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Principales of Plant Protection Practical part (Sec3)

Click to edit Master subtitle style Plant Diseases Caused by Viruses and Prokaryotes



Plant viruses

Like all other viruses, plant viruses are obligate intracellular parasites that do not have the molecular machinery to replicate without a host. Viruses are extremely small and can only be observed with an electron microscope. The structure of a virus is given by its coat of proteins, which 12/17/12 surround the viral genome.

Viruses also cause many important plant diseases and are responsible for huge losses in crop production and quality in all parts of the world. Infected plants may show a range of symptoms depending on the disease but often there is leaf Yellow Yellow vein-banding symptoms yellowing (either mosaic symptoms on of the 12/17/12 squash caused by Squash mosaic on grapevine caused by

The major means of control (depending on the disease) include:


Chemical or biological control of the vector (the organism

prokaryotic (no membrane-enclosed nucleus) no mitochondria or chloroplasts a single chromosome, closed circle of doublestranded DNA If flagella are present, they are made of a single The plasma membrane (in Gram-positive filament ofand both membranes in Grambacteria) the protein 12/17/12 flagellin. bacteria are phospholipid bilayers negative

Caused by: Agrobacterium tumefasciens


SYMPTOMS: Rough abnormal galls develop on roots, crowns, and occasionally on aerial parts of stone fruit trees. Young trees become stunted and older trees often develop secondary wood rots.


The bacteria survive in gall tissue, in soil, or in apparently healthy root of host plants. The bacterium may persist in field soil for at least one year, or considerably longer if large amounts of infected root residues remain in soil after removal of trees. The pathogen penetrates only through wounds. The most susceptible wounds on stone fruits are the crown end roots and rarely on trunks and limbs. The bacteria attach to the wounded host cells and then transfer T-DNA into the cell. Infections are favored by moist , alkaline, poorly drained soils and can be stimulated by the feeding of plant parasitic nematodes.
12/17/12 At temperatures above 20C galls become obvious in 2-4


Proper sanitation and cultural practices: the use of certified disease-free transplants, careful handling to avoid injury as much as possible during planting and life of trees in the orchard, and planting in well drained soils. Biological control, using a non pathogenic strain, A. radiobacter K84, that produces the antibiotic agrocin 84, is effective preventive treatment.

Phytoplasma is a prokaryote. wall-less intracellular bacteria. paleomorphic shape. cannot be grown in vitro (absolute parasite). multiplication by binary fission or budding. localized in the phloem sieve tubes of infected plants from where it is acquired by the vector for subsequent transmission.

it invades systemically all plant organs.





Witches Broom Disease of citrus by Phytoplasma




Citrus Stubborn disease style Click to edit Master subtitle


Citrus Stubborn disease

Causal agent

First mollicute of plant origin to be Characteristics: cultured (1970). Wall-less prokaryote Characterized as Spiroplasma citri Transmitted to plant phloem by in 1973. leafhoppers Motility and helicity: cytoskeleton


(Charbonneau & Ghiorse,

(Yokomi et al.,

GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION of citrus stubborn disease

Based on EPPO Data Sheets

North America Mexico USA (Arizona, California, Illinois, Maryland). South America: Argentina (Unconfirme (Tucumn) d) Brazil (So Paulo)

Africa Algeria Egypt Libya Morocco Tunisia

Europe France (Corsica only) Greece Italy (few records; Sardinia, Sicily) Spain Turkey

Asia Pakist Cyprus an Iran Saudi Iraq Arabia Israel Syria Jordan Turke Lebano y n Yeme n

Peru Suriname Venezuela.


Ocean ia New Zealand (isolated

Develop best and show symptoms under hot conditions

Infect phloem sieve tubes

Acquiring S. citri from other hosts

S. citri multiplies in its vector, that become infective 10-20 days after acquisition


Tree symptoms:
Stunted growth Up-right foliation Shorter, chlorotic leaves. short internodes

Fruit symptoms:
Suppressed fruiting Lopsided, Acorn shaped. Styler end green. aborted seeds




Biological indexing



Commercial kit (Sediag Italy)

Serological assay ELISA

Coating (IgG) Sample plant extract washin g

Photometrical Measurment at 405 nm

Washing & Incubation

Conjugate (AP-IgG) Substrate (P-nitrophenylphosphate)

(Clark 12/17/12 1977) and Adams,

Washing & Incubation

DNA extraction CTAB protocol (Doyle and Doyle


Molecular assay
Identifying the most efficient primers for detection of Mediterranean isolates

PCR assay using P89 and P58

The targeted S.citri DNA

PCR assay using P32

Taq enzyme Primer

Amplifi ed DNA


PCR assay using Spiralin

al, primer, 2010) designed on spriralin gene

Designed on the putative adhesion gene P89 and the putative adhesion like Designed on a multigene P58 plasmid gene, (Yokomi et al, 2008) insect vector transmitted Classical (Breton et strains

Survey nurseries and young orchards

Certificati on Productio n of healthy budwood.

M anag ent em

Rouging and replacing symptoma tic trees 12/17/12

Vector control Trap plants

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