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Bishops Committee Meeting June 3, 2012 In attendance: Johnnette Shane, Steve Reiser, Kirsty Imes, Kevin Minch, Pete

Kelly, Sally West, Krista Baker Meeting called to order 12:44 p.m. Minutes from last meeting unanimously approved. Vicars report Meeting with Roger Ricketts to be discussed under new business. Two training meetings for Food for Kids were well attended. About 2/3 of the slots are filled. We are not staffing Memorial Park this year. Johnnette will do story-telling on two days during Vacation Bible School in the Presbyterian Church. We still need some volunteers. Johnnette spoke with the bishop about loans for the building campaign. We only anticipate borrowing money that has been pledged for the future, which he thought was wise. The bishop noted we must have an up-to-date assessment. Tuesday service attendance has been smaller but attendees really like the service. Bishops Wardens report The old website was scrapped and a lot of work has been put into building the new one by Kevin and Maria. Junior Wardens: no report Treasurers report Repairs on AC in the vicarage were expensive last month. Bill for building campaign consultant, Roger Ricketts, came to $920 including expenses. Audit was completed and forwarded to the diocese by the end of May. We have received diocesan request for preliminary budget for 2014, due in the diocese July 20. Old Business Advertising campaign planning continues (Kevin and Maria). Discussion ensued of video taping the music in a service, or a communion, etc. to give people a taste of our service. We would like to conduct testimonial videos about why members of the congregation attend Trinity. What do we want to do about advertising major feasts? We are dropping contributions to KIM to $30 annually (this represents their minimum membership level). Committees: o Pastoral care has been active but the committee has yet to meet officially o Adult formation: Plan to start adult Sunday school in the summerthe first session will last five weeks (beginning July 15), entitled Embracing an adult faith by Marcus Borg. Second session will be one week on end of life planning,

beginning August 19. Third session will be Episcopal 101: What We Believe, from September 9 to October 14. o Outreach committee has not met yet but outreach has been active, preparing for Food for Kids, Vacation Bible School, etc. New Business Building campaign: Extensive discussion of the letter on the results of the survey and how best to present this information to the congregation. For reasons of keeping maximum transparency, we decided to present the information just as it was presented to us by Roger Ricketts (as opposed to omitting how many people pledged at what level). Jared would like to offer piano lessons on the church piano. Should we charge a fee for this? Are there insurance issues? Would our diocesan insurance cover us for any accidents? We need to find this out from the diocese before making a decision. We received a letter asking if people from Oasis congregations could attend the Pride event in St. Louis. Do we want to go to this, or should we organize our own Kirksville mass on the grass? Kevin moved to have Johnnette (and any other parishioners who wish to) go and represent us at the Pride event in St. Louis, with the church covering vicars expenses, and that we should try to organize our own event for next year (2013). The committee voted to approve, contingent on us being able to find a supply priest for that Sunday (June 24). Joanne is now at Twin Pines. We need to show community support for her as her church family. Prayer Meeting adjourned at 2:53 p.m.

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