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Gender and Sex

Gender and Sex

Sex describes the biological differences between men and women, which are universal and determined at birth. Gender refers to the roles and responsibilities of men and women that are created in our families, our societies and our cultures. The concept of gender also includes the expectations held about the characteristics, aptitudes and likely behaviours of both women and men (femininity and masculinity).

Difference between Sex and Gender

Male or Female
Biologically defined Refers to Biological condition of men and women

Masculine or Feminine
Socially Constructed Refers to the position of men and women in society

No change possible

Changes over time

Women and men are in the same category

Differences between men and women along culture, class, caste, religion, age etc.

Ideal man Ideal women

Group work

Life cycle of violence

Group work 0-4years of age 5-18 years of age 19-30 years of age 31-till death


Discrimination against women:

Any distinction, exclusion or restriction made on the basis of sex which has the effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise by women, irrespective of their marital status, on a basis of equality of men and women, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, civil, cultural or any other filed.
(Article 1 CEDAW)

Violence Against Women

Gender Violence is any act of commission or omission by individuals or the state , in private or public life, which brings harm, suffering or threat to girls and women, and reflects systematic discrimination including harmful traditional practices and denial of human rights because of gender. (HayardUNICEF) Any act of gender based violence that results in physical, sexual, psychological harm, or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary confinement of liberty whether occurring in public or private life. (UN Declaration on the Elimination of violence against women1993)

Child Sexual Abuse

Child sexual abuse is defined as any activity in which an adult or an older child uses a younger child in a sexual way. This could involve kissing, touching, fondling, showing or making the child touch offenders private parts, looking at or touching childs private parts verbal sexual abuse as well as more severe forms, like rape and sodomy.

Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is violence perpetrated by intimates against intimates. Domestic violence occurs in relationships where conflict is the continuous result of power inequality between the partners ad one partner is afraid of and harmed by the other. Domestic violence can occur in any relationship, victim can be female and male both but mostly women are the victims of domestic violence.

What is Violence Against Women:

Sexual Abuse Physical Abuse Economic Abuse Emotional Abuse Psychological Abuse Murder

Where does it take place:

In homes (Domestic violence- violence perpetuated by intimates against intimates, Honor killings, neglect, child marriage, child sexual abuse, stove burnings, marital rape, marriage to the Quran) In institutions (police custody, prisons, schools etc.) In workplaces (domestic, factory work, sexual harassment, forced labor) In public spaces (Honor killings, abduction, trafficking,acid throwing,wars, terrorism)

Some facts and figures

Domestic Violence -80% of all women in Pakistan are subjected to some form of domestic violence in their lives. -35% of rural women from a sample of 1,000 in Punjab province (1998) admit being beaten by their husbands. -55% of peri-urban women admit being beaten by their husbands. Human development in South Asia: The Gender question-2000

Honor killings More than 1000 women were victims of honor killings in the 1999 alone (UNICEF RAPE According to reported cases alone, rape occurs every 23 hours in Pakistan. (HRCP

Human development in South Asia: The Gender question-2000

Why it takes place:

Social relations based on Patriarchy- Unequal power relations.

- Belief in the inherent superiority of men. - Norms granting men control over female behavior. - Values where promote women are seen as commodities, properties and repositories of family honor. -Strong cultural definition of appropriate sex roles. - Belief that domestic violence is a private affair and that violence is OK.

Impact of Violence on Woman

Physical health consequences Injury Unwanted pregnancy , miscarriage Sexual health problems Alcohol/drug abuse Asthma Irritable bowel syndrome Disability Fatal Outcomes HIV/AIDS, Suicide, Homicide Maternal Mortality
Mental health Consequences Psychological stress and trauma Depression Anxiety Fear Sexual dysfunction Eating disorders Low self esteem Dependent behavior

Impact of Violence: The Children

Are more likely to be born under-weight. Face higher risk of dying in infancy or childhood. Face difficulty eating and sleeping. May be malnourished or stunted. Perform poorly in academics. Have problems interacting with peers. May show suicidal tendencies. May run away from home. Are seen to accept violence in their lives and relationships. Are more likely to become violent. Are at a higher risk for alcohol and drug use.

Impact of Violence The Cost of Violence

Economic cost - High direct cost for both heath and legal systems. -Lower education attainment for children - Lost time at work lower productivity and lost income. -Decreased labor market participation

Social cost -Threatens important function of the family. -Affects mental health of women and quality of life of women and children -Increases use of drugs and alcohol -Limits womens reproductive health choices

Gender Concepts

Gender Division of labor

Gender Division of Labor is

the result of how each society divides work among men and among women according to what is considered suitable or appropriate .

Gender Roles

Reproductive Role: Child bearing, daily child rearing and domestic tasks primarily done by women. Works that maintains and sustains life.
Productive Role: Work done for pay in cash or in kind. It includes market production with an exchange value, and sustenance or home production with actual use value and potential exchange value.

Gender Roles

Community managing Role: Activities undertaken mostly by women, but also by men, at the community level. Examples include water provision, health care etc. This is voluntary unpaid work. Constituency-based politics Role: Political and decision-making activities undertaken at the community, local, national or international levels on behalf of interest-based groups. In many contexts, men tend to hold leadership positions.

Condition and Position

Condition Refers to the material state of men and women their immediate sphere of experience. Most of the development projects are designed to improve the condition of women/men such as providing clean water, food etc.

Condition and Position

Position Refers to the status of men and women in society. Position of men/women cannot be improved by only providing for immediate needs. The power and decision making structure needs to be changed to improve the position of men/women.

Practical and Strategic Gender Needs

Practical Gender Needs

Practical gender needs are the immediate needs of women/men.

Practical gender needs do not challenge the gender divisions of labor or womens subordinate position in society. They are practical in nature and often are concerned with inadequacies in living conditions.

Practical and Strategic Needs

Strategic gender needs The needs men/women identify because of their subordinate position in society.

Strategic gender needs vary according to particular contexts.They relate to gender division of labor, power and control and may include such issues as legal rights, domestic violence, equal wages and womens control over their lives.

Practical vs. Strategic

Tend to be immediate, short term Unique to particular men/women

Tend to be long term Common to almost all men/women Relate to disadvantaged position: subordination, lack of resources and education, vulnerability to poverty and violence etc

Relate to daily needs, food housing, income, health, children etc

Practical vs. Strategic

Easily identifiable by men/women Can be addressed by provision of specific inputs, food, hand pumps, clinic etc

Basis of disadvantage and potential for change not always identifiable by men/women Can be addressed by consciousness raising, increasing self confidence, education, strengthening mens and womens organizations, political mobilization etc.

Addressing Strategic Needs

Practical Needs

Strategic Needs

Tends to involve wo/men Involves men/women as as beneficiaries and perhaps agents or enables men/women as participants to become agents
Can improve the condition Can improve the position of of mens/womens lives men/women in society

Generally does not alter traditional roles and relationships

Can empower men/ women and transform relationships

Access and Control

Access: is the opportunity to make use
of resources

Control: is the ability to define the use

of resources and impose that definition on others

Gender, interacting with other variables defines:








Gender sensitive Environment

What are the charateristic of gender sensitive environment? What is the link of gender sensitivity to admin and finance work? What are the responsibilities to make our working environment gender sensitive? A) individual level (at personal) B) at organizational level

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