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Dolphins are mammals

Their ancestors lived on land

They breathe air from on top of the water. They need to breathe every six minutes. River dolphin are blind. The Ganges river dolphin can live up to twentyeight years.

Dolphins are smart animals. They communicate by squeaks and clicks. Each one has a different whistle.

The dolphins colors are gray, black, white, dark brown and pink. A bottle nose dolphin can weigh up to four hundred forty pounds and be three feet.

The killer whale which is a kind of dolphin can grow to over thirty feet long. Dolphins ear shrimp, small fish and small squid. Sometimes they catch fish by whacking the fish with their tail.

Bottle nose dolphins live in all oceans of the world. Dolphins swim close to the shore. Dolphins will swim very close to the shore as you walk. River dolphins have long beaks and can turn their heads up, down and sideways. River dolphins live in Asia and South America.

They travel in a way called porpoising, which means they travel together in pods and jump out of the water. They follow and race boats looking for unwanted fish thrown overboard.

The dolphins eat different species of fish. They are known to swallow their food whole.

Dolphins get killed and tortured by men. Men and sharks are killing them. Dusky sharks tiger sharks and bull sharks are there main predators. Sewage is their worst killer

Some people catch them in nets and cut off their fins and then dump their bodies in the water to bleed to death. Jetties can drown there habitats.

Species of Dolphins

Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)

Hourglass Dolphin (Lagenorynchus cruciger)

Risso's Dolphin (Grampus Griseus)

Atlantic Spotted Dolphin (Stenella frontalis)

Hector's Dolphin (Cephalorhynchus hectori)

About baby dolphin

Baby dolphins are born not hatched from eggs. Mothers have babies every two or three years. They drink their mothers milk.

A baby dolphin is called a calf. Baby dolphins are born tail first and suckle from their mother for up to 4 years. Mother dolphins produce milk that is extremely rich in fat, often up to 50 percent.

Some Interesting Facts about Dolphins

Dolphins are of the aquatic mammal family Delphinidae. It is estimated there are between 30 to 40 species of dolphins. Although they live in water, dolphins are mammals and breath air through their blowhole, which is located at the top of their head. Some types of dolphins must rise to the surface to breathe every 20 to 30 seconds while others can hold their breath as long as 30 minutes.

Dolphins are highly social, playful, curious and intelligent. They live in groups or families called Pods. Dolphins sleep by resting one half of their brain at a time so that one eye is always open. This allows them to rise to the surface to breathe and to protect themselves from predators. Male dolphins are called Bulls and female dolphins are called Cows.

Each dolphin has its own signature whistle to identify itself. Dolphins have excellent vision and welldeveloped eyes. Dolphins are carnivores eating mostly fish and squid and sometimes crustaceans. Dolphins have a thick layer of fat under their skin called blubber, which helps them to keep warm.


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