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It is more of what in Germany is called a Sammelrezension (cumulative review in English) of selected articles, boo s, and websites than an article

crafting a sp ecific argument. Stephen Moore and Fernando Segovia use this expression for three of the most p roductive postcolonial critics. See . Edward W. Said, Orientalismus, 2nd ed. (Fran furt: Fischer, 2009). Homi K. Bhabha, Die Verortung der Kultur (Tbingen: Stauffenburg, 2000). It too almost twenty years for a translation of her doubtlessly most influent ial text Can the Subaltern Spea ? to appear in German: Gayatri Cha ravorty Spiva , Can the Subaltern Spea ? Post olonialitt und subalterne Arti ulation (Vienna, Berlin: Turia & Kant 2007). Nadine Bhm, Barbara Gabel-Cunningham, Doris Feldmann, Christian Krug, Andreas N ehring, Sabine Nunius, "Post oloniale bersetzung als ulturhermeneutisches Proje t." Zur bertragung von Spiva s 'A Critique of Postcolonial Reason' ins Deutsche, in: Christoph Ernst, Walter Sparn, Hedwig Wagner, eds. Kulturhermeneuti . Interd isziplinre Beitrge zum Umgang mit Kultureller Differenz (Munich: Fin , 2008), 519538. Cf. Michelle Barrett , Anne Phillips, eds.. Destabilizing Theory: Contemporary Feminist Debates (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1992). Edward W. Said, Orientalism (New Yor : Vintage Boo s, 1979). Cf. Roger Diederen, Davy Depelchin, eds. Orientalismus in Europa. Von Delacroi x bis Kandins y (Munich: Hirmer, 2010). Cf. "Burcu Dogramaci: Wie schn war die Alleinherrschaft: Eine Mnchner Ausstellun g zum Orientalismus schwelgt in den olonialen Bildwelten des 19. Jahrhunderts," Sddeutsche Zeitung, 29-30 January 29-30 2011, 13. Ibid. Ibid. Mara do Mar Castro Varela, Ni ita Dhawan, eds. Post oloniale Theorie: Eine rit ische Einfhrung (Fran furt: transcript, 2005), 7. For a very compact and readable online introduction to postcolonial theory see Katrin Amelang and Oliver Schupp , Post oloniale Theorie und die Spurensuche nach Widerstand, (b.w.g.t, Protestbewegu ngen im globalen Kapitalismus), ry.html#f19 (accessed November 16, 2011). Quoted in Varela and Dhawan. Cf. ibid. Ibid., 8. Gayatri Char avorty Spiva , A Critique of Postcolonial Reason: Toward a Histor y of the Vanishing Present (Boston, MA: Harvard University Press, 1999). Immanuel Kant, Physische Geographie in Kants Wer e Band IX (Berlin: de Gruyter , 1923), 316. Wolfgang Schoberth, Einfhrung in die theologische Anthropologie (Darmstadt: Wis senschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2006) 51. Spiva , A Critique of Postcolonial Reason, 8-9. Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel, Philosophie der Geschichte, quoted in Kien Nghi Ha, Ethnizitt und Migration Reloaded: Kulturelle Identitt, Differenz und Hybriditt im post olonialen Dis urs (Berlin: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2004), 120. Spiva , A Critique of Postcolonial Reason, 110. Andreas Nehring, Mista en Readings Gayatri Spiva s Deconstruction of Hegel and the Bhagavadgt, in The Fuzzy Logic of Encounter: New Perspectives on Cultural Contact, ed. Snne Juterczen a and Gesa Mac enthun (Mnster: Waxmann Verlag, 2009) 145-157 ( 147). Ibid., 152. Spiva , A Critique of Postcolonial Reason, 58. Nehring, Mista en Readings, 155. Cf. Aufstand der Herero und Nana, http://de.wi i/Aufstand_der_Here ro_und_Nama (accessed November 16, 2011). For a documentation of this genocide see Medardus Brehl, Der Vl ermord an den He rero 1904 und seine zeitgenssische Legitimation, in Vl ermord und Kriegsverbrechen in der ersten Hlfte des 20. Jahrhunderts, ed. Micha Brumli and Irmtrud Woja (Fr

