Anda di halaman 1dari 33



MAY 20, 2008

Open|ng kemorks
Mr. Specker, l :Icnc Lefcre ycu Icccy humL|ec Ly Ihe grecI Ic:k IhcI Ihe
NcIicn hc: p|ccec in cur hcnc:. Ihere wc: c Iime when :cme puL|ic cffcir:
ccmmenIcIcr: prcmcIec Ihe view IhcI Ihe JLF cic ncI hcve Ihe pecp|e Ic Le
cL|e mini:Ier: cf gcvernmenI. Ihc:e ccmmenIcIcr: mu:I ncw Le cmczec cI
hcw we hcve Icken up Ihe gcunI|eI, even uncer Irying circum:Icnce: frcm
hurriccne: Ic high fccc price:. We hcve ncI fc|Ierec, we hcve ncI :IumL|ec cnc
mc:I cf c||, we hcve kepI cur prcmi:e:.

Mr. Specker, my wife cnc my mcIher cre here wiIh me Icccy, cnc Ihey mcre
Ihcn cnycne ccn Ie|| ycu hcw l hcve ceciccIec my |ife Ic Ihe :ervice cf Ihe
NcIicn. FuL|ic |ife ccn Le LruIc|, ungrccicu:, cnc ungrcIefu|, Icccy ycu cre c
herc cnc Icmcrrcw ycu cre c vi||cin: :uch cre Ihe vici::iIuce: cf pc|iIic:.
Everycne in Ihi: Hcu:e kncw: hcw cifficu|I iI i: Ic in:u|cIe ycur fcmi|y frcm ycur
jcL. l Ihink, :cmeIime: Ihe fcmi|ie: Lecr c grecIer Lurcen Ihcn we cc. Whi|e we
hcve ceve|cpec Ihick exc:ke|eIcn: cur fcmi|ie: cfIenIime: :uffer in :i|ence. Sc
Icccy l wcu|c |ike Ic Ihcnk my fcmi|y, pcrIicu|cr|y my wife cnc my mcIher fcr
Iheir unwcvering :uppcrI.

Mr. Specker, Ihe wcrc ccn:IiIuency i: c chc||enging wcrc in every :en:e.
Hcwever, cne cf Ihe fir:I wcrc: my :cn: |ecrnI wc: ccn:IiIuency. We hcc u:ec
IhcI wcrc :c cfIen in cur hcu:ehc|c IhcI Ihey uncer:Iccc IhcI IhcI i: ccccy:
wcrkp|cce. Sc here Ic :uppcrI me Icccy, cre :cme cf my cc-wcrker: frcm my
wcrkp|cce, inc|ucing Ccunci||cr De|rcy Wi||icm:, Ccunci||cr-CcreIcker G|enccn
Sc|mcn, cnc Ccn:IiIuency Crgcni:er:, Vercnicc 8cker, E|izcLeIh Lyn, Fcu|c
McKenzie cnc KeiIh KiI:cn. l wcu|c |ike Ic Ihcnk Ihem fcr Ihe invc|ucL|e wcrk
Ihey hcve ccne in :ecuring c 3
Ierm fcr Ihe JLF in We:I CenIrc| SI. /ncrew.
Since l hcve Leen :eccncec Ic Ihe Mini:Iry cf EcuccIicn, my ccn:IiIuency Iime
hc: :ufferec. Hcwever, Mr. Specker, Lc|cnce wi|| :ccn Le re:Icrec, c: we mu:I
never fcrgeI Ihe pecp|e whc e|ecIec u:.
Mr. Specker, unfcrIuncIe|y Ihe Frime Mini:Ier i: cver:ec: cnc ccu|c ncI Le here
Icccy. Hcwever, l wcu|c |ike Ic p|cce cn reccrc my ceep grcIiIuce cnc
cpprecicIicn fcr hi: ccn:icercIicn fcr me jcin Ihe CcLineI cnc l cm furIher
A Irons|ormed Educot|on System Foge 2 o|
33 Contr|but|on to the 2008J200 Sectoro| Debote by Hon. Andrew M Ho|ness MF, M|n|ster o|
Educot|on...Moy 20, 2008

humL|ec Ic Le c:kec Ic |ecc Ihe Mini:Iry cf EcuccIicn. Mr. Specker, l cm very
prcuc cf Ihe Frime Mini:Ier. Cfficicu:ne:: i: c ci:ec:e cf high cffice, cnc
exIrcvcgcnce ccn Leccme c fecIure cf Ihe cu|Iure cf puL|ic cfficic|:.
Hcwever, Ihi: Frime Mini:Ier hc: |ec Ly excmp|e, in Leing frugc|, in Leing
per:cnc||y mcce:I wiIh Ihe enIiI|emenI: cf hi: cffice, in cec|cring him:e|f Ihe
:ervcnI cf Ihe pecp|e, in mcking him:e|f ccce::iL|e Ic Ihe Fcr|icmenI cnc Ihe
pecp|e, cnc mc:I impcrIcnI|y he hc: kepI hi: prcmi:e:.
Mr. Specker, in c |cw Iru:I envircnmenI :uch c: Ihe cne in which we |ive,
keeping cur wcrc i: exIreme|y impcrIcnI. / |eccer:hip cnc gcverncnce :urvey
ccrriec cuI Ly Lcwrence Fcwe||, Fcu| 8curne cnc L|cyc Wc||er cnc puL|i:hec in
Ihe Lcck, FrcLing Jcmcicc: Fc|iIicc| Cu|Iure", :hcwec IhcI cn|y 7.47 cf
re:pcncenI: ccu|c :cy cefiniIive|y IhcI Ihey Iru:I pecp|e in gcvernmenI Ic keep
Iheir prcmi:e:, whi|e 84.87 cf re:pcncenI: fe|I IhcI Ihey ccu|c ncI Icke per:cn:
in gcvernmenI cI Iheir wcrc. Ihi: wcu|c ncI Le :urpri:ing Ic mc:I Jcmciccn:,
Leccu:e c: c :ccieIy we hcve cccepIec cnc hcve |cw expecIcIicn: cf Iru:I in
cur gcvernmenI. Hcwever, whcI i: wcrrying i: IhcI c: c :ccieIy we cc ncI Iru:I
ecch cIher. Cn|y 14.17 cf re:pcncenI ccu|c :cy cefiniIive|y IhcI Ihey Iru:I Iheir
fe||cw Jcmciccn, 83.57 cf re:pcncenI: fe|I IhcI Ihey ccu|c ncI Iru:I cIher
pecp|e in Ihe :ccieIy.
CfIenIime: we cver|cck Ihe impcrIcnce cf creciLi|iIy cnc Iru:I in gcverncnce.
Lcck cf Iru:I mcke: :ccieIy cnc :ccic| Ircn:ccIicn: inefficienI. lI increc:e: Ihe
cc:I cf gcvernmenI Ly fcrcing gcvernmenI: Ic :penc mcre cn enfcrcemenI,
in:Iecc cf LenefiIing frcm vc|unIcry ccmp|icnce. / gcvernmenI IhcI i: Iru:Iec
cnc creciL|e ccn geI iI: ciIizen: Ic chcnge Lehcvicur cnc cccpercIe wiIhcuI
Ihe neec Ic enfcrce. Lcck cf Iru:I increc:e: Ircn:ccIicn cc:I: cnc hincer: Ihe
fcrmcIicn cf :ccic| ccpiIc|. lI i: impcrIcnI Iherefcre, IhcI Ihe Frime Mini:Ier cce:
everyIhing in hi: pcwer Ic increc:e Ihe |eve| cf ccnficence, creciLi|iIy cnc Iru:I
in Ihe Cffice cnc IhcI he :eI: cn excmp|e fcr Ihe re:I cf Ihe gcvernmenI Ic
fc||cw. ln my view he i: cff Ic gccc :IcrI cnc l prcy IhcI Gcc wi|| give him Ihe
:IrengIh cf wi|| cnc Ihe wi:ccm cf minc Ic ccnIinue.
A Irons|ormed Educot|on System Foge 3 o|
33 Contr|but|on to the 2008J200 Sectoro| Debote by Hon. Andrew M Ho|ness MF, M|n|ster o|
Educot|on...Moy 20, 2008

Mr. Specker, mcny memLer: cf my :enicr :Icff frcm Ihe Mini:Iry cf EcuccIicn
cnc iI: :uLjecI cgencie: cre here wiIh me Icccy. l cm p|ec:ec Ic repcrI IhcI l
hcve fcunc Ihem Ic Le prcfe::icnc| cnc kncw|ecgecL|e - :cme hcving :ervec
cI c|| |eve|: cf Ihe :y:Iem. Mc:I impcrIcnI hcwever, l cm :cIi:fiec IhcI Ihey cre
c|| ccmmiIIec Ic ecuccIicn. Ihe Mini:Iry i: pre:enI|y gcing Ihrcugh c pericc cf
chcnge cnc Ihere wi|| Le mcre chcnge: Ic ccme when Ihe Ircn:fcrmcIicn cnc
mccerni:cIicn cf ecuccIicn Legin:. Chcnge Lring: uncerIcinIy cnc if ncI
mcncgec, iI ccn |ecc Ic chcc:. Ic mcncge uncerIcinIy, |eccer:hip mu:I
c|ecr|y ccmmuniccIe c vi:icn cnc c|ecr|y cirecI c|| p|cyer: Ic IhcI vi:icn.
lneviIcL|y hcwever, chcnge wi|| mecn :ccrifice, LuI Ihe Ircce-cff in chcnge
cce: ncI hcve Ic Le c win/|c:e gcme. Chcnge ccn Le Leneficic| Ic everycne.
lnceec Ihe chcnge: prcpc:ec Ic Ihe :IrucIure cf Ihe ecuccIicn :y:Iem uncer
Ihe EcuccIicn Ircn:fcrmcIicn Frcgrcmme wi|| LenefiI Ihe ncIicn :ignificcnI|y.
Mr. Specker, in CcIcLer 2003, MemLer: cf Ihi: Hcu:e uncnimcu:|y ccmmiIIec cn
c LipcrIi:cn re:c|uIicn LrcughI Ly Ihen Leccer cf Ihe Cppc:iIicn Mc:I

Figure 1: Feprccucec frcm FrcLing Jcmcicc: Fc|iIicc| Cu|Iure, Vc| l " Ly Fcwe||, L./
A Irons|ormed Educot|on System Foge 4 o|
33 Contr|but|on to the 2008J200 Sectoro| Debote by Hon. Andrew M Ho|ness MF, M|n|ster o|
Educot|on...Moy 20, 2008

HcncurcL|e Ecwcrc Secgc, cnc :uppcrIec Ly Ihen Frime Mini:Ier Mc:I
HcncurcL|e FJ FcIIer:cn, Ic increc:e Ihe c||cccIicn Ic Ihe Mini:Iry cf EcuccIicn,
Ic 157 cf Ihe IcIc| LucgeI cver Ihe nexI 5 yecr:, curing which pericc Ihe:e
func: wcu|c Le uIi|i:ec Ic:
8ui|c/reLui|c cnc euip Lc:ic :chcc|:: {cngcing)
Upgrcce Lc:ic :chcc| Ieccher: cnc Ircin new cne:: {cngcing)
Deve|cp c ccmprehen:ive IexILcck |encing prcgrcmme fcr primcry
cnc :eccnccry :chcc|:: {cngcing)
/||cccIe re:curce: Ic :eccnccry :chcc|: Ic en:ure Ihe uc|iIy ce|ivery
cf ecuccIicn Ic c|| :IucenI: cI IhcI |eve|: {cngcing)
lmprcve cnc expcnc Ihe Schcc| Feecing Frcgrcmme: {cngcing)
lmp|emenI c ccmpu|:cry hcmewcrk/|iIerccy hcur cfIer c|c::e:: {Ic Le
E|imincIe Ihe :hifI :y:Iem in c|| :chcc|:: {p|cn ncw in p|cce)
Upgrcce Ieccher: cnc Ieccher-Ircining in:IrucIcr: Ic reuirec cegree
|eve|:: {cngcing)
Frcvice perfcrmcnce incenIive: fcr c|| Ieccher:: {|cng Ierm p|cn)
/IIcin IcrgeI cf 1:25 Ieccher/pupi| rcIic cI primcry |eve|: {|cng Ierm)
GucrcnIee 5 yecr: cf ecuccIicn Ic c|| :IucenI: enIering :eccnccry
:chcc|: {cngcing)
Freeze :chcc| fee: cI Ihe 2003/2004 |eve| cnc evenIuc||y remcve Ly
2005/200: {ccne)
lmp|emenI c high :chcc| euivc|ency prcgrcmme fcr ccu|I: neecing
:eccnccry ecuccIicn cerIificcIicn. {cngcing)

CuI cf Ihi: LipcrIi:cn re:c|uIicn, Ihe Ic:k Fcrce cn EcuccIicn Fefcrm wc:
|cunchec in FeLrucry 2004 cnc c repcrI ce|iverec in SepIemLer 2004 enIiI|ec /
Ircn:fcrmec EcuccIicn Sy:Iem", cr mcre ccmmcn|y, Ihe Ircn:fcrmcIicn FepcrI.
Ihe Ircn:fcrmcIicn FepcrI mcce cerIcin reccmmenccIicn: cnc :eI cerIcin
IcrgeI: Ic |ecc Ic c Ircn:fcrmec :y:Iem. Ihe EcuccIicn Ircn:fcrmcIicn Iecm
{EII) wc: :eI up in Mcrch 2005 c: c :pecic| crm cf Ihe Mini:Iry cf EcuccIicn Ic
imp|emenI Ihe reccmmenccIicn: cf Ihe repcrI: cnc J/$5 Li||icn wc: Ircn:ferrec
frcm Ihe NHI Ic :uppcrI Ihe wcrk cf Ihe EII. Ihe Ircn:fcrmcIicn prcce:: hc:
Leen criIici:ec fcr Leing :|cw in ce|ivering Ihe much cnIicipcIec LenefiI: cf
Irons|ormot|on: ko|e o| the New M|n|ster
Mr. Specker, my rc|e c: iI re|cIe: Ic Ircn:fcrmcIicn i: Ic cc Ihe fc||cwing:-
Given Ihe exIen:ive cnc cc:I|y ncIure cf Ihe prcpc:ec Ircn:fcrmcIicn
exerci:e, c: Ihe pc|icy |eccer, l hcve Ic :eI Ihe pricriIie:, IhcI i:, frcm Ihe
menu cf prcpc:c|:, c :e|ecIicn mu:I Le mcce cf whcI wi|| Le ccne fir:I
A Irons|ormed Educot|on System Foge 5 o|
33 Contr|but|on to the 2008J200 Sectoro| Debote by Hon. Andrew M Ho|ness MF, M|n|ster o|
Educot|on...Moy 20, 2008

Ihere i: c prevci|ing fee|ing in :cme ucrIer: IhcI Ircn:fcrmcIicn i: cn
cngcing prcce::. Fhi|c:cphicc||y Ihi: mcy Le :c, LuI frcm cn cpercIicnc|
per:pecIive we mu:I :ee Ircn:fcrmcIicn c: Ihe meIcmcrphc:i: frcm c
ccIerpi||cr Ic c LuIIerf|y, mcving frcm cne ci:IincI :IcIe Ic cncIher ci:IincI
:IcIe. EcuccIicn Ircn:fcrmcIicn mu:I mecn IhcI Ihe ecuccIicn :y:Iem
evc|ve: percepIiL|y frcm iI: currenI in:IiIuIicnc| :IcIe Ic c LeIIer
in:IiIuIicnc| :IcIe cnc iI mu:I cc :c in c :pecifiec Iime frcme. Mr. Specker,
l mu:I en:ure IhcI Ircn:fcrmcIicn mecn: rec| chcnge, l hcve Ic :eI Ihe
cecc|ine: fcr Ihe ce|ivercL|e: cf Ircn:fcrmcIicn cnc l hcve Ic mcIivcIe
urgency in cur cpprccch.
l c|:c hcve c cuIy Mr. Specker Ic imprcve Ihe menu cf Ircn:fcrmcIicn
prcpc:c|: Ic en:ure IhcI Ihe Ircn:fcrmcIicn i: ccmprehen:ive
Mr. Specker, Ircn:fcrmcIicn hc: Leen in ge:IcIicn fcr c|mc:I fcur yecr:, l inIenc
Ic ce|iver Ihe Ircn:fcrmcIicn LcLy".
Irons|ormot|on: Whot does |t meon? : Accountob|||ty
Ihe Ierm 'Ircn:fcrmcIicn cf ecuccIicn hc: Leen u:ec :c cfIen IhcI Ihc:e cf u:
c|c:e Ic Ihe prcce:: Icke iI fcr grcnIec IhcI everycne uncer:Icnc: whcI iI
mecn:. Ircn:fcrmcIicn, if ncIhing e|:e mu:I mecn grecIer ccccunIcLi|iIy fcr Ihe
cuIccme cnc cuIpuI cf Ihe ecuccIicn prcce::. lI ccnncI Le Mr. Specker, IhcI
we :penc $54 Li||icn per yecr cn ecuccIicn cnc we Iurn cuI cn uncccepIcL|y
high percenIcge cf i||iIercIe :IucenI: inIc cur :eccnccry :y:Iem, cnc Ihe
:eccnccry :y:Iem in Iurn cemiI: unccju:Iec cnc :emi-|iIercIe :IucenI: inIc Ihe
:ccieIy, cnc nc cne i: he|c ccccunIcL|e. lI ccnncI Le IhcI we :penc c|c:e Ic
07 cf Ihe ecuccIicn LucgeI cn remunercIicn cnc :cme Ieccher: cc ncI Iurn
up Ic Iecch Iheir c|c::e: cnc nc cne i: he|c ccccunIcL|e. lI ccnncI Le IhcI
every yecr 807 cf :IucenI: in c pcrIicu|cr primcry :chcc| fci| Ic cchieve mc:Iery
cI Ihe Grcce Fcur LiIerccy Ie:I cnc Ihe Iecching :Icff cI IhcI :chcc| i: ncI
:cruIini:ec. lI ccnncI Le IhcI c pcrenI cce: ncI kncw wheIher hi:/her chi|c i:
|iIercIe Leccu:e Ihey never Icck Ihe Iime Ic check whcI IhcI chi|c i: ccing cI
:chcc|, cnc IhcI pcrenI i: ncI he|c ccccunIcL|e. lI ccnncI Le IhcI Ieccher
re|cIicn: in c :chcc| cre c||cwec Ic ceIericrcIe inIc c cri:i: cnc Ihere i: nc
inIervenIicn frcm Ihe Frincipc| cr Fegicnc| Cffice Ic re:c|ve Ihe i::ue, cnc nc
cne i: he|c ccccunIcL|e. Irons|ormot|on must meon occountob|||ty.
Irons|ormot|on: Whot does |t meon? : Emphos|s on Leodersh|p
Mr. Specker, |cck cf re:curce: i: cfIenIime: L|cmec fcr Ihe vcriec cuIpuI cf Ihe
ecuccIicn :y:Iem cnc Ihe :IcrI|ing cchievemenI gcp: cI Ihe Grcce Fcur
LiIerccy Ie:I {GFLI), Grcce Six /chievemenI Ie:I {GS/I) cnc Ihe CcriLLecn
A Irons|ormed Educot|on System Foge o|
33 Contr|but|on to the 2008J200 Sectoro| Debote by Hon. Andrew M Ho|ness MF, M|n|ster o|
Educot|on...Moy 20, 2008

