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A struggle over who gets what, conflict over resources.


Rules specifying how the political system operate. Rules of the game ex: Constitution


A group of people who identify as a political community based on common territory, culture, language, religion and other bonds


The ability of a state to be independent and free from the control of another state. The state has control and can defend/represent one self. Supreme national decision making power.


A legal and political unit that is internationally recognized, be politically organized and be populated geographic area that has sovereignty. Apparatus of government, as physical structure.

Westphalia State System

Territory, Sovereignty, Legal equality

Territory-Defined boundaries, Legal order, Taxing Authority Sovereignty- free choice, no superior authority Legal Equality-Sovereign states have equal rights

State Centric Model

the view that world politics is dominated almost exclusively by the state actors.

International Relations

relations among the worlds state government and other actors.


Integration of markets, politics, values and environmentally concerns across borders.

5 waves of Globalization
1. Humans trade and migrate 2. Capitalism influences and developments 3. Tec advancements, mass migration, manufactured products before WW1. 4. Nationalism and protection. Military globalization against nuclear threats. 5. Current period of interdependence ( 2 sates dependent on each other) and growth of nonstate actors (not associated w/ gov)

Global issues, norms and society

Norms-Basic values that are increasingly common to human societies Issues-Traditional international relations and worldwide politics. Societydifferent groups of people become one

Periodization of history
Modern 1500Early Modern 1500-1750 Later modern 1750Contemporary 1945??? 2000-

Bretton Woods System A post WW2 arrangement for managing the world economy;

Main components are: World Bank (IBRD) International bank for reconstruction and development. International monetary fund (IMF). International Finance Corporation (IFC)

Government involvement should be low Liberalization, free trade, and laissez-faire GATT- General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs WTO- World Trade Organizations

European Union

Organization of European countries, formed in 1993 to oversee their economic and political integration. It was created by the Maastricht Treaty and ratified by all members of the European Community (EC). The successful EC had made its members more receptive to greater integration and provided a framework for unified action by member countries in security and foreign policy and for cooperation in police and justice matters. In pursuit of its major goal to create a common monetary system, the EU established the euro, the EU enlarged to include several central and eastern European countries in the early 21st century. The EU's principal institutions are the European Community, the Council of Ministers (a forum for individual ministries), the European Commission (an administrative bureaucracy), the European Parliament, the European Court of Justice, and the European Central Bank.

ECJ (European Court Of Justice)-Highest Court of European Union EP (European Parliament)- Legislative authority ECSC (European Coal and Steel Community) EEC (European Economic Community) EC (European Community) EU (European Union)

1. 2. 3. 4.

ECSC 1950 EEC 1957 EC 1967 EU 1993

International organizations that were governed by the same set of institutions


Impact that geography and demographics, environmental factors, population, movement of people, and resources that affect politics. Sir Halford Mackinder wrote a paper in 1904 called "The Geographical Pivot of History." Mackinder's paper suggested that the control of Eastern Europe was vital to control of the world. He who dominates will have more advantages and will likely dominate more area.


The people who are governing the state (Obama Admin)


A system of values, beliefs, and ideas


Leading country on an international system

Multipolar- International system that includes several hegemons, dominate states, or great powers. Bipolar-International system that includes 2 hegemons dominates states, or great powers. Unipolar- 1 hegemon, dominant state or great power.

GDP- (Gross domestic Product) total market value of all goods and services produced in a country. GNP(Gross National Product)- measures total market value of all goods and services produced by resources supplied by residents and business of a outside country. Has economic influence on others.

Leadership: Structural Institutional Situational

Structural Leadership- Possession of economic resources, military power, tec, and other power that enable a group of countries to shape the international system. Institutional Leadership- Ability to determine the rules principles procedures and practices that guide the behavior of members of the global community. Situational Leadership- Ability to seize opportunities to build or reorient the global system apart from the distribution of power and the building of institutions.


A term used to stress the dangers of excessive pride and arrogance.

Lippmann Gap

Disparity between the global ambitions of countries and their resources to fulfill those ambitions.

Strategies for maintaining power:

Democratic Enlargement Build Institutions to Legitimize control Offshore Balance

1. Spread of democracy 2. Principles/Concepts of change and order within an international system. 3. Prevent one country from gaining so much power that they would dominate others.

Offshore Balancing Includes:

Concept of Europe- Prevents one country from gaining so much power that it would dominate others, Containment- Prevent ambitious powers from expanding and destroying order and balance in the international system. Binding- Attempts to control rising states embedding them in alliances. Engagement- efforts to minimize conflict with challenges.

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