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‫ פ' ויחי‬Abstract ‫לקוטי שיחות‬

- ‫תוכן הענינים מלקו"ש השבועי‬-
‫לע"נ ר' אפרים ב"ר אברהם ע"ה האפמאן‬ ‫נשמת אפרים‬
 Resource to encourage the study of the Rebbe’s sichos 

‫הוראה‬ ‫ענין‬ ‫פסוק‬ ‫חלק‬

The avodah of Kabalas Ol has an “From Asher, his bread shall be fat” (oil)
advantage over the service of “and he shall dip his foot in oil”; Oil ‫מאשר שמנה‬
intellectual understanding, the refers to Chochmah, and foot the lowest ‫א‬
foot completing the head body part utilizes the oil
‫ כ‬,‫לחמו מט‬
The Previous Rebbe translated all Yaacov initiated a new service and was one
the lofty spiritual truths of the Avos; Yosef did not initiate a new
communicated by the previous service, yet he brought Yaacov’s potential ‫פקד יפקד‬ ‫ג‬
Rebbeim into terms that could into this world ‫ כד‬,‫נ‬
be understood by those on the The Avos are each connected to a Regel;
lowest spiritual levels Yosef is connected to Shemini Atzeres
How much more so by good Yaacov reproached Shimon & Levi for *‫כי באפם‬
intentions, that one should killing the people of Shechem, but did ‫הא‬
focus on helping another don’t reproach them for killing Shechem ‫ ו‬,‫הרגו איש מט‬
The high level of unification of
Two opinions whom the brothers married:
brother and sister can only
cause harm in this world;
One opinion is that they married their *‫וישאו ואתו‬
before Matan Torah, due to
“half” sisters is obvious ‫ב‬ ‫ה‬
their high nature, the brothers
Rashi explains according to the other ‫ יג‬,‫בניו נ‬
were able to receive this level
By helping a fellow Jew to do These 17 years were considered the best
Teshuvah, both obtain a portion years of Yaacov’s life; he established a
of additional light that throws house of Torah study, which can lift a ‫ כח‬,‫מז‬ ‫ויחי‬ ‫א‬ ‫י‬
off the darkness person above their worldly limitations
Yaacov desired to reveal the time of
It is possible that our spiritually-
Moshiach's arrival, but was not able to do
challenged generation will
so; but his longing enabled the Jews to
merit the revelation of the
have revealed to them "the end of days" at ‫באחרית‬
coming Redemption, a
least in an transforming manner, thus, ‫ב‬ ‫י‬
revelation not merited by
allowing them to devote themselves to
‫ א‬,‫הימים מט‬
previous, much loftier
G-d entirely free from the servitude of the
Nations and of the evil inclination
Only when Yaacov approached the time of
By the children (us) following his death, having meanwhile descended
Yaacov’s true life, even in uncorrupted with his family to Egypt, it
Galus, can we fully appreciate was revealed that his entire life, although ‫ כח‬,‫מז‬ ‫ויחי‬ ‫א‬ ‫טו‬
that Yaacov continues to live externally filled with pain and suffering,
was true life - "And Yaacov lived"
A Jew in Galus needs to In the service of Yosef, Menasheh
remember the past but also to (connection to prior) was more important; ‫הקטן יגדל‬
draw out the current in the service of Yaacov, Efraim ‫ב‬ ‫טו‬
possibilities (elevation of current) was more important
‫ יט‬,‫ממנו מח‬
For weekly email, send an email to ‫* רש"י שיחה‬
‫ פ' ויחי‬Abstract ‫לקוטי שיחות‬
- ‫תוכן הענינים מלקו"ש השבועי‬-
‫לע"נ ר' אפרים ב"ר אברהם ע"ה האפמאן‬ ‫נשמת אפרים‬
 Resource to encourage the study of the Rebbe’s sichos 

