear
different insight into your different ways. Easily produce output product. regression for a quick look at
data. Looking at data reports and synthesise large Calculation of statistics on multivariate trends in your data.
volumes of data. For final histograms and in the Data
“shape”, data “structure”, output archiving or compilation, editor further facilitate this
looking for data patterns,
every analyst knows Multi-well histogram with univariate
statistics for each well or all wells
that these are extremely
important tasks. In the
Techlog platform these
are aided by the GUI
and the inter-process

Mode: 54.9727 Mean: 54.5878

Median: 54.582 Average deviation: 16.8918
values: 172284 Standard deviation: 22.987
Data editor: one click data summary Number of missing values: 1128 Variance: 582.402
Minimum value: -381.75 Skewness: -0.630273
Maximum value: 447.25 Kurtosis: 81.7896

Factors Correspondences
Increasing in sophistication, Another more frequent task is Correspondence analysis allows
use different techniques of to perform data reduction and you to compare descriptive
Factor analysis to make choices correlation analysis to assess data class assignments in an
amongst input data when importance amongst input data. objective manner.
preparing specialised neural Make use of the new Decision For instance, measure the
network models for classification Tree analysis tool for building performance of your facies
and function building. classification rule sets. prediction results.

Principal component
projection cross-plot

Contingency table: line frequency between core facies

description and facies predicted with Ipsom (Ips).

Vector correlation (contribution) in

Principal Component Analysis

© 2008 Techsia. All rights reserved. Techlog is a registered

trademark of Techsia - Texts and images are not contractual. What you get out of the box. < 13 >
Techlog Interactive Suite 2008

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Service, support and training

Techsia operates a 24 hour/7 days a Service Support and training

week customer service and technical Consulting and sales TM
Online (WebEx )
support (in multiple languages). Used by Techsia support
engineers to have real-time
Training sessions are provided by communication with the users
our team to help you become an online in conference

expert with the software. Courses are Email-support

available and adaptable to suit your
specific needs.

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