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Liga Hendrono Choliq Akbar M. Al Fath Fajri Alkarim Atika Rosandali Fatimah Yusra.

N Yola Avisha Wiwing Mayriska Putri Yohanna Trinanda

Medika, 19 tahun seorang mahasiswi FK semester IV sangat senang ketika mengetahui adik laki-lakinya dinyatakan lulus SNMPTN tahun ini dan diterima di FK yang sama dengan dirinya. Meskipun senang, Medika juga khawatir jika adiknya terkejut dan tidak bisa menyesuaikan diri dengan metode pembelajaran yang saat ini diterapkan di kampusnya. Medika segera pulang kampung, tak sabar ingin bercerita dengan adiknya. Sesampainya dikampung, Medika langsug memberikan ucapan: Welcome to the jungle of medicine, dik. Mari kita berjuang bersama. sepertinya menyeramkan ya kak ?, tanya adik Medika. Sambil tertawa Medika mengatakan bahwa itu hanya slogan untuk membakar semangat kita, kemudian Medika menjelaskan tentang KBK yang saat ini digunakan untuk pendidikan dokter serta PBL sebagai metode pembelajarannya. sekarang kuliah tidak banyak lagi diberikan Dik, mahasiswa yang harus aktif belajar dan mencari materi dari berbagai sumber pembelajaran. dari penelitian ternyata metode ini akan ,membuat mahasiswa jadi lebih mandiri, mampu menilai kemampuannya sendiri serta terbiasa belajar sepanjang hayat. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) tetap harus dilakukan walaupun sudah jadi dokter supaya tidak ketinggalan jaman, misalnya dengan mengikuti simposium, kursus, dan lain lain. Aktivitas belajar saat ini lebih bervariasi, ada skills lab , praktikum, dan lainnya. Ujiannya tidak hanya tulis, tapi juga ada ujian keterampilan. Medika juga menjelaskan tentang perlunya belajar cara menganalisis istilah medis agar lebih mudah melaksanakan step 1 dari seven jump dalam diskusi. Setelah selesai memberikan penjelasan tentang pendidikan di FK kepada adiknya, kemudian Medika menyelesaikan tugas tentang EBM yang diberikan oleh dosennya. Bagaimana anda menjelaskan pendidikan di fakultas kedokteran ?

Skenario 1 : Ingin Jadi Dokter





Skills Lab



Problem Based Learning (PBL) is an educational format that is centred around the discussion and learning that emanates from a clinically-based problem. PBL is fundamental or basic concept, defining the problem, self learning, exchange knowledge, and assessment.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is the means by which professionals maintain, improve and broaden their knowledge and skills, and develop the personal qualities and competencies required in their working lives.

It is a modern tool in clinical practice that aims to apply the best available evidence gained from the scientific method to clinical decision making. It seeks to assess the strength of evidence of the risks and benefits of treatments, diagnostic tests or other related clinical issues to apply in an individual patient.

Curriculum Based of Competency is a form of curriculum that arranged and adapted for the profession need in the future a.k.a doctor to be professional to do their job.

Skills Lab
Skills Lab is an activities on laboratorium to learn and polished our skills.

Practice is an activities in laboratorium to learn and proved the theory that already known.

Sympossium is a kind of discussion that authorized by expert people on their section.

Clarification of Problems
1. How to apply the learning system of PBL ? 2. What is the different of education system between med school and the other faculties ? 3. As a freshman year, what is the preparation to be quickly adapting with the education system of PBL ? 4. How important of CPD so that we should be done eventhough we already graduated as a doctor? 5. What is the curriculum that used before KBK ? 6. Does KBK more effective than the curriculum before ? 7. Does the quality of KBK graduated doctors better than before ?

Clarification of Problems
8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. What is the meaning of EBM ? How to apply ? What is the learning sources that needed in medical school ? How we can value our self assessment ? Hh Why this method can make us being lifelong learning ? Hhhj Vvv How to analyzed the medical terminologies ?

Problem Analysis with Prior Knowledge

1. PBL (Problem-Based Learning) system is a form of learning method that based on the given problem. 2. There are 2 given answers. First, usually Med school using PBL system and the other faculties arent. Second, the other possibilities is that there is no different between Med school learning system and other faculties.

Problem Analysis with Prior Knowledge

3. The freshmen year students should know about the adult learning type, so that the freshmen can prepare themselves with knowledge that gathered from various sources and be ready for PBL system. 4. CPD or Continuing Professional Development is a form of self development that make the individual-selves keep improve their knowledge

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