Superiority of Yehuda’s Teshuvah Reuven, in response to his anger affecting

over Reuven, teaches that a Jew others, the Priesthood & Kingship
must not only be involved in (superiority to others) were taken; *‫יתר שאת‬ ‫ג‬ ‫טו‬
self-improvement, but also regarding his thoughts towards Yaacov’s ‫ ב‬,‫מט‬
involved with doing good to honor which affected himself, the first-
others born status (inward honor) was taken
The goal of Galus Mitzrayim was to prepare the Jewish people for Matan Torah
The Bavli holds that we decide for the present in a conflict with the future;
‫בנימין זאב‬
The Yerushalmi decides for the future and conforms present actions to reflect ‫ כז‬,‫יטרף מט‬ ‫ד‬ ‫טו‬
the desired future outcome (present is a preparation for the future) ‫סיום מס' קידושין‬
Different explanations of Rashi, emphasize *‫אשר כריתי‬
the importance of the burial site, that ‫ה‬ ‫טו‬
Yaacov did not just inherit but bought it ‫ ה‬,‫לי נ‬
One should desire, think and Yaacov wished to reveal the end of days, ‫באחרית‬
speak about redemption and the redemption; the Jew’s actions can ‫א‬ ‫כ‬
this will hasten its time influence the time of redemption ‫ א‬,‫הימים מט‬
Levi was not enslaved in Egypt to Menasheh and Efraim carried the aron of
provide assistance to the rest of Yaacov as the shulchim of Levi & Yosef; ‫וישאו אתו‬
the Jews to rise above exile; to with the inception of the exile, these latter ‫ב‬ ‫כ‬
turn darkness into light two brothers were exempt
‫ יג‬,‫בניו נ‬
If a person is blessed with great-
grandchildren, then one should
Yosef not only saw his great grandchildren *‫על ברכי‬
teach them Torah or at least
but also helped raise them and taught ‫ג‬‫כ‬
contribute to their education
them Torah ‫ כג‬,‫יוסף נ‬
In spite of the current physical Yaacov wanted to be buried in Israel, to be
benefits of Galus, one must higher than the exile to empower the Jews ‫אל נא תקברני‬
insist on Geulah from the depth to overcome; Yosef thought they should ‫כהא‬
of one’s soul and this would remain with the Jews in Egypt in order to ‫ כט‬,‫במצרים מז‬
lead to transform Galus elevate the remaining sparks
Level of Tzadik Tachton – our Grabbing like a wolf indicates taking from
generation’s avodah is turning an opponent by force; spiritually *‫בנימין זאב‬
bad into good, snatching the “grabbing” means snatching what could ‫ב‬ ‫כה‬
sparks wherever possible be bad to become good
‫ כז‬,‫יטרף מט‬
The tribes shared in all of the blessings of Yaacov due to their common source
in Yaacov, their “father”
‫ – תנחומא‬they shared in general the result (like Yissachar and Zevulun)
‫ בראשית רבה‬- each tribe influences the others from their own blessing *‫וברך אותם‬ ‫ג‬‫כה‬
(example, Yissachar establishes time of learning Torah with the others) ‫ כח‬,‫מט‬
‫ רש"י‬- each tribe shares completely their own blessing with the other tribes
(each tribe primarily receives their own blessing and just receives the
blessings of the others tribes as secondary)

For weekly email, send an email to ‫* רש"י שיחה‬

‫ פ' ויחי‬Abstract ‫לקוטי שיחות‬
- ‫תוכן הענינים מלקו"ש השבועי‬-
‫לע"נ ר' אפרים ב"ר אברהם ע"ה האפמאן‬ ‫נשמת אפרים‬
 Resource to encourage the study of the Rebbe’s sichos 

Rochel ‫ עקרת הבית‬sacrificed her own personal benefit (to be buried with Yaacov,
place of holiness) in order to assist her children (buried on the way even for ‫ואני בבאי‬
those that sin); the different types of service of Rochel and Yaacov serve as ‫א‬ ‫ל‬
prototypes of the basic service of women and men (see table below)
‫ ז‬,‫מפדן מח‬
We Are Created To Serve Our Creator - Applies Equally to Women and to Men
Women Men
Exempt from time-bound Mitzvos and Engage in Torah, Prayer & fulfillment of
learning Torah for its own sake Mitzvos, plus a livelihood
Engaged in the needs of the Home ‫בכל דרכיך דעהו‬
Sacrifices personal benefits for needs of ‫כל מעשיך יהיו לשם שמים‬
others Satisfy their ‫ישות‬
Does not distinguish between children Determine particular distinguishing factors
Determines the essence of being Jewish (Cohen, Levi, Yisrael)

Yaacov was concerned about Yosef’s sons

being brought up in Egypt (not a marital
Marriage is a vehicle to draw
defect); Yosef showed him the notes he *‫בזה‬ ‫ב‬ ‫ל‬
down holiness into one’s life ‫ ט‬,‫מח‬
kept (‫)שטר אירוסין‬as a sign of their
additional degree of holiness in Egypt
Connection between beginning of Sefer Bereshis and its end, and the beginning
of Sefer Shmos: ‫כח מעשיו הגיד לעמו‬
Purpose of creation is to rectify the world ‫ לתת להם נחלת גוים‬for the Jews to make ‫ויישם בארון‬
a dwelling place below; the preparation for Matan Torah occurs by the ‫ג‬ ‫ל‬
spiritual inheritance from the Avos and the power gained by the experience of
‫ כו‬,‫במצרים נ‬
the exile and of the subsequent redemption from Mitzraim
Paroh’s tendency was to look down on Yosef as a fox, a lowly creature; Yaacov *‫וישתחו‬
bowed to Yosef to strengthen his feeling of importance to help in the difficult ‫א‬ ‫לה‬
task of obtaining Paroh’s permission to let Yaacov be buried in Eretz Yisrael; ‫ לא‬,‫ישראל מז‬
A blessing draws down the Which is greater, the one making the
holiness towards the world, and blessing or the one answering amen? Does '‫סיום מס‬
amen seals the deal, delivering one go after the potential or the actual ‫ב‬ ‫לה‬
with no more obstacles deed? ‫אמן יש בה ג' דברים – שבועה קבלה אמונה‬
“Don’t talk in the middle of a meal”
‫כל ישראל יש להם חלק לעולם הבא‬
“Yaacov did not die”
Jews exist within the world and
operate within its confines, but
Actions of Torah & mitzvos are done within ‫ויגוע‬ ‫ג‬ ‫לה‬
the confines of the world due to HaShem’s ‫ לג‬,‫מט‬
in their essence are not bound
directives, though Torah is not bound by
by the world
the world in its essence

For weekly email, send an email to ‫* רש"י שיחה‬

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