an furt: Campus, 2004), 77-98. Es tut uns so leid, /historische-entschuldigun gen-es-tut-uns-so-leid-1.275192-7 (accessed November 16, 2011). A grim reminder of the Herero genocide to this day is stored in the archaeological archives of G erman universities, where s ulls of illed Hereros have been sent for anthropolog ical studies. Cf. G. Etscheit Ma abres Erbe Sddeutsche Zeitung, April 11, 2009, http :// arriere/universitaets-archive-ma abres-erbe-1.403489 (ac cessed November 16, 2011). Katharina Ruhland Ein Platz an der Sonne, Hinterland: Das Vierteljahrmagazin fr ein ruhiges. Ein Magazin vom Bayerischen Flchtlingsrat, vol. 15, December 2010, 4 1, (accessed November 16, 2011). Cf. Thomas Pa enham, The Scramble for Africa: White Mans Conquest of the Dar C ontinent 1876-1912 (New Yor : Avon Boo s, 1992). Ibid., xxi. Ibid., xxiii. 125th Anniversary of the Berlin Africa Conference: Commemoration Reappraisal Re paration, http://www.berliner-afri a- (accessed November 16, 2 011). Karneval der Kulturen, http://www.wer statt-der- (acces sed November 16, 2011). Veranstaltung: Wozu post olonialer A tivismus in Deutschland. Die Auseinanderse tzung mit olonialen Kontinuitten in deutschen Stdten, http://www.freiburg-post olo (accessed November 16, 2011). As late as 2010 German zoos in Augsburg, Berlin, and Eberswalde combined exhibitions of African animals with exhibitions of and charity collections for African tribes. Cf. Zara Pfeiffer and Philip Zlls, Mapping Postcolonial Positions, Hinterland: Da s Vierteljahrmagazin fr ein ruhiges. Ein Magazin vom Bayerischen Flchtlingsrat, v ol. 15, December 2010, 47, (acces sed November 16, 2011). freiburg-post, http://www.freiburg-post (accesse d November 16, 2011). Lothar von Trotha was the commander of the troops committing the genocide agai nst the Hereros (see above). Stadt Mnchen benennt Von-Trotha-Strae um in EPV Evangelischer Presseverband fr Baye rn, (accessed November 16, 2011). Cf. Samuel P. Hungington, The Clash of Civilizations and the Rema ing of World Order (New Yor : Simon & Schuster Paperbac s, 1996). Ilija Trojanow and Ranjit Hos ot, Kampfabsage. Kulturen be mpfen sich nicht sie flieen zusammen (Munich: Karl Blessing Verlag, 2007). That Trojanow is part and parcel of the German literary establishment is mirro red by the fact that he is writing in German, has published extensively with big German publishers, and has been writer-in-residence (Stadtschreiber) in Mainz i n 2007. Trojanow/Hos ot, Kampfabsage, 11. Ibid., 15. Ibid., 16. Ibid., 21. Quoted in ibid., 158. Ibid., 168. Ibid., 192. Ibid., 205. Ibid., 102. Cf. my own wor on this question: Michael Nausner, Homeland as Borderland, in Po stcolonial Theologies: Divinity and Empire, ed. Catherine Keller, Michael Nausne r, Mayra Rivera (St. Louis, MO: Chalice Press, 2004), 118-132; Michael Nausner, Subjects In-between: A Theological Boundary Hermeneutics (PhD dissertation, Drew University, 2005). Trojanow/Hos ot, Kampfabsage, 40. Kien Nghi Ha, Ethnizitt und Migration Reloaded, 16. Ibid., 11.

Ibid., 12. Quoted in ibid., 13. Ibid., 14. Ibid., 17. Ibid., 19. Cf.Differente Erfahrungen: Tr ische MigrantInnen in der BRD in ibid., 23-76. Ibid., 203. Ibid., 206. Ibid., 207. Ibid., 209. The last big debate was spurred by a boo of Thilo Sarrazin, a member of the b oard of directors of the German Federal Reserve. Thilo Sarrazin, Deutschland sch afft sich ab: Wie wir unser Land aufs Spiel setzen (Munich: Deutsche Verlagsanst alt, 2010). See, e.g., an impressive volume gathering a wide range of voices from differen t disciplines analyzing the development of a new border regime in Europe. One fo cus of the volume is the problematic externalizing of the border regime into the neighboring countries by European migration policies. Cf. Sabine Hess and Bernd Kaspare , eds. Grenzregime: Dis urse, Pra ti en, Institutionen in Europa (Berli n: Assoziation A, 2010). Catherine Keller, Michael Nausner, Mayra Rivera (eds.), Postcolonial Theologie s: Divinity and Empire (St. Louis, MO: Chalice Press, 2004), 5. In the Catholic Institut fr Politi und Theologie at the university of Mnster connections between liberation theology and postcolonial theology are drawn as well with reference t o the wor of the Argentinian feminist theologian Marcella Althaus-Reid. Cf. Ins titut fr Theologie und Politi , Rundbrief Nr. 34, January 3, 2011, http://www.itp (accessed November 16, 2011). Doris Strahm, ber Grenzen hinaus den en: Anliegen und Entwic lungen feministisch er Theologie, (accessed November 16, 20 11). Ibid., 6. Ibid., 7. Andreas Nehring, Joachim Valentin (ed.), Religious Turns Turning Religion. Vern derte ulturelle Dis urse neue religise Wissensformen (Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2008 ), 8. Andreas Nehring, Religion und Kultur. Beschreibung einer Differenz, in ibid., 11 -31. Ibid., 14. Ibid., 16. Ibid., 21. Ibid., 23. Ibid., 26. Cf. ibid., 27. Ibid., 28. Ibid., 29. Quoted in ibid. Ibid., 30. It started 1816 as Evangelisches Missionsmagazin. Claudia Jahnel, Verna ulare umene in trans ultureller Einheit: umenische Theolo gie nach dem Cultural Turn. Inter ulturelle Theologie (1/2008), 10-34 (11). Ibid., 14. Ibid., 24. Cf. ibid., 25. Ibid., 28. Cf. ibid., 29-30. Ibid., 32. Cf. ibid., 33. Moritz Fischer, Hybriditt/Hybridisierung: ber den heuristischen Wert eines ulturwi ssenschaftlichen Konzepts fr die Inter ulturelle Theologie. Inter ulturelle Theolo gie (3/2008), 282-304.

Ibid., 284. Cf. ibid., 285-6. Ibid., 286. Ibid. Ibid., 299. Ibid., 300. Ibid., 301. Ibid., 302. Ibid., 303. Cf. Robert Schreiter, Verbreitung der Wahrheit oder inter ulturelle Theologie: Was meinen wir, wenn wir heute von Mission sprechen? Inter ulturelle Theologie (1 /2010), 13-31 (20). Ibid., 22. Cf. ibid., 23. Cf. ibid., 29. Ibid., 30. Cf. Thilo Sarrazin, Deutschland schafft sich ab, 11. Cf. ibid., 18. Cf. ibid., 255. Cf. ibid., 259, 266. Hilal Sezgin, ed. Deutschland erfindet sich neu: Manifest der vielen (Berlin: Blumenbar Verlag, 2011).

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