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zip This zip file contains 2 functions to transform generic (nD) quadratic hyper-sur faces from homogeneous form (that is [x' 1]*E*[x;1]=0) to center form (that is ( x'-c')*inv(Q)*(x-c)=1, which is used for example in the ellipsoidal toolbox). Examples: % zero-centered ellipse of semiaxes 1 and 2 % center to homogeneous form: E=c2h(diag([1 4]),[0 0]') % homogeneous to center form: [Q,c]=h2c(E) ===========x=========== This is a Simulink implementation of a dynamical system that generates a sequenc e of primes. Required Products Simulink =================x========== MIMO Tool is a toolbox for MATLAB (it works fine in every version from 5.3 until 7.8) developed with the aim to offering a complete toolbox for continuous time MIMO linear systems analysis and robust control synthesis. The main idea behind this tool is allowing the user to perform, without leaving the visual interface, every step of the typical MIMO control system design: -) -) -) -) -) Modeling Open Loop System Analysis Control System Synthesis Closed Loop evaluation Controller Optimization / Simulation

An HTML help file is accessible within the program. This toolbox was developed within the Department of Electrical Systems and Autom ation (DSEA), University of Pisa, under the supervision of prof. Mario Innocenti , Massimo Davini was the main developer of the visual interface, Giampiero Campa was the main developer of the underlying routines. IMPORTANT, this toolbox requires the following: -) Control Toolbox -) LMI Toolbox -) Mu-Tools toolbox Robust Control and Optimization toolboxes allow more functionalities when presen t, but are not strictly necessary to run the program. Giampy, June 2002 ===========x============== Description This s-function solves Riccati equations in Simulink without calling the Matlab interpreter, it is FAST and usable with Real Time Workshop. Specifically, the s-function is a level-2 gateway that calls several FORTRAN rou

tines written by Arnold and Laub in the early eighties and publicly available un der the cascade sublibrary of netlib. FORTRAN code is included in the Readme fil e, along with further instructions on how to compile and link the s-function. Giampiero Campa, October 2002 and January 2009 Riccardo Bevilacqua & Jason Hall, NPS Spacecraft Robotics Lab, October 2008 Required Products Simulink MATLAB release MATLAB 7.6 (R2008a) Required Products Control System Toolbox ==============x================ Interacting with an Arduino Using the Matlab Serial Commands Description Using information from Matlab central, Robot Grrl, and the Arduino forums, four files (two .m and two sketches) demonstrate two way communications between Matla b and the Arduino. The first set of files, serialTest1, demonstrates arduino inp ut with Matlab tic/toc timing information added, and the second set of files, se rialTest2, uses clock information from the arduino. I think you'll find the resu lts interesting when the two approaches are compared. Usage: Load the sketch on your arduino. LED13 will light, indicating that the arduino i s waiting for a response from Matlab to start. Load the m file, and change the c om port to the port where the arduino USB is mapped on your PC (I use Linux, thu s the /dev/ttyUSB1, it will be something like 'COM3' in windows). Run the .m fil e, and LED13 will turn off as Matlab signls the arduino, data is read, and a plo t is created of time info versus counter data (simulating sensor data). Remember to reset the arduino before each m file run (LED13 must be on)! Used an arduino mega, but should work fine on most arduinos. Thanks to Tom Igoe and Robot Grrl (see sketch references to http addresses). Robot Grrl plots as she goes, and you can do that also, although it will slow things down slightly. But, note the key to these files, is the use of the proper TERMINATOR. The matlab set terminator statement using LF and the use of serial.println in arduino is the secret ingred ient to success. If you don't use these, then you are relying on inserted timing delays, yuck. MATLAB release MATLAB 7.8 (R2009a) Other requirements Arduino and the Arduino toolbox 018.

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