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July 4th, 2012

Its been 236 years since the United States of America became independent from England, and in this the Nation has gone through some pretty turbulent times, and I imagine that there will be similar events that cloud the horizon of our young country. When one looks about at events taking place on our globe it can safely be assumed that, for the ones that remember, we pray that we dont step into the same atmosphere of suspicion and fear we stepped through with the Cuban Missile Crisis, when John F Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev walked lightly in their attempt to avoid in nuclear collision course which would have caused havoc in both the western and eastern hemisphere. Observations by people much wiser than I speculate that we (as a world society) are as close or closer to the ignition of a single spark that could or would escalate into a nuclear solution. Although some of us believe that once again common sense will prevail, others believe that what little common sense that is walking about will fly out the window under this guise or the other and while some in fact believe the nuclear option no longer exists, dont kid your self. Delivery systems have improved to such a state that duck and cover will not do the job, as if it ever would, along with the two major military powers on our planet a multitude of other countries now have the capability to reign massive warheads on countries far from each their borders with this we realize that at some point in time a leader located outside of our sphere of direct influence will get fed up with the ongoing diplomatic bilge water being thrown about concerning their country, especially by the mainstream media of

our western media which takes pride in its published accounts based on falsehoods or half-truths that might touch on truth enough to where the information appears to be factual and the spark will spread becoming a nuclear confrontation that will touch all lands and their populations. The prelude to such an event will make the thirteen days of October 1962 appear as a cakewalk as politicians and their ambassadors scramble trying to pull the fat from the frying pan All the treaties in the world, beginning with Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty endorsed by Kennedy and Khrushchev on July 25th, 1963 will be so many pieces of paper and WWIII will become a major part of humanities history if there is one. It wasnt but just a bit ago that Iran claimed they shot down a US reconnaissance drone in eastern Iran another provocation leading to an eventual showdown with Iran although Iran as of yet doesnt have nuclear capability they do have some powerful friends that do. In the Mediterranean we see the US and Russia shifting their navies about positioning themselves in confrontational areas. Couple this with the way the US and its European allies have run willy-nilly over and in between International Law in some cases making our mutually agreed upon laws null and void, one example is the plunging of NATO into Libya assisting one side of a civil war, whereas not unlike Iraq we observed a blatant grab for Libyas oil fields. Speaking of Iraq the lies and false accusations laid on the doorsteps of the worlds population by the sitting ex-President of the USA and the ex-Prime Minister of England about the weapons of mass destruction have been glossed over as so much melded butter on a warm piece of morning toast you know in a legitimate court of law if the Judge catches you or I in a lie, your case is thrown out and a penalty slapped on you one lie and your credibility is destroyed and the world around you will find it very, very difficult to accept any words from you again. Each and every statement you utter will time and time again have to stand the test of truth in order for I or any one else to accept your statements. Unfortunately the Western Society has morphed into a land of half-truths that have melded into the general population, and in doing so have made hypocrites of more than just a few whereas out of one side of their face they

pray for peace, while the other side of their face looks sideways at those who question those in power except those in power who happened to have a different skin tone. It has become difficult to find the difference between those who are lying and those who are not where spinning their lies has become so commonplace as they spread their evil intentions onto their targeted victims. Today we find entire nations under the finger of our International Bankers, reflect here we have the select few wealthy that not only control the populations of our society but also have the power to keep their ruling entities off the lists of the richest of our world. Are they primary contributors to our way-of-life, not really they are serving the same function as your grandmother tin-can she buried in her backyard, albeit with a little more sophistication coupled with inventive ways cooked up by those highly educated men and women who were taught the manipulative ways to twist and turn the economy, lifting a bit here and there from the working class. Their function mimics those societies that are run by despotic rulers whether they are the royals, fascists, Marxist, or our modern groups that control with fear, fear that has been generated by conservative think tanks promoting world domination by a race or religious entities outside of a nations borders. It is becoming more and more evident that it is the tycoons of the multinational or trans-national corporations and their paid for and owned media outlets, that our world wide population is held in the grips of blatant usury, a criminal creation of select currencies, and the hoarding of our commodities such as gold, food, energy and last but not least water. These demi-gods of industry strongly believe they will direct the future of all of mankind; unfortunately they do not yet hold sway over the entire world. If you do not believe for one small minute that if there were copious reserves of oil under the soil in Syria that NATO or some other Western force would be fully involved in the conflict, think again. It may be there is no oil lying about in Syria, but keep in mind that it does represent a transportation route for the oil of the Middle East (Iraq especially) away from the present path through a small stretch of water that Iran could make un-navigable in a short period of time. In other words there is a reason for the madness in Syria, couple this madness with the not-so-secret funding of the rebels by the US and the European Union and once again we have the makings of another push by the

oil tycoons sacrificing the lives of innocent people in their quest for world domination. Outside of their sphere of power we find the rest of us, who if you havent noticed are getting just more than a bit fed up with their actions, we even find such societies and their governments such as China and Russia voting against any combined NATO or UN military action in Syria ever wonder why their intelligent agencies are not as easily hoodwinked as the politicians in the West who through and under the influence of Big Money are being led to the water of WAR and being forced to drink or drown, in turn the popular media lining up to be spoon fed this information in turn shoveling the information to the population in copious amounts and on a 24/7 basis. Syria might be the spark, and then again it might not be, but sooner than later a flash will ignite a situation and it will spiral out-of-control thereby something will happen that we all believed could never happen maybe you wont be close enough to see, feel or hear the immediate effects but as the too many to count real weapons of mass destruction that will explode in other parts of the world whereas the massive cloud of nuclear material will soon spread across the sky and you will be harmed. Duck and Cover will not work nor will staying indoors under your bed work you and yours will get sick and eventually waste away, animals will die and the ground will be poisoned for decades. One day the Earth will shed the nuclear poison, bacteria albeit maybe in a different configuration will emerge and the process of life will begin anew, hopefully this time it will take a different direction, maybe man if he is able to find any record of our previous existence will study the events and the results and learn a lesson I would like to say he would, but if he is anything like man today he wont. Have a nice day.

James l Bradley kanook

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