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Living In The Body Of God

Experiences In Spiritual Awakening

About The Author

I work as a writer and spiritual teacher and have an extensive background and education in Spirituality and Metaphysics. I have Doctorate in Metaphysical Science, am an Ordained Metaphysical Minister, a Certified Past Life Regressionist, and I've also been certified as a Reiki Master Teacher In the Tibetan Usui Tradition. Seventeen years ago I set out on a quest for enlightenment, and spent over five years living as a recluse monk in the forests of the Southwest U.S. and experienced several profound Awakenings.. which you will read about in this book.

For more resources and information please visit John Michael Christian and Spontaneous Awakening

My work now focuses primarily on creating a Sacred Space by utilizing what Quantum Physics calls the Zero Point Field, where mental patterns and emotional wounds can be shifted by Source Energy. I also guide people into the Present moment, and living in what I call Present Moment Awareness, and in learning how to live from the heart and observe life rather than trying to think your way through it. This allows you to quiet the mind and become deeply Present and live in the Now Moment. Present Moment Awareness connects you to your inner Divine Nature, which also enhances Intuition and Telepathy and reveals self sabotaging mental and emotional constructs. Ultimately it will also open the way for deep Spiritual Realization.

This is a Spontaneous and John Michael Christian Companies publication and is copyrighted material and may not be changed or altered in any way.

Copyright 2012 Dr. John Michael Christian John Michael Spontaneous

Living In The Body Of God

Experiences In Spiritual Awakening

Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Waking Up In The Body Of God ................................................ 3

Chapter 2
The Aftermath ......................................................................... 10

Chapter 3
The Second Time Around ......................................................... 15

Chapter 4
A Third Awakening Happens .................................................... 18

Chapter 5
Life Changes ........................................................................... 20

Copyright 2012 Dr. John Michael Christian John Michael Spontaneous

Living In The Body Of God

Experiences In Spiritual Awakening

Chapter 1 Waking Up In The Body Of God

My first experience..
To some people the idea that we live our lives in what I call The Body of God may seem ridiculous, and maybe even a little crazy. But as crazy as it sounds, it's absolutely true. We are pure energy and we live in the equivalent of an enormous hologram that is made up entirely of energy. If you've seen the movie The Matrix, you'll probably remember that they represented the world as energy that was generated by computers and was made to look real to the dreamers. In a very real sense, that's exactly the way things are in the world that we live in. The Matrix was a great metaphor for the underlying reality that we are living.. what I call our True Nature and Beingness. The primary difference between the Matrix movie and our reality is that the energy we exist in, and are, in isn't created by computers, it is what we call God, Creator, Spirit, etc. When I experienced my first Opening into Oneness I discovered this when I suddenly found myself in the Pure Light of Consciousness while meditating late one night. One minute I was sitting in the back of my Jeep out in the forest meditating, and the next I was experiencing myself as Light.

Copyright 2012 Dr. John Michael Christian John Michael Spontaneous

Living In The Body Of God

Experiences In Spiritual Awakening

I had no sense of myself other than that. I often tell people that John wasn't home.. and he was not. At that moment I knew that I was Light, and I was Awareness. I was Aware that I was in Light and that I WAS the Light, and also that what I was experiencing was God. I somehow also knew in my awareness that the Light was Conscious, and that it was an incredibly joyful experience. At that point my awareness shifted somewhat to my body and I became aware that tears were streaming down the face of the body I was occupying as a result of the overwhelming bliss and joy. Then once again my consciousness was drawn back to the Light and I again had no sense of my body, or even where I was at. It was all pure light, and I was that light. I don't know how long I sat there in that state, but eventually I fell asleep, and when I first woke up the next morning I immediately realized that something was very different. The first thing I experienced when I opened my eyes was the realization that everything had a wonderful golden energy to them that seemed to be shimmering. It was in my clothes and even the Jeep itself. The next thing I noticed was that I felt a deep peace that I'd never felt before, and a stillness. I also realized at some point that my mind was completely silent, and I also felt a tremendous sense of joy and bliss like I had experienced the previous night. I laid there for quite a while savoring the wonderful peaceful feeling, and just being.