Seccnccry EcuccIicn CerIificcIe {CSEC) excmincIicn. UnccuLIec|y, Ihi: i: Irue,
LuI l inviIe ycu Ic ccn:icer IhcI Ihere cre :cme primcry :chcc|: in chc||enging
circum:Icnce: IhcI perfcrm cn pcr wiIh we|| re:curcec prepcrcIcry :chcc|:. Mr.
Specker cI Ihe :eccnccry |eve|, Ihe perfcrmcnce gcp LeIween IrcciIicnc| high
:chcc|: cnc upgrccec high :chcc|: i: wcrrying. lI ccnIinue: Ic perpeIucIe Ihe
Iwc Jcmcicc:" :yncrcme. Hcwever, Ihere cre :cme upgrccec high :chcc|:
IhcI perfcrm cn pcr wiIh Ihe cvercge IrcciIicnc| high :chcc|. Ihe rever:e i: c|:c
Irue, Ihere cre :cme IrcciIicnc| :chcc|: which perfcrm cI Ihe |eve| cf Ihe LeIIer
perfcrming upgrccec :chcc|:. Mcny principc|: cf upgrccec high :chcc|: wi|| Ie||
ycu IhcI Iheir phy:icc| p|cnI i: newer cnc LeIIer euippec Ihcn mc:I IrcciIicnc|
high :chcc|:. Frcm my cL:ervcIicn:, Mr. Specker, Ihe re:curce prcL|em in
:chcc|: i: ncI :c much Ihe Lincing ccn:IrcinI, hcving Ihe nece::cry re:curce i: c
:ufficienI ccnciIicn fcr imprcving perfcrmcnce, hcwever, Ihe nece::cry
ccnciIicn fcr :Icnccrci:ing cnc imprcving cuIpuI cnc perfcrmcnce i:
|eccer:hip. lnvcricL|y, cny :chcc| IhcI i: perfcrming we|| hc: :Ircng |eccer:hip.
Ihe vcriec cuIpuI cnc Ihe wice ci:pcriIy in perfcrmcnce i: primcri|y cue Ic
cifference: in |eccer:hip - |eccer:hip in Ihe c|c::rccm, |eccer:hip cf Ihe
principc|, |eccer:hip cf Ihe :chcc| Lccrc, |eccer:hip cf Ihe ecuccIicn cfficer.
Ircn:fcrmcIicn Ihen, Mr. Specker, nece::cri|y mecn: c |ocus on |eodersh|p.
Irons|ormot|on: Whot does |t meon? : Emphos|s on E|||c|ency
Fcr cny given re:curce ccn:IrcinI gccc |eccer:hip wi|| mcximi:e perfcrmcnce
fcr IhcI given ccn:IrcinI cnc wi|| evenIuc||y, incepencenI|y |cc:en Ihe Lincing
re:curce ccn:IrcinI. WhcI cce: Ihi: mecn Ccn:icer c principc| in SI. Jcme:
IhcI Icke: cver c :mc|| primcry :chcc| wiIh fcur c|c::rccm:, fcur Ieccher: cnc
200 chi|cren. IhcI principc| mcy crgcni:e Ihe re:curce: cvci|cL|e Ic him in Ihe
mc:I efficienI mcnner Ic yie|c Ihe mcximum re:u|I pc::iL|e in GFLI cnc GS/I
frcm c ccmLincIicn cf c|c::rccm:, cne Ieccher Ic 50 :IucenI:. EvenIuc||y, IhcI
principc| mcy mcLi|i:e c|| Ihe re:curce: cvci|cL|e Ic him inIc c mi::icn Ic Lui|c
Iwc ccciIicnc| c|c::rccm:. Ihe cn|y pcrI Ihe Mini:Iry cf EcuccIicn mcy enc up
p|cying i: cuIIing Ihe riLLcn cI Ihe ceciccIicn ceremcny. Ihere cre mcny
principc|: |ike IhcI, Mr. Specker, IhcI cre efficienI in mcximi:ing Iheir cuIpuI cnc
perfcrmcnce given Iheir re:curce ccn:IrcinI. Ircn:fcrmcIicn mecn: c |ocus on
Irons|ormot|on: Whot does |t meon? : M|n|mum Stondords
UnfcrIuncIe|y, Mr. Specker, ncI c|| :chcc| |eccer:hip cemcn:IrcIe: Ihe |eve| cf
efficiency cnc iniIicIive ju:I menIicnec. Mcny cf cur ecuccIicnc| in:IiIuIicn: cre
cpercIing Le|cw efficienI |eve|:, :c Lefcre we :IcrI Ic Ihrcw mcre mcney cI cur
|cw perfcrmcnce prcL|em: we neec Ic en:ure IhcI we cre geIIing Ihe Le:I
A Irons|ormed Educot|on System Foge 7 o|
33 Contr|but|on to the 2008J200 Sectoro| Debote by Hon. Andrew M Ho|ness MF, M|n|ster o|
Educot|on...Moy 20, 2008

pc::iL|e re:u|I: frcm Ihe mcney which we cre c|reccy :pencing. Ic cchieve Ihi:
efficiency Ihe Mini:Iry cf EcuccIicn neec: Ic :uppcrI cnc empcwer :chcc|
|eccer:hip cI c|| |eve|:. Ihe re:curce mcncgemenI :IrcIegie: cnc cIher Le:I
prccIice: u:ec Ly :ucce::fu| :chcc| |eccer:, in ccciIicn Ic pc|icie: cnc
regu|cIicn: :eI Ly Ihe CenIrc| Mini:Iry, mu:I Le prcpcgcIec :y:Iem-wice. Ic
Icck|e Ihe vcriec perfcrmcnce cmcng:I :chcc|:, cnc Ihe ci:pcrcIe
perfcrmcnce LeIween :chcc|:, minimum :Icnccrc: cf perfcrmcnce mu:I Le
e:IcL|i:hec cnc invigi|cIec.
FecenI|y, c principc| referrec Ic Ihe Chief EcuccIicn Cfficer c new :eI cf mc::
prccucec exerci:e Lcck: inIrccucec inIc Ihe mcrkeI, which ci:p|cyec
:uL:IcnIic||y expc:ec wcmen cn Ihe ccver:. Ihe principc| wc: cLvicu:|y
cffencec cnc ccncernec cLcuI Ihi: expc:ure cnc Ihe :uL|iminc| me::cge:
which iI wc: :encing Ic hi: :IucenI:. Ihe principc| wc: uncerIcin c: Ic whcI
ccIicn :hcu|c Le Icken. McyLe he fecrec IhcI if he cecicec Ic prchiLiI Ihc:e
exerci:e Lcck: he wcu|c fcce Ihe ire cf pcrenI: whc ccu|c ncI cffcrc c new :eI
cf exerci:e Lcck:. Ihi: principc| mcy Le c gccc |eccer LuI fee|: he i: in c weck
circum:Icnce cnc neec: Ihe :uppcrI cf Ihe Mini:Iry Ic guice cnc |egiIimi:e hi:
ccIicn:. ln c :eccnc :cencric, cncIher principc| fccec wiIh Ihe :cme
circum:Icnce, mcy ncI :ee Ihe exerci:e Lcck: c: c ccu:e fcr ccncern cr c
mcIIer ce:erving hi: cIIenIicn, Iherefcre, nc ccIicn i: Icken. SIi||, in c Ihirc
:cencric, cncIher principc| mcy cecice immecicIe|y IhcI Ihe:e exerci:e Lcck:
cre ncI cpprcpricIe fcr hi:/her :chcc| cnc prchiLiI Ihem wiIhcuI reference Ic
Ihe Mini:Iry. Ihi: wcu|c Le c :Ircng principc| whc wc: ccnficenI in Ihe :uppcrI
cf Ihe pcrenI:, Ihe ccmmuniIy cnc Ihe :chcc| Lccrc. ln Ihe Ihree :cencric: l
pre:enIec, Ihere wcu|c Le Iwc cuIccme:, in :cencric cne cnc Iwc,
incpprcpricIe Lcck: wcu|c Le c||cwec in :chcc|, whi|e in :cencric Ihree Ihey
wcu|c ncI Le c||cwec. SIucenI: in Ihe ecuccIicn :y:Iem wcu|c hcve Iwc
cifferenI ecuccIicn experience: cnc cuIccme:.
ln Ircn:fcrming Ihe ecuccIicn :y:Iem we mu:I en:ure IhcI minimum :Icnccrc:
cre :eI :c IhcI :Ircng :chcc| |eccer:hip, c: in Ihe fir:I :cencric i: prcper|y guicec
Ly Ihe e:IcL|i:hmenI cf minimum :Icnccrc: cnc :uppcrIec in Iheir ccIicn: Ic
imp|emenI Ihe :Icnccrc: Ly Ihe imprimcIur cf Ihe Mini:Iry cf EcuccIicn. ln Ihe
:eccnc :cencric, Ihe :chcc| |eccer:hip wcu|c Le he|c ccccunIcL|e cgcin:I Ihe
e:IcL|i:hec minimum :Icnccrc cnc Ihe uc|iIy cf Ihe ecuccIicnc| experience
cnc cuIccme wcu|c ncI Le :c cepencenI cn Ihe jucgmenI cnc iniIicIive cf Ihe
:chcc| |eccer:hip. Mr. Specker Ircn:fcrmcIicn mecn: sett|ng ond mon|tor|ng
m|n|mum stondords.
A Irons|ormed Educot|on System Foge 8 o|
33 Contr|but|on to the 2008J200 Sectoro| Debote by Hon. Andrew M Ho|ness MF, M|n|ster o|
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Irons|ormot|on: Whot does |t meon? : Constont|y Improv|ng Stondords
SeIIing minimum :Icnccrc: wi|| :Icnccrci:e Ihe ecuccIicn experience, LuI
imprcving perfcrmcnce reuire: c ccn:IcnI prcce:: cf rci:ing :Icnccrc: cnc
chc||enging :chcc| |eccer: Ic cIIcin Ihem. Mr. Specker Ircn:fcrmcIicn
mecn: IhcI everycne in Ihe ecuccIicn :y:Iem frcm :IucenI: Ic Ieccher: Ic
principc|: Ic pcrenI: wi|| Le ccn:IcnI|y chc||engec Ic |mprove Iheir stondords
ond per|ormonce.
Irons|ormot|on: Whot does |t meon? : Doto Dr|ven
/ fecIure cf Ircn:fcrmcIicn i: IhcI iI mu:I Le mec:urecL|e. Ic ccn:IcnI|y
chc||enge |eccer: Ic imprcve perfcrmcnce we mu:I ccIive|y mec:ure
perfcrmcnce Ic ceIermine crec: cf neecec imprcvemenI. Ihe Ircn:fcrmec
:y:Iem wi|| Le ccIc criven. IhrcughcuI Ihe :y:Iem ccIc wi|| Le ccn:IcnI|y
cc||ecIec, cc||cIec, cnc cnc|y:ec. DcIc wi|| crive pc|icy, infcrm incenIive
:IrucIure:, c::i:I in gcc| :eIIing cnc prcvice cn incex cf exccI|y where we cre in
ecuccIicn. Mr. Specker, Ircn:fcrmcIicn mecn: doto.
Irons|ormot|on: Whot does |t meon? : Leorner Centered Serv|ce
Ihe Ircn:fcrmec ecuccIicn :y:Iem wi|| Le |ecrner-cenIerec. Ihe purpc:e cf
Ircn:fcrming Ihe ecuccIicn :y:Iem i: Ic prccuce LeIIer Jcmciccn:. Ihe
Ircn:fcrmec ecuccIicn :y:Iem mu:I Le righI:-Lc:ec: in Ihi: ccunIry ecuccIicn i:
ncI c righI. We cre ncw ccnIemp|cIing exp|iciI|y mcking primcry ecuccIicn c
righI in Ihe prcpc:ec 8i|| cf FighI:. Uncer Ihe Ircn:fcrmec :y:Iem Ihe SIcIe wi||
hcve cn cL|igcIicn Ic prcvice every Jcmciccn wiIh c :eccnccry ecuccIicn up
Ic Iheir 18
LirIhccy. Uncer Ihe Ircn:fcrmec :y:Iem ecuccIicn wi|| ncI Le
cpIicnc|, iI wi|| Le ccmpu|:cry. lI wi|| ncI Le c privi|ege, iI wi|| Le IrecIec c: c
righI, cnc Ihe educot|on system w||| be geored to towords serv|ng the needs o|
the |eorner.
How w||| we och|eve occounfob|||fy, sfrong |eodersh|p, eff|c|ency,
sfondord|sof|on, cons|sfenf |mprovemenf |n performonce, ond serv|ce
or|enfof|on |n fhe fronsformed sysfem
Irons|ormot|on through Modern|sot|on
Mr. Specker, Ihe Fuc||c Sectc| /cce|n|:ct|cn V|:|cn cnc St|ctegy 2002-20!2 wc:
IcL|ec in Fcr|icmenI in SepIemLer 2002, cuI|ining Ihe imp|emenIcIicn cf c
prcgrcmme - FuL|ic SecIcr Fefcrm / Mccerni:cIicn. Ihe refcrm prcgrcmme wc:
Ic Le imp|emenIec uncer fcur Lrccc heccing::-
Cu:Icmer Service / Service De|ivery cnc Ihe E:IcL|i:hmenI cf
Ferfcrmcnce 8c:ec ln:IiIuIicn:
Fe:curce McncgemenI /cccunIcLi|iIy, Fc|icy Deve|cpmenI cnc
CcrpcrcIe F|cnning
A Irons|ormed Educot|on System Foge o|
33 Contr|but|on to the 2008J200 Sectoro| Debote by Hon. Andrew M Ho|ness MF, M|n|ster o|
Educot|on...Moy 20, 2008

Humcn Fe:curce cnc Chcnge McncgemenI
lnfcrmcIicn cnc CcmmuniccIicn Iechnc|cgy

Ihe Mini:Iry cf EcuccIicn wc: cne cf Ihe :e|ecIec mini:Irie: in Ihe puL|ic :ecIcr
IhcI wc: :|cIec Ic Le mccerni:ec/refcrmec c|cng Ihe |ine: cf c Ferfcrmcnce
8c:ec ln:IiIuIicn {F8l). Uncer Ihe mccerni:cIicn prcgrcmme, Ihe cepcrImenI:,
uniI: cnc :cme :uLjecI crec: wi|| Le ceve|cpec inIc cecenIrc|i:ec in:IiIuIicn:
which wi|| Icke Ihe fcrm cf execuIive cgencie: cr cpercIe uncer Ihe princip|e:
cf execuIive cgencie: Ihcugh ncI nece::cri|y hcving Ihe |egc| icenIiIy cf
execuIive cgencie:. Ihe mccerni:ec :IrucIure wi|| mecn IhcI Ihe Mini:Iry cf
EcuccIicn wi|| Le refccu:ec Icwcrc:: pc|icy ceve|cpmenI, :IrcIegic p|cnning,
cnc mcncgemenI cf cuIpuI: cnc cuIccme: ce|iverec Ly Ihe F8l: / execuIive
enIiIie: wiIhin Ihe ecuccIicn pcrIfc|ic. Ihe Ircn:fcrmcIicn cf cepcrImenI:,
civi:icn: cnc cgencie: inIc Ferfcrmcnce 8c:ec ln:IiIuIicn: {F8l:), e::enIic||y
mecn: Ihe:e new cgencie: wi|| ncI Le c pcrI cf Ihe regu|cr civi| :ervice ce:ign.
Emp|cyee: wi|| hcve perfcrmcnce-Lc:ec ccnIrccI: cnc Ihi: :hcu|c mecn mcre
efficienI cnc effecIive ce|ivery cf :ervice:, :Icnccrci:ec cuIpuI: cnc imprcvec
|eve|: cf perfcrmcnce.

