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Apakah Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Prinsip-Prinsip Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Isu dan Masalah

Pembangunan Berkelanjutan 1/2

Sustainable Development is the process by which

we move towards sustainability development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
(World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987)

This was endorsed in 1992 at the Earth Summit in


Pembangunan Berkelanjutan 2/2

Definisi yang mempunyai wawasan jangka panjang antar generasi (Otto Soemarwoto, 2004):
Syarat tidak hanya fisik saja tidak terjadi kerusakan ekosistem Harus ada pemerataan hasil dan biaya pembangunan antar negara dan antar kelompok Pemerataan tidak hanya dalam satu generasi melainkan juga antar generasi

Elemen Pembangunan Berkelanjutan

To satisfy the basic human needs and reasonable standards

of welfare for all living beings (development) To achieve more equitable standards of living both within and among global populations (development) To be pursued with great caution as to their actual or potential disruption of biodiversity and the regenerative capacity of nature, both locally and globally (sustainability) To be achieved without undermining the possibility for future generations to attain similar standards of living and similar or improved standards of equity (sustainability)

Lafferty, 1996 dalam Carter 2001

Pembangunan Ekonomi

Pembangunan Ekonomi Masyarakat


Pembangunan Sosial

Pembangunan Ekologi
Ekologi yang dalam atau Ide Utopik

Prinsip Dasar Pembangunan Berkelanjutan

Equity Democracy The precautionary principle Policy integration Planning

WECD, 1987 dalam Carter, 2001

Our ability to promote the common interest

in sustainable development is often a product of the relative neglect of economic and social justice within and amongst nations (WECD, 1987 dalam Carter, 2001) kesetaraan antar sektor, antar negara, antar kelompok

At the moment the richest 1/5th of the population Receives 82.7% of total world income whereas the poorest 1/5th receives only 1.4%

Sustainable development requires: a

political system that secures effective citizen participation in decision making (WCED, 1987 dalam Carter, 2001) membutuhkan sistem politik yang dapat menjamin efektivitas partisipasi dalam pembuatan kebijakan

The precautionary principle

In order to protect the environment, the precautionary

approach shall be widely applied by States according to their capabilities. Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation (Agenda 21, Principle 15 dalam Carter, 2001) Precautionary principle: the principle that the lack of scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing measures to prevent environmental degradation

Six rules for a Precautionary World 1/2

Where unambiguous scientific proof of cause and

effects is not available, it is necessary to act with a duty of care Where the benefits of early action are judged to be greater than the likely costs of delay, it is appropriate to take a lead and to inform society why such action is being taken Where there is possibility of irreversible damage to natural life-support functions, precautionary action should be taken irrespective of the forgone benefits
Economic and Social Research Council, 1999 dalam Carter, 2001

Six rules for a Precautionary World 2/2

Always listen to calls for a change of course, incorporate

representatives of such calls into deliberative forums, and maintain transparency throughout Never shy away from publicity and never try to suppress information, however unpalatable. In the age of the internet, someone is bound to find out if information is being distorted or hidden Where there is public unease, act decisively to respond to that unease by introducing extensive discussions and deliberative techniques
Economic and Social Research Council, 1999 dalam Carter, 2001

Policy integration
The objective of sustainable development and the integrated nature of the global environment/development challenges pose problems for institutions that were established on the basis of narrow preoccupations and compartmentalized concerns (WCED, 1987 dalam Carter, 2001)

Sustainable development must be planned
There are too many complex interdependencies

between political, social and economic factors to leave it to chance; equally, those same complexities set limits as to what can be achieved by planning How much planning should take place and which policy instruments should be used (regulations, market mechanisms, voluntary mechanisms, government expenditures)
Carter, 2001

A possible map of the sustainable transition

Policy Stage 1: Very weak sustainability Stage 2: Weak sustainability Stage 3: Strong sustainability Lip service to policy integration Economy Minor tinkering with economic instruments Substantial restructuring of microeconomic incentives Full valuations of the cost of living; green accounts alongside national accounts Formal shift to sustainable economic accounting both nationally and internationally Society Dim awareness and little media coverage Wider public education for future visions Curriculum integration; local initiatives as part of community growth Discourse Corporatist discussion groups; consultation exercises Round-tables: stakeholder groups; parliamentary surveillance Community involvement; twinning of initiatives in the developed and developing world Community-led initiatives become the norm

Formal policy integration and deliverable targets Binding policy integration and strong international agreements

Stage 4: Very strong sustainability

Strong international conventions; national duties of care; statutory and cultural support

Comprehensive cultural shift coupled to technological innovation and new community structures

ORiordan, 1996 dalam Carter, 2001

Developing sustainability requires profound changes

in existing power relationships, a reordering of cultural values, massive institutional reform, and reconsideration of the social role of economic growth (Rees, 1998) Sustainability is not regarded seriously by those who really count, namely those at the top of political structures and those who control flows of national and international capital (ORiordan, 1988 dalam Rees,1998)

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