Copyright 2012 Dr. John Michael Christian John Michael Spontaneous

Living In The Body Of God

Experiences In Spiritual Awakening

Eventually when I got up and out of the Jeep, I saw that everything looked very different. The world around me was shimmering with golden energy. After a while I realized then that what I was seeing was the energy that was creating the world. At that point, a single thought arose in my mind, and it said God is dreaming the dream alive. This golden shimmering energy was actually the energy creating the plants and the earth itself. It came to me as I was watching this pulsing energy that it was coming into form and then moving back out of form, and as I watched it, the realization came that I was actually watching creation coming into and going out of existence at an incredible speed, and later I discovered that this phenomenon is now known by quantum physics also. As I stood there taking it all in, the one called John still wasn't there. What I mean is that my mind was totally silent and I was experiencing all of this, but not as John. It's difficult to explain because my normal identity simply wasn't online. I was an observer, experiencing and interacting with this new state of Being. I was pure Awareness and existed in this vast field of energy, and everything was emanating from this same energy. Just like the night before when I was in the Light, I was again, or perhaps still pure Awareness.. only this time I was experiencing Creation. I was also experiencing a profound sense of Oneness with everything. As I stood there I noticed the Juniper tree that I was camped next to, and immediately realized that IT was conscious! And I was One with it's Consciousness as well.

Copyright 2012 Dr. John Michael Christian John Michael Spontaneous

Living In The Body Of God

Experiences In Spiritual Awakening
I could feel it's presence like I was feeling another person, and as I stood looking at it, it's entire life from the time it was a tiny seedling flashed past and through my own consciousness like I was watching a video of time lapse photography. I saw the passing of the sun and moon and the seasons, and people and vehicles that the tree had experienced in it's hundred or more years of life. And as strange as it may sound, I somehow KNEW that the tree knew my life in the same way. After I took my attention away from the tree and looked out over the red soil of the desert and across the vast expanse at the red rock cliffs in the distance, I realized that my senses were very acute. My sense of smell was incredible.. I could smell the amazing crisp scents of juniper and pine trees in a way that I'd never experienced them before, my vision was more clear than I had ever known in my entire life. And the cool breeze moving over my skin felt like a beautiful, gentle caress. I don't know how long I stood there but like the night before the bliss was so overwhelming that I had tears running down my face. I again had no sense of time, but as I stood experiencing this amazing thing that was happening to me, a voice came to me. It seemed to come from within me and from around me at the same time, and it said You Are Living In The Body Of God In Creation. I knew at that moment in my heart that it was the voice of Being, or God that was speaking to me. I also realized that it came from within and around me simultaneously. Later I realized that happened because it is all One thing and in Oneness there is no local self. All is One. There is no Other. There is, and was only One, and that One is God, or what the Native Americans call Great Spirit.

As I watched this amazing dance of Life happening all around me, and
Copyright 2012 Dr. John Michael Christian John Michael Spontaneous

Living In The Body Of God

Experiences In Spiritual Awakening
simultaneously within, the feeling of Oneness that I was experiencing became so profound that I noticed that it felt as though I wasn't standing on the earth, but rather was in it. It literally felt like I was up to my knees in the soil. (Many years later I was to experience this phenomenon again, but the second time it came to my heart center and joined with a Light that came from overhead through my crown chakra). During this experience I could see plainly that I was not in the earth, but it FELT as though I was. At that point a part of my rational mind became engaged because I stamped my feet on the hard ground at one point to see if the sensation would change, but it did not. Even though I could see that I was indeed standing on the earth it still felt like I was wading through it.. except that it wasn't dense like wading through water. I stood there for a very long time looking at the beautiful red rock panorama. I still had tears of joy running down my cheeks and after a while I noticed that a flock of beautiful Bluebirds were flying from behind me and were landing in the trees before me and all around me. I'd never seen those kinds of birds previously until the day before when the Golden Energy had briefly presented itself to me in another part of the desert, but this time there were hundreds of them. I'd been the forest for a couple of years at that point, but I'd never seen anything like these birds before, and yet here they were in an enormous flock of a hundred or more in the middle of November and they were landing in the trees all around me.

