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A group is a collection of two or more individuals who have developed a common social identity relating to some object of activity

Interaction among the members Members are aware of their membership in the group Members share a common cause of interest Organisational structure

Primary and secondary groups Reference group Peer group Voluntary and involuntary groups

W.G Summers classifications In groups Out groups

Coolie defines a primary group as being a small intimate , face to face interactions .. and Secondary group as small intimate face to face associations

A reference group is composed of individuals possessing a set of similar characteristics which are used as standards by other individuals in evaluating their own behaviour

A peer group is made up of individuals of relatively equal status with whom the individual interacts frequently

If a individual select to become a member of a group then that group can be referred as to a Voluntary group If a individual become a member of a group, as a result of factors over which he/she have no control then the group may be referred to as an Involuntary group

Group Group Group Group Group

interactions interdependence Structure goals cohesion

The way in which people engage with and influence each other- from contrasting perspectives (a) Task interactions (b) Relationship interactions or(socio emotional interactions)

Basic feature of group that group members outcome often depends not only on their own actions , but also on the actions of others in the group One members feeling , experience and actions can come to be influenced in a whole or in part by others

Group structure can be defined as the norms, roles and stable patterns of relationship among the members of the groups 1. Group size size of the group is very important . Larger groups functions are different from smaller group functions . Size impact on group communications

2. Group norms

Norms are basically rules of conduct that indicate what attitude and behaviour expected or demanded in a particular social situation and contexts . They are shared expectations of behaviour that set up what is desirable and appropriate in a particular settings or groups



The bundle of expectations and attributes linked to a social positions can be seen as a role For example information giver , harmonizer , recorder and so on ..

Group goals are ideals they are the ends (the aims or the out comes) sought by the group and its members Without some commitments to the pursuit of common goals the group will not survive or be effective Hidden agendas can be very destructive and leads to conflict in a group

The forces or bonds that binds individuals to collectivity -is fundamental to appreciation of a group In some groups the power of groups ,the feelings that group members have for each other and extent to which they are prepared to cooperate to achieve their goals will be slight but in others these may be seen as strong.

Special thanks to BETCY C SUNNY

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