New Inst|tut|ons thot w||| Irons|orm the Educot|on System
Mr. Specker, Ihe prcce:: cf mccerni:ing Ihe Mini:Iry cf EcuccIicn wi|| prcvice
Ihe frcmewcrk in which Ihe Ircn:fcrmec ecuccIicn :y:Iem i: gcvernec. /: :cic
Lefcre, cn EcuccIicn Ic:k Fcrce wc: e:IcL|i:hec Ic :ynchrcni:e Ihe mcny
Ircn:fcrmcIicn ccIiviIie:. Ircn:fcrmcIicn ccIiviIie: were civicec inIc :ix wcrk-
Mccerni:cIicn cf Ihe Mini:Iry
Schcc|: Fcci|iIie: cnc lnfrc:IrucIure
Curricu|um, Iecching cnc Lecrning
8ehcvicur Chcnge cnc CcmmuniIy
Schcc| Leccer:hip cnc McncgemenI
CcmmuniccIicn: cnc SIckehc|cer Fe|cIicn:
Ihe mcin e|emenI: cf Ihe mccernizcIicn prcgrcmme cre:-
Ihe crecIicn cf five Fegicnc| EcuccIicn /uIhcriIie: {FE/:), wiIh grecIer
cuIcncmy cnc c much :Ircnger fccu: cn imprcving :chcc|:
Ihe crecIicn cf five new cgencie: Ic fccu: cn Ihe mcin criver: cf
Ircn:fcrmcIicn: imprcving mcniIcring, ccccunIcLi|iIy cnc uc|iIy
c::urcnce: curricu|um cnc c::e::menI: cnc Ircn:fcrming Ihe Iecching
prcfe::icn. Ihe new cgencie: wi|| Le:-
o Ihe NcIicnc| EcuccIicn ln:pecIcrcIe
o Ihe Curricu|um cnc /::e::menI /gency
o Ihe Jcmciccn Iecching Ccunci|
o NcIicnc| EcuccIicn Iru:I
o Jcmcicc EcuccIicnc| Leccer:hip /cccemy
A Irons|ormed Educot|on System Foge 10 o|
33 Contr|but|on to the 2008J200 Sectoro| Debote by Hon. Andrew M Ho|ness MF, M|n|ster o|
Educot|on...Moy 20, 2008

/ :mc||er cenIrc| Mini:Iry fccu:ec cn pc|icy cnc :IrcIegy cnc ncI
encumLerec Ly ccy-Ic-ccy cpercIicnc| mcIIer:

Mr Specker, Ircn:fcrming Ihe ecuccIicn :y:Iem i: c mcmmcIh Ic:k cnc given
Ihe fincncic| cnc humcn re:curce ccn:IrcinI: we wi|| ncI Le cL|e Ic cc
everyIhing c|| cI cnce. We hcve Iherefcre :eI pricriIie:. Ihe e:IcL|i:hmenI cf Ihe
Jcmcicc Iecching Ccunci| cnc Ihe NcIicnc| EcuccIicn ln:pecIcrcIe {NEl) cre
:eI fcr imp|emenIcIicn Ihi: yecr. Ihe FE/: cre pcrIicu|cr|y ccmp|ex cnc wi||
invc|ve humcn re:curce cnc infrc:IrucIure chcnge: IhcI hcve Ic Le prcper|y
p|cnnec cnc mcncgec. Ihe EII Iherefcre wi|| fir:I fccu: cn Ihe imp|emenIcIicn
cf cne FE/ Ic Le ccne pcrc||e| Ic Ihe imp|emenIcIicn cf Ihe NcIicnc| EcuccIicn
ln:pecIcrcIe. lI wi|| Le u:ec c: c pi|cI IhcI wi|| guice Ihe phc:ec
imp|emenIcIicn cf Ihe cIher FE/:.

Ihe NcIicnc| EcuccIicn Iru:I i: c new prcpc:iIicn Ic Ihe mccerni:cIicn
frcmewcrk LuI iI i: ccn:icerec c pricriIy cnc wi|| Le imp|emenIec ecr|y nexI
yecr. Ihe crecIicn cf c :mc||er pc|icy mini:Iry i: enIire|y cepencenI cn Ihe pcce
cf Ihe e:IcL|i:hmenI cf Ihe new /gencie: cnc FE/:, c: Ihey cre ceve|cpec, Ihe
Mini:Iry wi|| ce|egcIe funcIicn: cr hcnc-cver cuIie: ccmp|eIe|y. Ihe Curricu|um
cnc /::e::menI /gency i: ncI ccn:icerec c pricriIy fcr immecicIe
imp|emenIcIicn cI Ihi: Iime.

Ihe Jcmcicc EcuccIicnc| Leccer:hip /cccemy {JEL/) wi|| ceve|cp |eccer:hip
Ircining, fccu:ing cn ccmpeIencie: cnc incivicuc| ceve|cpmenI fcr Jcmcicc:
:chcc| |eccer:. lI i: prcpc:ec Ic e:IcL|i:h c ncIicnc| prcfe::icnc| uc|ificcIicn fcr
principc|: which wi|| Leccme c prereui:iIe fcr cppcinImenI c: c principc|.
Jcmcicc EcuccIicnc| Leccer:hip /cccemy {JEL/) wi|| ceve|cp cnc cver:ee Ihe
ce|ivery cf Ihe ccur:e |eccing Ic Ihe ncIicnc| uc|ificcIicn. Ihi: cgency i: ncI
:|cIec Ic Le e:IcL|i:hec in Ihe currenI phc:e.

Ihe fir:I :Icge cf imp|emenIcIicn hc: Leen ccmp|eIec fcr Ihe FE/: cnc c|| new
pricriIi:ec cgencie: excepI Ihe NEI. DeIci|ec cccumenIcIicn cf Iheir prcpc:ec
cpercIicn cnc Ierm: cf reference hcve Leen prepcrec/cr cre Leing prepcrec.

Ihe:e inc|uce:-
Scheme: cf mcncgemenI fcr Ihe new cgencie:
SIcffing :IrucIure: cnc jcL ce:cripIicn:
Mecium Ierm fincnce p|cn:
Key perfcrmcnce inciccIcr: fcr Ihe mccerni:ec Lccie:
Ferfcrmcnce cgreemenI: fcr Ihe CEC:
FeccmmenccIicn: fcr ccn:euenIic| cmencmenI: Ic Ihe |egi:|cIive
frcmewcrk fcr Ihe new Lccie:

A Irons|ormed Educot|on System Foge 11 o|
33 Contr|but|on to the 2008J200 Sectoro| Debote by Hon. Andrew M Ho|ness MF, M|n|ster o|
Educot|on...Moy 20, 2008

LeI me Icke :cme Iime exp|cin Ihe new in:IiIuIicn: IhcI wi|| ce|iver
Ihe Jomo|con Ieoch|ng Counc||
Mr. Specker, recenI|y l gcI c ncIe frcm :cmecne whc wc: ci:Ire::ec Ly c recenI
incicenI where Ieccher: where :hcwn cn c new: repcrI cemcn:IrcIing. Ihe
ncIe recc:
/|n|:te|. |: tne|e nctn|ng ycu ccn cc tc penc||:e tnc:e teccne|: wnc
we|e :een cencn:t|ct|ng cn te|ev|:|cn Ccu|cn't tnct ce t|ectec c:
p|c|e::|cnc| n|:ccncuct cnc ce tne cc:|: |c| tne|| c|:n|::c| | wc: c
teccne| cnc |t wc: |nccnce|vcc|e tnct cny teccne| cu||ng ny :t|nt |n tne
c|c::|ccn wcu|c cencve |n tnct ncnne|. eccne|: c|e ce:t|cy|ng tne||
p|c|e::|cn cnc ycu nu:t cct qu|ck|y tc nc|t tn|: wc||y|ng t|enc. eccne|:
c|e nc|e tncn u:t |n:t|uctc|: |n tne c|c::|ccn. tney c|e |c|e ncce|: |n tne
:cc|ety. || tn|: |: c||cwec tc ccnt|nue |t w||| ceccne nc|e c||||cu|t |c|
teccne|: tc |ecc :tucent: c: tney wcu|c ncve |c:t c|| nc|c| cutnc||ty.
F|ec:e /|n|:te|. tne :|tuct|cn |: u|gent.
Ihere i: c prcce:: uncer Ihe Ieccher Service: Ccmmi::icn where
unprcfe::icnc| ccncucI ccu|c Le IrecIec, hcwever, cn|y Ieccher: regi:Ierec
wiIh Ihe Ieccher Service: Ccmmi::icn wcu|c fc|| uncer iI: purview. Ihe
:chcc| Lccrc ccu|c Icke ccIicn Ic reprimcnc Ihc:e Ieccher: LuI Iheir ccIicn
ccu|c Le rencerec ineffecIive Ly Ihe Iecicu: prcce::e: invc|vec.
Mr. Specker, we hcve cpprcximcIe|y 25,000 Ieccher: cnc Ihey ccccunI fcr
c|c:e Ic 807 cf Ihe ecuccIicn LucgeI. WiIh :uch c |crge Lccy, Iecching in
Jcmcicc i: ncI cn 'crgcni:ec prcfe::icn in Ihe :IricIe:I :en:e. Ihe JI/ hc:
Leen p|cying Ihe rc|e cf c prcfe::icnc| Lccy fcr Ieccher: fcr mcny yecr:.
/nc l wcnI Ic ccmmenc Ihe JI/ fcr Ihe wcrk Ihey hcve Leen ccing in Ihe
crec cf prcfe::icnc| ceve|cpmenI fcr Ieccher:. Hcwever, Ihe primcry rc|e cf
Ihe JI/ i: IhcI cf c unicn. Ihe primcry funcIicn cf c prcfe::icnc| Lccy i: Ic
prcIecI cnc pre:erve Ihe :Icnccrc: cf eIhic:, ccncucI cnc perfcrmcnce cf
Ihc:e iI hc: given c frcnchi:e. lI hc: Ihe cLi|iIy Ic :cy whc i: fiI Ic Le c
memLer cf Ihe prcfe::icn cnc whc i: ncI. lI ccn Icke ci:cip|incry ccIicn:
cgcin:I iI: memLer: inc|ucing wiIhcrcwc| cf Ihe frcnchi:e Ic cpercIe, cnc iI
ccn c|:c :eI :cheme: cf rewcrc cnc reccgniIicn.
Ieccher: neec c prcfe::icnc| Lccy in much Ihe :cme wcy c: ccccunIcnI:
hcve Ihe ln:IiIuIe cf ChcrIerec /cccunIcnI: cf Jcmcicc {lC/J), cnc
Lcwyer: hcve Ihe 8cr /::ccicIicn cnc Ihe Generc| Legc| Ccunci|. l cm
p|ec:ec Ic repcrI Mr. Specker IhcI cne cf Ihe fir:I perfcrmcnce Lc:ec
in:IiIuIicn: IhcI wi|| Le :eI up uncer Ihe mccernizcIicn cf Ihe Mini:Iry cf
EcuccIicn i: Ihe Jcmciccn Iecching Ccunci|. Ihi: new in:IiIuIicn wi|| Le
A Irons|ormed Educot|on System Foge 12 o|
33 Contr|but|on to the 2008J200 Sectoro| Debote by Hon. Andrew M Ho|ness MF, M|n|ster o|
Educot|on...Moy 20, 2008

c|cIhec wiIh Ihe :IcIuIcry pcwer Ic regu|cIe, |icen:e, cnc ccvcccIe fcr Ihe
Iecching prcfe::icn. Ihe JIC i: Lc:ec cn :ucce::fu| inIerncIicnc| mcce|:,
cnc i: Leing e:IcL|i:hec Ic:-
Fci:e Ihe :IcIu: cnc prcfi|e cf Ihe prcfe::icn
Frcvice prcfe::icnc| |eccer:hip fcr Ieccher:
McinIcin cnc enhcnce prcfe::icnc| :Icnccrc:
Fegu|cIe, regi:Ier cnc |icen:e Ihe prcfe::icn
Feview cnc cver:ee ccnciIicn: cf :ervice
/cvi:e cn Ieccher :upp|y, cemcnc, cnc cep|cymenI
Frcvice :IrcIegic cirecIicn cn Ircining cnc prcfe::icnc| ceve|cpmenI

We expecI Ic hcve c Chief ExecuIive Cfficer in p|cce Ly SepIemLer 2008, cnc
Ihi: wcu|c mcrk Ihe fcrmc| e:IcL|i:hmenI cf Ihe JIC. / :cheme cf mcncgemenI
hc: c|reccy Leen ceve|cpec cnc Ihe CEC wi|| Le chcrgec Ic imp|emenI Ihe
:cheme cf mcncgemenI c: iI re|cIe: Ic hiring ccciIicnc| :Icff, icenIifying cffice
:pcce cnc prccuring euipmenI. ln Ihe inIerim Ihe Ieccher: Service:
Ccmmi::icn {ISC) wi|| ccnIinue Ic cpercIe c: Lefcre LuI evenIuc||y iI wi|| p|cy
Ihe rc|e cf Ihe gcverning Lccrc cf Ihe JIC cnc Ihe JIC wi|| ccI c: Ihe execuIing
crm cf Ihe ISC. 8y SepIemLer 200 Ihe JIC :hcu|c Le fu||y cpercIicnc| cnc
reccy Ic regi:Ier, |icen:e cnc regu|cIe c|| Ieccher:.

Ihe Not|ono| Educot|on Inspectorote
Mr. Specker, every yecr Dr. Fc|ph Ihcmp:cn prccuce: c rcnking cf :chcc|: Ly
Iheir CSEC re:u|I: cnc every yecr Ihe ncIicn i: cppc||ec cI Ihe pccr
perfcrmcnce cf cur :chcc|:. Ihe uc|iIy cf cur ecuccIicn prcce:: i: Leing
cc||ec inIc ue:Iicn, c: Ihe re:u|I: wcu|c :ugge:I IhcI :IucenI: cre puI cn c
ccnveycr Le|I cnc nc vc|ue i: cccec Ic Ihem cI Ihe enc cf Ihe prcce::.
Ihe NcIicnc| EcuccIicn ln:pecIcrcIe wi|| Le e:IcL|i:hec c: Ihe uc|iIy ccnIrc|
cnc c::urcnce mechcni:m ccrc:: Ihe ecuccIicn :y:Iem. CurrenI|y c |imiIec
fcrm cf in:pecIicn i: ccne LuI Ihere i: incceucIe fc||cw up frcm in:pecIicn
repcrI: cnc :chcc|: cre ncI he|c ccccunIcL|e fcr imp|emenIing
reccmmenccIicn: cri:ing frcm in:pecIicn:. Ihe NcIicnc| EcuccIicn ln:pecIcrcIe
Frcvice c rigcrcu:, incepencenI evc|ucIicn cf :chcc|: cgcin:I :eI
UncerIcke c ccmprehen:ive prcgrcmme cf in:pecIicn cf Ihc:e
in:IiIuIicn: whc:e wcrk impccI: cn :chcc|: inc|ucing FE/: Ihem:e|ve:
ln:pecI c|| :chcc|: in iI: fir:I Iwc yecr:
McniIcr imprcvemenI: in weck cnc fci|ing :chcc|: cnc en:ure
cpprcpricIe remecic| ccIicn i: Icken
Hc|c FE/: Ic ccccunI fcr en:uring IhcI imprcvemenI: Icke p|cce
A Irons|ormed Educot|on System Foge 13 o|
33 Contr|but|on to the 2008J200 Sectoro| Debote by Hon. Andrew M Ho|ness MF, M|n|ster o|
Educot|on...Moy 20, 2008

FuL|i:h cn cnnuc| repcrI cn Ihe :Icnccrc: cnc uc|iIy cf ecuccIicn in
Jcmcicc: :chcc|:
FuL|i:h in:pecIicn repcrI: in ccccrccnce wiIh Ihe Ierm: cf Ihe /cce::
Ic lnfcrmcIicn /cI
Feccmmenc minimum :Icnccrc: cnc pc|icy iniIicIive: Ic Ihe Mini:Iry cf

Ihe ln:pecIcrcIe wi|| in:i:I cn Ihe very highe:I prcfe::icnc| :Icnccrc: Ly
in:pecIcr:, pcrIicu|cr|y in Ihe rigcrcu: u:e cf evicence cnc ccIc in fcrming
jucgemenI: cnc mcking reccmmenccIicn:. lI wi|| prcvice high uc|iIy ccvice
Ic Fcr|icmenI cnc Ic Ihe Mini:Iry cf EcuccIicn. lI wi|| hcve c cerIcin |eve| cf
incepencence cnc Ihe ln:pecIcr cf Schcc|: i: expecIec Ic Le cn ccvcccIe fcr
:chcc| imprcvemenI. Fcr Ihe fir:I Iime in cur mccern hi:Icry we wi|| Le cL|e Ic
ceIermine exccI|y whcI i: hcppening in cur :chcc|:, hcve c|ecr evc|ucIicn: cn
uncerperfcrmcnce cnc ncnperfcrmcnce cf :chcc| |eccer:hip cI c|| |eve|: Ic
infcrm Ihe prcce:: cf ccccunIcLi|iIy.
Ihe Mini:Iry hc: c|reccy :hcrI|i:Iec per:cn: fcr Ihe pc:I cf Chief ln:pecIcr cf
Schcc|: cnc we expecI Ly SepIemLer 2008 Ic hcve :e|ecIec Ihe Chief
ln:pecIcr. / :cheme cf mcncgemenI hc: c|reccy Leen prepcrec cnc cnce
hirec Ihe Chief ln:pecIcr wi|| Legin Ic imp|emenI Ihe :cheme cf mcncgemenI
c: iI re|cIe: Ic hiring ccciIicnc| :Icff, fincing cffice :pcce cnc euipmenI cnc
prepcring fcr in:pecIicn:. Ihe NcIicnc| ln:pecIcrcIe cf Schcc|: :hcu|c Le
ccncucIing in:pecIicn Ly Ihe |cIe:I SepIemLer 200.
keg|ono| Educot|on Author|t|es [kEAs}
Mr. Specker cne cf Ihe mc:I fcr recching chcnge IhcI wi|| cccur in Ihe
ecuccIicn :y:Iem, i: Ihe cecenIrc|i:cIicn cf Ihe ccy Ic ccy cpercIicn: cf Ihe
Mini:Iry cf EcuccIicn Ic Fegicnc| EcuccIicn /uIhcriIie:. Ihe experience cf cIher
cecenIrc|i:cIicn prcgrcmme: in Jcmcicc hc: ncI Leen cverwhe|ming|y
:ucce::fu|. Irue cevc|uIicn cf cuIhcriIy Ic regicn: i: c |cng Ierm prcce:: cnc wi||
reuire Ihe ccmmiImenI cf Ihe cenIrc| mini:Iry Ic c||cw Ihe regicnc| cuIhcriIie:
Ic :Icnc cn Iheir cwn cnc ceve|cp Ihe reuirec |eccer:hip.

