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NEW TESTAMENT THEOLOGY BTH 532 Missio University Training Leaders to Transform Nations

PowerPoint #2

Dr. J. Lee Simmons Dean

Bibliology: Doctrine of the Scriptures

Jesus Use of the OT


Quotations Matthew 4:1-11

numerous Throughout Gospels More in Matthew


Allusions Matthew 6:29


Bibliology: Doctrine of the Scriptures

Jesus Use of the OT


used the OT to demonstrate He was the Messiah - Isaiah 61:1-2, Luke 4:16-21 Jesus used the OT in a typological approach Matthew 12:39-41

Persons or events referred to in the OT may be regarded as models (or types) for other persons or events.


summary, Jesus had an extraordinary

Bibliology: Doctrine of the Scriptures

Jesus View of the Authority and Inspiration of the OT


did not question the historicity of OT people and events, i.e. the book of Jonah. Jesus quoted the OT as authoritative. Jesus saw the OT as inspired by the Holy Spirit. Mark 12:36 Jesus spoke of God speaking through human authors. Matthew 24:15 Jesus saw every thing in the OT as inspired. Matthew 5:18

Bibliology: Doctrine of the Scriptures

Jesus Claims for the Authority of His Own Teachings


saw His words as eternal Luke

21:33 When Jesus said But I say unto you in the Sermon on the Mount places His words above the Law. Matthew 5:21-48 Jesus expected obedience to His words as a basis for living. Luke 6:46-49 In John, Jesus often introduced His teachings with the words Truly, truly I say

Bibliology: Doctrine of the Scriptures

Jesus Claims for the Authority of His Own Teachings


said He spoke on the authority of the Father John 5:37-50 Jesus said His words were Spirit and life - John 6:63 Jesus said the Holy Spirit would recall His words to the disciples John 14:26 Jesus told His disciples He gave them the words the Father gave Him John 17:8

Bibliology: Doctrine of the Scriptures

Pauls use of the OT

Eighty three direct quotations Many illusions to OT ideas, events and people Paul quoted the OT and said it was God speaking. Romans 9:25 Paul saw all the OT as fully inspired. 2 Timothy 3:16 Paul took the same approach as Jesus did with the OT.

Bibliology: Doctrine of the Scriptures

Pauls View of His Own Writings

Although not one of the Twelve, his claim to be an apostle is based on his appointment by God through Jesus Christ and therefore one with apostolic authority. Galatians 1:1, 1 Corinthians 9:1-2 Paul wrote in a commanding way. 2 Thessalonians 3:4, 1 Corinthians 7:12 Paul wanted his readers to recognize

Bibliology: Doctrine of the Scriptures

Peters view of Pauls writings

Peter saw Pauls writings on equal authority with the OT. 2 Peter 3:15-16 This passage shows us how quickly Pauls writings were seen as authoritative for the church and they demonstrate the initial stages of the development of the canon.


Bibliology: Doctrine of the Scriptures

Johns View of His Writings in Revelation

He was in the Spirit and told to write down what he saw. - Revelation 1:10, 19 At the end of the book the angel states that the words are trustworthy and true Rev 22:6 John states that judgment will come on anyone who tampers with the text. - Revelation 22:18-19 This all clearly implies John knew he


Bibliology: Doctrine of the Scriptures


and the NT writers all saw the OT with the full inspiration and authority of God. They quoted and alluded to it often as Gods truth. Jesus said His words had full authority and were from God. Paul and John clearly understood that they were speaking authoritative words from God Peter taught that Pauls writings were on the same authority as the OT. In the NT we can see the embryonic beginning of the NT canon with equal

The Doctrine of God


OT and NT Comparison

assume the existence of God. Both teach that God is the creator and sustainer of the Universe. Both teach a God of transcendence and immanence Transcendence: God is infinite in that He is not the subject of any limitations of humanity, or of creation in general. He is far greater than everything He has made, far greater than anything that exists, and

The Doctrine of God


OT and NT Comparison

teach a God of immanence and transcendence - Ephesians 4:6 Immanence - God is personal: He interacts with us as a person, and we can relate to Him as persons. We can pray to Him, worship Him, obey Him, and love Him, and He can speak to us, rejoice in us, and love us. God is actively involved with and upholds/sustains His creation. We are dependent upon Him. Hebrews 1:3, Acts 17:25, 28, Colossians 1:17

The Doctrine of God


OT and NT Comparison

revelation show us: In the OT we see God commanding the wholesale slaughter of people and allowing the imprecatory prayers of His people.

the NT although justice is taught, we see a clear focus on the mercy and love of God in the revelation of Jesus

The Doctrine of God


God as Father It is the idea of the fatherhood of God which is most characteristic of NT teachings and especially the teachings of Jesus. - Donald Guthrie

The Doctrine of God


God as Father

OT Fatherhood is more nationalistic Israel rather than individualistic. In the NT the Fatherhood of God is seen in:

Father of Jesus Father of the disciples of Jesus


relationship almost exclusively spoken of for believers


of all creation

The Doctrine of God


God as Father Jesus Teaching


Father personal God Matthew

6:9 Your heavenly Father knows Matthew 6:32 His care for His creation My Father Jesus Father - John 5:17 My Father and Your Father John 20:17

