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El Carrer de la Ciutat

Carrer de la Ciutat 0 was launched at the School of Architecture of Barcelona two years after the death of the dictator Francisco Franco, in the wake of the legalization of the Catalan Communist Party (PSUC) and the first national democratic elections. Professors of the school, together with some of their closest collaborators produced thirteen issues of Carrer de la Ciutat in the following four years. As its first article announced, the A4, black and white, typewritten publication was dedicated to a practice of architecture based on the critique of ideology; half-way between political pamphlet and scholarly review, it continued the linage of el Bulletí (the school’s former bulletin of the PSUC). Expendable but necessary, the magazine was a consequence of the urgency of the Spanish political transition and the institutional renovation of the School of Architecture of Barcelona. The determination of the authors of Carrer de la Ciutat was visible from the very beginning. Source: Revistes i Congressos UPC / UPC Commons http://upcommons.upc.edu/revistes/handle/2099/199