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Prepared and presented by EZET DOIMEH and GEELDRENA E. RASILAN

Organized form
Mediums of communication
Language, body language and nonverbal signals

Gain and preserve knowledge Pass it down to the next generation

Human Communication
Able to produce new sentences
verbal communication is a condition of the existence of human society.-Barnett

Written and spoken form

This picture shows the characteristics of Human Language in a linguistic point of view.


How To Read Body Language

Pay attention to how physically close someone is to you.

The closer they are, the warmer they are thinking of you.

Look into their eyes.

People who look to the sides a lot are nervous, lying, or distracted. If someone looks down at the floor a lot, they are probably Check their arms. shy or timid.

People with crossed arms are closing themselves to social influence. If their arms are crossed while their feet are shoulder width or wider apart, this is a position of toughness or authority.


Animal Language

What is animal communication??

According to Pearce (1987) animal communication is the transmission of a signal from one animal to another such that the sender benefits, on average, from the response of the recipient.

Not organized as human language

Entirely different from human communication method, biologically and culturally

Animal Communication
Acquired genetically and not through learning
Developed their own system of communication.

Lacks flexibility and creativity

For example, honey bees

Natural animal communication include:-

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Chemical signal Smell Touch Movement Posture Facial Gestures Visual signals sound

Communicate about the environment or the availability of food

Such signals have evolved to:-

Warn predators Advertise species

Signal aggression or submission


The Differences Between Human and Animal

Use language (eg; English, Malay, Chinese) Arbitrary signaling system allows them to convey interaction indefinitely.

Communicate using signal codes or through limited responses to a particular situation.
Does not use words, thus limiting the number and type of messages they can convey. Use different forms of communication such as gesturing with other animals.

Human language is a way of expressing thoughts into words. Grammar, syntax, pronounciation

Human have the ability to Communicate with the reflect the past and use of facial expression.

The Differences Between Human and Animal



Invent new ways of speech in Helps to care for their young, any context. mate, find food and keep Jokes, dramas and lies. away from enemies.

Kuriakose, K.P, An Intoduction to Linguistic, 2002, Gayatrhri Publishers, 7-11 Hockett F Charles. (1970). A Course in Modern Linguistic. The Macmillan Company, 570-580 Finegan, E. (1989). Language Its Structure and Use. Earl McPeek Jose, M J. (2012, March 30). The difference between animal and human communication. Retrieved from http:// Mannell, R. (1999). Animal Communication And Language. Retrieved from

Cellogirl, C. P. (n.d.). How to Read Body Language. Retrieved January 2, 2013, from wikiHow: Susanta. (2010, November 12). How to Improve Your Body Language. Retrieved January 2, 2013, from Take Your Tips:


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