CurrenI|y Ihere cre :ix regicnc| cffice: ccrc:: Jcmcicc IhcI hcve c numLer cf
ccmini:IrcIive re:pcn:iLi|iIie:, LuI nc rec| cuIhcriIy, c: Ihey cre effecIive|y
Lrcnche: cf Ihe cenIrc| mini:Iry. Five new FE/: hcve Leen prcpc:ec IhcI c|ign
wiIh pcri:he: cnc wi|| encL|e grecIer :ynergy LeIween |ccc| gcvernmenI, hec|Ih
cnc cIher cgencie: whc:e wcrk :uppcrI: Ihe ecuccIicn cnc we|fcre cf chi|cren
cnc ycung pecp|e. Ihe new FE/: wi|| Le chcrgec wiIh:
lmp|emenIing Ihe pc|icie: cnc minimum :Icnccrc: :eI Ly Ihe cenIrc|
lmp|emenIing Ihe reccmmenccIicn cnc cirecIive: frcm Ihe NEl
regcrcing fincing: frcm :chcc| in:pecIicn:
A Irons|ormed Educot|on System Foge 14 o|
33 Contr|but|on to the 2008J200 Sectoro| Debote by Hon. Andrew M Ho|ness MF, M|n|ster o|
Educot|on...Moy 20, 2008

CcnIinuc||y chc||enging cnc rci:ing ecuccIicnc| :Icnccrc: cnc
imprcve Ihe uc|iIy cf ecuccIicn
lncrec:ing pcrIicipcIicn in ecuccIicn, Ircining cnc |ife|cng |ecrning
Frcvice c :Ircng frcmewcrk fcr rigcrcu: perfcrmcnce mcncgemenI
EncL|e grecIer pcrIicipcIicn Ly pcrenI: cnc ccmmuniIie:
Fc:Ier c|c:er wcrking re|cIicn:hip: wiIh cIher :ecIcr: cnc cgencie: IhcI
impccI cn Ihe ceve|cpmenI cf cur |ecrner:.

Ihe mcin funcIicn cf Ihe FE/: wi|| Le :chcc| imprcvemenI. ln fccI, Ihe pc:iIicn
cf Ihe EcuccIicn Cfficer wi|| Le recefinec c: c Schcc| lmprcvemenI Cfficer.
Ihe:e cfficer: wi|| fccu: re|enI|e::|y cn imprcving Ihe mcncgemenI cf :chcc|:
Ihrcugh mcniIcring, chc||enging cnc :uppcrIing, cnc :eIIing cnc reviewing
IcrgeI: fcr imprcvemenI. Ihey wi|| Le :uppcrIec Ly experI: in curricu|um cnc
c::e::menI, Iecching cnc |ecrning cnc :pecic| ecuccIicn cnc Ly Iecm:
:pecic|i:ing in Lehcvicur, cIIenccnce cnc chi|c we|fcre i::ue:. Ihe FE/: wi|| c|:c
hcve Ihe :pecific funcIicn cf engencering cnc prcmcIing ccmmuniIy cnc
:Ickehc|cer invc|vemenI in Ihe ecuccIicn prcce::.
Mr. Specker, iI i: impcrIcnI Ic uncer:Icnc in princip|e IhcI Ihe FE/: wi|| Le Ihe
|c:I pcinI cf ceci:icn cr cppec| cn cpercIicnc| mcIIer:. FE/: cre expecIec Ic
ccI c: Ihe finc| cuIhcriIy cn cpercIicnc| cnc ccmini:IrcIive mcIIer: fcr Ihe crec:
cnc funcIicn: cevc|vec Ic Ihem. Fcr FE/: Ic Le effecIive, Ihe NcIicn mu:I
uncer:Icnc IhcI prcvi:icn cf Ihe 'ecuccIicn :ervice i: ncw ccn:icerec c |ccc|
funcIicn cnc Ihere i: c |ccc|/regicnc| cgency wiIh finc| cuIhcriIy cnc
re:pcn:iLi|iIy fcr Ihe uc|iIy cf :ervice. Ihi: wi|| reuire c minc:eI chcnge. Icc
cfIen, when Ihere i: c cri:i: in :chcc|:, Ihe cc|| gce: cuI fcr Ihe Mini:Ier cf
EcuccIicn Ic inIervene. Ihe Mini:Ier cnc Ihe Mini:Iry finc Ihem:e|ve: uncer
pc|iIicc| pre::ure Ic re:pcnc Ic c |ccc| cri:i:. Mr. Specker, iI i: ncI pc::iL|e cr
prucenI fcr Ihe Mini:Ier cr Ihe cenIrc| mini:Iry Ic :penc Iheir Iime puIIing cuI |iII|e
fire: whi|e igncring Ihe Lig pc|icy picIure. Uncer Ihe cecenIrc|i:ec :IrucIure cf
Ircn:fcrmcIicn, Ihe FE/: mu:I Le cL|e Ic re:pcnc Ic |ccc| cri:e:. Iherefcre, iI i:
impcrIcnI IhcI FE/: cre c|ignec cnc inIerfccec wiIh |ccc| gcvernmenI Lccie:
Ic cchieve mcximum ccccunIcLi|iIy.
Mr. Specker, Ihe Mini:Iry i: currenI|y inIerviewing fcr CEC: cf Ihe FE/: cnc Ihe
prcce:: i: cngcing. We expecI Ic hcve cI |ec:I cne FE/ funcIicnc| Ly
SepIemLer 200.
A New Fo||cy M|n|stry
Ihe funcIicn cf Ihe new Mini:Iry cf EcuccIicn wi|| Le Ic :eI cnc mcniIcr minimum
:Icnccrc:, ceve|cp effecIive cnc cpprcpricIe pc|icie: cnc mcniIcr cnc
evc|ucIe Ihe perfcrmcnce cf Ihe ecuccIicn :y:Iem. When Ihe mccerni:cIicn
prcce:: i: ccmp|eIe, Ihe Mini:Iry wi|| Le |ecner, mcre fccu:ec cnc wi|| ncI
A Irons|ormed Educot|on System Foge 15 o|
33 Contr|but|on to the 2008J200 Sectoro| Debote by Hon. Andrew M Ho|ness MF, M|n|ster o|
Educot|on...Moy 20, 2008

engcge in Ihe fu|| rcnge cf cpercIicnc| ccIiviIie: IhcI ccn ci:IrccI frcm :IrcIegic
ceve|cpmenI cnc inncvcIicn. lI: mcin funcIicn: wi|| Le Ic:
Frcvice :ecIcr |eccer:hip
/cvi:e Ihe mini:Ier
Deve|cp pc|icy cnc :uppcrI iI: imp|emenIcIicn
Deve|cp ccherenI :ecIcr :IrcIegie:
Deve|cp cnc mcniIcr perfcrmcnce :Icnccrc: fcr Ihe ecuccIicn :y:Iem
/||cccIe funcing euiIcL|y cnc Ircn:pcrenI|y Ic FE/: cnc cIher
:uppcrIing Lccie:
Hc|c ecuccIicn |eccer: cI c|| |eve|: ccccunIcL|e fcr Iheir ccIicn:,
cuIpuI cnc perfcrmcnce.

Ihe new MCE wi|| Le Ihe criving fcrce cnc Lrcin cf Ihe Ircn:fcrmec ecuccIicn
:y:Iem. lI: u|IimcIe rc|e i: Ic mcke :ure IhcI c|| cIher cgencie: cc Iheir jcL.

Not|ono| Educot|on Irust

Mr. Specker, Ihe infrc:IrucIure reuiremenI: Ic :uppcrI c Ircn:fcrmec ecuccIicn
:y:Iem i: cverwhe|ming. Ihere cre 11 :chcc|: cn :hifI. CurrenI|y, iI i: e:IimcIec
IhcI iI wcu|c reuire cpprcximcIe|y IhirIy new :chcc|: cnc IhirIy c|c::rccm: cnc
cIher fcci|iIie: cI cn e:IimcIec cc:I cf US$185M Ic remcve Ihe 45 :eccnccry
:chcc|: frcm Ihe :hifI :y:Iem. Ic remcve Ihe primcry |eve| :chcc|: frcm Ihe :hifI
:y:Iem wcu|c reuire cn e:IimcIec 22 new :chcc|: cnc :cme 0 c|c::rccm: cI
cn cpprcximcIe cc:I cf U$122m. Ihe:e figure: cc ncI inc|uce Ihe cIher :chcc|:
cnc ecuccIicn in:IiIuIicn: we wi|| neec Ic Lui|c Ic prcvice ccce:: Ic every Jcmciccn
chi|c cI cn cvercge Ieccher-pupi| rcIic cf 1:30.

Mr. Specker, Ihe criginc| Ircn:fcrmcIicn p|cn cic ncI ccnIemp|cIe c fcrmc| in:IiIuIicnc|
:IrucIure Ic cec| wiIh infrc:IrucIure ceve|cpmenI. Whi|e Ihe mcinIencnce funcIicn cf
Iob|e 1: Schoo|s on










NumLer cf ShifI Schcc|: 28 34 45 11
NumLer cf Schcc|: 543 13 87 14 57
7 cf IcIc| Schcc|: 5.27 5.57 3.17 27.47 12.12%
Enrc|menI in ShifI
Schcc|: 3,33 5,848 35,05 74,313 155,15
A Irons|ormed Educot|on System Foge 1 o|
33 Contr|but|on to the 2008J200 Sectoro| Debote by Hon. Andrew M Ho|ness MF, M|n|ster o|
Educot|on...Moy 20, 2008

:chcc| fcci|iIie: wcu|c Le cevc|vec Ic Ihe FE/:, Ihe Lu:ine:: cf Lui|cing :chcc|: wcu|c
ncI Le Le:I mcncgec cn c regicnc| |eve|, neiIher wcu|c iI Le ccmpcIiL|e wiIh c pc|icy
fccu:ec mini:Iry. l Iherefcre prcpc:ec Ihe icec cf Ihe NcIicnc| EcuccIicn Iru:I Ic Le
Ihe in:IiIuIicnc| vehic|e IhcI wcu|c fincnce cnc mcncge ecuccIicn infrc:IrucIure
Mr. Specker, Ihe recurrenI cc||: cn Ihe ecuccIicn LucgeI wi|| c|wcy: Icke
prececence cver ccpiIc| ceve|cpmenI: cnc Ihe ccpiIc| LucgeI i: never
cerIcin. Ihe ccncepI cf Ihe NcIicnc| EcuccIicn Iru:I {NEI) i: Lcrn cuI cf Ihe
neec Ic crecIe c :ecure cnc cerIcin fi:cc| :pcce fcr cngcing |cng-Ierm ccpiIc|
inve:ImenI cnc infrc:IrucIure ceve|cpmenI in ecuccIicn.
Ihe mcin funcIicn: cf Ihe NcIicnc| EcuccIicn Iru:I ccn Le :ummcri:ec c:
o. Mcncge c NcIicnc| EcuccIicn EnccwmenI Func:
b. DirecI cnc cc-crcincIe ncn-fincncic| re:curce, :uch c: vc|unIcry humcn
re:curce:, ccncIec euipmenI, mcIeric| cnc Iechnc|cgy:
c. /cI c: Ihe cgency Ihrcugh which gcvernmenI ccu|c execuIe iI: :IrcIegic
cLjecIive: in ceve|cping cnc mcinIcining Ihe ecuccIicn infrc:IrucIure,
wiIhcuI Leing hcmperec Ly fi:cc| ccn:IrcinI::
d. /cI c: cn cgency IhcI ccu|c inIerfcce wiIh |ccc| cnc inIerncIicnc|
funcing crgcnizcIicn: cn ecuccIicn infrc:IrucIure ceve|cpmenI prcjecI::
e. /cI c: Ihe fccc| pcinI fcr inIerfccing wiIh Ihe Dic:pcrc cn i::ue: cf
ecuccIicn cnc ncIicnc| ceve|cpmenI:
|. Frcvice c creciL|e in:IiIuIicnc| frcmewcrk fcr ccccunIcLi|iIy cnc efficienI
u:e cf ccncIec func:.
g. F|cn cnc execuIe c prcgrcmme cf :chcc| fcci|iIie: ccn:IrucIicn cnc

lI wc: prcpc:ec IhcI Ihe NcIicnc| EcuccIicn Iru:I Le :eI up c: c :IcIuIcry Lccy.
Ihe ccre re:pcn:iLi|iIy cf Ihe NEI wi|| Le Ic :ecure cnc mcncge cn EnccwmenI
Func frcm which ccpiIc| ecuccIicnc| prcjecI: wi|| Le fincncec. Ihe EnccwmenI
Func wcu|c Le :uppcrIec frcm:
Ihe NcIicnc| Ccn:c|iccIec Func
Frcceec: frcm c Cc:inc Icx
Lccc| cnc inIerncIicnc| phi|cnIhrcpy
Lccc| & inIerncIicnc||y :curcec |ccn:
GrcnI: frcm inIerncIicnc| pcrIner:
GrcnI: frcm cIher GcvernmenI prcgrcmme:, :uch c: Ihe CH/SE Func,

