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Who is more powerful and energetic between human beings and horse?

Still we ride horse. WHY?

Is it possible that dogs can drive car?

What are the strength of Human beings?

Decision Power IQ

Above strengths can be related with weakness of

What are simple machines? What are complex machines?


152207 X 73 = ?

Computer is which type of device?

What is an objective to learn computers?

The use of Information Technology (IT) is well recognized. Students in every discipline need to appreciate computers not only for the applications they can run, but also for the problems they can solve. Knowledge in a programming language is prerequisite to the study of most of computer science

What is a Computer?

An automatic electronic apparatus for making calculations or controlling operations that are expressible in numerical or logical terms.

Functioning of a Computer
The basic function performed by a computer is the execution of the program. A program is a sequence of instructions which operates on data, to perform certain tasks. A computer is used essentially as a data processor. The terms data and information are very commonly used.

Data: Data in computer terminology mean, raw facts and figures. Data are processed to form a information.

Information: It means what we get after processing data. It is a systematic arrangement of data.

Since a computer follows input-process-output cycle, the basic structure of a computer is given below:

Japan's robot teacher calls roll, smiles and scolds, drawing laughter from students with her eerily life like face. But the developer says it's not about to replace human instructors. 11th March 2009 she took her first teaching class in China (Beijing)

The basic structure of a conventional John von Nuemann machine

Main Memory
Central Processing Unit (CPU) Operational


Control Unit

Arithmetic and Logic unit

I/O System

Unit of Measurement
A memory cell may be defined as a device which can store a symbol.

8 Bits 1024 Bytes 1024 KB 1024 MB 1024 GB 1024 TB 1024 PB 1024 EB

= 1 Byte = 1 Kilo Byte = 1 Mega Byte = 1 Giga Byte = 1 Terra Byte = 1 Peta Byte = 1 Exa Byte = 1 Zetto Byte

Which is the largest unit of measurement?

1024 ZB = 1 Yotta Byte

Hardware & Software

Hardware represents the physical and tangible components of the computer. Input devices, output devices, CPU, circuits etc. are hardware. Software represents the set of program that govern the operation of a computer system and make the hardware run. Classified into 3 categories 1. OS 2. Language Processors 3. Appli. SW

Operating System
An operating system is an important component of a computer system which controls all other components of the computer system. It performs.
Provides instructions to prepare User Interface. Loads necessary programs Coordinates between hardware and software Manages the way information is stored & retrieved

Types of OS: 1. Single User 3. Batch processing processing 5. Online OS

2. Multi user 4. Multi

Language Processors
Assembler: Converts the program written in Assembly language into machine language. Interpreter: Converts HLL program into machine language by converting & executing it line by line. Compiler: It also converts entire the HLL program into machine language in one go, and reports all the errors of the program along with line numbers.

Application Software
An application software is the set of programs necessary to carry out operations for a specified application. This type of software pertains to one specific application.
Customized Application Software General Application Software

Evolution of Computers
Abacus Napiers Logs & Bones Pascals Adding Machine Babbages Difference Engine Cal. Log in higher precision and fast Babbages Analytical Engine Arithmetic Operations and comparisons. Concept of CPU. Herman Hollerith Electromechanical Punch Cards Mark I multiply two 10 digit no. in 5 seconds
(The first operational General Purpose Computer)

The Generations of Computer

First Generation Vacuum Tubes ENIAC Second Generation Transistors used HLL such as COBOL, FORTRAN Third Generation Integrated Circuits IBM 360 series, Honeywell 6000 series. Forth Generation VLSI Pentium Fifth Generation Using Magnetic Bubble memories & AI. - ROBOTS


Size & Performance

Special Purpose General Purpose

Micro Mini Mainframe Super

Learning Objectives
Computer functioning Units of Measurement Hardware & Software Language Processors Applications Software Evolution of Computers Generations of Computers Types of Computers

Will computer capture the world of future?

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