Then am amazing thing happened. After they had all landed, they became
Copyright 2012 Dr. John Michael Christian John Michael Spontaneous

Living In The Body Of God

Experiences In Spiritual Awakening
silent, such that all I could hear was the rustling of the breeze through the trees. Then suddenly at exactly the same time they began to sing. And when they did, The Voice again spoke to me and said The Angels are Rejoicing.. another One is Waking Up! Never in my life had I felt such joy as I did at that moment. Even though I still had no sense of self, or of who John was, I knew that what was happening to me was not only joyful to me, but that it was the same for other aspects of consciousness in the Whole. I was consciously a part of God in Creation.. and I also knew that what was happening to me was being acknowledged. And I knew that God is Love, and that there is joy in the heavens when we begin to Awaken. It's very difficult to describe these experiences in words because there is no mind engaged at the time with which to categorize or make sense of it all. Nor can one adequately describe that which is indescribable. There is simply no way. During the experience there are no thoughts, and there is no thinking. It's as if the mind doesn't exist, or that God shuts it off. What does exist as I said, is a profound sense of Oneness with everything, and the deep Awareness that I AM. Stillness is also all pervading, it exists within, and also is everywhere at the same time. And, there is a deep sense of Peace, and within that peace and stillness there is immense joy and bliss.

As I mentioned earlier, because the mind isn't operating during an these types of experiences, there is no sense of who you are. You do know, that
Copyright 2012 Dr. John Michael Christian John Michael Spontaneous

Living In The Body Of God

Experiences In Spiritual Awakening
you are One with all things, and that you are in God and God is in You. You also know that you have found the Truth of your Being. You have arrived Home. Beyond that however you have no sense of your self as the person you believed yourself to be previously. I knew that I was in a body, and that the body was for the experience of life, and I did seem to recall in some dim corner of my mind that I might have been called John, but I wasn't even sure of that. What I did know for sure was that my body was the vehicle for Awareness, and to experience Life on the planet. And as I said, I knew for sure was that I was Home. I had found God just as I had set out to do, and I never wanted to leave. I knew later after I came out of the experience that what Jesus was telling us is true, the Kingdom of Heaven is within and in the midst of us. And in fact it is here all the time.. we just aren't aware of it. We have forgotten who, and what we are, and these experiences are happening to people because, as you will read later on, it is the Will of God that we remember.

Chapter 2 The Aftermath

Copyright 2012 Dr. John Michael Christian John Michael Spontaneous

Living In The Body Of God

Experiences In Spiritual Awakening

T he resurgence of the ego

I had the erroneous belief, like a lot of people I've met, that after an experience like that, everything would be incredible. Suddenly my life would be magically healed.. all of my old dysfunctional patterns would be spontaneously burned up in the process. Essentially, I was fairly certain that I would become the proverbial enlightened being that I'd read about so many times. As it turned out I was in in for a big surprise. I discovered later that it does happen like that for a few people, but not for most. I've come to believe that the extent to which we wake up and stay deeply awake is directly related to how clear we are from doing the work in previous lifetimes. If we're clean when we enter this life, usually we wake up into full enlightenment and stay there like Ramana Maharshi did as a child. For me though, that first experience was just the beginning. I had a lot of suppressed emotion and patterning that I had to deal with. Unfortunately, I didn't know a thing about the process and after that first Opening I crashed and burned hard. My worst egoic patterns and beliefs came back and asserted themselves and they nearly led to my death nine months later.