The Doctrine of God


God as Father

disciplines us as sons. Hebrews 12:5-11 God is so personal we can call Him Abba, Dear Father, Papa. - Romans 8:15, Galatians 4:6 People have one of two fathers, either God or the devil. John 8:4244

The Doctrine of God


God as King and Judge


spoke often of the Kingdom of

God. The concept of a kingdom implies a king who sovereignty rules over his subjects. The subjects of the king are those who have submitted themselves to carrying out the will of the King. NT Christians prayed to God as

The Doctrine of God


God as King and Judge


is seen in Revelation as seated on a throne. Revelation 4:2-3, 5:1 The throne implies sovereignty and justice. John the Baptist proclaimed the judgment of God. Matthew 3:7-10 Paul speaks much of God as judge. Romans 2:5, 3:6, 14:10

The Doctrine of God


Various Other Titles for God

usually used for Jesus but often in the pastorals used for God 1 Timothy 1:1, 2:3, 4:10 Most High title of supreme dignity -Luke 6:35 Alpha and Omega Revelation 1:8, also used for Christ - Rev. 22:12,13

The Doctrine of God


Attributes of God: Glory doxa


NT Uses of doxa
Glory seeing the glory of
transfiguration Matthew



17:1-2 John and apostles John 1:14 Stephen at his martyrdom Acts 7:55 Believers transformed 2 Corinthians

The Doctrine of God


Attributes of God: Glory doxa


NT Uses of doxa Spoken Praise giving glory to God Luke 2:20, Mark 2:12 Our purpose is to glorify God 1 Peter 2:12

The Doctrine of God


Attributes of God: Wisdom and Knowledge Gods wisdom is contrasted with mans 1 Corinthians 1:19-25 The depth Gods wisdom Romans 11:33 God knows all Matthew 10:26 Gods will proceeds out of an all-wise, all-knowing God The NT stresses the importance of the

The Doctrine of God


Attributes of God: Wisdom and Knowledge What about suffering? The key is our attitude.

suffering comes God it must have a purpose. God is no less wise or good because suffering exists. In a hostile world Christians will suffer for their faith. -2 Timothy 3:12 Hardships are tools in the hands of God. 2 Corinthians 4:16-17

The Doctrine of God


Attributes of God: Holiness

essential attribute of God John 17:11, Revelation 4:8 Gods holiness brings a barrier between us and God, thus the need for imputed righteousness. 2 Corinthians 5:21 Gods holiness is a pattern for our holiness. 1 Peter 1:16

The Doctrine of God


Attributes of God: Righteousness and Justice


Righteousness comes from God Romans 10:3 When we are saved we become righteous - Ephesians 4:24 A Righteous God must judge in righteousness Romans 2:5 God judges impartially 1 Peter 1:17, Romans 2:5-11

The Doctrine of God


Attributes of God: Righteousness and Justice


element of Gods righteousness and justice is His wrath


face the wrath of God- John

3:36 Gods wrath is His revulsion due to His absolute holiness toward that which is unholy Romans 1:18 Gods wrath is reserved for those who

The Doctrine of God


Attributes of God: Love and Grace

is the character of God 1 John 4:8 Jesus was loved by His heavenly father - John 3:35, 5:20, 10:17, 17:23, 26 It is Gods love that initiated salvation Romans 5:8 Gods love is poured in our hearts by His Spirit Romans 5:5 God lavishes His love on us Ephesians 1:7-8, 1 John 3:1

The Doctrine of God


Attributes of God: Love and Grace


is an essential feature of Gods

love. Grace is the favor of God towards those who do not deserve favor. Grace is another name for the outgoing character of Gods love. If there is one characteristic of God which captured the imagination of Paul more than another, it was the grace of God. -

The Doctrine of God


Attributes of God: Goodness and Faithfulness

God is good. Matthew 19:17 Man has no inherent goodness. Romans 3:12 Gods faithfulness will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we are able. -1 Corinthians 10:13 God is faithful to forgive our sins. 1 John 1:9

The Doctrine of God


Attributes of God: Uniqueness

is unchangeable Hebrews 1:12, 6:17, James 1:17 God is invisible 1 Tim. 1:17, Colossians 1:15 God is immortal 1 Tim. 1:17, 6:16 God is eternal Romans 16:26, Hebrews 9:14

The Doctrine of God


Attributes of God: Unity

is One in three persons a trinity The Trinity is clearly portrayed in the NT

formula Matthew 28:19, 2 Corinthians 13:14 Triadic passages Ephesians 4:4-6, 1 Corinthians 12:3-6, 1 Peter 1:2 Three persons in non-triadic passages Galatians 4:4-6, Mark 1:9-11 Trinitarian relationships John 14:26, 15:26, 16:13-15

The Doctrine of God


Attributes of God: Unity

is One in three persons a trinity Deductive truth There is one God

is a person called the Father who has the all the attributes of God There is a person called the Son who has all the attributes of God There is a person call the Spirit who has all the attributes of God Therefore, there is one God in three distinct persons

Doctrine of God: Final Thought


Moreover, both in the titles and attributes of God found in the NT, there is a remarkable combination of what might at first appear to be opposites. The paradox of the love and wrath of God, his kindness and severity, his mercy and judgment are examples of apparent antitheses which nevertheless are perfectly balanced in the

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