Mr. Specker, we hcve ci:cu::ec wiIh Ihe Wcr|c 8cnk iI: engcgemenI in c::i:Iing
u: in e:IcL|i:hing Ihe Iru:I. l IhcughI iI impcrIcnI, Ic hcve Ihe Wcr|c 8cnk
A Irons|ormed Educot|on System Foge 17 o|
33 Contr|but|on to the 2008J200 Sectoro| Debote by Hon. Andrew M Ho|ness MF, M|n|ster o|
Educot|on...Moy 20, 2008

invc|vec in Ihe e:IcL|i:hmenI cf Ihe Iru:I frcm Ihe cuI:eI, :c we ccu|c Lui|c inIc
Ihe Iru:I Ihe :Icnccrc: cf gcverncnce, ccccunIcLi|iIy cnc mcncgemenI
:y:Iem: enccr:ec Ly Ihe 8cnk c: cn inIerncIicnc| funcing cgency. We hcve
:IcrIec pre|imincry wcrk cn Ihe :IrucIure cf Ihe Iru:I cnc Ihe Wcr|c 8cnk hc:
inciccIec iI: wi||ingne:: Ic prcvice Iechnicc| c::i:Icnce cnc func Ihe cpercIicn
cf Ihe Iru:I fcr Ihe fir:I yecr, :uLjecI Ic furIher ci:cu::icn:. We expecI Ic hcve
Ihe NcIicnc| EcuccIicn Iru:I cpercIicnc| Ly June 200.
Mr. Specker, c cefining fecIure cf Ihe Iru:I wi|| Le iI: mi::icn Ic rci:e func: frcm
Ihe Jcmciccn Dic:pcrc. lI wi|| Le Ihe fir:I in:IiIuIicn cf iI: kinc :eI up Ic hcrne::
Ihe phi|cnIhrcpic re:curce: cf Ihe Dic:pcrc cI c ncIicnc| |eve|. ExcepI fcr
remiIIcnce:, we hcve ncI Leen cL|e Ic LenefiI in c :y:IemcIic cnc cccrcincIec
wcy frcm Ihe gcccwi|| cf Jcmciccn: cver:ec: whc wcu|c |ike Ic ccnIriLuIe Ic
Ihe ncIicnc| effcrI in ecuccIicn. Ihe Iru:I wi|| Le ccIive|y :eeking cuI ccncIicn:
frcm Ihe Dic:pcrc Ic Le u:ec cirecI|y Ihe ccn:IrucIicn cf :chcc|, pcrIicu|cr|y fcr
Ihe e|imincIicn cf Ihe :hifI :y:Iem.
Mr. Specker, Ihe GcvernmenI cf Jcmcicc wi|| hcve Ic mcke :ericu: ccnIriLuIicn:
cnc ccmmiImenI Ic Ihe enccwmenI cf Ihe Iru:I cnc in Ihe refcrm cf Ihe Icx
:y:Iem c :ecurec fc||cw cf funcing mu:I Le fcunc. Mr. Specker, whi|e we
prcmcIe Ihe ncIicn IhcI :chcc| |eccer: mu:I mcximi:e Iheir perfcrmcnce cnc
cuIpuI in Ihe :hcrI-run given Iheir infrc:IrucIure ccn:IrcinI:, Ihere ccme: c pcinI
where Ihe cn|y wcy Ic imprcve perfcrmcnce i: Ly imprcving Ihe ccpcciIy cf
ycur infrc:IrucIure. lmprcving Ihe uc|iIy cnc perfcrmcnce cf cur ecuccIicn
:y:Iem in Ihe |cng-run wi|| cepenc cn cur cLi|iIy Ic cccre:: Ihe infrc:IrucIure
Mr. Specker, Ihe grecIe:I ccncern fccing cur ecuccIicn :y:Iem i: Ihe
Lreckccwn cf ci:cip|ine in cur :chcc|. Ihe fc||cwing :IcIemenI i: c|:c Irue. Ihe
grecIe:I ccncern fccing cur ecuccIicn :y:Iem i: Ihe Lreckccwn cf ci:cip|ine in
Ihe :ccieIy. lI i: ine:ccpcL|e IhcI :ccieIy wi|| :hcpe cur :chcc|:, LuI we mu:I
never fcrgeI IhcI :chcc|: hcve c cuIy Ic :hcpe :ccieIy. ln fccI, Ihe puL|ic
ecuccIicn :y:Iem i: Ihe mcin Icc| cf Ihe gcvernmenI in :hcping Ihe :ccieIy.
Every ccy, fcr c|mc:I 8 hcur:, Ihe GcvernmenI hc: in iI: hcnc: Ihe minc: cf
cpprcximcIe|y 700,000 ycung cnc impre::icncL|e Jcmciccn:, Ic mc|c, guice
cnc in:IrucI in crec: cf kncw|ecge, :ki||: cnc cIIiIuce. Ihe cLjecIive cf Ihe
prcce:: i: Ic prccuce: c crecIive cnc prccucIive wcrker fcr Ihe eccncmy, c
|iIercIe, crIicu|cIe, infcrmec, cnc |cw cLicing ciIizen fcr Ihe :ccieIy, c
re:pcn:iL|e, |cving cnc ccring memLer cf Ihe fcmi|y, cnc c humcn Leing whc i:
uncer:Icncing cnc prcIecIive cf hi: envircnmenI. Ihi: prcce:: cf fcrmc| puL|ic
:ccic|i:cIicn i: Leing impccIec Ly :everc| fccIcr: in Ihe exIernc| :chcc|
A Irons|ormed Educot|on System Foge 18 o|
33 Contr|but|on to the 2008J200 Sectoro| Debote by Hon. Andrew M Ho|ness MF, M|n|ster o|
Educot|on...Moy 20, 2008

8ehov|our Monogement: Ihe Mocro-soc|o| Env|ronment: Fom||y ond Forent|ng
Jcmcicc: hi:Icricc| ccnIexI never prcmcIec Ihe evc|uIicn cf c ccmincnI fcmi|y
Iype where Ihe cvercge chi|c LenefiIec frcm hcving LcIh Lic|cgicc| pcrenI:
pre:enI in Ihe hcme. Ihe cL:ence cf Ihe mc|e pcrenI in pcrIicu|cr hc: c
negcIive impccI cn Lehcvicur LcIh cI hcme cnc cI :chcc|. Generc||y, :chcc|:
repcrI IhcI iI i: geIIing increc:ing|y cifficu|I Ic geI pcrenI: Ic pcrIicipcIe in Ihe
ecuccIicn cf Iheir chi|cren. Ihe noncooperot|on o| some porents, pcrIicu|cr|y
Ihc:e pcrenI: cf ci:rupIive chi|cren ccnIriLuIe Ic Ihe ineffecIivene:: cf :cme
:chcc|: in mcncging ci:rupIive Lehcvicur.

8ehov|our Monogement: Ihe Mocro-soc|o| Env|ronment: V|o|ence
Mr. Specker, cur :ccieIy i: grcwing in:en:iIive Ic vic|ence. ln fccI, v|o|ence |s
becom|ng o noturo| response to reso|v|ng con|||cts. Vic|ence i: :uppcrIec cnc
prcmcIec in cur pcpu|cr mu:ic cnc cu|Iure. Vic|enI ccnIenI i: ec:i|y ccce::ec
cnc ci:IriLuIec in cur mecic. Mr. Specker, |ecrning ccnncI Icke p|cce in c
vic|enI :chcc| envircnmenI, cr in c vic|enI hcme, cr in c vic|enI ccmmuniIy.
Schcc|: cre fincing iI increc:ing|y cifficu|I Ic ccpe wiIh Ihe |eve|: cf vic|ence
ci:p|cyec Ly :IucenI:, pcrenI:, ccmmuniIy memLer: cnc :cme in:IrucIicnc|

8ehov|our Monogement: Ihe Mocro-soc|o| Env|ronment: Genero| Deter|orot|on
o| Vo|ues
Mr. Specker Ihe deter|orot|on o| vo|ues ond the eros|on o| stondords in Ihe
:ccieIy hc: c|:c impccIec negcIive|y cn Ihe Lehcvicur cf cur chi|cren. Ihere i:
c grcwing cccepIcnce cf meciccriIy. lI i: nc |cnger Ihe :Icnccrc in Ihe :ccieIy
Ic chc||enge cur chi|cren Ic cc Iheir Le:I in c|| Ihing:. EcuccIicn hc: |c:I iI:
vc|ue Ic mcny cf cur ycung. Lcck cf :e|f-e:Ieem i: cI Ihe rccI cf much cf Ihe
Lehcvicurc| prcL|em: Leing ci:p|cyec in Ihe :chcc|:.
8ehov|our Monogement: Ihe Mocro-soc|o| Env|ronment: In|ormot|on Age
Mr. Specker, cne cf Ihe mc:I ccmmcn |cmenI: l hecr, i: IhcI Ihi: genercIicn i:
cifferenI frcm Ihe genercIicn IhcI wenI Lefcre. ln mcny wcy: Ihi: i: Irue.
Jcmcicc i: ncw irrever:iL|e in Ihe In|ormot|on Age. IwenIy yecr: cgc, ccL|e IV,
:cIe||iIe receiver:, cnc vicec-p|cyer: were ncI wice:precc in Jcmcicc. We hcc
cne Ie|evi:icn :IcIicn cnc Iwc rccic :IcIicn:. Ihere wc: nc lnIerneI, cnc
gcvernmenI :Ii|| reIcinec c mec:ure cf ccnIrc| cver Ihe Lrccccc:I mecic. Nc
ccuLI Ihere were Lehcvicur i::ue: in :chcc|: Ihen, LuI Ihey rcre|y gcI repcrIec.
Icccy, we hcve cn exp|c:icn in mecic, we hcve Ihe lnIerneI cnc we hcve
per:cnc| mcLi|e phcne: IhcI ccn Lrccccc:I ccnIenI Ic Ihe lnIerneI. Never
Lefcre hc: cny genercIicn cf chi|cren Leen expc:ec Ic Ihi: much vc|ume cf
infcrmcIicn, :cme cf which i: ecifying LuI :cme cf Ihe ccnIenI cvci|cL|e i:
unwhc|e:cme cnc perver:e. Ihi: exp|c:icn cf infcrmcIicn which prcvice:
c|IerncIe per:pecIive: Ic whcI i: IrcciIicnc||y he|c c: Ihe ncrm, chcnge: Ihe
A Irons|ormed Educot|on System Foge 1 o|
33 Contr|but|on to the 2008J200 Sectoro| Debote by Hon. Andrew M Ho|ness MF, M|n|ster o|
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pcwer :IrucIure cf :ccic| re|cIicn:hip:. SIucenI: cre Leing expc:ec very ecr|y Ic
infcrmcIicn cLcve Iheir mcIuriIy |eve| wiIhcuI guiccnce, fi|Ier cnc ccnIexI, cnc
Ihi: cffecI: hcw Ihey Ihink cnc Lehcve re|cIive Ic whcI we cccepI c: Ihe ncrm.
Mr. Specker if ycu puI c|| Ihe:e exIernc| mccrc-:ccic| fccIcr: IcgeIher we Legin
Ic uncer:Icnc Ihe ccmp|ex cnc cifficu|I :iIucIicn fccec Ly Ihe puL|ic ecuccIicn
:y:Iem. Fcr mcny cf cur :IucenI:, whcI we Iecch in Ihe ecuccIicn :y:Iem i:
Leing chc||engec cnc erc:ec c: :ccn c: Ihey |ecve Ihe :chcc|. Ihere i: nc
pcrc||e| reinfcrcemenI in Ihe hcme cf whcI i: IcughI in Ihe :chcc|. Ihe mccrc
:ccic| fccIcr: l hcve cuI|inec run ccunIer Ic Ihe fcrmc| ecuccIicn :y:Iem. SIi||
we ccnncI Ihrcw cur hcnc: in Ihe cir he|p|e::|y. We mu:I Icck|e Ihe prcL|em nc
mcIIer hcw cverwhe|ming iI mcy :eem.
8ehov|our Monogement: Stroteg|c kesponses: Mu|t|-sectoro| kesponses
SIrcIegicc||y, Ihe gcvernmenI hc: Ic Icke c mu|Ii-:ecIcrc| cpprccch Ic Ihe
prcL|em. Ihe :c|uIicn cce: ncI |ie in cne mini:Iry cr even wiIh Ihe gcvernmenI
c|cne. /|| Jcmciccn: mu:I rec|ize IhcI cur :ccieIy i: cI ri:k cf Leccming, nc:Iy
cnc LruIi:h", if we cc ncI ccI ncw.
Mr. Specker Ihe Frime Mini:Ier wi|| :ccn |cunch c prcgrcmme Ic cccre:: fcmi|y
|ife cnc, vc|ue: cnc cIIiIuce:. ln fighIing crime cnc cec|ing wiIh vic|enI
ccmmuniIie: Ihe Frime Mini:Ier hc: puI IcgeIher c mu|Ii-cgency ccmmiIIee Ic
c::i:I |cw enfcrcemenI effcrI: Ly cccrcincIing Ihe ce|ivery cf :ccic| :ervice: cnc
cmeniIie: Ic ccmmuniIie: IrcuL|ec wiIh crime cnc vic|ence.
8ehov|our Monogement: Stroteg|c kesponses: Not|ono| Forent|ng Support
l hcve Leen cn reccrc cc||ing fcr grecIer ccccunIcLi|iIy fcr pcrenI:. Mr.
Specker, we uncer:Icnc Ihe cifficu|I cnc :Ire::fu| Iime: in which we |ive, cnc we
uncer:Icnc Ihe eccncmic hcrc:hip fccec Ly cur pecp|e, hcwever, we ccnncI
cccepI IhcI c: cn excu:e fcr pccr pcrenIing. Irying eccncmic cnc :ccic|
circum:Icnce: mcy Le c rec:cn fcr pccr pcrenIing LuI iI cce: ncI re|ieve
pcrenI: cf Iheir pcrenIc| re:pcn:iLi|iIy. Fcr Icc |cng Ihe :IcIe hc: :een pcrenIing
c: c privcIe funcIicn. Hcwever, Ihere cre negcIive exIernc| ccn:euence: Ic
Ihe puL|ic frcm Ihe privcIe ccIicn: cf pccr pcrenIing. Mr. Specker recenI|y c
mcIher Ic|c me IhcI her :even yecr c|c ccme hcme cne ccy u:ing c cerIcin
cur:e wcrc repecIec|y. Ihe mcIher fcunc iI :urpri:ing IhcI her chi|c wcu|c hcve
pickec up IhcI wcrc, Leccu:e c: c pcrenI :he wc: very ccrefu| cLcuI expc:ing
her ycung chi|c Ic cur:e wcrc:. Ccncernec, :he enuirec cnc fcunc cuI frcm
her ccughIer IhcI c c|c::mcIe cI her prep :chcc| wc: u:ing Ihe wcrc Ic
ce:criLe everyIhing. Ihe mcIher c|erIec Ihe Ieccher Ihe nexI ccy. Ihe Ieccher
fcunc cuI IhcI Ihe c|c::mcIe pickec up Ihe wcrc frcm wcIching cn ccu|I
ccmecy :pecic| cn c |cIe nighI ccL|e IV cnc IhcI iI wc: ccmmcn prccIice IhcI
A Irons|ormed Educot|on System Foge 20 o|
33 Contr|but|on to the 2008J200 Sectoro| Debote by Hon. Andrew M Ho|ness MF, M|n|ster o|
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wcIching Ie|evi:icn wc: ncI regu|cIec in IhcI hcu:ehc|c. Ihe privcIe ccIicn cf
pcrenI: in cne hcu:ehc|c cffecI: Ihe we|fcre cf cncIher hcu:ehc|c.
Mr. Specker, principc|: ccmp|cin Ic me cf Iheir grecI fru:IrcIicn in Irying Ic geI
:cme pcrenI: invc|vec in ccnIrc||ing Ihe Lehcvicur cf Iheir ci:rupIive chi|cren.
Ic Le c|ecr, ncI c|| :chcc|: fcce Ihi: prcL|em, IrcciIicnc| high :chcc|: :eem Ic
hcve c grecIer |eve| cf pcrenIc| invc|vemenI cnc :uppcrI Ihcn Ihe upgrccec
high :chcc|. Scme principc|: hcve :ugge:Iec IhcI Ihe :IcIe neec: Ic imp|emenI
:Ircnger mec:ure: Ic fcrce pcrenI: Ic re:pcnc Ic Ihe :chcc| when Ihey cre
cc||ec Ly Ihe principc|. lnceec, cne :ugge:Iicn i: IhcI we :hcu|c cmenc Ihe
EcuccIicn /cI Ic mcke iI cn cffen:e fcr c pcrenI Ic igncre Ihe vi:iIcIicn reue:I
cf c principc|. Ihe :ugge:Iicn i: IhcI principc|: cr Ihe FE/:, cfIer exhcu:Iing
cerIcin :eI prccecure: fcr ccnIccIing Ihe pcrenI :hcu|c Le cL|e Ic repcrI IhcI
pcrenI Ic Ihe ccurI:, fcr Ihe |cIIer Ic i::ue cn crcer fcr Ihe pcrenI Ic re:pcnc Ic
Ihe :chcc|. Fci|ure Ic ccmp|y wiIh Ihe ccurI crcer wiIhin c :pecifiec Iime, wcu|c
:ee Ihe fcrce cf :IcIe Leing LrcughI Ic Lecr cn IhcI pcrenI.
Mr. Specker, l cm :ericu:|y ccn:icering Ihi: mec:ure, LuI we cre ncI yeI Ihere.
Fir:I, l wcnI Ic enccurcge cnc if nece::cry he|p pcrenI: Ic prcper|y execuIe
Iheir pcrenIc| cuIie:. Ic Ihi: enc we hcve :IcrIec wcrk Icwcrc: e:IcL|i:hing c
NcIicnc| FcrenIing SuppcrI Ccmmi::icn {NFSC).
Ihe NFSC wi|| Le cn cvercrching cccrcincIing Lccy prcvicing c frcmewcrk fcr
ccIicn Ic :uppcrI hc|i:Iic chi|c ceve|cpmenI cnc ccI c: c guice Ic icenIifying
pc|icie:, prcgrcmme: cnc re:curce: Ihrcugh which Ihe gcvernmenI wi|| fc:Ier
cn encL|ing envircnmenI fcr LeIIer pcrenIing. Ihe NFSC wi|| Le Ic:kec wiIh Ihe
E|evote the understond|ng ond |mportonce o| porent|ng |n not|ono|
deve|opment, spec|||co||y |n the oreos o|:-
Hec|Ih cnc EnvircnmenI {Hec|Ihy Life:Iy|e, Ccn:ervcIicn cnc
FrcIecIicn cf Ihe EnvircnmenI)
EcuccIicn {Fcrc||e| FeinfcrcemenI, 8ehcvicur CcnIrc|, Irucncy)
Sccic|i:cIicn {Lcw cnc Crcer, Gccc CiIizen:hip, ChcrccIer
Eccncmy {FrccucIiviIy, lnncvcIicn, cnc CrecIiviIy)
D|ssem|not|on o| |n|ormot|on to encouroge ond |oc|||tote proper
porent|ng proct|ces:
Deve|cp cnc ci:IriLuIe mcIeric| cn reccmmencec pcrenIc|
prccIice: {pcrenIing mcnuc|).
Deve|cp mecic cnc puL|ic ecuccIicn ccmpcign cnc mcLi|ize
ncIicnc| :uppcrI.
Frov|de the |nst|tut|ono| |romework thot w||| |oc|||tote government po||cy
ond deve|op portnersh|ps ond co-ord|not|on o| ex|st|ng progrommes.
A Irons|ormed Educot|on System Foge 21 o|
33 Contr|but|on to the 2008J200 Sectoro| Debote by Hon. Andrew M Ho|ness MF, M|n|ster o|
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Cc-crcincIicn cmcng re|cIec cgencie: in c mu|Ii-:ecIcrc|
cpprccch - CD/, Chi|c /cvcccIe, Ecr|y Chi|chccc Ccmmi::icn,
Fcmi|y CcurI, Fc|ice, NGC: cnc cIher:
CpercIe cnc :uppcrI :pecific inIervenIicn prcgrcmme:, :uch c:
re:curce cenIre: cnc Iime-cuI fcci|iIie:.
Ihe |cng Ierm re:u|I: cf Ihe NFSC wi|| Le imprcvec pcrenIing Lehcvicur in Ihe
fc||cwing crec::-
F|onn|ng {wiIh c pcrIicu|cr emphc:i: cn Ihe ccncepI: cf fcmi|y
p|cnning cnc :cving fcr c chi|c: higher ecuccIicn)
Forent|ng sk|||s {i.e. pc:iIive cnc ceve|cpmenIc||y cpprcpricIe)
Leorn|ng reccine:: cf chi|cren
Advococy fcr chi|cren cnc Iheir righI:
Accountob|||ty fcr ce|inuency, neg|ecI cnc pccr pcrenIing
Heo|th prcmcIe nuIriIicn, exerci:e, p|cy cnc whc|e:cme |ife:Iy|e
Eventuo||y, Mr. Speoker, |t |s env|s|oned thot the NFSC w||| deve|op o Not|ono|
Fo||cy on the Fom||y ond evo|ve |nto o Comm|ss|on on the Fom||y which wi||
en:ure IhcI fcmi|ie: cre cI Ihe cenIre cf pc|icy ceve|cpmenI cn hec|Ih,
ecuccIicn, chi|c ccre, Ihe |cw, Icx cnc LenefiI:, hcu:ing, ccmmuniIy :cfeIy,
cu|Iure cnc mecic.