The reason for this as I have come to understand it, is that when we are brought into alignment with the frequencies of our true nature of Love, there can be repercussions. What I mean is that if we have dysfunctional patterns and beliefs, or suppressed emotions, they all have to be resolved,
Copyright 2012 Dr. John Michael Christian John Michael Spontaneous


Living In The Body Of God

Experiences In Spiritual Awakening
and they will come up to be healed. To say it another way, every bit of energy within our matrix structure needs to be brought into resonance with who and what we are, and it will all come up and reveal itself because it needs to be healed in order for us to Become. This process happens anyway because of the nature of life, but it is accelerated after an Opening or Awakening happens. Doing the work of Awakening isn't that difficult if you know how the mind works and how to deal with it, but I didn't at the time, nor did I know anyone who did. So I became overwhelmed and lost. My ego brought me out of that wonderous experience of Awakening with single thought, which was; Oh my god.. what if I stay like this and I can't take care of myself like Eckhart? It was referencing Eckhart Tolle's story in the Power of Now about having to sleep on park benches after his awakening. His awakening was of such profound magnitude that his mind went offline for quite a while as the experience was integrated. And in spite of the fact that I had plenty of money to take care of myself for years to come, my ego freaked out at the thought. Which I discovered really comes as no surprise once you understand the ego and how it works. The thought of course, was based in fear, and fear is the antithesis of Love. So the very instant that thought occurred, my energy shifted and I began to come out of Oneness. Then immediately after that thought occurred, another one arose, which was what I later came to call my Critical parent. The way it ran was to beat me up whenever there was a perceived failure on my part. And from it's perspective, what could be a greater failure than to screw up God's amazing gift and bring myself out of Oneness?

Copyright 2012 Dr. John Michael Christian John Michael Spontaneous


Living In The Body Of God

Experiences In Spiritual Awakening
Absurd isn't it? The mind ran a fear pattern which was out of resonance energetically with Love, which resulted in dropping me back into the mind and out of Oneness just a bit, and then it started to get on me for doing what IT had actually done!! I later learned that this particular pattern had been operating for virtually my entire life and would beat me up when I didn't live up to some imagined level of perfection. Only at that time then I didn't recognize it for what it was.. a dysfunctional pattern emanating from my childhood. It's story was basically, Now see what you've done? You were given a wonderful gift from God and you blew it you stupid moron.. except it's language was far worse. So the result of those two thoughts was that I was brought back to the world of the mind or what we call reality. And the latter one kept running for months. In fact it ran for nine months, until one beautiful fall day in the San Juan mountains 25 miles south of Pagosa Springs CO. I had reached the point of no return. I was beside myself as my late wife used to say. And in a fit of I can't take this anymore! I pulled out a semi-automatic and tried to blow my head off.

Yes.. I know. what's a Forest Monk doing with a 9mm? Well, all I can say is when I started out my forest monk life less than two years earlier I was very paranoid.. so I bought a gun, a sword, and a very big knife. None of which were ever used by the way. Fortunately.

Copyright 2012 Dr. John Michael Christian John Michael Spontaneous


Living In The Body Of God

Experiences In Spiritual Awakening
The gun nearly was, but Life wasn't done with me because when I cocked it in my frenzied fury I caught my hand in the chamber, and that one thing saved my life. It caused an adrenalin rush that brought me to full consciousness instantly, and I just stood there staring at this cocked and loaded gun just inches from my head wondering what the hell I had done. And I mean that literally. The mind had taken me into hell and had very nearly killed me.. and when I realized what had happened I fired the gun into the air, and then I cried. It was a week later that I met my dear friend Dan Wentworth who helped me get back on the right track. I had spent most of that previous week asking for Divine guidance, and to understand what happened to me and why, he was the first answer to that prayer. One day when I was in Pagosa picking up supplies, I was driving past an auto parts store and noticed a motorcycle sitting there. As a long time bike rider myself, it caught my attention and I thought perhaps he needed help. I happened to have my motorcycle and trailer with me so I stopped and asked. As it turned out he was only changing his oil. The real reason for my trip to town was to meet him. He was the first of several answers to my prayers.

