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i am concerned that the term "soap opera" is demeaning to the seriousness of the rape claims and the seriousness

of the stalking of the rape victims by people online who mr. assange promotes. i am concerned that the term "soap opera" trivializes the seriousness of assange rebranding rape as "free love" or "swedish sex" or a CIA or feminist plot. it demeans the case to imply that this is merely a romantic comedy, or a matter for voyeuristic entertainment. no human rights group can be taken seriously when they leave women out of the equation. the more i follow the case, the less convinced i am that any surface valuation is appropriate. if the british male dominated media continues to demean the victims and deny rape victims justice, and act oblivious to ecuador's human rights crimes against women, in human trafficking, police run brothels, domestic violence records, and rape--calling this a "soap opera" really adds more confusion to this case. i think a lot of the problem is the human bonding that occurred with assange and a lot of us. some of us were impressed with his highly syllabic sentences or his technical skills. reconciling our feelings of a connection, with our horrors for american torture and extraordinary rendition, and with women's rights should not be so hard. we can support human rights for women, and also information freedom, and also all human rights for all humans. rape is a form of torture. as war rape is condemned in international law, no excuse for assange's behavior is sufficient. in a sense, his work as a war documentarian, is used as an excuse for rape. is this not but another form of war rape? this should not suffice our intellects. the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women is applicable to the women of Sweden. if their government failed to investigate these claims, they could in theory proceed to make a complaint under the Optional Protocol of CEDAW, alleging systemic state restriction of their human rights. it doesn't help to call this a soap opera. every trivializing metaphor has been used to demean assange's victims. rape victims world wide are visibly suffering as the media brushes women's rights aside. in the USA we are threatened with retraction of Voting rights for Women. I have a lot of faith in james ball. but for instance when defending a person accused of violent crimes, a certain measure of interpersonal emotional bonding will occur

with the alleged perpetrator. it is our duty to recognize that this emotional bonding is a natural human animal function, and that all humans have redeemable qualities. it should not empower us to over-rule other human being's human rights due to our warm fuzzy feelings for a perceived leader, hero, crush, etc. the british media's crush on assange has failed to look critically at gender equality issues which face england. your parliament is packed with men. your trash rags are tawdry and sexist. your drunk inhabitants verbally harass women. your pay equity is abysmal. your police protect rape, if not perpetrate it themselves. england is in no position to whitewash rape as a "soap opera." forced marriage and honor killings are protected by the english government. there is not a moral leg to stand on. joining Ecuador, or Re-ifying Correa and Ricardo Patino's claim that rape is "hilarious" where the bare facts of rape and domestic violence and sex trafficking in Ecuador scream for our attention is a major misprision. the media was quick to rush to show Ecuador's Censorship. But where is the attention due to the barbarous brutal Corrective Rapes and Torture Clinics where Lesbians are "cured" of their gayness. the decision is not for Correa. the spotlight is now on his human rights crimes against women in Ecuador. he might have escaped our notice had he not got himself involved in this Rape Amnesty plot, a huge insult to the hundreds of Raped Refugees turned away from Asylum in the UK and in Sweden. the International Law community needs more study and attention to the issues of Rape as a form of Political persecution, forced marriage as a government sponsored form of rape and child rape, and the rights of refugees to seek refuge in a country which does not treat them as a rape-able object. the insult to Asylum seekers is profound. would you call their rapes a "soap opera"? would you call mine? a whitewash is a human tendency, and it's time the guardian come out for women's rights and stop giving Free Rape Amnesty free passes to purported anti-war heroes. don't be a glenn greenwald or an amy goodman. the youth deserve more than that. i believe in you james ball. assange has cited attacks on islamic women in sweden, claimed reports of ethiopian raped women refugees denied asylum in sweden, are ALL ABOUT HIM.

this is more than a soap opera, even given his vanity and his rabid supporters. it is a cruel codification of systemic inequality for women, and it is time that british media stop its collusion with sexist political and governmental structures which reinforce second class status for women. the outcomes of bullying can be severe. many many reporters are bullied on this case. i have witnessed even too the bullying endured by james ball from assange supporters. this is no reason to give in and relent and relax your core principles of human rights for all humans. the victims may experience secondary victimization as the systemic social, media, and justice, and diplomatic systems enforce injustice and fail to protect them. i am shocked that issues of rape shield law are not more discussed in england regarding this case beyond the good work of david allen green, who is also bullied by assange supporters. deliberate attacks on humans who support women's rights and rape victims rights will stop the advancement of profound legal theory to assist true equality. when rape victims are bullied online, there is a reduction of desire of rape victims to report crimes. this deliberate participation in making a world safe for rape to occur is very dangerous. in america a civil lawsuit would proceed against mr. assange fo r all his linking to bloggers which attack his victims. it would be considered infliction of emotional distress, violation of rape shield law, a deliberate attempt to prejudice judiciaries, and malicious character attacks in retaliation for reporting a crime. retaliation for reporting a crime, is a separate criminal act which seeks to obstruct justice, and systematically deprive victims of their rights to justice. the medieval character attacks on the victims and ethnic slurs waged against sweden paint assange in a horrible light. he has attacked domestic violence advocates in sweden, a huge insult to swedish women who face domestic violence even up unto the point of death. his willingness to ignore all the statistical research in crime statistics showing crime against women easily accessible at is a crime of re-writing history for the flavor of his case. he consulted brita sundberg who was not an expert at rape law. instead, she with FSI painted a grotesque caricature of feminism in sweden which obscures the fact that womne in sweden do nort have equal pay, equal representation in boardrooms, in leadership, in executive positions, or in physical and sexual safety at bare minimum. this deliberate misinformation against swedish women is hurtful to their needs for true equality, and an insult to all the hard work that has brought them from a place where forced sterilization and child rape by governmental ministers was the norm in the 1970s. our international law systems fail women, in england, in sweden, in the UK, in sudan, in ethiopia, in china, in russia. more attention to the international comparative law aspects of sexual harassment

on the job, bullying of rape victims, and rape law norms, and how every country in the world enforces archaic gender norms, it is time for the guardian to embrace true equality for women, in your reporting and your political allegiances. rape of women was permissible in england under the guise of "marriage." until england sets its brutal record straight on forced marriage and marital rape, the emmerson defense, which relied on centuries old hale's idea that a man could not rape his wife, for she hath giver her consent for life, would not then be applicable to the assange standard, of having de facto pro tem rape-able wife, as per one instance of conditional consent. sadly assange's lawyer emmerson seemed maladept at english rape law when faced with montgomery's superior understanding of marital rape custom as emmerson attempted to apply it to assange a year ago. it is time the entire world makes marital rape illegal and forced marriage a crime and stops deifying all the polanskis of the world. marital rape was made illegal in sweden in 1965. assange's defamatory defense website which cited tony olsson a mass murderer and neo-nazi is more dangerous than commonly understood. advocation of neo-nazi ideology should make amy goodman and glenn greenwald wince, at least. they don't bat an eye. and assange's website tells me to shut up about it. a gag. from wikileaks. fancy that. sounds like a rape gag from halliburton KBR, but no, rape gags from wikileaks and the liberal left leave women desolate and bereaved. attacking rape victims, to enhance the future of rape gags for future rape is what i call wikileaks shariah. digital stoning of rape victims, so no future victims come forward. assange attacks gudrun schyman whose work to end human trafficking in domestic and sex slaves in europe is one of sweden's greatest glories. i informed her on twitter he was attacking her. an attack on her is an attack on women trafficked for sex slavery.

mary rose lenore eng 9 July 2012 @braingarbage first published as a response to by james ball @jamesrbuk on twitter

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