Mr. Specker, we cre cI Ihe :Icge where we cre reccy Ic :uLmiI crcfIing
in:IrucIicn Ic Ihe Chief Fcr|icmenIcry Ccunci| Ic prepcre |egi:|cIicn fcr Ihe
NFSC. We expecI Ic Le fu||y e:IcL|i:hec Ly Ihe fir:I ucrIer cf 200.

8ehov|our Monogement: Ihe Schoo| Env|ronment
Mr. Specker, kncw|ecge cf Ihe Iecching |ecrning prcce:: hc: expcncec in Ihe
|c:I 30 yecr:. Much mcre i: kncwn cLcuI Ihe cyncmic: cf hcw :IucenI: |ecrn
cnc hcw Lehcvicur ccn Le ccnIrc||ec. Ihe crI cf Iecching hc: Leen
exIen:ive|y :Iuciec cnc hc: Leen recucec Ic c :cience. We ncw kncw IhcI
pccr Iecching meIhcc: cnc unccccmmcccIing |ecrning envircnmenI:
negcIive|y impccI :IucenI Lehcvicur. Ihi: mecn: IhcI, cuI:ice cf Ihe exIernc|
mccrc :ccic| vcricL|e:, Ihere cre Ihing: we ccn cc inIernc||y in Ihe puL|ic
ecuccIicn :y:Iem Ic mcncge, ccnIrc|, mccify cnc evenIuc||y imprcve

8ehov|our Monogement: Ihe Schoo| Env|ronment: Corporo| Fun|shment
Mr. Specker, l |i:Ienec Ic c cc||er cn c rccic Ic|k :hcw ccmmenIing IhcI ccrpcrc|
puni:hmenI :hcu|c ncI Le prchiLiIec in :chcc| c: iI wc: nece::cry Ic ccnIrc|
:IucenI Lehcvicur cnc IhcI in Ihe cL:ence cf ccrpcrc| puni:hmenI inci:cip|ine
wi|| increc:e. Mr. Specker, l wcnI Ic crcw ycur cIIenIicn Ic cn incicenI IhcI
hcppenec in c :chcc| ju:I cn Ihe Lcrcer cf C|crenccn cnc Mcnche:Ier cn
Jcnucry 17, 2008. / mc|e Ieccher wc: LruIc||y cIIcckec cnc :ericu:|y wcuncec
A Irons|ormed Educot|on System Foge 22 o|
33 Contr|but|on to the 2008J200 Sectoro| Debote by Hon. Andrew M Ho|ness MF, M|n|ster o|
Educot|on...Moy 20, 2008

Ly c mccheIe wie|cing mcL. Ihe ccy Lefcre, Ihe Ieccher hcc LecI :IucenI:
whc hcc ncI ccne Iheir hcmewcrk. Frienc: cnc c::ccicIe: cf cne :IucenI whc
wc: LecIen Icck cffen:e cnc |cunchec c mc:I vicicu: cIIcck cn Ihe Ieccher
curing cevcIicn. l vi:iIec Ihe Ieccher cnc l ccu|c Ie|| IhcI he i: ccmmiIIec Ic
Ihe ecuccIicn cnc Ihe ceve|cpmenI cf Ihe chi|cren uncer hi: chcrge cnc iI wc:
ncI hi: inIenIicn Ic cLu:e chi|cren.

Hcwever, Mr. Specker, Ihi: incicenI mcce iI c|ecr Ic me IhcI in Ihe pre:enI
ccnIexI cf Ihe exIernc| mccrc-:ccic| vcricL|e: - cec|ining re:pecI fcr Ihe
cuIhcriIy cf Ieccher, cur grcwing cccepIcnce cf vic|ence, cnc Ihe cL:ence cf
pcrc||e| reinfcrcemenI - ccrpcrc| puni:hmenI wc: mcre |ike|y Ic inf|cme cnc
ce:IcLi|ize cn c|reccy :hcky puL|ic ecuccIicn envircnmenI, Ihcn Lring crcer.
Ihe Le|ief IhcI we ccn LecI ci:cip|ine inIc chi|cren cr LecI chi|cren inIc
:uLmi::icn wi|| cn|y |ecc Ic chcc: in Ihe puL|ic ecuccIicn :y:Iem given Ihe
currenI ccnIexI cf cur :ccieIy.
8ehov|our Monogement: Ihe Schoo| Env|ronment: Lego||ty o| Corporo|
Mr. Specker, ccrpcrc| puni:hmenI mcy Le cefinec c: phy:icc| puni:hmenI
inf|icIec cn Ihe Lccy. Ihere i: nc prcvi:icn in Ihe Educot|on Act, 15 or
Educot|on kegu|ot|ons IhcI cec|: :pecificc||y wiIh Ihe u:e cf ccrpcrc|
puni:hmenI in :chcc|:. ExcepI were c|Ierec Ly expre:: |cngucge cf cn /cI cf
Fcr|icmenI {cr nece::cry imp|iccIicn), Ihe cuIhcriIy Ic ccmini:Ier ccrpcrc|
puni:hmenI exi:I: cI ccmmcn |cw.
ne |unccnentc| p||nc|p|e. p|c|n cnc |nccnte:tcc|e. |: tnct eve|y pe|:cn': cccy
|: |nv|c|cte
. /I ccmmcn |cw, ce|iLercIe cr neg|igenI inIerference wiIh cn
incivicuc|: per:cn, hcwever :|ighI, mcy ccn:IiIuIe c Ire:pc::. Ire:pc:: Ic Ihe
per:cn ccn Icke cne cf Ihree fcrm:, ncme|y, c::cu|I, LcIIery cnc fc|:e
impri:cnmenI. Hcwever, Ihere cre :pecic| circum:Icnce: in which c Ire:pc::
mcy Le ju:Iifiec, :uch c: Ihe cc:e where c Ieccher ccmini:Ier: mccercIe cnc
rec:cncL|e ccrpcrc| puni:hmenI when reuirec cr Icke: :uch ccIicn c: mcy Le
rec:cncL|y nece::cry in Ihe circum:Icnce: Ic mcinIcin ci:cip|ine
.wnen c pc|ent :enc: n|: cn||c tc :cncc|. ne ce|egcte: tc teccne|:
ct tne :cncc| tne pcwe| tc |n|||ct |ec:cncc|e cnc ncce|cte
cc|pc|cte pun|:nnent wnen |equ||ec. |n tne wcy c pc|ent wcu|c
ncve pcwe| tc |n|||ct ncce|cte cnc |ec:cncc|e cc|pc|c|
pun|:nnent |n c p|cpe| cc:e. cnc tnct ne ce|egcte: tc tne teccne|
tne tck|ng c| :ucn :tep: c: c|e nece::c|y tc nc|ntc|n c|:c|p||ne w|tn
|egc|c tc tne cn||c ccnn|ttec tc tne teccne|': cc|e.

Collins v. Wilcock [1984] 3 All E.R. 374, per Robert Goff L.J. at p. 378
Ryan v Fildes [1983] 3 All E.R. 517
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33 Contr|but|on to the 2008J200 Sectoro| Debote by Hon. Andrew M Ho|ness MF, M|n|ster o|
Educot|on...Moy 20, 2008

Where c Ieccher :Iep: cuI:ice Ihe |imiI: cf whcI ccn:IiIuIe: rec:cncL|e" cnc
'mccercIe" puni:hmenI cr IrecImenI, IhcI Ieccher wi|| Le gui|Iy cf Ire:pc:: Ic
Ihe per:cn cnc |icL|e cI criminc| c: we|| c: civi| |cw. Where |icL|e cI civi| |cw,
cepencing cn Ihe circum:Icnce: cf Ihe cc:e, Ihe 8ccrc cf McncgemenI mcy
Le viccricu:|y |icL|e fcr Ihe ccIicn: cf Ihe Ieccher.
WhcI ccn:IiIuIe: rec:cncL|e" cnc mccercIe" puni:hmenI cepenc: cn Ihe
cge cf Ihe chi|c, Ihe phy:icc| ccnciIicn cf Ihe chi|c, Ihe meIhcc cf ccrrying cuI
Ihe puni:hmenI cnc Ihe mcIive. Ic Le |cwfu|, ccrpcrc| puni:hmenI mu:I Le: 1)
MccercIe: 2) Fec:cncL|e: 3) /cmini:Ierec wiIh c prcper in:IrumenI: cnc 4)
/cmini:Ierec fcr c prcper rec:cn i.e. ncI ccIivcIec Ly mc|ice cr cnger. lf Ihe
cLcve ccnciIicn: cre ncI meI, Ihen Ihe ccrpcrc| puni:hmenI ccmini:Ierec
ccu|c ccn:IiIuIe c::cu|I, LcIIery cr chi|c cLu:e.

Sect|on 2[d} o| Ihe Ch||d Core ond Frotect|on Act 2004 cLc|i:hec Ihe ccmmcn
|cw cuIhcriIy Ic ccmini:Ier ccrpcrc| puni:hmenI in F|cce: cf ScfeIy. Sect|on 1
o| Ihe Eor|y Ch||dhood Educot|on Act, 2005 cLc|i:hec Ihe ccmmcn |cw cuIhcriIy
Ic ccmini:Ier ccrpcrc| puni:hmenI in Ecr|y Chi|chccc ln:IiIuIicn:.
Ihe Chi|c /cvcccIe mcinIcin: IhcI Ihe cuIhcriIy cf cny ccu|I Ic ccmini:Ier
ccrpcrc| puni:hmenI i: cLc|i:hec uncer Sect|on cf Ihe Ch||d Core ond
Frotect|on Act Ly nece::cry imp|iccIicn {rcIher Ihcn Ly expre:: wcrc:).
Hcwever, Ihe Mini:Iry hc: receivec ccvice frcm Ihe /IIcrney Generc|:
ChcmLer: Ic Ihe ccnIrcry. Ihe /IIcrney Generc| i: Ihe Mini:Iry: principc| |egc|
ccvi:cr cnc we :Icnc guicec Ly her cpinicn. Hcwever, c: c mcIIer cf pc|icy,
Ihe Mini:Iry hc: chc:en Ic cccpI c mcre re:IricIive :Icnce Ihcn exi:I: cI
ccmmcn |cw.
8ehov|our Monogement: Ihe Schoo| Env|ronment: Fos|t|on on Corporo|
Ihe Mini:Iry hc: inciccIec IhcI iI cce: ncI :uppcrI cr prcmcIe Ihe u:e cf
ccrpcrc| puni:hmenI in primcry cnc :eccnccry :chcc|: Ly Ieccher: cnc
principc|: fcr :everc| rec:cn:. Cne cf Ihe rec:cn: i: ccmini:IrcIive in ncIure. Ihe
|cw in Ihi: crec i: frcmec in :uch c mcnner IhcI c Ieccher hc: c just|||cot|on or
de|ense cI |cw fcr Iheir ccIicn:, prov|d|ng cerIcin ccnciIicn: cre meI. Ecch cc:e
mu:I nece::cri|y Iurn cn iI: cwn fccI:. Mcny yecr: cgc, Ihe Mini:Iry puL|i:hec
guice|ine: fcr Ihe u:e cf ccrpcrc| puni:hmenI in iI: HcncLcck cf Schcc|
McncgemenI" in cn effcrI Ic :eI pcrcmeIer: fcr whcI iI ccn:icerec Ic Le
rec:cncL|e cnc mccercIe puni:hmenI. Hcwever, fcr Ihe mc:I pcrI, Ihe:e
prccecure: were ncI ccmp|iec wiIh cnc c: c re:u|I, |egc| ccIicn hc: en:uec. ln
ccciIicn Ic Ihe criminc| |icLi|iIy IhcI c Ieccher mcy fcce if he fci|: Ic :cIi:fy Ihe
ccurI IhcI hi: ccIicn: were rec:cncL|e cnc mccercIe, Ihe Schcc| 8ccrc cnc
u|IimcIe|y Ihe Mini:Iry mcy Le fccec wiIh civi| |icLi|iIy :uiI:.

A Irons|ormed Educot|on System Foge 24 o|
33 Contr|but|on to the 2008J200 Sectoro| Debote by Hon. Andrew M Ho|ness MF, M|n|ster o|
Educot|on...Moy 20, 2008

ln Ihe circum:Icnce:, Ihe Mini:Iry expre::ec Ihe ce:ire Ic cLc|i:h ccrpcrc|
puni:hmenI in :chcc|: c|| IcgeIher cnc inIenc: Ic prcpc:e Ihe enccImenI cf
|egi:|cIicn fcr Ihi: purpc:e. ln Ihe inIerim, Ihe Mini:Iry hc: infcrmec c|| 8ccrc:
cnc Frincipc|: in puL|ic ecuccIicnc| in:IiIuIicn: cf iI: pc|icy cirecIive IhcI Ihe
prccIice cf ccmini:Iering ccrpcrc| puni:hmenI in :chcc|: :hcu|c Le ci:ccnIinuec
cnc c|IerncIive mecn: cf ci:cip|incry ccnIrc| :hcu|c Le pur:uec in:Iecc.
lI :hcu|c Le ncIec hcwever IhcI Ihe Mini:Iry hc: expre::ec :uppcrI fcr Ihe
rec:cncL|e, mccercIe cnc prcpcrIicncIe u:e cf fcrce Ly c Ieccher cgcin:I c
:IucenI where :uch fcrce i: nece::cry Ic prcIecI IhcI :IucenI frcm injuring
him:e|f cr cIher:. Frincipc|: cnc Ieccher: :hcu|c keep in minc Ihe cge cnc
ci:creIicn cf c chi|c c: ccmpcrec Ic IhcI cf cn ccu|I when ccn:icering whcI
ccIicn i: cpprcpricIe in c|| Ihe circum:Icnce: cnc :hcu|c c|wcy: prefer Ihe |ec:I
phy:icc|/vic|enI cpprccch.
8ehov|our Monogement: Ihe Schoo| Env|ronment: A|ternot|ve 8ehov|our Support
Mr. Specker, we cre ncI cn|y ccncernec cLcuI phy:icc| puni:hmenI in :chcc|:,
we cre c|:c ccncernec cLcuI vic|enI, cggre::ive cnc cemecning ce|ivery cf
ci:cip|incry in:IrucIicn. Ihi: hc: nc pc:iIive effecI cn engencering gccc
Lehcvicur cnc cn|y :erve: Ic fru:IrcIe Ihe Iecching |ecrning prcce::. Ihi: kinc cf
negcIive cnc reccIive ci:cip|incry in:IrucIicn re:u|I: frcm Ihe :Ire::fu|
envircnmenI in which Ieccher: cpercIe. Mr. Specker, c cc|umni:I whc i: c|:c c
principc| wrcIe
Ieccher: hcve Ic rec|i:e IhcI Ihey cre Iecching in c wcr zcne. Ihi:
wcr zcne hc: :IucenI: cn cne :ice, wiIh :cme pcrenI: cicing Ihem,
whi|e Ihe Ieccher: cre cn Ihe cIher :ice, wiIh :cme pcrenI: cicing
Mr. Specker, if Ihi: ce:cripIicn cf Ihe :chcc| envircnmenI i: Irue, Ihen we cre cI
Ihe Lrink cf ci:c:Ier. We neec Ic :Iep Lcck frcm Ihe Lrink cnc emp|cy cifferenI
:IrcIegie: Ic cccre:: Ihe prcL|em:. lI i: cLvicu: IhcI Ihe c|c wcy: cf ce|ivering
ci:cip|incry in:IrucIicn cre ncI wcrking cnc pur:uing Ihem furIher cn|y
ccmpcunc: Ihe prcL|em. Mr. Specker, Ieccher: whc re|y cn Ihe:e meIhcc: cf
ci:cip|incry in:IrucIicn fee| he|p|e:: in Ihe c|c::rccm cgcin:I cuI-cf-ccnIrc|
:IucenI:. We uncer:Icnc. LeI me :cy iI c|ecr|y, Ieccher: hcve c righI, |ike cny
cIher ciIizen, Ic cefenc Ihem:e|ve: frcm cIIcck Ly cny :IucenI. CuI:ice cf IhcI,
Mr. Specker Ihe Mini:Iry cf EcuccIicn hc: c cuIy Ic empcwer cnc :uppcrI cur
Ieccher: cnc :chcc| |eccer:hip wiIh c|IerncIive mecn: cf ci:cip|ine.