Dan had been educated as a psychologist and he came out and camped out with me and gave me some much needed and very sage advice. He also suggested I read Pema Chodrin's Heart Advice For Difficult Times, so I bought it and I began doing what she called Tonglin. Tonglin is basically breathing in the pain of others, transmuting it into Love in the Divine heart, and then breathing out that Love to those in pain.
Copyright 2012 Dr. John Michael Christian John Michael Spontaneous


Living In The Body Of God

Experiences In Spiritual Awakening
I discovered during that time that breathing out Love to other people who were experiencing pain like I was, was tremendously healing. The act of doing it also took my mind off of myself, and stopped my ego from beating me up, and it began to bring me back. Two weeks later I returned to Arizona for my winter stay, and a couple of weeks after I got there, I met another wonderful being named Ed, who would also become another good friend. One night as I was sitting in Ravenheart coffee shop in Sedona, as I often did during the cold months to warm up before going out to my camp for the night, Ed just walked over and invited me to join a group of friends. I have to admit the first time I didn't go over. I was still wrapped up in thinking that I had to be doing it all by myself, and I was sure I could handle it despite the recent evidence to the contrary. In all honesty I also didn't realize at the time that he was the second in succession in answer to my prayers. As I said, I had been asking the Universe for help, but when it showed up the second time I didn't recognize it for what it was.

Fortunately Ed was persistent and asked me a second time a few days later. So the second time I went, and over time he became my mentor and one of my greatest teachers. He taught me how the mind works, how to establish a witness consciousness and how to separate myself from my thoughts, and also how to stop identifying with my mind and stories. He also gave me several books and told me about others that I needed to read, and so I did.
Copyright 2012 Dr. John Michael Christian John Michael Spontaneous


Living In The Body Of God

Experiences In Spiritual Awakening
I worked hard, and I progressed faster than I would have thought possible. All of the work I did as a result of what he taught me and the books he led me to not only began to flatten out my dysfunctional patterning, it also paved the way for my second Awakening the following spring.

Chapter 3 The Second Time Around

A nother Spontaneous Opening Happens

The second experience was similar to the first, except that it happened in an Ashram where I'd gone with a friend to a satsang one Sunday morning. This time I sat down and began meditating while we were waiting for Guruji, and a few minutes after I started, my crown chakra opened
Copyright 2012 Dr. John Michael Christian John Michael Spontaneous


Living In The Body Of God

Experiences In Spiritual Awakening
spontaneously and I again found myself in pure light. This time though I had help. When Guruji Grace walked into the room she immediately knew what was happening and she helped me to sustain and deepen into the experience for the next two and a half hours. I was in pure light again as I said, but this time I was less aware of my body, and I was pulled up out of it through my crown chakra, where I stayed for most of the experience. This time I was also aware of who I was, in terms of this incarnation. The mind wasn't shut off like it was during the first experience. In the beginning I had my eyes closed, and at one point Grace asked me to open them and look at her, which I did. When I opened them at first I couldn't see anything except for light, which caused me to laugh because there was nothing but light.

After I told her that, she said to focus on her face, and with effort I found that I could create a sort of a hole that I could look through and after I did I could see her face. After she came into focus, it was like I was peering through a portal or a hole into another dimension, which I actually was. I was looking from the dimension of God as the Pure Light of Consciousness, into the dimension of Creation. As I did, I could see her beaming face beaming back at me, surrounded by brilliant Light. And so we sat for a time, staring into each others eyes, and beaming love. It was quite incredible.

Copyright 2012 Dr. John Michael Christian John Michael Spontaneous


Living In The Body Of God

Experiences In Spiritual Awakening
As I said, that experience lasted for most of the afternoon. After it came to a close, I had dinner with Guruji and some of her students, and we discussed what had happened. She termed that experience a Heart Opening, and it was definitely that. It was also as indescribable as the first. After dinner I went back out to the forest, to some degree against my own better judgment and her suggestion to stay I might add. I came to find it very ironic that after that experience happened I actually wasn't able to take care of myself for a while. As it turned out, I moved into the ashram for a few weeks after it became apparent to me that I probably shouldn't be out amongst people too much, and in particular shouldn't be driving for a while after I ran into a huge rock and then sideswiped a tree. I am of the belief that because of the inner work that I'd done previously, after that opening I was able to sustain it and to even deepen into it. I walked around in sheer bliss with a huge grin on my face for weeks.

The egoic patterning that sabotaged me the first time was no longer there, and truth be told much of the mind wasn't online either. I found that I couldn't talk to people most of the time because my brain wasn't functioning all that well, but I didn't care. I was too blissed out to care about anything. If someone said something to me I'd usually just giggle or grin at them and go on my way because my mind literally could not process the information and come up with a response. Anywhere but Sedona they'd think you were nuts, but fortunately people there usually just took in stride and they would grin back at me.

Copyright 2012 Dr. John Michael Christian John Michael Spontaneous


Living In The Body Of God

Experiences In Spiritual Awakening
Over a several week period after that Awakening I would go into profound states of Samadhi, or bliss. Often I would drop into Savikalpa Samadhi, or the state of no mind again. At times it became so intense that I honestly felt like I was going to go off planet into Nirvana. Guruji had warned me that this could happen however, and she made me promise to stay so I kept that promise. I was overjoyed anyway and didn't really want to leave. Life was just starting to really become fun! I was so in love with God and with the world that didn't want to go anywhere.. I just wanted to Love and be in Love. As I said earlier, after that first experience and doing the work I'd done, I was prepared when the second one happened. I knew what to expect, and I'd since I'd already done a lot of the inner work it wasn't difficult to sustain and deepen into it. don't get me wrong, there was still work to be done. A lot of my ego was burned up in the second experience, which by the way is partly why we become relatively unable to function in the world for a time. But there were still old patterns coming up, and I dealt with them when they did.

The result was that over time I've integrated the old patterns and they've disappeared in to Consciousness. Contrary to popular belief that we are to get rid of the ego, what happens in actuality is that doing this work leads to a much more functional ego instead. It's enabled me (as it does with everyone who does it) to operate in Life from a state of Awareness and Consciousness rather than being a slave to the mind and our emotions. Eventually it also led me to a third Awakening a year and a half later, and a fourth a couple of years after that.

Copyright 2012 Dr. John Michael Christian John Michael Spontaneous


Living In The Body Of God

Experiences In Spiritual Awakening

Chapter 4 A Third Awakening Happens

O n a motorcycle?
In the first draft of this ebook I had only described the first two Awakenings, but on doing an edit I realized that Life wanted a description of the third one included as well. Not so much for the fact that it happened, but what was said when it happened and perhaps even HOW it happened. I was aware that the third one was going to happen that day because I'd been told beforehand. This was the first time that had happened to me. When I woke up that morning, my telepathic connection with my guides
Copyright 2012 Dr. John Michael Christian John Michael Spontaneous


Living In The Body Of God

Experiences In Spiritual Awakening
opened up and I was told that I was going to have another Awakening. I just said Cool!.. but I didn't know when or what would happen or even how it would happen. But I knew that it would. Later in the afternoon I had been given from that same guidance to out for a motorcycle ride up into the mountains, so I got on my bike and took off. I had no idea exactly what I was going to do up there because it wasn't really very warm at the higher elevations yet, but I knew that I needed to go so I went. Nor did I connect the Awakening with the ride. Who would've thought? After I'd ridden for a couple of hours and had gone about as far as I cared to because of the cold, I turned around and headed back down. It was then on the ride back as I was riding through the pines I suddenly and spontaneously found myself in Oneness again.. WHILE I was riding my motorcycle!