8ehov|our Monogement: Ihe Schoo| Env|ronment: A|ternot|ve 8ehov|our Support:
Frooct|ve Approoch to 8ehov|our Monogement
Mr. Specker we hcve Ic chcnge Ihe wcy we view Lehcvicur in :chcc|:. Ihere i:
c Le|ief IhcI ci:cip|incry in:IrucIicn, wheIher Ihey cre IrcciIicnc| meIhcc: :uch

See, Teachers at risk, Esther Tyson, The Gleaner, May 4, 2004
A Irons|ormed Educot|on System Foge 25 o|
33 Contr|but|on to the 2008J200 Sectoro| Debote by Hon. Andrew M Ho|ness MF, M|n|ster o|
Educot|on...Moy 20, 2008

c:: ccrpcrc| puni:hmenI cnc humi|icIicn, cr c|IerncIive meIhcc:, :uch c:: c
meriI :y:Iem cf rewcrc cnc ceprivcIicn, c::erIive in:IrucIicn:, :epcrcIicn cr
ccnfinemenI, wi|| chcnge Lehcvicur. Di:cip|incry :Iep: mcy ccnIrc| Lehcvicur in
Ihe :hcrI Ierm LuI fci|: Ic Iecch new Lehcvicur.
Mr. Specker, we Ienc Ic view Lehcvicur c: ncIurc||y cccurring cnc IhcI Lcc
Lehcvicur i: pcIhc|cgicc| cr cLncrmc|. 8ehcvicur i: c |ecrnec phencmencn,
cnc cur chi|cren cre |ecrning Lcc Lehcvicur. We hcve Ic geI cur Ieccher: cnc
:chcc| |eccer: Ic view Lehcvicur c: c :ki|| Ic Le ccuirec cnc prccIi:ec in much
Ihe :cme wcy c: cIher ccccemic cnc :pcrIing :ki||:. Ihi: |ecc: Ic c new
uncer:Icncing in which we cefine Lehcvicur c: c :eI cf ccmpeIencie: cnc :ki||:,
:uch c: ccmp|icnce, cIIenIicn, |ecrning ci:pc:iIicn, cggre::icn, cnc :ccic| :ki||:,
IhcI ccn Le curricu|cri:ec, IcughI cnc c::e::ec. Mr. Specker, Ihe Mini:Iry wi||
:eek Ic exp|iciI|y Iecch cnc ceve|cp Lehcvicurc| :ki||: in Ihe :cme wcy in which
we p|cn fcr curricu|um-c::e::menI, prcgrcmming, cirecI in:IrucIicn cnc
evc|ucIicn. 8ehcvicur wi|| Le inccrpcrcIec inIc Ihe Iecching |ecrning prcce::.
Mr. Specker, we cfIen hecr Ihe cc|| fcr c ccur:e in chcrccIer ecuccIicn Ic Le
inc|ucec Ihe :chcc| curricu|um. E::enIic||y Ihi: i: c cc|| fcr u: Ic Iecch cur
:IucenI: hcw Ic Lehcve. /|reccy, we hcve in:IiIuIec in Ihi: c hec|Ih cnc fcmi|y
|ife e|emenI in cur :eccnccry curricu|um. Hec|Ih cnc Fcmi|y Life EcuccIicn
{HFLE) i: c |ife :ki||: Lc:ec prcgrcmme IhcI fc:Ier: Ihe ceve|cpmenI cf
kncw|ecge, :ki||: cnc cIIiIuce: IhcI mcke fcr c hec|Ihy per:cnc|, fcmi|y cnc
:ccic| |ife. lI prcmcIe: princip|e: IhcI uncer|ie per:cnc| cnc :ccic| we|| Leing cnc
cccre::e: Ihe whc|e chi|c Ihrcugh Ihe Ircn:mi::icn cf vc|ue:, cIIiIuce: cnc
:ccic| icenIiIy. We hcve c|:c imp|emenIec Ihe CiIizen:hip EcuccIicn
Frcgrcmme in 122 :chcc|:. Ihe prcgrcmme i: ce:ignec Ic prcmcIe pc:iIive
cIIiIuce: cnc ccre vc|ue: :uch c: pcIricIi:m, re:pecI cnc vc|unIeeri:m.
Mr. Specker, cncIher impcrIcnI pcrI cf prc ccIive Lehcvicur mcncgemenI i:
c::e::menI. 8ehcvicur hc: Ic Le ccn:IcnI|y mcniIcrec cnc evc|ucIec cnc
feecLcck pc::ec Ic Ihe :IucenI cnc Ieccher. Ihi: wi|| :uppcrI c meriI :y:Iem cf
prcmcIing pc:iIive Lehcvicur Ihrcugh rewcrc cnc :cncIicn:. /n effecIive
Lehcvicur c::e::menI :y:Iem:
Emp|cy: cn c::e::menI in:IrumenI which ce|iver: preci:e infcrmcIicn wiIh
minimc| Iime cnc effcrI
Define: cnc icenIifie: IcrgeI crec: fcr inIervenIicn
Engencer: c cu|Iure cf permcnenI reccrckeeping cnc |cgging cf
U:e: reccrcec ccIc, Ic Ircck, mcniIcr:, cnc evc|ucIe Lehcvicur cver Iime
Frcvice: feecLcck Ic :IucenI: cnc Ieccher: cn Lehcvicurc| i::ue:
Mr. Specker, Ihe Mini:Iry c|reccy hc: in p|cce Lehcvicur c::e::menI in:IrumenI:
uncer Ihe Frcgrcmme fcr /|IerncIe SIucenI SuppcrI {F/SS). Ihi: i: c Mini:Iry
A Irons|ormed Educot|on System Foge 2 o|
33 Contr|but|on to the 2008J200 Sectoro| Debote by Hon. Andrew M Ho|ness MF, M|n|ster o|
Educot|on...Moy 20, 2008

Lc:ec prcgrcmme IhcI re:pcnc: Ic :chcc|: IhcI reuire high |eve| :pecic|i:ec
inIervenIicn wiIh :IucenI: IhcI cre c::e::ec Ic hcve chrcnic mc|cccpIive
Lehcvicur: IhcI ccn |ecc Ic inIerrupIicn cf Iheir :eccnccry ecuccIicn. Ihe
c::e::menI in:IrumenI: emp|cyec uncer F/SS wi|| Le :imp|ifiec Ic Le u:ec in
:chcc|:. We cre c|:c pi|cIing in :cme :chcc|:, c cci|y incicenI repcrI :heeI, cn
which we c:k Ieccher: Ic inciccIe ecch incicenI cf mi:Lehcvicr Ihey ncIice cn
cn incivicuc| Lc:i:. Ihe fcrm: hcve :everc| ccIegcrie: cf mi:Lehcvicr cr
infrccIicn: cnc Ihe Ieccher i: cn|y reuirec Ic ncIe Ihe ncme cf Ihe :IucenI cnc
Ihe ccce cf Ihe cL:ervec infrccIicn. Ihe fcrm wi|| Le :uppcrIec Ly c ccIcLc:e
:cfIwcre IhcI wi|| Le u:ec Ic cc||cIe cnc cnc|y:e Ihe ccIc. lI wi|| genercIe
u:efu| repcrI: IhcI wi|| give in:ighI inIc Ihe Iype cf infrccIicn:, Ihe mi:Lehcving
:IucenI, cnc Ihe Ieccher: cffecIec. Ihe:e repcrI: wi|| Ihen Le u:ec Ic
:IrcIegicc||y guice inIervenIicn. Fcr excmp|e c repcrI mcy revec| IhcI Ihe
:chcc| hc: c prcL|em wiIh Lu||ying frcm Ihe numLer cf incicenI: repcrIec, LuI
mcre Ihcn IhcI iI wcu|c :hcw mcin perpeIrcIcr:, Iheir c|c:: cnc pc::iL|y icenIify
Ihe vicIim:. /rmec wiIh Ihi: infcrmcIicn Ihe :chcc| |eccer:hip wi|| Le LeIIer cL|e
Ic ce:ign effecIive inIervenIicn prcgrcmme:. Mcre Ihcn IhcI Mr. Specker, Ihe
keeping cf permcnenI reccrc: i: c pcwerfu| |cng Ierm ceIerrenI Ic inci:cip|ine.
FermcnenI reccrc: cre Ihem:e|ve: c ci:cip|incry Icc| cnc fcr c|cer :IucenI: iI i:
mcre effecIive Ihcn ccrpcrc| puni:hmenI cr humi|icIicn. When :IucenI: rec|ize
IhcI every ceIci| cf Iheir Lehcvicur ccu|c pc::iL|y Le mcce cvci|cL|e cn
Ircn:cripI:, reference: cnc reccmmenccIicn:, Ihey wcu|c Ihink Iwice cLcuI
Iheir Lehcvicur. Cf ccur:e Mr. Specker iI i: Ihe inIenIicn cf Ihe Mini:Iry Ic ce:ign
cn cvercrching infcrmcIicn mcncgemenI :y:Iem which wi|| :ee Ihi: infcrmcIicn
Leing pc::ec frcm Ihe :chcc|: Ic Ihe regicn Ic Ihe Mini:Iry Ic infcrm pc|icy.

8ehov|our Monogement: Ihe Schoo| Env|ronment: A|ternot|ve 8ehov|our Support:
kespons|ve Approoch to 8ehov|our Monogement
Mr. Specker Ihe mec:ure: l hcve cnncuncec Ic cec| wiIh Ihe mccrc-:ccic|
prcL|em: cnc Ihe mec:ure: cuI|inec fcr c prcccIive inIernc| :IrcIegy wi|| Icke
effecI in Ihe |cng Ierm. FighI ncw, Mr. Specker, we neec Ic Lring crcer Ic cur
:chcc|: .
Very :ccn l wi|| Le hcving ci:cu::icn: wiIh Ihe Mini:Iry cf NcIicnc| SecuriIy cn
mec:ure: IhcI ccn Le Icken Ic :IrengIhen Ihe Scfe Schcc| Frcgrcmme.
lnfcrmc| ci:cu::icn: hcve c|reccy Leen he|c cn Ihe wcy fcrwcrc cnc we cre
cue Ic meeI nexI week in fcrmc| Ic|k:. Mr. Specker iI i: cur inIenIicn Ic hcve c
Memcrcncum cf Uncer:Icncing wiIh Ihe Fc|ice fcr |ccc| pc|ice :IcIicn: Ic cccpI
:chcc|: c: pcrI cf Iheir ccmmuniIy pc|icing crive cnc :uppcrI :chcc|: in
Lehcvicur mcncgemenI.
Mr. Specker, we mu:I Le firm wiIh :IucenI: whc ccrry wecpcn: Ic :chcc|:. We
hcve impcrIec inIc Ihe l:|cnc 100 hcnc-he|c meIc| ceIecIing wcnc: which wi||
A Irons|ormed Educot|on System Foge 27 o|
33 Contr|but|on to the 2008J200 Sectoro| Debote by Hon. Andrew M Ho|ness MF, M|n|ster o|
Educot|on...Moy 20, 2008

Le ci:IriLuIec Ic Ihe mc:I cffecIec :eccnccry :chcc|: ecr|y nexI mcnIh. Ihe:e
wcnc: wi|| Le u:ec Ly Ihe Scfe Schcc|: Fe:curce Fc|ice Cfficer: cr ce:igncIec
Ieccher: in c regu|cr cnc rcnccm fc:hicn. Ihe Mini:Iry hc: enccr:ec Ihe
pre:umec righI cf :chcc|: Ic ccncucI :ecrche: cnc we hcve ceve|cpec
guice|ine: c: Ic hcw Ieccher: :hcu|c ccncucI :ecrche:. NeverIhe|e::, we
inIenc Ic fcrmc|i:e Ihe Ieccher: pcwer cf :ecrch in |egi:|cIicn, c: we|| c: c||
cIher pcwer: nece::cry fcr gccc ccncucI cnc crcer in :chcc|:. We inIenc Ic
:eek Ihe :uppcrI cf Ihe Fc|ice, uncer Ihe prcpc:ec MCU, Ic ccncucI regu|cr
:chcc|-wice :ecrch exerci:e: cI |ec:I cnce every mcnIh in c|| :chcc|: where iI i:
neecec. l repecI my pc:iIicn, c|| :IucenI: whc cre fcunc wiIh cffen:ive
wecpcn: :hcu|c Le repcrIec cnc Iurnec cver Ic Ihe Fc|ice.
Ihe ceci:icn hc: Leen Icken Ic pur:ue Ihe e:IcL|i:hmenI cf Ihe pc:I cf Decn cf
Di:cip|ine in :chcc|:. Ihi: pc:iIicn wi|| Le re:pcn:iL|e fcr mcncging cnc
imp|emenIing LcIh Ihe prcccIive cnc re:pcn:ive Lehcvicr mcncgemenI
:IrcIegie:. We expecI IhcI Ly SepIemLer 200 Ihe pc:I wi|| Le fcrmc||y
e:IcL|i:hec. Scme :chcc|: hcve c|reccy crecIec IhcI pc:I cr hcve c::ignec c
Ieccher Ic uncerIcke Ihc:e re:pcn:iLi|iIie:. Ihe Mini:Iry i: ncw finc|izing Ihe jcL
ce:cripIicn fcr Ihe pc:I cnc in Ihe inIerim l wcu|c enccurcge :chcc|: IhcI cre
cL|e, Ic c::ign c Ieccher Ic uncerIcke Ihe:e re:pcn:iLi|iIie:.
Mr. Specker, we hcve Leen receiving :ignificcnI he|p frcm cur inIerncIicnc|
pcrIner:, UNlCEF cnc UNESCC. Ihey hcve prcvicec u: wiIh :uppcrI Ic ceve|cp:
/ mcnuc| cnc Ircining :cheme: fcr Ihe effecIive c|c::rccm mcncgemenI
/ :y:Iem: cf rewcrc: cnc :cncIicn:, inc|ucing c :y:Iem prcgrcmme fcr
Lui|cing :e|f-e:Ieem
Deve|cpmenI cf c :Icnccrc Hcme Schcc| /greemenI cnc Ccce cf
CcncucI fcr :IucenI:, Ieccher: cnc pcrenI:
We expecI IhcI Ihe:e prcgrcmme: wi|| Le reccy fcr cep|cymenI Ly SepIemLer
Mr. Specker, whcI l hcve ju:I cuI|inec i: c ccmprehen:ive :IrcIegy cf mcncging
Lehcvicur given Ihe g|cLc| ccnIexI cf Ihe :ccieIy in which we |ive. We wi|| ncI
:ee re:u|I: cver nighI. Key Ic iI: :ucce:: i: Ihe increc:ec invc|vemenI cf pcrenI:
in Ihe ecuccIicn cf Iheir chi|cren. Mr. Specker, fci|ure i: ncI cn cpIicn in Ihi:
mcIIer, we mu:I :ucceec.

A Irons|ormed Educot|on System Foge 28 o|
33 Contr|but|on to the 2008J200 Sectoro| Debote by Hon. Andrew M Ho|ness MF, M|n|ster o|
Educot|on...Moy 20, 2008

Ihe pc::cge cf Ihe Ecr|y Chi|chccc /cI cnc iI: cIIenccnI Fegu|cIicn: {2005)
e:IcL|i:hec |egc| frcmewcrk cnc :Icnccrc: Ly which Ihe cpercIicn: cf Ecr|y
Chi|chccc ln:IiIuIicn: {ECl:) in Jcmcicc cre gcvern. Ihe /cI cnc Fegu|cIicn:
cuI|ine Ihe minimum cpercIing :Icnccrc: IhcI c|| ECl: mu:I cchieve in crcer Ic
en:ure IhcI c|| chi|cren hcve euiIy cnc ccce:: Ic uc|iIy Ecr|y Chi|chccc
Deve|cpmenI prcgrcm: wiIhin hec|Ihy, :cfe cnc nurIuring envircnmenI:. Ihe
Ecr|y Chi|chccc /cI ccme inIc fcrce NcvemLer 30, 2007, cnc iI: fir:I
reuiremenI i: IhcI c|| ECl: :hcu|c cpp|y fcr regi:IrcIicn wiIhin 0 ccy: cf Ihe EC
/cI Icking effecI.