I had no idea that a person could literally be without a mind and in a profoundly awakened state and ride a motorcycle simultaneously, but I found out that we definitely can. And the experience was amazing! One thing that I was acutely aware of, besides the fact that I was in Oneness again, was that it felt incredible to be on a motorcycle! The machine and I were literally One as I rode down the mountain around the curves.. and I was in a state of sheer joy. I've been riding motorcycles since I was fourteen years old, but being on one had never felt that good! As with the other Awakenings, there is no sense of time, so I don't know how long that part of the ride was. All I knew that it was an incredible feeling to be one with a bike going around those mountain curves! After a while I came to a pullout that looked out over the Verde Valley in northern
Copyright 2012 Dr. John Michael Christian John Michael Spontaneous


Living In The Body Of God

Experiences In Spiritual Awakening
Arizona, and I pulled over and stopped. I was still in Oneness as I turned the bike off and sat there just looking at the view. Camp Verde was below me, Cottonwood was somewhere over the ridge, and I could see the Red Rocks of Sedona far off in the distance. After a while I got off of the bike, and walked over to the edge of a dropoff, and when I did The Voice spoke to me for the second time. When it did, I was again aware that it came from both within me and around me once again simultaneously, and it said to me It was never intended to be this way. It is My Will that you know Who, and What you are, and that you create your Lives in Joy. And almost immediately afterward I began to come out of Oneness.

I took me a long time to fully understand that second message.. especially the part about It was never intended to be this way. My intuition told me that the book of Genesis was correct in some way, although I had and still do have the sense that Genesis was never literal. It is something of a metaphor and not an exact interpretation of what happened.. but clearly something did happen that was not planned to go the way that it did. What I did and do clearly understand now is that things with humanity had somehow changed. We had and have lost our way.. and that what happened was most definitely NOT God's Will that it happened. When you consider the implications of this it is nothing short of mind blowing. Eventually I came to understand the second part as well. We are here to discover experientially that we are part of the Living God, that we are actually Living in the Body of God in Creation, and that we are Beings of
Copyright 2012 Dr. John Michael Christian John Michael Spontaneous


Living In The Body Of God

Experiences In Spiritual Awakening
Light having a human experience. This I believe is perhaps the most important part of the second message. God wants us to know that we are unlimited beings, and that our victimhood and living in and from the mind is an illusion. It is not who or what we are. We have, most definitely, become lost.. and we are lost in the world of the mind. And, it is absolutely essential that we find our way home.

Chapter 5 Life Changes

Life is never the same
As you might expect, the change that these experiences bring into a person's life are both immeasurable and profound. As I alluded to earlier, what happens, as I discovered, is that one does not get rid of the ego. I once believed that was what had to happen as do a lot of people on the spiritual path, but that is a misconception. Instead what happens is that the 'egoic distortions' as I call them, are eventually healed.. and often, if not usually, simply by becoming conscious of the fact that they are there! What this all means is that as we resolve dysfunctional pattens and release our suppressed emotions (if we have them), we are left with a very functional mind that enables us to live full, and wonderful lives. This is partly what I mean when I use the term Living in the Body of God. The reason I wrote this ebook and shared this part of my story with you is because I want you to understand that we all are the same. We all come from the same Source Energy that we call God, and we all are here ultimately for the same reason; to grow beyond our limited thinking and beliefs and to embrace, and experience and live Who and What, we ARE.
Copyright 2012 Dr. John Michael Christian John Michael Spontaneous


Living In The Body Of God

Experiences In Spiritual Awakening
Most of us have to learn how to do that, and it can, for some, be a very long and arduous process. But more and more this is not the case. I consider myself one of the front runners if you will. Some of us were born to wake up so the energy would be lighter and easier for those who follow.

With every person who awakens, the energy of the planet is raised exponentially. And now is becoming such that the energy is so high that not only are Spontaneous Awakenings happening worldwide, what we would once have regarded as miracles are happening as well. And lest you think that I am something special, or that this can happen to me and not you or someone else, let me give you a little of my background; For much of my life I was pretty much a mess, and that was particularly true after my wife died. It was her death that what prompted me to set out on this journey in the first place. The long and short of my past is that I grew up in a home with an often violent and unhappy father who wouldn't give me time of day, an alcoholic mother to whom I learned to become very codependent, and I was sexually abused by two different people before the age of nine. Pretty messy huh? But join the club. None of our lives are rosy until we transcend the world of the mind and learn to live from conscious Awareness. I look at my past now as nothing more than fuel that live provide me so that I could change, and for the most part it's become more of a dream than anything else. There no longer exists any hooks into the past, and much of it has actually been rewired and recoded in the matrix so that it doesn't even show up in the same way energetically as it did. This is powerful. I know that I chose my parents, and I also know that I created, and continue
Copyright 2012 Dr. John Michael Christian John Michael Spontaneous


Living In The Body Of God

Experiences In Spiritual Awakening
to create my experiences so that I could learn. And I have. We all do if we're paying attention and living Consciously. For me, all of who and what I was is gone. Every single bit. And it can be for you as well.

Healing egoic distortions and suppressed emotions and coming into alignment your True nature profoundly changes your life in every way imaginable. Your intuition increases exponentially, you begin to experience telepathy with others and with Spirit, and you know when a thought is incoming. This is in part due to the fact that your mind quiets when you learn to come into the Now and live from Present Moment Awareness by the way. You also began to understand others, and life itself, much better. You become able to see and experience the Oneness in all things, and you are able to discern that, even with it's seeming dysfunction, all is only the movement of God in the world. For example, when you see dysfunctional behavior being acted out by someone you instantly recognize it and know why they're behaving as they are. And that is from a personal level all the way to the collective realities of government and business. It is because you know yourself that you also know others. And as I said, life becomes a true Joy to live. My intent in writing this book was not to bring attention to myself, but to help you to understand that we're all the same, and we are all destined for the same, or similar experiences. It is a fact that literally millions around the world right now are in some stage of Spiritual Alignment and are waking up to their true nature.. and that is going to keep increasing. My intuition tells me that there has never been a time like this in the history of humanity, nor has there been a better time to Awaken. It also tells me
Copyright 2012 Dr. John Michael Christian John Michael Spontaneous


Living In The Body Of God

Experiences In Spiritual Awakening
that more people are waking up right now on this planet than ever before, and that the energies are shifting exponentially in favor of higher levels of Consciousness. Everyone is hearing the call who is capable of hearing it.. and I believe that is a great number of people. Some I feel are too lost in the mind and aren't able to, and in all probability won't be able to shift, at least not at the moment. But many, many more are. In my experience, all it takes is to want it badly enough and to turn ourselves toward the Light and to stay focused. If you can do that, and are willing to do the work, I believe you can Awaken. Ultimately, it is our Divine birthright, and Life wants it for us, as I was told in my third Awakening. So the stage is already set and the table is prepared. And given the current state of the world and humanity, I believe that Life not only wants us to Awaken, but needs for us to, and it is our responsibility to take up the challenge. We are truly the Champions of our Soul, and no one can do it for us. We are the ones who must take responsibility for ourselves and turn ourselves toward our Divinity within, toward the God that we ARE. When we do that, God will begin the process of redemption and restoration and will make the way for us to return home. And eventually, as more and more of us answer the call, Heaven on Earth will be restored once again and we will live our lives in Joy, and we will all live in the knowledge of Who, and What, we are.

Copyright 2012 Dr. John Michael Christian John Michael Spontaneous


Living In The Body Of God

Experiences In Spiritual Awakening

For more information on Spirituality And Awakening please visit my websites Spontaneous or John Michael I have several excellent resources and dozens of articles available on Spiritual Awakening, Also, my new course on Spiritual Awakening, The Awakening Code will be available soon, and on addition I will soon be releasing my new ebook Global Shift, which will explain the process of ascension that the planet is currently going through and how we can come into alignment with it and learn to live Consciously and avoid the turmoil that many are experiencing. I also do one Spiritual Awakening teaching and one on one counseling via phone. For more information please visit John Michael Namaste' And Many Blessings,

Dr. John Michael Christian

Copyright 2012 Dr. John Michael Christian John Michael Spontaneous


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