Stotus o| App||cot|ons os ot Apr|| 2008
Scme 3225 ECl: hcve Leen icenIifiec
2308 ECl: mcce ccnIccI wiIh Ihe ECC {727)
1708 ECl: :uLmiIIec cn cpp|iccIicn {537)
1322 cpp|iccIicn: were ceemec inccmp|eIe
30 cpp|iccIicn: were ceemec ccmp|eIe
LeIIer: cre ncw Leing :enI cuI Ic in:IiIuIicn: IhcI hcve ncI cpp|iec cnc Ihc:e
wiIh inccmp|eIe cpp|iccIicn:. Ihe cefiniIicn cf c 'ccmp|eIe cpp|iccIicn i: :eI cI
c high :Icnccrc. lI inc|uce: ccmp|eIec vi:iI: Ly Ihe FuL|ic Hec|Ih cnc Fire
DepcrImenI: wiIh cpprcvc|: Ly LcIh, cnc c|ecn pc|ice reccrc: fcr c|| :Icff.
/|mc:I 400 ECl:, {1 cuI cf every 4 cpp|iccnI:) hcve meI Ihe:e :IringenI
reuiremenI:. Ihe mcin rec:cn: fcr inccmp|eIe cpp|iccIicn: cre mi::ing pc|ice
reccrc:, puL|ic hec|Ih repcrI:, fccc hcnc|er: permiI: cnc fire cerIificcIe:,
ref|ecIing Ihe pre::ure p|ccec cn gcvernmenI cgencie: Ly Ihe new prcce::.
Engogement ond Iro|n|ng o| Inspectors
IhirIy-five Ecr|y Chi|chccc ln:pecIcr: were engcgec Ly Ihe ECC in NcvemLer
2007. ln:pecIcr: receivec inIen:ive Ircining in Ihe EC /cI cnc Fegu|cIicn:,
in:pecIicn Iechniue:, repcrI wriIing, inIer-per:cnc| inIerccIicn: cnc ccnf|icI

Stotus o| Inspect|ons
ln:pecIicn: ccmmencec /pri| 21, 2008.
124 ECl: hcve Leen c::ignec fcr in:pecIicn.
CpercIcr: hcve Leen very we|ccming Ic ECC in:pecIcr:.
50 ECl: hcve Leen in:pecIec Ic ccIe.
/|| repcrI: cn Ihe in:pecIec ECl: reccmmencec IhcI c 'FermiI Ic
CpercIe Le grcnIec.
A Irons|ormed Educot|on System Foge 2 o|
33 Contr|but|on to the 2008J200 Sectoro| Debote by Hon. Andrew M Ho|ness MF, M|n|ster o|
Educot|on...Moy 20, 2008

lI i: impcrIcnI Ic ncIe IhcI Ihe GcvernmenI cf Jcmcicc hc: c||cccIec cn
ccciIicnc| J/$200 mi||icn Ic c::i:I in:IiIuIicn: IhcI cre in ccnger cf c|c:ure
Leccu:e Ihey cre in Lrecch cf puL|ic hec|Ih cnc :cfeIy guice|ine:. We hcve
c|:c :ecurec Ihe cccpercIicn cf Ihe CH/SE func in p|ccing iI: re:curce: fcr ecr|y
chi|chccc ecuccIicn uncer Ihe ci:creIicn cf Ihe Ecr|y Chi|chccc Ccmmi::icn.
Ihi: wi|| Le u:ec fcr imprcving :chcc|: IhcI cre in:pecIec cnc fcunc Ic Le
cpercIing criIicc||y Le|cw Ihe :Icnccrc: cf Ihe ECC. Ihi: i: in keeping wiIh cur
ccmmiImenI IhcI nc ECl wi|| Le c|c:ec curing Ihe ceve|cpmenI phc:e cf Ihe
Mr. Specker Ihe Ecr|y Chi|chccc Ccmmi::icn recenI|y ccmp|eIec c |ccn
cgreemenI wiIh Ihe Wcr|c 8cnk fcr c perfcrmcnce Lc:ec |ccn cf US$15 mi||icn.
Ihi: |ccn wi|| Le u:ec in Ic cchieve Ihe IcrgeI: :eI in Ihe NcIicnc| SIrcIegic F|cn
fcr Ihe ecr|y chi|chccc :ecIcr. Mr. Specker, Ihe hcrc wcrk cf Ihe Chcirmcn
Frcfe::cr Mcureen Scmm:-Vcughcn cnc Ihe :Icff cf Ihe Ccmmi::icn i:
ce:erving cf :pecic| ccmmenccIicn.

ln keeping wiIh Ihe ccmmiImenI cf Ihe GcvernmenI Ic ccver Ihe fu|| cc:I cf Ihe
/pprcvec IuiIicn Fee fcr c|| :IucenI: in :eccnccry :chcc|:, prcvi:icn: hcve Leen
mcce in Ihe LucgeI IhcI wi|| :ee increc:e: Ic :chcc|: rcnging LeIween 207 cnc
277 cver Ihe 2007/2008 :chcc| yecr. Ihe /pprcvec IuiIicn Fee pcic cirecI|y Ic
:chcc|: wi|| mcve frcm cn cvercge cf J$8,000 per :IucenI Ic $10,500 per :IucenI,
fcr c|| :IucenI: frcm Grcce: 7 Ic 12. Ihe:e |eve|: cf increc:e cre we|| cLcve Ihe
prcjecIec inf|cIicn rcIe. Ihe cverc|| :um cvci|cL|e fcr IuiIicn Fee: i: $2.7L, up
frcm $1.82L. Ihi: repre:enI: c mc::ive cverc|| increc:e cf 51.7

Mr. Specker, c :um cf $440m hc: Leen :eI c:ice fcr :pecic| inIervenIicn: in high
:chcc|:, in crcer Ic :uppcrI Ihe :pecic| neec: cf :IucenI: cnc in:IiIuIicn:, Lc:ec
Grcce Six /chievemenI Ie:I {GS/I) inIcke :ccre:
Grcce Nine /chievemenI Ie:I {GN/I) inIcke :ccre:
Schcc| perfcrmcnce in Ihe CSEC excmincIicn:
Mr. Specker, l wcu|c |ike Ic Icke Ihi: cppcrIuniIy Ic reminc :chcc|: IhcI Ihe
cuxi|icry fee: Ihey chcrge cre ncI mcnccIcry cnc nc chi|c :hcu|c Le exc|ucec
frcm :chcc|: Leccu:e cf Iheir incLi|iIy Ic pcy. Where cuxi|icry fee: repre:enI
u:er fee: fcr :pecic| :ervice: cver cnc cLcve whcI i: reuirec Ly regu|cIicn,
Ihen Ihe :chcc| re:erve: Ic righI ncI Ic prcvice Ihe :ervice Ic Ihe :IucenI:.
NeverIhe|e::, we enccurcge :chcc|: Ic ccccmmcccIe c|| :IucenI: regcrc|e:: cf
Iheir mecn:. /I Ihe :cme Iime l wcnI Ic enccurcge pcrenI: Ic ccnIriLuIe c:
much c: Ihey ccn Ic Ihe ceve|cpmenI cf Iheir :chcc|. lI i: c gccc pcrenIing
prccIice Ic :uppcrI Ihe :chcc|.
IHE 1 to 18 AGENDA
A Irons|ormed Educot|on System Foge 30 o|
33 Contr|but|on to the 2008J200 Sectoro| Debote by Hon. Andrew M Ho|ness MF, M|n|ster o|
Educot|on...Moy 20, 2008

/I 1 cur ycung pecp|e cre cuI cf :chcc| cnc mcny finc iI cifficu|I Ic Ircn:iIicn
inIc Ihe :ccieIy c: prccucIive ciIizen: / wcrker:. lI i: cI Ihi: pcinI Iheir fcrmc|
cIIcchmenI Ic cny :IcIe in:IiIuIicn enc:, cnc Ihey Leccme cI ri:k cf enIering
inIc c |ife cf crime cnc cevicnI Lehcvicur. Mcre wcrrying i: Ihe fccI IhcI Ihe
vc:I mcjcriIy cf Ihi: cge cchcrI wi|| never Le empcwerec Ic cchieve Iheir fu||
pcIenIic| cr ccnIriLuIe pc:iIive|y Ic :ccieIy. GcvernmenI mu:I ncw cccre:: Ihi:
grecI wc:Icge in cur humcn re:curce: cnc ceve|cp cn cgencc IhcI wi|| ccIer
Ic Ihe neec: cf Ihi: cchcrI.

Educot|on Stotus ot Age 1 J Grode 11

% Fopu|ot|on
Cohort bncert|||ed Cohort
/ge CchcrI in
Fcpu|cIicn cI Grcce
11 53,00 1007
Enrc||ec CchcrI cI
Grcce 11 40,30 77 1007 12,70 NcI in Schcc|
Excminec CchcrI 32,10 07 77 1007 8,521
ln Schcc| Nc
CchcrI :iIIing excm:
wiIh zerc pc:: 7,28 147 187 237 7,28
ln Schcc|
Fci|ec Excm
CchcrI :iIIing excm:
wiIh Iwc cr |e::
pc::e: 1,57 317 417 527
CchcrI pc::ing 3 cr
mcre cI minimum
grcce 15,512 27 387 487
CchcrI pc::iL|y
mcIricu|cIing Ic
IerIicry 10,347 17 257 327
/pp|iccIicn {/pr-
CcI07) 12,507 237 317 37
/pp|iccIicn pc::ing
4,0 7 127 157
A Irons|ormed Educot|on System Foge 31 o|
33 Contr|but|on to the 2008J200 Sectoro| Debote by Hon. Andrew M Ho|ness MF, M|n|ster o|
Educot|on...Moy 20, 2008

ccmi::icn: Ie:I
Fcp. CchcrI wiIh 2 cr
|e:: :uLjecI: cI Min.
Grcce 38,088 717
UncerIifiec Fcp. /ge
CchcrI 28,75 547

/|n|:t|y c| Fcucct|cn '0 Dctc

Compu|sory Educot|on to Age 18
lI ccn Le :een IhcI 547 {28,75) cf Ihe :chcc| |ecving cge cchcrI hc:
cL:c|uIe|y nc uc|ificcIicn: cnc 717 {38,088) cf IhcI cchcrI pc::ec cn|y
Iwc cr |e:: :uLjecI:. Ihi: mecn: IhcI every yecr Ihe ecuccIicn :y:Iem
ccc: LeIween 28,700 cnc 38,000 Ic Ihe pcc| cf uncIIcchec cnc cI-ri:k
Ihe:e uncIIcchec ycung pecp|e cI cge 1/17 cre ncI emp|cycL|e, LuI
cre :Ii|| IrcincL|e. Hcwever, Ihe |cnger Ihey remcin in Ihe uncIIcchec
pcc| Ihe mcre 'unIrcincL|e cnc unemp|cycL|e Ihey Leccme
Ihe pcc| cf uncIIcchec ycuIh repre:enI: c cecc weighI |c:: Ic Ihe
:ccieIy in Ierm: cf Iheir prccucIiviIy cnc crecIiviIy, LuI we pcy c rec|
cc:I in Ierm: cf crime, hec|Ih, cnc we|fcre
Ihe pc|icy cn ccmpu|:cry ecuccIicn i: evc|ving Ic :IcIe IhcI c||
Jcmciccn: mu:I Le cIIcchec Ic cn cpprcvec ecuccIicnc| in:IiIuIicn up
Ic Ihe cge cf eighIeen {18) yecr: c|c. Ihe Mini:Iry cf EcuccIicn hc:
c|reccy crcfIec c pc|icy which wi|| Le LrcughI Ic CcLineI :hcrI|y

Fost Secondory Yeors
lI i: prcpc:ec Ic ccc Iwc yecr: Ic Seccnccry Schcc|: Ic crecIe c 'Senicr
Fer:cn: whc cic ncI mcIricu|cIe Ic
Fcrm cr CcmmuniIy Cc||ege:
wcu|c Le reuirec Ic ccnIinue cn Ic 'Senicr Schcc|
Ihe curricu|um wcu|c Le Lc:ec cn Ihe 'Kncw|ecge Ski||: cnc /IIiIuce
Know|edge - :IucenI: wcu|c geI Ihe cppcrIuniIy Ic ccnIinue Iheir
ccccemic ceve|cpmenI wiIh Ihe curricu|um Leing Iechnicc| cnc
vcccIicnc| crienIec
Sk|||s - c |crge ccmpcnenI cf Ihe prcgrcmme wcu|c Le Lc:ec cn
cpprenIice:hip cnc cn-Ihe-jcL-Ircining
Att|tude - chcrccIer ecuccIicn, gccc ciIizen:hip, c ncIicnc| :ervice
wcu|c c|:c Le key ccmpcnenI:
A Irons|ormed Educot|on System Foge 32 o|
33 Contr|but|on to the 2008J200 Sectoro| Debote by Hon. Andrew M Ho|ness MF, M|n|ster o|
Educot|on...Moy 20, 2008

/I Ihe enc cf Ihe prcgrcmme :IucenI: :hcu|c grccucIe wiIh cI |ec:I Ihe
Leve| 2 {NVC2)HE/FI/NI/ cerIificcIicn. {Un|ike CSEC which cn|y cerIifie:
ccccemic ccmpeIence Ihe vcccIicnc| uc|ificcIicn cerIifie: wcrk
ccmpeIencie: cnc reccine::)
Ihe NVC2 uc|ificcIicn ccu|c Ihen Le crIicu|cIec Ihrcugh |eve|: 3, 4, cnc
5. /I NVC Ihe hc|cer wcu|c hcve c uc|ificcIicn euivc|enI Ic fir:I
Ihe re:curce: cf Ihe fc||cwing wcu|c Le mcLi|i:ec Ic crecIe Ihe Senicr
HE/FI/NI/ - vcccIicnc| Ircining
NYS - ncIicnc| :ervice cnc cpprenIice:hip
Schcc|: - ccnIinuing ccccemic ecuccIicn

How con th|s be done?
lI i: ncI cpIicnc|
Ihere cre nc p|cn: Ic Lui|c cn enIire|y new infrc:IrucIure. Ihe mcce|
Leing pur:uec mcy Le ce:criLec c: c mixIure cf Ihe Schcc|-Ic-LcL cnc
Fixec LcL mcce|:-
Schoo|-to-Lob - ecch :chcc| in c c|u:Ier i: euippec wiIh c pcrIicu|cr
SIucenI: mcve Ic Ihc:e |cL: wiIhin Iheir c|u:Ier c: Ihe prccIicum
ln :cme cc:e:, F|xed Moster Lobs wi|| Le crecIec, where nc :chcc| in c
pcrIicu|cr c|u:Ier hc: :uiIcL|e fcci|iIie: Ic hc:I Ihe |cL. Ihi: :y:Iem i:
c|reccy Leing pi|cIec in We:Imcre|cnc fcr Ihe Iech/Vcc curricu|um in
Grcce 10. Mc:I :chcc|: c|c:e cI 2 pm cI which Iime fcci|iIie: cre
unu:ec, Ihi: prcgrcmme wi|| mcximi:e Ihe u:e cf Ihe p|cnI
/ new /pprenIice:hip /cI wi|| Le crcfIec Ic prcvice Ihe frcmewcrk fcr
Ihe cpprenIice:hip, menIcr:hip cnc ncIicnc| :ervice c:pecI cf Ihe
'Senicr Schcc|.
FecucIicn in crime cnc ycuIh ce|inuency
8eIIer Ircinec wcrkfcrce
GrecIer c|ignmenI LeIween ecuccIicn cnc incu:Iry
GrecIer cf :en:e cf purpc:e cnc vc|ue in cur ycuIh
lncrec:ec prccucIiviIy cnc crecIiviIy
GrecIer :ccic| cche:icn

Mr. Specker, ecuccIicn i: c ncIicnc| encecvcur. Ihe p|cnnec Ircn:fcrmcIicn cf
ecuccIicn i: c mc::ive uncerIcking. Ihe Lehcvicur prcL|em in cur :chcc|: i:
A Irons|ormed Educot|on System Foge 33 o|
33 Contr|but|on to the 2008J200 Sectoro| Debote by Hon. Andrew M Ho|ness MF, M|n|ster o|
Educot|on...Moy 20, 2008

ccu:e fcr c|crm. /I Iime: Ihe ecuccIicn :y:Iem ccn :eem c: if iI i: cuI cf
ccnIrc|. Fecp|e :Icp me c|| Ihe Iime cnc :cy, ycu hcve c Icugh Ic:k". l ncc
cnc l :mi|e. Ye: Ihe Ic:k i: chc||enging, Ihe re:u|I: cf cur effcrI mcy ncI Le
recci|y :een, cnc Ihe ncIicn mcy Le impcIienI. NeverIhe|e::, l cm ccnficenI in
Ihe :Icff cf Ihe Mini:Iry cf EcuccIicn, l cm ccnficenI in Ihe :uppcrI cf Ihe Frime
Mini:Ier cnc my cc||ecgue: in Ihe CcLineI cnc LcIh :ice: cf Ihe Fcr|icmenI, Ihe
Ieccher: kncw l hcve Iheir Le:I inIere:I cI hecrI cnc l kncw IhcI Jcmciccn:
wcnI Ihe Le:I fcr ecuccIicn. WiIh Gcc: he|p we ccn mcke iI.

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